through the Stargate, it was believed that they where Gods.
Sha-re herself would be a fitting reward for one to whom all the tribes of Abydos owed so much. Her father shouldnt be the one to say who she must marry; she should get to choose her husband. Kanchenjungha (1962)
and Skaara, Jackson told him that he close the Stargate so nobody could
wife. Profiler He played Ashok Dupree in the episode Ambition in the Blood November
Scam (1993) He played Mr. Ayub
JAG He played Minister Nassan in the episode The Black Jet November 24
Nothing Lasts Forever (1984) He played Toulouse Lautrec
Kasuf is the father of Share and of Skaara; and the head of the
Hes also known as Eric Avari , and Erik Avari,
It made Daniel wish he had some way of recording her words other than in writing; he had precious little paper in the notebooks hed brought with him, and only a couple of pens. Searching for Haizmann (2003) He played Father Mark Reeder
Blows April 27 2003, Redemption April 6 2003, Sticks and Stones March
tried to kill Daniel.
"Now, I suppose this is the time for me to say something profound". Once the ink ran out, that would be it. NYPD Blue He played Rajesh Mukhopadhyay in the episode Curt Russell November
However, he went away soon after to learn from Oma Desala. Cybill He played Paolo in the episode Since I Lost My Baby October 1 1995
Dragnet He played Sanjay Ramachandran in the episodes The Silver
He live happily on Abydos for many more years, until Apophis came to Abydos and took his son and daughter away and implanted them with a Goa'uld.
She was the kind of woman who wouldnt have looked twice at him back on earth; any man would be proud to have the love of such an incredible woman, and that was the problem.
Mr. & Mrs. Smith He played Hissene Idriss in the episode The Bob Episode
While trying to rescue them, Tealc shot Amaunet when she
February 11 1995

Baywatch Nights He played Dr. Kasan in the episode The Servant April 12
L.A. Dragnet He played Sanjay Ramachandran in the episodes For Whom the Whistle
28 1995
3 1992
1 1997
Mad About You He played Dr. Arzupia in the episode The Last Scampi April
His long theatrical background has garnered him critical acclaim for
He was the tribes leader, the Goodfather, the one they all respected, the one whose word was law. Join the community. The Education of Max Bickford He played McKenny Dawes in the episode Pilot
For Love or Money (1993) He played Benny
anal escortadana escortadiyaman escortafyon escortagri escortaksaray escortamasya escortankara escortantalya escortardahan escortartvin escortaydin escortbalikesir escortbartin escortbatman escortbayburt escortbilecik escortbingol escortbitlis escortbolu escortburdur escortbursa escortcanakkale escortcankiri escortcorum escortdenizli escortdiyarbakir escortduzce escortedirne escortelazig escorterzincan escorterzurum escorteskisehir escortgaziantep escortgiresun escortgumushane escorthakkari escorthatay escortigdir escortisparta escortistanbul escortizmir escortkahramanmaras escortkarabuk escortkaraman escortkars escortkastamonu escortkayseri escortkibris escortkirikkale escortkirklareli escortkirsehir escortkilis escortkocaeli escortkonya escortkutahya escortmalatya escortmanisa escortmardin escortmersin escortmugla escortmus escortnevsehir escortnigde escortordu escortosmaniye escortrize escortsakarya escortsamsun escortsiirt escortsinop escortsivas escortsanliurfa escortsirnak escorttekirdag escorttokat escorttrabzon escorttunceli escortusak escortvan escortyalova escortyozgat escortzonguldak escort, ucuz escortadana escortadiyaman escortafyon escortagri escortaksaray escortamasya escortankara escortantalya escortardahan escortartvin escortaydin escortbalikesir escortbartin escortbatman escortbayburt escortbilecik escortbingol escortbitlis escortbolu escortburdur escortbursa escortcanakkale escortcankiri escortcorum escortdenizli escortdiyarbakir escortduzce escortedirne escortelazig escorterzincan escorterzurum escorteskisehir escortgaziantep escortgiresun escortgumushane escorthakkari escorthatay escortigdir escortisparta escortistanbul escortizmir escortkahramanmaras escortkarabuk escortkaraman escortkars escortkastamonu escortkayseri escortkibris escortkirikkale escortkirklareli escortkirsehir escortkilis escortkocaeli escortkonya escortkutahya escortmalatya escortmanisa escortmardin escortmersin escortmugla escortmus escortnevsehir escortnigde escortordu escortosmaniye escortrize escortsakarya escortsamsun escortsiirt escortsinop escortsivas escortsanliurfa escortsirnak escorttekirdag escorttokat escorttrabzon escorttunceli escortusak escortvan escortyalova escortyozgat escortzonguldak escort. The 13th Warrior (1999) He played Caravan Leader
Final Analysis (1992) He played Moderator
Kasuf was the leader of the Abydonians and worshipped Ra for the longest time. The X Files He played Dr. Herb Fountain in the episode Lord of the Flies
Skaara rebelled
Dragon March 6 1992
his portrayal of Vasquez in 'TIS PITY SHE'S A WHORE, and the Broadway
For long time, his people were slaves to Ra,

In the meantime, he had a life to live, and a woman to court, and after a few short months, a marriage to prepare for since Sha-re proved as stubborn and determined as her father. Thieves he played Benny Mustafa in the episode Dey Got De Degas October
January 5 2000
By logging in to LiveJournal using a third-party service you accept LiveJournal's User agreement, Posted on Jul. 5 2001
for the past twenty years. 3 Days of Rain (2002) He played Alex
Daredevil (2003) He played Natchios
The Undercover Kid (1996) He played Elrach
Color of Night (1994) He played Cabbie
Yet his willingness to learn, and his refusal to give up no matter how many attempts it took for him to master something Abydonians learned in childhood, impressed as well as amused Sha-re. It had been his decision to remain on Abydos and cover the Stargate, so that no one could go through from either side, and it was no sacrifice; he felt more at home among the members of Kasufs tribe than he ever had back on earth, among people who derided his theories and dismissed him as a kook. Dream Lover (1994) He played Dr. Spatz
When Jack and his team first visited Abydos, they met Kasuf who gave them shelter believing to be sent by their god Ra.
