TypeScript is a language for application-scale JavaScript development. If you have a lot of custom navigation components in your project, I would suggest you create a navigation directory inside src and put all the navigation related files and components inside it. It clearly states what app is about and what is going on and tries to hide what framework i currently use.Also in such structure one tends to group domain-related code (here stuff about recipe - type, services, use cases, db access) instead of grouping similar architectural blocks (unrelated errors, unrelated domain specification). That's pretty much my approach. I really do think that project structure should not depend on which framework and/or language you use (as far as this allows you). A lot of the time, you don't even need an explicit interface -- you can just re-use the types that TS infers (for example, using `ReturnType` to create a type from the result of a function). So for this we create a new directory and give it some name for eg. Do let me know if you have any doubts or if I have missed anything. A screens and a components directory. Where do you store types/interfaces files? I played around with some mapped types and couldn't get anything back but any. Then you may want to consider configuration inheritance, i.e. This the very early stage of the project where we must finalize our structure. This is obviously a webby thing, but the same holds for anything. Apart from navigation we can also keep other configuration code inside this config directory. For me, I don't think Typescript really changes how I would structure the app. That's why I would like to ask you how do you organize your typescript project structure? You can also keep your color constants here which you use throughout the app to style your application. Instead, project should be focused on tasks being solved by the software.So to offer something different than already stated by others, my project usualy looks like this: I know this is not bulletproof but personaly i preffer this approach. All your api or backend and third party services related code should go into a separate directory too. Love podcasts or audiobooks? If you are able to manage your navigation code in a single file, then you can just put that file into config directory inside src. For eg. Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple.
You can watch my video on this topic in my React Native Tutorials on YouTube. For eg. The most important part of our project are the screens and the reusable components on which we would work the most on. So first things first, we must separate our typescript code from the rest of the junk that is included in a react native project root directory. We will keep our UI code, business logic, utilities, constants, redux and basically everything our app uses, inside this directory. I can usually avoid using this at all. Heres the link for it: Hi there! You can either create assets directory inside or outside the src directory. If your whole project can rely on just a single tsconfig.json, then it is irrelevant, but for large project this is hardly ever the case.
TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. I hope you find this guide useful to decide a structure for your next project. If youre working on backend, NestJS is a nam you would try! Unit Testing in ReactJS using Jest & EnzymeVT Netzwelt, Battery handle small w/halogen lamp for F/O, Making a Multilingual Site With Next.JSPart 2, React Navigation Set Screen Options Dynamically, Theming React Native Applications with Styled Components, How to create a reusable input component with custom mask in react native, React Native & Typescript | Imports & Exports, React NativeCreate onboarding screenSubracker App. So for these, we create new directories. And if Im creating any custom reusable components Id separate them out as well. Are you running into issues, or just looking for best practices? I create a listitems directory and keep the list item components inside this directory. Hello!I tried to find some info about proper structure of typescript project but I think that I didn't find anything reliable. I've had a few issues previously where I wanted to wrap a third-party function to do extra functionality before calling it, but they often have complex signatures that I don't want to reproduce. There 2 key principles on which a TypeScript project is modulated: Traditional structuring, based on re-usability, patterns used, dependencies, and even personal preferences. Learn on the go with our new app. Believe me it saves a lot of pain later and saves our time and efforts to expand it as well. Frontend or backend, it may depend on frameworks as well. Is there a SignatureType equivalent that will match on the pattern of a function? Lets call it api. But its worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains. Steve Jobs. I like using the folder structure as a way of organizing "namespaces". Press J to jump to the feed. and factory functions can be used as normal functions. Assets such as static images, fonts, font icons etc can be kept here. For eg. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. All that code should go into this directory. The skeleton I start from looks something like: Here you'll have types that are common to the entire app, with no dependencies of their own. Then, in other parts, those parts my have types unique to them so are defined within their scope. src in the root directory of our project. Lifes going to be easier when you keep your actual code apart from the auto generated code. Interfaces live in a types file or dir. This one is TypeScript-specific. If you have a huge project to work on, I would recommend you even further divide your UI code and business logic into separate files. In case you want a simpler structure, you dont need to create directories for each screen, if you plan to put all the code for the screen in a single file. You can have multiple files to categorize your utility functions. This is the area that can have many interpretations, but the bottom line is - it is not relevant to TypeScript, it is a generic consideration for any kind of project. The Home.tsx file has the UI code, the useHome.ts is a hook file which contains all the business logic and state management for that screen, the types.ts file is a type declaration file and styles.ts contains the styling objects. If youre using redux or context in your project (Id definitely suggest you do) you need one of this too. You can either put all your component files inside this directory or further divide them into categories like I usually do in my projects. All the redux related code goes into this directory. Root is index.ts, types, whatever else. Id create a home directory inside screens. That's awesome. Its all up to you and how you prefer to keep them. I put my custom drawer, custom tab bar, and all the stacks I create inside this folder. We all might write some utility functions which we could use throughout the application. I like to put interfaces in the same file that the javascript objects are defined. parameter extends within tsconfig.json. You will want to organize folders in such a way that would make it possible to properly structure all of your tsconfig.json files. I create a directory for each screen, and create multiple files each for the UI, logic, styles, types, etc all related to the same screen. Configuration-based. lets say Im creating Home Screen. We separate out our reducer functions, actions, action types, selectors, etch into separate directories inside redux directory. I always do this even if Im working on a project with just two screens. I'm not saying that this is how you should organize your project, but I like the way I'm organizing a project of mine. I rarely do classes in typescript, only interfaces. Data is always treated as POJOs, types only need to match shapes. Do you have any good tips? I also like to make use of Typescript's ability to merge types, functions and namespaces so everything related is available from the type name: What do you have so far? If youre working on a big project, it is crucial to think and define a standard structure for your project. I love to write good code and teach everyone to follow best practices too. It can be quite useful inheriting configurations in a large project, to avoid TypeScript configuration mess across many layers.