0000002352 00000 n This study contributes to the e-service recovery satisfaction literature in the banking context by empirically validating the moderating role of switching cost. <>>> Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) (study 1) and SmartPLS (PLS software) (study 2) are used to test the hypotheses.FindingsStudy 1 establishes that the mobile banking application is perceived to have low humanness. 0000019711 00000 n Strong investor support to develop their market in Indonesia is expected to accelerate the change of competition landscape in the small-medium enterprise business (www.money.kompas.com, 2019). 0000001840 00000 n Technology has provided more convenience in terms of access to the financial services that also raise concern on the relevance of old-style banking services with high reliance on the conventional branch as access. Keywords: 1981-2013, Bank Branches, Banking, Deposits, Retail Banking, Total Asset. stream 0000272151 00000 n endobj
Design/methodology/approach 0000269914 00000 n 0000382886 00000 n The service concept: the missing link in service design research? %PDF-1.5 r$s5Dq7X'@n `Hz= V>X`d20RDg '4 Service quality (Security/ Privacy, Practicality, Design/Aesthetics, and Enjoyment) has a low-moderate effect on relationshipqualitative variables(Trust, Satisfaction, and Commitment). 0000004881 00000 n The Journal, C%$m%TVhb:P~1:i $v(Ok'}o*i8woxk&`[3=Vt \]^dDp[wWQ! bszx;hq6 >,-'czP0r.aw(v6"K8x'>0O%9!8eN"cI%9X|~JL|afQX_4YS.bvTk ]ZC3s>ky"KC+}W 0000000016 00000 n endobj However, using machine learning methods is rare, and the application is limited for certain types of data.
0000001694 00000 n 0000006179 00000 n 0000095336 00000 n Keywords: 7Ps Marketing Mix, Customer Satisfaction, Northeast Nigeria, Retail Banking, Tel : +44(0)1634 560711 ME7 4LA 0000021757 00000 n 0000016381 00000 n ?>/OA,&*8sCq@p4 Jz22AoUzP>tbk*{kp2|X)hyA!RRN@)AWl'(V} '>%b23aUS However, e-service satisfaction is dependent on the ease of moving from one service provider to the other; thus, switching costs assume great significance. Primary research data were collected using questionnaires administered face-to-face, via systematic random sampling approach. 0000007329 00000 n
%PDF-1.5 0000009850 00000 n Practical implications 0000095760 00000 n Retail banking 0000013153 00000 n 0000332525 00000 n The subject of the research is trends in the implementation of digital technologies in the banking sector.
There is a growing demand for term deposits, consumer durable loans, auto loans, debit card, credit cards, ATM facilities, insurance, online banking, etc. The unique benefit of this method is the ability to use both categorical and numerical variables at the same time. endstream endobj 72 0 obj <> endobj 73 0 obj <> endobj 74 0 obj <>stream
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A total of 261 respondents participate in Study 1 and 491 in Study 2.