and is married to Margaret Walker. The John Larroquette Show He played Targ in the episode Cheeses H. Taste
1999-2020 Neo Era Media Inc. All rights reserved.

Into Stargate Command? As much as he respected Kasuf, this was one matter in which Daniel was not prepared to compromise. who forced the population to work in the mines. Read our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy to get more information and learn how to set up your preferences. in the episode Target: Jimmy Olsen April 2 1995
She's Back (1989) He played Deli owner
Roseanne he was in the episode Someday My Prince Will Come October 15
To Face Her Past (1996) He played Dr. Webster
Project: ALF (1996) He played Rocket
She could have had any man, but still she chose Daniel, for his own sake and not simply because her father decreed that she should be his. Dharma & Greg He played Lalit in the episode I Think, Therefore I
L.A. Law He was in the episode Splatoon January 3 1991
Law & Order He played Dr. "Ekballa" Raza in the episode
No Hiding Place October 14 1996
Daniel saw things differently. Stargate (1994) He played 'Good Father' Kasuf
But Daniel was from earth, from America to be more precise, a country where personal freedom was a way of life. 1998
The Glass House (2001) He played Ted Ross
Just being in her presence made Daniel giddily happy.
Planet of the Apes (2001) He played Tival
Kasuf lost his daughter but got Skaara back. Slayer, The Artful Dodger, Sticks and Stones, For Whom the Whistle Blows,
30 2003, The Artful Dodger March 16 2003, The Brass Ring March 9 2003,
Chicago Hope He was in the episode Cutting Edges February 6 1995
hit, THE KING AND I. Sha-re was a person, not an animal. Another year past till he finally saw the son of his daughter again, when Shifu returned. Encino Man (1992) He played Raji
Deeds (2002) He played Cecil Anderson (Blake Media general counsel)
When Earth traveled there
He is also the father of Sha're and Skaara. During the time that Jack was there, he gave his daughter to Daniel Jackson, who fell in love with her and married her. against him when Ra attacked the town. Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman He played Mr. Muunour
He taught as much as he learned, dipping into his knowledge of history to steal ideas from other time periods for such things as the irrigation of crops and the digging of wells. The Hit List (1993) He played Pharmaceutical Wholesaler
The Mummy (1999) He played Dr. Terrence Bey
When Daniel come back, he discovered his
10 1992, General Hospital He played Ahmed Hakeem (1991)
The whereabouts of Kasuf after that are unknown and he is persumed dead during the attack on Abydos by Anubis. The Beast of War (1988) He played Samad
He told her of the world he came from, and taught her about things she would most likely never see, now that Daniel had burned his bridges. The Antagonists He played Owen Smith Gallegher
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air He played Cedric in the episode Ill Will February
Felicity He played Dr. Ansari in the episodes: A Perfect Match, Oops
Star Trek: The Next Generation He played B'Ijik in the episode Unification:
He came up with improvements for the weaving looms the women used, and he taught the Abydonians English. returned to Apophis. May 12 1996
Zork: Grand Inquisitor (1997) He played Mir Yannick, the Grand Inquisitor
The Master of Disguise (2002) He played Cigar Maker
He hadnt fitted in there, but here on Abydos he could be useful. Bone Chillers - Dr. Lumbago. Not that it was likely anyone from earth would ever read what hed written, but he still wanted there to be a record of all that had happened since he and the others had first come through the Stargate; a complete record, not the heavily edited version Jack ONeill and the rest of his team would put in their official reports, just on the off chance that when he uncovered the gate a year to the day from the teams departure someone might get in touch. September 23 2001
Kasuf had given Sha-re to Daniel, as was his right by the traditions of his people. Chief
Part 1 November 2 1991
Forcing someone to marry him felt wrong. A year later, Amaunet kidnapped Kasuf and the other
For Daniel, that was the beginning of a whole new adventure. Wings He played Artist in episode Mathers of the Heart October 29 1992
He really likes Daniel Jackson and gave his daughter to him to be married. December 16 2001
Stargate SG-1 he played Kasuf 1998,1999,2000
The Silver Slayer February 2 2003, Home Alone 4 (2002) He played Prescott
He went into hiding with the Baby once it was born, to protect it from the Goa'uld, however eventually Amonet returned and took the child away, and with that he lost his daughter as well.
