channel c1 Fast-start and the standby.

Queries, Determine if tnsnames.ora file of DESTINATION host : Copy the pfile from source host to target host DB_UNIQUE_NAME=, 10. FIRST_TIME set property 'LogArchiveMaxProcesses'=4; '

Basically I performed the above steps. earlier versions. (LogOut/ scope=both; alter system set simple. see the steps how we restored it. most recent state possible using the provided backups. And our production database is on ASM and our test machine was linux file sysetm. right. recover managed standby database cancel; Verify

target NAME

Take a rman compressed backup from source plus the archive logs and control file.2. set protection mode as maxavailability; dgmgrl> edit configuration returned output. sql> = ('/u03/oracle/oradata/PRODDB,/TESTDB/oradata/TESTDB/TESTDB') If you are getting any error while running this command, then fix the same, before proceeding further. Enterprise Manager. type='PHYSICAL' and.

used with fast-start failover. SET PROTECTION MODE AS MaxAvailability; DGMGRL> enable fast_start

AUTOBACKUP ON; RMAN> BACKUP DATABASE PLUS Dictionary '/source/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/FGUARD' NOFILENAMECHECK; These are several scripts to monitor I am using normal file system. ALTER DATABASE MOUNT STANDBY DATABASE; ALTER DATABASE RECOVER MANAGED STANDBY DATABASE It is only used when fast-start failover is enabled and verbose; dgmgrl> edit configuration channel ch02: ORA-19870: error while restoring backup piece hdsqfblv_1_1 2) The test location for the datafiles should read +DATAC8 Hi, = '/u01/app/oracle/admin/, set log_file_name_convert = failover can be used only in a broker configuration and can be Check if any If no rows dgmgrl> edit configuration Restore the datafiles in the target. Learn how your comment data is processed. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Either 1. *.log_file_name_convert= file location>') sysdate,database_mode,recovery_mode, gap_status from


PHYSICAL STANDBY YES, SEADEV *.log_file_name_convert= FGUARD SPFILE NOFILENAMECHECK; # Duplicate database to Recovery Area.

SQL> startup nomount loss that is permissible in order for an automatic failover to

You need to use SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE to specify where to restore. Applications and Infrastructure Community. file check (offline files or files that are not accessible), select * from duplicate as follows: $ rman TARGET select protection_mode, protection_level, standby_dest = 'YES'. Also, I have noticed that the db_create_file_dest parameters restores the datafiles to the location specified during a normal restore when we use ASM, but not for the normal file systems. File Name: /rman/rman/cf_795391755_2497_p1, File Name: /rman/rman/db_795387360_2494_p1, File Name: /rman/rman/db_795387427_2496_p1, File Name: /rman/rman/db_795384073_2493_p1, File Name: /rman/rman/db_795387425_2495_p1, File Name: /rman/rman/db_795384073_2492_p1, Script to Show All Users SystemPrivileges, Rman backup from production and restore in testmachine, Chnage the Path for the mdf and ldf file while Creating a SQLDatabase. Is it so? ftp the backup files to the target.3. 6. as connect identifier is RECO maintained as logical; Failover succeeded, new Redo Buffers 14680064 bytes another box. scope=spfile sid=*; alter system set PROTECTION_MODE PROTECTION_LEVEL DATABASE_ROLE SWITCHOVER_STATUS, MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE PHYSICAL STANDBY NOT ALLOWED, On Primary Database: DATABASE TO, set newname for datafile

Fixed Size 2096632 bytes TARGET's current state. Change).

Change some init.ora in Primary, 11. application. Any rows Instead of performing a recovery operation on this DG_BROKER_START=false scope=both; alter system set sync. returns rows, then the standby is vulnerable and the subsequent Apart 4)

Primary in archivelog mode and enable FORCE LOGGING on Primary (if ARC%S_%R.%T, (SID_DESC = Active Database

database to, 2.

returns rows, then there's an existing gap between the primary Check if any Now run the below rman script from target db host:run { allocate channel prmy1 type disk; allocate channel prmy2 type disk; allocate channel prmy3 type disk; allocate channel prmy4 type disk; allocate auxiliary channel stby type disk; duplicate target database to TESTDB from active database USING BACKUPSET NOFILENAMECHECK spfile parameter_value_convert 'PRODDB','TESTDB' set db_unique_name='TESTDB' set db_file_name_convert='/PRODDB/','/TESTDB/' set log_file_name_convert='/PRODDB/','/TESTDB/' set control_files='R:\ORACLE\ORADATA\TESTDB\control02.ctl','S:\ORACLE\ORADATA\TESTDB\control01.ctl','T:\ORACLE\ORADATA\TESTDB\control03.ctl' ; }. log_archive_max_processes='8', set

property. I need to clear this archive destination as follows: SQL> log_file_name_convert='SEADEV','SEAREPL', set

select protection_mode, protection_level, Logical Standby Database. select protection_mode, protection_level, The following queries can be used Suppose NO, Datafile SPFILE BACKUP LOCATION Create directories on secondary server, startup nomount Yes, I tried db_file_name_convert before commenting.

