I applied the changes yesterday and today my readouts on energy panel match my sensors exactly. ### Link to integration documentation on our website E3DC Battery Negative (Dischagre) Power Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, Sensor Entity | Home Assistant Developer Docs. Well if (2) worked you dont need (3). task that usually involves a lot of tinkering. So be sure to delete all customizations or double-check you are actually using the official shelly integration. sensor.pzem4t_1_99_energy_today Home Assistant resources. Using 14 Tasmota installed power device that worked before the update with: You most likely get your energy sensors (on the right picture in initial post above) from your energy provider, Total_ seems ok , whats messing it up is you add Power_Sensors , you create via some API these have to be converted into "Energy_Sensors, so your next step would be, search this forum(after reading documentation, and FAQ) for howto make these sensors, in your search_terms you could narrow it down to first focusing on electricity, even thou gas_consumption also need to be provided as Energy but the Gas_Calculation is out of my scope , but i know there is a logical answer out there. Statistics . Rebooting Home-Assistant did not help. Please support this website by adding us to your whitelist in your ad blocker. That is why Im asking you for help! containing our Contribution Guidelines. Keep Power sensor states with measurement. ok got it. Also dont forget to subscribe for my YouTube Channel and click on the bell to get notification when I release a new video. I have now downgraded to core-2021.12.10. Update: Well, lets Read more, Kiril Peyanski Thanks! please read the guide So read the docs and analyze your specific needs. Single values are okay, but dont appear in Energy dashboard since 2022 Version. At least that is what happended to me, Stats are updated every hour (12mins past every hour AFAIK), it can take up to 2 hours for them to show up. ### What was the last working version of Home Assistant Core? After the successful restore, everything was working including Influxdb and Grafana, other than the expected missing 3 days data between the backup & restore dates. The Black/Brown/Grey Energy sensors have a wrong state_class. Message: I found this thread because I was also missing the new Energy dashboard in my Home Assistant Core (virtualenv). Important to notice that the cost is providing some values. Have you waited at least this long? Real usage is much higher than what is displayed here (on this specific dashboard). device_class: energy Everything related to the recording and evaluation of the energy no longer worked. I dont know what integration you are using, but if its the OFFICIAL one, it means you are also using customize: to change the attributes, and that is wrong with the official integrations. It doesn't matter if you have a question, need help, want to request a feature, Have I done something wrong or is there something additional I need to do to restore my now missing HA Energy data? So I go to integrations like bratanon said up abovenothing there. The list is divided into categories. Thanks. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, an unexpected state. Screenshot #1: Even though I use power the whole day, the dashboard shows gaps in between usage. E3DC Solar Energy While I have deleted all grid and individual energy sensors (energy_total) and added them all back (energy_today). property of their respective owners. last_reset: 1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 ### Additional information All company, product, and service names However, it is also not in the new menu system. The HA documentation suggests to use the Riemann sum integral, which is what Ive done. All product names, logos, brands, trademarks and registered trademarks are These days everyone is trying to make their homes as energy efficient as possible and of course to save some money. What is the good and bad about them. provide the Supervisor, which is capable of running and manage these add-ons. Good Luck. Share your Solar Panel(s) experience, for example: whats your system, how much it cost, and how much it saves you in the comments below. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. Many people have different opinions and personal favorites. Additional software, tutorials, custom integration, add-ons, Links to various users of Home Assistant that regularly publish Home Assistant focussed content. ### What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue? I didn't change anything from my configuration before nor after upgrading. ### Additional information Thank you!! Create a template sensor with the correct state_class. And on this percentage you cannot influence very much. I provided feedback for this. Let see if we can improve the docs somehow? I think that I am missing something, but cant find out what. It is all about the looks, apply some style. The Black/Brown/Grey Energy Returned sensors have this config, The "Black/Brown/Grey Energy sensors seems to have a different config with the old state_class measurement, I tried to change it on this field, and click on the set button, but the change is not kept. Home Assistant. Did re-select the entries and saved the energy configuration. Read here: Sensor Entity | Home Assistant Developer Docs. home-assistant/core. These are some of my shelly EMs, without any customizations, look at the attributes: Have not been able to get Energy Dashboard working since 2022.2.0 also All sensors are in the official Shelly integration. Thanks, Well I followed your advice and put state_class: total with no last reset and again Im getting the strange pattern (behaviour) I was telling about, as you can see in the screenshot, all the figures are zero . I tried doing a cut and past of the correct sensor name but would not allow save after the paste action. And stuff thats very math like and such gives me issues, Again thank you! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Should I change the platform and use something else? The whole idea is to have an all-in-one dashboard showing you how much energy youre consuming in total, is the energy coming from the power grid or from your solar panels (if you happen to have such) and which devices are consuming your energy.Having all that data in one place is not just great, but it is also kind of must have for any Smart Home. I suppose this has something to do with my configuration.yaml: You need to add either default_config: or energy: in your configuration.yaml. After upgrading to 2022.2.0, all my statistics sensors report an unexpected state. Try using customize to change the state_class to total_increasing. Lets see how to set it up. This awesome list is an active open-source project and is always open to I have, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. Home Assistant OS I have the default_config: and it didnt work until I put energy: in my config. ! unit_of_measurement: kWh Use of these names, logos, trademarks, and brands does not imply endorsement. source: sensor.e3dc_solar_power Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
Im pretty sure that 2022.2 introduced a bug on the energy dashboard. Add-ons are additional applications and services, that can be run alongside what happens if you click week, do u see prior week ? privacy first. I use HA container too, and upgraded to 2022.2 (now 2022.2.2) with no issues. Do you want to permanently remove the long term statistics of sensor.e3dc_string_1_power from your database? This is what I added in my configuration file: What exactly does stopped working mean? Other integrations included in default_config: The default configuration integration will initiate a default configuration for Home Assistant. Report the issue of the incorrect state class. ``` At least for a core install. This isnt possible since per m3 I have setup a value higher than 1). To track the exact cost select a static price or an entity coming from your electricity provider integration showing you the current electricity price. On my production instance, I want to add this same functionality (dashboard + wizard), but cant see where. No data (or errors) have showed up in the Energy Dashboard yet. WIP, apparently: https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant.io/issues/18905 and https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant.io/pull/18746. Home Assistant isn't the only home automation framework out there, here Created and maintained by the Home Assistant team. But cannot select from that menu nor use the right slide bar to move the menu items. Maybe something is missing in my configuration.yaml but havent found any answer in documentation. With stopped working, I mean that the dashboard is giving me incorrect data. There are various ways to get in touch with the Home Assistant community. This was wat my energy dashboard looks before update: Show the details of the Black/Brown/Grey Energy sensors, from dev tools, we have to check all the attributes (device_class, state_class, etc.). See the attached screenshots below. Important to know that there is no wrong or right here; each technique installs Anyone can create an add-on, the following are created by the community. Instructions on how to integrate Template Sensors into Home Assistant. and today is monday, new day of week, you might not have hourly_consumption from your provider, right pic above ( so this info is normally 1-2 days delay ) I have read the documentation and FAQ, though this issue doesnt look to be covered. fit your needs or taste better. Buy Cheap Home Theater Systems from DHgate, https://www.betiton.com/en-ie/casino/live/. Also changed the solution description. Got the same problem. are some alternatives. in the last version 2021.12 state_class: measurement was allowed, but not from 2022.02, I had the same issue, this fixed it for me. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'peyanski_com-leader-2','ezslot_10',111,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-peyanski_com-leader-2-0')};That is step 2 of 3 of configuring Home Assistant Energy Management Dashboard. The sensors have the right values but the dashboard is empty since the upgrade. Entity has no state Adding energy: to configuration.yaml solved the issue, thanks for the solution, Same here, docs dont have this information in and had to find it via searching the forums. Alex, Michael you guys rock! ```yaml There is no integration called energy if you trying to add a new integration from the UI for example. When it comes to setting last_reset - I had it in my config but I removed it now as it probably is no longer required (like setting state_class: measurement it was a fix for early long time statistics implementation) but if you want to set it for sensor that does not directly support it in the configuration you can set it via customize.yaml like this: you have to have customize.yaml enabled in configuration.yaml: of course you can set it directly under customize: in the main config but splitting configuration is good for you, Hello @ClassicGOD, I realized that I had some custom entries already. max_age: Your email address will not be published. TIP! Guess I was wrong, it is by design: https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/59933. sensor.pzem4t_1_99_energy_total If you want to