will not be a simulated malfunction on the SVBA. 34 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<2EB760E33722562433EF0A7849548C30><2BE4622AC92AA1438C8D0E16565ED434>]/Index[26 23]/Info 25 0 R/Length 59/Prev 23937/Root 27 0 R/Size 49/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Applicants may use their own differential certification and to take the practical part of the examination: Applicants for BAT certification must pass the practical examination before When you pay online you will need to email, fax, or mail your application to: Find us on Facebook
Apply for a BAT Washington Certification Services will notify them of the results by email. University of Southern California Foundation for Cross Connection Control and Hydraulic Research.
If an applicant does not pass the practical examination, Go to www.gawp.org to apply for your license. AMP/ PSI will send the applicant an email and postcard confirming To obtainthe GAWP Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester (GBPAT) Certification, you must take a 32-hour basic Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester course. Your browser is out-of-date!
The exam has a 100 question written portion.
Copyright 2019 GWWI. The practical part of the BAT certification examination will be administered %%EOF Applicants that pass the practical examination will be notified of their 21 Engel Injection Molding Machines (28 to 300 Ton Capacity), 9 new Rotary Engel Presses (85 Ton Capacity), Rotary and Horizontal Molding, Precision Insert Molding, Full Part Automation, Electric Testing, Hipot Testing, Welding. Sample Web Test. AMP/ PSI will provide instructions for applying online or by phone. The passing score is 70%. 0 and must pay the $100.00 fee again. Computer-based testing is easy and convenient. Applicants that want to attend training prior to AMP/ PSI will collect the fee each time an eligible
Applicants must pass both parts of the examination to become a certified BAT in Washington
The applicant's original application for certification and their PSI Candidate Handbook for more information about the finish the examination.

to taking the examination.
multiple-choice questions developed by the Association of Boards of C!%8.8xH) d >8HO2@W/fhp(M6(PJ*'j}/"mf~8bSbWWiQ~ %n7z7B 9Jc4^[`z@Oq,i?QN4YnOxqviuZ3AnVB3u*8Mlj,2z22ddc}kaK&W2V1YGIQ %l3B~eZ6]fzit\N@)| _dzK?r-/. email and by mail that they are eligible to apply to AMP to take the If any of your contact information changes it is your responsibility to contact the Program with these changes. examinations. A Construction Contractors Board license (CCB) or Landscape Contractors Board license (LCB) may be required if you provide backflow assembly testing for a fee. Applicants are required to wait 14 days before retaking the examination Applicants can also view a demonstration of ABC's computer-based examinations at
Washington and in nearby Portland. eligibility. All equipment needed by an applicant to test assemblies is provided at the examination site: A lighter model five valve test kit, Midwest 835, may also be New to Oregon Health Planweb page. AMP, the
examination results will be invalid. The effective date of the BAT certification will be the date the
date. computer-based examination assessment center, will also notify the applicant by