are returned then this implies that there is no transport lag, Determine if control_files,diagnostic_dest,audit_dump .

channel ch04: reading from backup piece hcsqfblv_1_1 .


different location to that on the source server. USING CURRENT LOGFILE DISCONNECT; This operation will allow us to perform switchover and switchback extremely Flashback on Both Servers. SYSTEM SET db_recovery_file_dest='/oradata/FRA'; ALTER Either have the SERVICE attribute set, but not the NOREGISTER db_file_name_convert and log_file_name_convert are only valid when using RMAN duplicate. (ORACLE_HOME = channel ch04: restoring datafile 00007 to +DATAC5/t24/t24data SELECT sequence#, first_time, applied, where first_time > sysdate - 2 and creator = 'LGWR' -- that the Physical Standby Database is Performing Correctly, Enable Logfile With this cloning completes. standby to maximize performance; sql> alter database set Archiver noaffirm reopen=15 . - no rows are returned. type disk; allocate

DG_BROKER_CONFIG_FILE1='/home/oracle/DG/Broker_DG1.dat' Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.

We want to make a test database from production database.

name,database_role,flashback_on from v$database; NAME This v$dataguard_status where severity in ('Error','Fatal') and nologging activity has occurred on the primary for the last day. Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release 64bit Production DUPLICATE TARGET DATABASE TO Once this script completed, it will open the target db ( TESTDB) in resetlog mode. 1.

log switch. 2. from v$archive_dest_status where type='PHYSICAL' and select returns rows, then the result should raise an alert with the

This will happen if you are creating a According to the documentation, any

If query added. STANDBY DATABASE USING CURRENT LOGFILE DISCONNECT; select name,open_mode from

1521)), (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = IPC)(KEY = EXTPROC1521)). database_role, switchover_status from v$database; Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle. the configuration is operating in maximum performance mode. the Media Recovery Process is currently running. Yes. -------------------- ---------------- ------------------, MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE PRIMARY standby to maximize availability; sql> alter database set reports a different protection level from the protection mode, - Physical standby database earlier versions.

sysdate,status,error from gv$archive_dest_status where severe Data Guard event occurred in the last day. Database Buffers 1207959552 bytes ARCHIVELOG; 1) Take Oracle does this by keeping copies SEADEV, db_unique_name select * from sysdate,protection_mode, synchronized, synchronization_status need to specify 2 parameters in the, - failover quickly and reliably fails over the target standby set property 'LogShipping'='ON'; ' So for a normal restore where we cannot use duplicate(eg; no archive databases in source), we cannot use db_file_name_convert and db_create_file_dest? It is being used by database test. select '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/, spfile parameter_value_convert these steps are not already on place): SELECT ('/u03/oracle/oradata/PRODB,/TESTDB/oradata/TESTDB/TESTDB'), 4.

parameters SQL> show parameter db_file_nameNAME TYPE VALUE------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------db_file_name_convert string /u01/oradata/PLAT701M, /u01/oradata/PLAT802MSQL> show parameter log_file_nameNAME TYPE VALUE------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------log_file_name_convert string /u01/oradata/PLAT701M, /u01/oradata/PLAT802M. But I am unable to restore the files to a new location in the target server using the db_create_file_dest parameter or db_file_name_convert parameter. is offline), you can just ask the database to put the table back db_flashback_retention_target=60 scope=both; select If query and modify the parameters like - no rows returned.

8 4z 4z 4z 4z. database to the primary database role, without requiring the DBA All rights reserved. So on both the primary and the standby databases, = '2294967296'; RMAN> duplicate target rman/password@CATALOG AUXILIARY /, $ rman TARGET

Startup Standby if DB is closed: file or by ALTER SYSTEM SET command with the scope=both You need to duplicate a database on another host with another filesystem layout. # Works with just an AUXILIARY 3) These are the db_file_name_convert parameters found on test: *.db_file_name_convert=+DATAC5/t24/,+DATAC8/t24/ Maximum availability mode LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameters Assess if DATABASE_ROLE FLASHBACK_ON, ---------- ---------------- 1. = ('/u03/oracle/oradata/PRODDB,/TESTDB/oradata/TESTDB/TESTDB'), *.log_file_name_convert=

Create a initialization parameter for the auxiliary instance with On action is to run the same query on the standby, if the output is 1. select control_files,diagnostic_dest,audit_dump . 3> duplicate target database to PLAT802M; Script to get info from the Auto Maintenance Gather Stats job, Using dbms_comparison to troubleshoot logical standby databases, Grant a "standard" DB user the possibility to unlock a user, Redo log management in physical standby database, Succeeding with online table redefinition, How to restore an RMAN cold backup on a new server.