contribute, Is somebody else experiencing the same? This was not entirely clear. [imatge](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/49920661/152318051-df85bfeb-dce2-4bc5-ae6c-210e1b25e788.png) state_characteristic: average_linear enthusiasts. What actually is Home Assistant Energy management? Hello, Get inspired, while commuting, doing your morning routine, or at the gym! @home_assistant. disadvantages. Your email address will not be published. How to add your energy meter to Home Assistant? A new state class, total_increasing has been added. I looked in the documentation default_config must be enabled in configuration.yaml. (they also matched yesterday but due to late time I applied the change I was unable to verify the correct readouts for PV production), what did you set for state_class? But you cannot improve your efficiency or increase your savings if you dont have a centralised and reliable energy measurement and monitoring system. device_class: power ! one last thing: read carefully in the link provided the difference between total and total_increasing, its very important. With those screenshots I cant see anything. This is a screenshot of one of them: Thanks. Perfect to run on a Raspberry Pi or a local server. I also was not able to find the new energy stuff. Ill give it a look I have watched a few of his videos and he is usually quite good at explaining stuff. friendly_name: E3DC Battery Negative (Dischagre) Power ### What type of installation are you running? Keep up with the latest news and updates, 280 characters at a time! Home Energy Management is a vast topic and not everything might be clear. Will now try a restart of Host and see if that helps. Now everything works as expected again. ```yaml I use the official Shelly integration. Thank You! I also do not understand why some sensors are updated and some are not. YouTube Video UCiyU6otsAn6v2NbbtM85npg_-FfZs1N-aQw, Local Smart Speaker with ESP32 that works with Home Assistant, How to Install Home Assistant OS on Raspberry Pi 4 over the Network, YouTube Video UCiyU6otsAn6v2NbbtM85npg_uGiLUrSUmio, Make your door lock Smart with SwitchBot Lock & Keypad, YouTube Video UCiyU6otsAn6v2NbbtM85npg_27IJPbwAKAo, Most interesting 7 new features in Home Assistant 2022.7, YouTube Video UCiyU6otsAn6v2NbbtM85npg_zJPIWTqx4Cg. Awesome Home Assistant is a curated list of awesome No other option shows up in dropdown menu, sensor.pzem4t_1_99_energy_today: ! If the attributes are correct, you have another issue. custom dashboard cards & plugins, cookbooks, example setups, and much more. By the way, even if the cost are not in the charts, they are still calculated correctly on a daily basis. Nothing else. Today and yesterday, everything was empty: If I look my sensors, they keep changing every second though! I have some strange behaviour in my HA installation. entity_id: sensor.temperatura Thank you for your help! I can confirm that too. used in this list are for identification purposes only. state_class: measurement, Looks as the power sensors stopped counting while the energy sensors look OK. Sensors on Energy dashboard were not calculated anymore and dashboard was empty. people who want to contribute to it. To add the CO2 signal integration visithttps://co2signal.com/to request a token. #System Health, Anyone? device_class: energy pre-established order; the order is for contribution. This is a screenshot of one of them: Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant.io/issues/18905, https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant.io/pull/18746, Frequently Asked Questions about home energy management. 2021.12.10 The following integrations and platforms could not be set up: How to get started using home energy management in Home Assistant. state_class: measurement The bug is definitely a possibility. Same thing herethe docs page has the My links that I also missed and didnt work. Attributes from statistics sensor: TIP! Creative Commons Attribution 4.0. I always wanted to have a local smart speaker that can announce Text-to-Speech messages configured in my Home Assistant automations. Also the possible fixes in other threads didnt fix it. After setting up a new device, it can take up to 2 hours for new data to arrive in your energy dashboard. So it isnt in the docsas of five minutes ago anyway. G. last_reset: 1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 Thanks for your effort trying to find a solution. So 1 hour after changing the state_class to total_increasing in the main config, and keeping only the last_reset in the custom attributes, I have back my dashboard, but the first days of the month have been messed up with huge negative kwh consumption the day of the upgrade, the consumption of today is ok and I think that the problem is fixed. ### What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue? We have set up a separate document excellent job. ``` But not allowed now, Have tried: However all my HA Energy previous data has disappeared and only shows blank Energy dashboards (4 months worth - very frustrating). The Home Assistant OS and Supervised installations types, What is Home Assistant Energy Management? All editing of Energy Dashboard worked without issue. Check everything below - name: Netz-Bezug Googling to find what I was missing even though I thought it was something just like this still did not give me much until I found this thread. Thank you for reading and I will see you next Wednesday! Same here. Some automations related to the energy were down. [imatge](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/49920661/152318051-df85bfeb-dce2-4bc5-ae6c-210e1b25e788.png) Alternatively, use the search on our website. If you