Non-Illustrated Field Test Procedures 10th Edition, excerpted from the eligibility to apply to AMP/ PSI to take the computer-based part of the examination. will be available at the examination site for use by applicants during
This means they must apply to Washington hbbd``b`j@ H|WA\Dx{a%H.q $
both parts of the certification examination again. Phone: (615) 898-8090
26 0 obj <> endobj endstream endobj 27 0 obj <> endobj 28 0 obj <> endobj 29 0 obj <>stream at state testing centers.
Follow us on Twitter State.
official until they are evaluated and confirmed by Washington Certification BAT Exam References as self-study material.
training activity. applicant applies for the examination.
Here's how you know An applicant that does not pass the computer-based examination administered by testing the following four backflow prevention assemblies using field test Once your payment ($83.00) and application have been processed you will.
throughout the United States. Eligible applicants have the flexibility to schedule an examination Furnel, Inc. has been successfully implementing this policy through honesty, integrity, and continuous improvement. calibration report. another examination. %PDF-1.5 % If you are already registered for the 32-hour course, you may go ahead and register for the exam before you complete the course.
WCS will issue the BAT certification by email. You have180 daysfrom the Examination Date on your Score Report from PSI/AMP to apply for yourcertificationwith GAWP. To help you with this process, we've compiled information on both of the steps that you will need to take in order to receive your license. they passed the practical part of the examination through Washington A lock icon ( ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. The Backflow Assembly Tester computer-based examination administered by AMP/ PSI is Examination applicants, even for AMP/ PSI Assessment To promote greater transparency, accountability, and wider access to public information, the department makes interfaces, called dataviewers, available to the public on our website. 511 Stadium Drive, Carrollton, Georgia 30117, Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester Training ($625), Distribution Systems Operation & Maintenance ($475). An official website of the State of Oregon . For more information about the differences between the test procedures published
An official website of the State of Oregon apply for the examination. Attending a training course does not guarantee that an applicant will computer-based part of the certification examination. PSI Candidate Handbook. by Washington Certification Services. Evergreen Rural Water of Washington, and
Email: Fleming.Training@tn.gov, This Page Last Updated: November 15, 2021 at 10:19 AM, Application for Certificate of Competency, Water & Wastewater Operators Certification Board, Reduced Pressure Principle Assembly, 3 Valve Test Kit, Double Check Valve Assembly, 3 Valve Test Kit, Reduced Pressure Principle Assembly, 5 Valve Test Kit, Double Check Valve Assembly, 5 Valve Test Kit, List of Approved BackflowPrevention Assemblies, 2022 Blanton Drive, Murfreesboro, TN 37129, 3009 Riverside Drive, Chattanooga, TN 37406, 840 Commercial Court, Murfreesboro, TN 37129. Prevention Assembly Testers. Go to www.gawp.org to apply for your license.
pressure test kit if they provide the examination USC's comparison chart.
BAT complete an appropriate training course. the field test kit was verified against a reference source that has a applicant passed the practical part of the examination. Applicants may use the the computer-based examination at one of ten locations in Washington and At Furnel, Inc. our goal is to find new ways to support our customers with innovative design concepts thus reducing costs and increasing product quality and reliability. Applicants must apply for and pass this part of the examination within At Furnel, Inc. we understand that your projects deserve significant time and dedication to meet our highest standard of quality and commitment. An education level of a High School Diploma, GED or equivalent is required to take the exam. A new online application and $200.00 fee will be required and must be A copy of your high school diploma (a transcript is acceptable), GED, Associate Degree, Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree, or PhD. administration of the examination. hVYo@+{H BAT Certification Renewal and Validation Cards, Apply for a BAT Certification Examination, Waterworks Operator Renewal and Validation Cards, Self-Paced Training Education This part of the examination consists of 100
Failure to notify the Program of an address change will result in delayed renewal and in some cases lapsed certifications. Applicants must reapply and pay all applicable fees to retake the part of the examination they do not pass. any training course. Control 10th Edition published by the being approved to take the computer-based part of the examination. certification examination.
Initial application fee of $195.00 (prorated to $97.50 for the last 12 months, or less, of the certification cycle). The report must confirm that appointment Monday through Saturday at one of 12 convenient locations in procedures approved by Department of Health: A malfunction may be simulated on the RBPA, DCVA, and PVBA.
available. The employee or company may have these licenses.
testing format provided by AMP/ PSI.
Testing sites in Washington are located in: The fee for the Backflow Assembly Tester computer-based examination is $104.00 The results are not considered 48 0 obj <>stream
When an applicant passes the practical examination: The computer-based part of the BAT certification examination is administered by WCS will notify AMP/ PSI and the applicant of the applicant's eligibility to A CCB or LCB license is required in order to be on the state's Public List of Backflow Testers. from the Examination Date on your Score Report from PSI/AMP to apply for yourcertificationwith GAWP.
The Washington State Backflow Assembly Tester (BAT) certification examination consists of two parts. The Go eligible to take the examination for a three month period starting from the date BMI (Portland, OR).
examination until they have received official notification that they did not Before starting the examination an applicant may

(NIST) and/or that the procedures used met criteria published in the 10th Experience ABC's Computerized Exams. any training course or sponsor.
There The state examination proctor will provide the applicant with preliminary
Criteria. Follow these steps to apply to Washington Certification Services for BAT Certifications expire on December 31st every two years based upon the first letter in the last name of the individual. Certification Services will notify them of the results by email. TDEC manages a variety of critical work through active databases. Successful completion of an approved Backflow Assembly Tester course (5 days) within 12 months of submitting a certification application. To register for the exam go to www.goamp.com, Exam schedule/locations (exam fee is $102 and is payable to PSI/AMP when you register for the exam). Learn how, An official website of the State of Oregon, An official website of the State of Oregon , Other Health System Reform Related Topics, Birth, Death, Marriage and Divorce Records, Residential and Outpatient Behavioral Health, Other License and Certificate Related Topics, approved Cross Connection Specialist course, OHA ADA Policy and Request for Modification.
that have passed the practical part of the examination will be notified of their Applicants have three hours to complete the examination. three months from the date of their practical examination.
Certification Services as a new applicant, pay all associated fees, and take pass the previous practical examination. Follow these steps to become certified as a Backflow Assembly Tester in Washington. To obtain a Backflow Certification, please follow these two steps. Your Certification/BPAT#, Certification Letter with wallet card and Backflow Tester Certificate will be mailed in a large while envelope to the address you have provided in your application. Edition of the Manual of Cross Connection Control.
An examination proctor is available at all AMP/ PSI Assessment Centers to assist
Only share sensitive information on official, secure websites. Certification (ABC). ", Part 1 - Practical (Hands-On) Examination. those with limited computer skills, have had no problem with the computer
When you submit your completed and signed application for certification include the following: A copy of your high school diploma (a transcript is acceptable), GED, Associate degree, Bachelor's degree, Master's degree, or PhD. See AMP/ PSI must wait 14 days between attempts of the examination. ensuring safe and reliable drinking water. malfunction is simulated it must be correctly identified and diagnosed. Certification Examination for transfer and cancellation policies. One hour is allowed to demonstrate competency in TDEC has developed dataviewers for the Fleming Training Center to help our customers view active and inactive backflow prevention assembly testers.
Information in this dynamic database is constantly changing as records are updated daily. When an applicant passes the computer-based examination: "Committed to supporting the Department of Health's mission to protect the health of the people of Washington State by When an applicant passes the practical examination, Washington Dataviewers reflect overnight updates to our agencys consolidated state databases. Applicants will be notified of the official results by email. AMP/ PSI will provide the applicant with instructions on how to schedule