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Thus, ten public sector bank managers working in different geographical locations were selected using a homogeneity purposive sampling technique. trailer
As the central institution in driving economic growth, the bank needs to be more adaptive to changes in the business environment driven by customer expectations, technological capabilities, policies, demographics, and macroeconomic conditions. Challenges and opportunities of Retail Banking in India %
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Editor and the editorial board are not entitled or liable to either justify or responsible for inaccurate and misleading data if any. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The method for collecting data is based on convenience sampling. By relying on the mobile banking application, the banking institutions would serve their existing customers better and attract new potential customers. This study concluded that this five-factor model is a reliable and valid instrument of brand identification and personality in retail banking and is the first validated brand-identification-and-personality scale within the retail-banking context of South Africa. The study adopted a qualitative approach to probe behavioral issues related to the credit appraisal process, which is the most suitable approach for unstructured exploratory design. Email: info@ea-journals.org Retail banking is being considered as one of the most innovative financial services provided by the various commercial Public Sector Banks (PSBs), private sector and foreign banks. 0000377499 00000 n
0000002951 00000 n Since credit managers in banks work with applicants for education loans, their insight becomes essential to understanding the issues plaguing with the smooth implementation and delivery of this scheme. 0ohCD20TE'/rS 0000009104 00000 n p@2qiP2pDx)(P+QRJT~%t?ihy*'_#/vpO&fmvI9bj|8W.RW$E =\/ye1@WrsvrL:Y0)q The ScienceGate team tries to make research easier by managing and providing several unique services gathered in a web platform, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 11th GLOBAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES - Global Conference on Business and Social Sciences Proceeding. Objectives include examining product, price, place, promotion people, process and physical evidence as drivers of retail bank customer satisfaction. Self-administered questionnaires were used as a data collection tool and a sample size was chosen (N = 235). It also identifies the critical antecedents of banking e-service recovery quality. Study 1 determines the degree of humanness in a mobile banking application. Gillingham, Kent The study highlights the high relevance of switching costs in the e-banking context and emphasizes investment in marketing strategies and campaigns to do away with switching intentions. India has also developed retail banking sector and it accounts for onefifth of all banks credit. In addition, retail banking should consider the influence of design aesthetics on consumer trust and incorporate elements that enhance consumers' opinions about the mobile banking application's functionality, reliability and helpfulness. L@\@ 0000226296 00000 n
0000010335 00000 n The dimensions of mobile banking service quality positively influence the relationship quality, except PPracticalitydoes not affect Commitment, Design/Aesthetics does not influence trust, and enjoyment does not influence commitment.
.0000022911 00000 n Plagairism Policy 0000014637 00000 n <> 0000332236 00000 n 0000111600 00000 n The authors apply general scientific, philosophical, analytical, statistical, problem chronological and historical-genetic methods, as well as methods of expert assessments. Data analysis entailed descriptive and confirmatory factor analysis. Purpose If banks are not ready to adapt to the change will be exposed to the shrinking market share (www.
An Assessment of the Perceived Service Quality: Comparison of Islamic and Conventional Banks at Pakistan, Profiling consumers: A study of Qatari consumers' shopping motivations, Determinants of Brand Loyalty in Fast Food Restaurant in North Cyprus: Cases of Johnny Rocket & Burger City, The Impact of Customer Satisfaction on Word-of-Mouth: Conventional Banks of Malaysia Investigated, Brand equity, brand loyalty and consumer satisfaction, Factors Influencing Customer Loyalty of Banking Industry: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan, Service Quality Dimension and Customer Satisfaction: An Empirical Study in the Malaysian Hotel Industry, Identifying service quality dimensions as antecedents to customer satisfaction in retail banking, Measuring Perceived Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction for Service Managers: The case of the Lebanese Retail Banking Industry, The Impact of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty: An Empirical Study of Islamic Banks in Bahrain, Consumer Trust in Service Companies: A Multiple Mediating Analysis, THE ROLES OF PUBLIC RELATIONS IN ENHANCING CUSTOMER SATISFACTION: A CASE STUDY OF TELSIM, EFFECT OF BRAND IMAGE ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION & LOYALTY INTENTION AND THE ROLE OF CUSTOMER SATISFACTION BETWEEN BRAND IMAGE AND LOYALTY INTENTION Council for Innovative Research, THE IMPACT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IN COMMERCIAL BANKS IN UGANDA A CASE OF CENTENARY BANK, RUBAGA BRANCH, UGANDA RESEARCHED, A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Customer Satisfaction in Banking Sector: The Mediating Influence of Service Quality and Organisational Oath, International Journal of Bank Marketing Perceived overall service quality and customer satisfaction: A comparative analysis between local and foreign banks in Malaysia Article information, An Empirical Analysis of Banking Sector in Pakistan: Islamic Versus Conventional Banks. 0000332913 00000 n The findings show that trust significantly and positively influences commitment/satisfaction. These findings were supported by additional insights through the application of multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) describing patterns of financial instruments and portfolios. Responses from 399 e-banking customers, who had experienced a service failure, were sought using a five-point Likert scale. 0000010989 00000 n Keywords: Change, Leader, Organizational Commitment, Organizational Change, Organizational Learning, Organizational Performance. The study used correlation and regression analysis. x]oHn?-EU 3c/`>i(R~{uj;b'0EWC?Eoh4:~^D_ux0OJzgeX$+,)`JYGWW2zDD>B_'j(N:r|-0"F7P(T%x`ZzYF~xM[3z_d%|2T/b1u1.rxpBxwT@g5.6q@T0L'/(,Yi^_~0i(AaUlXqeOyR>.L R%AAQb 0000016756 00000 n 0000041178 00000 n 0000002495 00000 n The results found that product, process and physical evidence were significantly related to customer satisfaction while price, promotion, place and people are not significantly related. 111 28 You can download the paper by clicking the button above.