also set upthe Solar Forecast integration, you will be able to see expected solar production and automate based on planned production. Neither of default_config docs or energy docs states that clearly. Neither 'energy:' nor 'default_config:' was in my configuration.yaml. I have it set to total_increasing but i think I should probably be using total for some of my sensors. but not working. This is how I created my power/energy sensors, Node-Red pulls data from my meter and creates the sensors in HA with the proper attributes see the difference of the attributes between the power sensor and the energy sensor below: Hi Alex, state_class: total_increasing The Home Assistant frontend is already pretty, but you can customize it to Im not sure if the situation of the upgrade day can be restored to normal, but it is not that bad (and costs are still ok). They still seem to operate and show in Energy panel as expected. Change Energy sensor states from state_class measurement to total_increasing. ```txt Is there a procedure to change the entity states? If you already configured some parts of the Energy Dashboard, you can go to Configuration > Energy and you will reach the same menus. Valuable links, that don't fit in any of the above categories (yet!). 2022.2.0 Since one of the last updates, my energy dashboard stopped working. I use *_energy and *_power on the sensor names so i could set a global customisation. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'peyanski_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_4',104,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-peyanski_com-medrectangle-4-0')}; TIP! And as everything now a days is moving towards UI I was under the impression that it would be there. Do you have energy: or default_config:' in your configuration.yaml? I have to say that Im seriously consider whether to buy a Solar Panel system and to integrate it with my Home Assistant. Good morning Gentlemen, At what doc page do you find the My button? Or is Energy data not backed up when a backup/snapshot is done? Here are the sensors which stopped working showing 0. That way you can see the impact of these individual devices on your total energy consumption. So the sensors are working but somehow its not calculating everything correctly in to the dashboard. Alex, Probably youre using state_class: measurement instead of using state_class: total or state_class: total_increasing. Home Energy Management is a vast topic and not everything might be clear. Hi to everyone, I would like to ask for somebodys advice concerning an issue Im having with the energy dashboard since the last upgrade to core-2022.2.0. state_class: measurement. icon: mdi:home-export-outline [imatge](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/49920661/152316558-72b61cba-d4fd-41c3-bc4e-e65bbb32dc46.png) 2021.12.10 Available for free at home-assistant.io, Press J to jump to the feed. Energy Dashboard stopped working after upgrade to 2022.2.0 precision: 1 you should check out the Home Assistant online demo. Since then my Energy Dashboard is empty. last_reset: 1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, (Solved) Energy Dashboard stopped working with upgrade to 2022.2.0, Sensor Entity | Home Assistant Developer Docs, developers.home-assistant.io 16 Aug 21, New sensor state class: total_increasing | Home Assistant Developer Docs. When I go to energy configuration on the page above I get the message: This redirect is not supported by your Home Assistant instance. section. The dialog that follows is the same as in the Grid Consumption section. Template are above me. If you use the integral to calculate energy from power sensors, name the calculated sensors accordingly, otherwise you will make mistakes in the future and debugging problems becomes more difficult. last_reset: 1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00. or just say Hi. Does that have a backup feature at all? No control of drop down menu items and unable to edit Energy.) Same issue. Can anyone advise what I should do to get the energy dashboard back? to suggest additions, updates or removals. or endorsed by Home Assistant. Add energy integration, what does that even mean? I hope you now understood that measurement is used for power and total or total_increasing is used for energy. ``` Open your Home Assistant and go to Energy section from the left sidebar. scan_interval: 1800 Please show all the attributes ot your E3DC sensors, use dev tools and post a screenshot so the attributes of all of them are visibile, I want to see state_class and device_class of each of them. Would love your thoughts, please comment. From Consumed Energy (kWh) dropdown menu you can select your total energy consumption that you added using one of the ways described in the How to add your energy meter to Home Assistant? Self-consumed solar energy couldnt be calculated The links in those categories do not have And changed it. name: Temperatura I will wrap up the solution after i figured it out on how to fix it. Follow, Im into: Smart Home, Home Automation, IoT & #Bitcoin, The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost. NEW VIDEO https://youtu.be/-FfZs1N-aQw When you are done configuring this final section you will be able to click on the Show Me My Energy Dashboard and you will see the Home Assistant Energy Management Dashboard. state_class: measurement aspect of their home. But this is quite good: Thank you Perfect to run on a Raspberry Pi or a local server. Read more, Until now, it was not possible to install Home Assistant OS on Raspberry Pi 4 over the network. This is a quick walkthrough of how I used hass-sunpower (https://github.com/krbaker/hass-sunpower) via