attack him until he returned. However, he saw his daughter a year later when she returned and was carrying the baby of Apophis. 2001
Dream On He played Dr. Dawson in the episode Domestic Bliss October 10
I dont own Stargate: SG-1, or the characters. Meditated February 4 1996
Treacherous Crossing (1992) He played Don Gallegher
Sha-re was his daughter, and in his opinion Daniel, as one of those who had freed his people from the rule of the false god Ra, would make her a fine husband. He has been working at becoming an overnight success
Independence Day (1996) He played S.E.T.I. When Jack went back to Earth, Daniel stayed behind with him. Enterprise He played Jaymin in the episode Terra Nova October 24 2001
True Blue (1989)
They belong to their creators. of Ra, Daniel decided to stay and marry Share. Casualties of Love: The Long Island Lolita Story (1993) He played Surgeon
Redemption (2003)
Tequila and Bonetti he played Veterinarian in the episode Tale of the
Murder, She Wrote He played Raul Jaffa in the episode Mrs. Parker's Revenge
He wasnt about to simply take Sha-re as his wife, not like that, not as an object, the ownership of which might be transferred from one man to another as easily as if she were livestock. The District He played Omar Khalid in the episode Twist of Hate, January
Gun He played The Proprietor in the episode The Shot April 12 1997
Daniel learned from both of them, sending Sha-re into paroxysms of laughter over his inability to milk a goat, or grind grain into flour, or help erect the tribes tents. There was no way Daniel could deny that he desired Sha-re; he couldnt imagine any man not falling immediately under her spell.
Aladdin on Ice (1995) He played The Mystic Traveler
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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine He played Vedek Yarka in the episode Destiny
Babylon He played Rabbi Leo Mayers in the episode And the Rock Cried Out,
So he courted her. Family Law he was in the episode Games November 8 1999
Murphy Brown He played Dan in the episode Hoarse Play February 4 1991
When Apophis took Share
Am in Trouble, March 19 2002
Good & Evil He played Doctor in the episode Episode One/Pilot September
Kasuf wanted him to accept Sha-Re as a gift, and as a dutiful daughter, Sha-re would not refuse, accepting that her father knew what was best for her. town Nagada on the Abydos. Sha-re listened to his stories of earth with delight and wonder, and recounted to him the legends of her own people. Civil Wars He played Documentarian in the episode Tape Fear March 17 1992
After giving to birth to a boy, Kasuf kept the child while Amaunet
25 1991
Ritual (2001) He played Dr. Amundson
Mr. VR.5 He played Boise in the episode Dr. Strangelove
Prescription for Death September 13 1990
Cheers He played Mr. Cranston in the episode Feelings Whoa, Whoa, Whoa,December
abydonianos. He knew so much about tribal life in theory, through the books hed read and the archaeological digs hed been on, but he had almost no practical experience. Soon however, Ra returned and punished them, and Jack's team helped them rebel and overthrow their "god" and show them the light. SeaQuest DSV He was in the episode Treasure of the Mind September 26 1993
Loving her would be so easy, but he wanted her to love him in return, not just be with him because her father willed it. Sha-re was beautiful with her smooth, lightly tanned skin, her deep brown eyes, and her cascade of thick, dark hair. The father of Sha're and Skaara, Kasuf is a leader among his people.
Almost Perfect He played Dave (Meditation Guru) in the episode Overly
This website saves cookies to your browser in order to improve your online experience and show you personalized content. Noel Did It Again 2001
And she wasnt just beautiful; she was intelligent, and brave, and full of joy. It was an odd kind of courtship; he spent time with Sha-Re, in public, and often in the presence of her brother Skaara. The West Wing He played Pakistani Ambassado in the episode Lord John Marbury
Don't Drink the Water (1994) He played Emir's Aide
several roles at the Joseph Papp Public Theater in New York City, including
Seinfeld He played Cabbie in the episode The Pilot May 20 1993
Martin He played Rashidi in the episode Jerome's in the House April 1
Once they ended the oppression