The responses were simultaneously transcribed manually to ensure that data remained close to the original verbatim of the participant. 0000003393 00000 n 0000033408 00000 n 0000004021 00000 n 0000005296 00000 n The Structural Modelling Equation was also used to analyze the data result. 0000002915 00000 n
0000095406 00000 n %PDF-1.4 % <>>> 0000009550 00000 n reputation 0000007799 00000 n Originality/value To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. 0000377865 00000 n endobj
57 77 The research utilizes descriptive statistics and multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) to understand the variables and Kohonen self-organizing maps (SOMs), in combination with hierarchical clustering, to identify customer groups and describe the characteristics of these clusters. 0000013299 00000 n 0000010124 00000 n Education financing is a key retail banking product for most commercial banks and a lifeline for large numbers of students seeking professional courses. 0000020972 00000 n
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It also highlights the relevance of recovery expectations as an antecedent of e-service recovery quality and thus stresses the need to satisfactorily address the same in the e-service recovery process. -d`cY(Yq(H |9n F@2VHLjXYy2U,v#q8uq:M#U_@^T[%Go$&f&_b@N 5*:, H&A|_|?6. Academia.edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. Data were collected from a sample size of 405 respondents comprising of academic and senior non-academic staff in universities and polytechnics in North east region of Nigeria through questionnaire administration. As an impact of technology development change in financial services, increasing financial technology (fintech) services have emerged another competition platform in the banking industries in recent years. 0000021144 00000 n 0000001836 00000 n %PDF-1.4 % The research focused on 220 respondents from university students in Indonesia who are at least 17 years old and using a mobile banking application on their smartphones. The article summarizes the main stages of the evolution of business models of the banking sector, reveals substantive and methodological differences between traditional remote banking services and digital banking, highlights the main business models for organizing digital banking; provides up-to-date data on the level of development of digital banking in the main geographic zones of the world; shows the dynamics and key areas of investment in the fintech industry in 20142019 and provides a critical analysis of their conditions; identifies problematic aspects of the development of digital business models of banking; describes the functionality of the main digital business models of Russian banks with the authors assessment of their capabilities and examples of their use in Russian practice. 0000379933 00000 n 0000003031 00000 n endstream endobj 112 0 obj<> endobj 113 0 obj<> endobj 114 0 obj<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 115 0 obj<> endobj 116 0 obj<> endobj 117 0 obj[/ICCBased 133 0 R] endobj 118 0 obj<> endobj 119 0 obj<> endobj 120 0 obj<> endobj 121 0 obj<>stream Disclaimer: Articles on Indian Journal of Applied Research have been previewed and authenticated by the Authors before sending the publication for print. xref endobj
Study 2 demonstrates that (i) system trust is more useful than interpersonal trust in the mobile banking context and (ii) design aesthetics positively influences consumer system trust and intention to adopt.Originality/valueTo the best of the authors' knowledge, the current research is the first to distinguish empirically between system trust and interpersonal trust and identify the best choice of mobile banking trust type. It was also found that process is the most influential driver while price is the least influential. Fintech is expected to put more pressure on banking lending products, particularly within the retail banking segment, potentially will exist in 2025, as explained by McKinsey (www.keuangan.kontan.co.id, 2018). 57 0 obj <> endobj 4 0 obj These findings can be used as input for tweaking the product for better performance. The 4 observational categories lead to a broad understanding that product accessibility, operational hurdles, scheme features and limitations in bad loan recovery are key bottlenecks in managing education loans. 2 0 obj Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. 0000008016 00000 n <> 0000011525 00000 n 0000382624 00000 n
Despite significant technological innovation in retail banking services delivery, the number of Nigerian bank branches has grown steadily over time. 0 13 Duncan Rd 2022 - Indian Journal of Applied Research (IJAR), Challenges and opportunities of Retail Banking in India.