HACs to pull electricity consumption & production values into Home Assistant so I could see it in the Energy dashboard. The same happened to me. They should be state_class: total_increasing, Longer explanation: state_class: total_increasing didnt work when Energy panel was first introduced so many of us used state_class: measurement but as of 2022.2.0 state_class: measurement does not work for sensors that measure accumulated values (like energy etc) and they should be set to total or total_increasing as per documentation: Sensor Entity | Home Assistant Developer Docs, You are most probably right, I tried yesterday that path but being by far not an expert gave up after seeing a strange pattern on the energy dashboard. which you can easily add to your instance. [imatge](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/49920661/152316558-72b61cba-d4fd-41c3-bc4e-e65bbb32dc46.png) if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'peyanski_com-box-4','ezslot_3',126,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-peyanski_com-box-4-0')};On the first step (step 1 of 3) you can configure the Grid Consumption. entity_id: sensor.temperatura precision: 1 Solar panels and returned energy is recorder. Energy dashboard based on sensors retrieved by MQTT platform. I did a full restore from a previous full backup of Hassio. How can I convert the following integration sensor to a total_increasing? You need the integration energy to use this redirection. when I go to energy configuration on the page above. Copyright 2018 - 2022 - Franck Nijhof. This page tries to clarify a couple of things. Remember that measurement is for power or instantaneous measurements, the Energy integration needs energy sensors. @backtrack I changed my sensors to total as promised. They are Waiting the 2 hours now. The values I feed are coming via MQTT from a PZEM (inflow) and from the inverter (SMA old model) which sends the instant solar production values via Bluetooth, received and translated in MQTT messages which are then sent to Homeassistant. Starting your first Post in this forum( after 20 min readtime) with the sentence Since one of the last updates is rude and in my opinion unacceptable, as your not only indicate an update as cause ( and thereby the developers ) , your also wanna attract attention, from all people who use Energy-dashboard,regardless of the fact that , that you have no clue, and yo most likely not have read the updates before you pressed the red button, and that you have not read the documentation, nor FAQ. ``` Just remember the device_class: Power(in the left picture above, have to be converted into device_class: Energy ( the reason why you havent total hourly_consumption, from these entities ), Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, Frequently Asked Questions about home energy management, Calculation is wrong (usage is 57,44 and total price is 27,49. ok, in regards to calculate your gas_consumption you might also wanna read about this in documentation (And FAQ) for Energy-Dasboard, and eventually search this forum for that in specific. friendly_name: Phase-0 keep it clean and simple, ALWAYS! After upgrading to 2021.8.0 (and now 2021.8.1) there is no Energy DashboardI dont have it. If it does, for whatever reason (disconnections, etc.) ### Anything in the logs that might be useful for us? After new installation, energy dashboard disappeared from sidebar. Screenshot #2: The calculation is wrong. Back then I only had a few days worth of data, so I didn't bother. There is an open GitHub issue about this here: https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/65773#issuecomment-1030917033 there are people suggesting other solutions in there so I recommend taking a look. Removed all custom components and nothing has changed. A Typical home is connected to the electricity grid and the energy consumption is tracked by an energy meter. I changed the state_class to total_increasing more than 12 hours ago and I cannot change last_reset as it is not supported by the MQTT sensor. I have dedicated dashboard for my inverter that like OP pulls data from MQTT (we are probably using the same exact software - SBFspot) . I then tried deleting my Phase 0 and Phase 1 grid sensors and starting over. Now I just need to wait a few hours ot see if the energy dashboard changes in anyway No errors anymore at least. state: > Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, Energy dashboard / wizard : how to add manually. Home Assistant and the new Home Energy Management section is here to help. Here's another similar post with more info: https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/56098, Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. I am using solax inverter. This page tries to clarify a couple of things. On this step, by integrating your solar panels into Home Assistant you can gain useful data about your energy production. Home Assistant Energy Management is huge. The change from state_class measurement to total_increasing fixed the issue for me. ! Statistics max_age: i upgraded my HA Docker installation this morning to 2022.2.0. state_class: measurement Thanks! Do It Yourself; rather than buying home automation hardware or solutions, you Stupid question: on a fresh instance of HA, I can see the energy dashboard and a wizard to configure it. When you successfully setup this CO2 signal, you will have a Non-fossil energy consumed card that will tell you about the energy grid of your country based on the data provided by co2signal website. sampling_size: 10000 Try to remember what you did to customize those attributesand undo that. But I thought I already discussed all this with you some months ago.