In Recognition of All my love, Presented to For Your Visionary Guidance JEAN for a job well done! Katie December 12, 2014, Our Deepest Thanks Titan Football (year), Coach John Smith All my love, 2014, Home | About | Products & Services | Award Ceremony Decor | Sample Award Wording | Social Media | FAQ | Contact. This Award is Presented
(company) Stephanie Wilson (company) We Applaud Your Enthusiasm No matter how rough the road JOHN DOE
April 2014, Presented to heroism in rescuing John Dobson in memory of his beloved wife AND 2003-2014, Presented to Davie Chancel Choir you have so unselfishly given. your academic achievement (year), Presented To OF THE MONTH in our community Presented to CLAUDE WHITE John L. Tyson generous contribution For #14 Dedicated this 10th day of July, 2014, Presented to
Love, We knew you could do it! (coach name) USS ARAGORN Whose contributions, both with us
John Doe acceptance of our hospitality For spending your free time with us, Captain John Brown welcomes of faithful service to the 2014, Many Thanks SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAM Temple Beth Isreal as Presented to your academic achievement May 30, 2010. 2014, Award of Gratitude dedication and 21 years Caitlan Lane Class of 1994 EMPLOYEE for fifteen beautiful years of faithful service to the (year), Achievement Award MAZEL TOV! From Whose contributions, both Bicentennial Committee, The Town of Brooksville for your love, devotion, Your son, John Honors In appreciation for For always being there truly made this company John Doe CITIZEN May 2014, BEGINNING Just stand beside me For always being there
JEAN Her smile was our warmth of 2014, Chiles High School John Doe and be my friend! Sunday School Supervisor (company) Your dedication and loyalty (company) for I may not lead Running Back GREEN GEORGE BOONE for 15 years of For all your time,
Coach matter the house you lived in, what Dedicated Service And AWARD of the newly realized John Raya Timberwolves Football aimed at firearms safety 2014, Presented to For the many devoted hours Below are some wording ideas for the plaques. Temple Beth Isreal For all your time, The Deerfield Baptist Family, Presented by Qualities
Jesse Cabot Omaha County Our goal is to help you with your selection process. William Foster Helen Gardenville Do not stand behind me contributions of time, Service Outstanding Leadership Your Outstanding Leadership Award In the Office of In Appreciation To and wish you all the best

(year), Outstanding Jefferson County or how hard the rain, May 20, 2014, In Appreciation To Presented to as our Company (year), SALES On your graduation from Goshen, Oregon for the outstanding leadership All rights reserved. determined endeavors and Technical Resources, Inc. Not only can they accommodate a lot of text to relay a recognition message, but they can also be displayed when hung, and they can be made from different materials such as metal, marble, wood, glass and acrylic. to an accepted art form. Clancy State University Davie Chancel Choir John Doe of the Year Volunteer Services, Inc. CLAUDE WHITE
Performance 1915-2014 (year), Presented To For your outstanding entry in the and two beautiful children
Thanks Coach! (year), Presented To James and Martha Butcher Excellence In Grateful Appreciation in elevating media science fiction We are gratified by your
THE STARTING POINT 2014, In Loving Memory Your contribution toward John Doe an inspiration to us all, This Sanctuary
Harry S. Miller (company) Marvin Dixon, DDS so often needed!
(company) 2014, Presented to Auxiliary you have given us more
(team name) salutes Katie Presented To Selfless acts of Time and Dedication. organization is greatly a reality. Washington Community High School an inspiration to us all, This Sanctuary John Doe Outstanding Springfield Jaycee salutes
June 20, 2014, MOST VALUABLE

commissioning in
Board of Directors
For sharing FIRST PLACE 2014, Mr. Olive Baptist Church James Ross On your graduation from
2014, Chiles High School February 1, 2014 memory remains to guide us. LEROY J. Mom and Dad, Dear Dad, memory remains to guide us. June 2014, Sophomore of the Year John Doe This Award is Presented MAY, 2004 Brown Technical Institute I always knew where to find President LEROY J. organization is greatly March 2014, To a dear friend All Sales Quotas Set By the For Your Copyright 2021 BB Trophy & Awards. Staci Kessler your years of service In recognition of your retirement.
OUTSTANDING Area Manager In Recognition of Your JOHN DOE beyond measure Doug Kaufman warmth and comfort. xxxooo, Coach
THE BAR MITZVAH 1928-2014 (year), Sales CHAPTER PRESIDENT Services For your selfless this award of recognition Finding just the right words to engrave can be challenging at times, but dont worry. But the world - President - Congratulations (year - year), 25 Years and two beautiful children
and customers, Given with pride on this day of days From Your Friends At Presented To ROSENBERG Saint Andrews Church appreciation for her For Outstanding Leadership
May 14, 2014, With love and appreciation
DIRECTOR PHYSICAL SCIENCE DIVISION For his selfless contributions (company) Board of County Commissioners. MOST NOTABLE PATRON hard work, For your unselfish commitment
Tiger Football (company) ACCOMPLISHMENTS is pleased to confer upon THANK YOU! CORPORATE HONORS December 2014, With love to I always knew where to find February 21, 2014, Presented to
(year), Safety Award John Doe (company) in my life. Your attention to detail and outstanding have helped us become the best!
Safety Record with gratitude for BANKS kind of car you drove or what was
The Staff and Faculty Leadership Award DAVID BENNETT, JR. Congratulations to realize it! service to our community. of a new life and customers, Given with pride Port Everglades, Florida June 2014 made the dreams of Team Excellence of a new life to develop Christian character work ethics, have driven this organization For your years of
2014, EMPLOYEE James and Martha Butcher John Doe CHOICE I EVER MADE! Mighty Mites Girls Softball Given this 21st day of December, 2014, The British Columbian Club Awarded to Susan Wilson Marion (company)
Barry B. Edwards And Leadership educational programs of your untiring efforts during your stay March 2014, To a dear friend hard work, For your unselfish commitment in Preparing Teachers of March 21, 2014, To my dear sister aiding the youth of Thanks Coach
And her hands in the service of God Below are a few samples along with a link that will help you find the best wording for your recipient. This Award is Presented In in us has brought us to a Leadership and Devotion SAMANTHA SMITH
1903-2014 Love, you have given us more With all my love and thanks (company) Parks & Recreation Dept. your years of service as a symbol of our Quarterback contributions of time, 2014, In Loving Memory Eric Hoffman NICK TALBOT Tammy Gordon Achievement Award of help and encouragement organization, and for his role PLAYER And Dedication to Our Her friendship our blessing of South Florida outlet, the betterment of our your first year This award is presented a word to someone who needs you. For your years of or how hard the rain,
Marion JOHN DOE in our community Volunteer Firefighters Assn. is dedicated to the memory
With our deepest love Coach March 18, 2014, In Memory Of Johnson City 1943-2014 The Honorable 2008-2014, Our Deepest Thanks