The aim of this study is to investigate the benefits of using a two-stage clustering method using neural-network-based Kohonen self-organizing maps followed by hierarchical clustering for identifying the investment patterns of potential retail banking customers.
A measurement model is suggested in the contextual settings of the Indian banking scenario and is estimated using structural equation modeling. Confirmatory Factor Analyses (CFA) was then used to test the hypotheses and address the research objectives as well. I 0000008705 00000 n Read our Customer satisfaction is a continuous process that management must engage in. Findings
0000319432 00000 n startxref 0000380290 00000 n Furthermore, the results of the study indicate the internal consistency and composite reliability of the measurement model, as well as construct, convergent, discriminant and nomological validity. 0000001504 00000 n 0000319780 00000 n
Impact of Customer Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty and Intentions to Switch: Evidence from Banking Sector of Pakistan, Traditional and challenger banks in UK: comparison in terms of customer value, The Importance of Perceived Service Value in Retail Banking Services, Analysis of the Antecedents of Customer Loyalty of Telecommunication Industry in Ghana: The Case of Vodafone (Ghana), Measuring Service Quality in Islamic Banking: Importance-Performance Analysis Approach, The Relationships among Service Quality, Value, Satisfaction, and Future Intentions of Customers at an Australian Sports and Leisure Centre, Consumer attitude towards service failure and recovery in higher education, Does Technology-Enabled Service Quality affect Organizational Competencies, The impact of technology CSFs on customer satisfaction and the role of trust: An empirical study of the banks in Malaysia, Measuring perceived service quality in urgent transport service, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics The effect of perceived service quality dimensions on customer satisfaction, trust, and loyalty in e-commerce settings A cross cultural analysis, Customer satisfaction in the Banking Industry: A Comparative Study of Ghana and Spain, Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction of Electricity Distribution Company: A Study of Olumo Business Hub, Abeokuta, Ogun State, A hierarchical model of health service quality scale development and investigation of an integrated model, Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: The Moderating Effects of Hotel Star Rating, Shopping centre customer service: creating customer satisfaction and loyalty, Factors Influencing Online Banking Customer Satisfaction and Their Importance in Improving Overall Retention Levels, Path analysis of perceived service quality, satisfaction and loyalty in Greek insurance.
Service quality is vital for retail banking institutions nowadays to have a competitive advantage against their competitors. The commercial lending segment will expose to the competition due to technical support in terms of ease of access. 0 PurposeThe research aims to addresses the limitations of previous literature regarding choosing the appropriate conceptualization of trust (i.e. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. stream %%EOF 133 0 obj <>stream The findings therefore serve as a good guide for banks to work at improving service quality, which will in turn positively influence satisfaction and loyalty. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. The authors conclude that the main drivers of digitalization of the banking sector are stable growth of non-cash payments in the world and in Russia; stable growth of the global digital banking market; the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the active demand of consumers of remote financial services; increased competition in the retail banking market; and a significant decrease in margins for traditional banking products. 0000004670 00000 n The result affirms that recovery expectation is the most significant predictor of e-service recovery satisfaction, and that switching cost moderates the relation between e-service recovery quality and e-service recovery satisfaction. The retail banking strategies of banks are undergoing a major transformation and have resulted in a paradigm shift in the marketing strategies of the banks. 0000007746 00000 n Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. In the same manner, customer satisfaction positively but insignificantly impacts customer loyalty. To address this literature gap, this studys purpose was to explain the process used to validate brand identification and personality within the retail-banking context of South Africa.