Kimberly Thorpekimberly.thorp@yahoo.comVBCA Ministries. In addition, the VHE website and forum are valuable resources available to families. We will also have a limited number of Thursday sessions beginning Fall 2022. Feel free to organize play dates, discuss curriculum, share tips, etc. We are a group of families living primarily in Prince William and Fairfax Counties. We offer supported enrichment activities and organized special events. We school year-round, but we have open enrollment. Since 1997, SRCH has had an active core membership that has orchestrated social and educational activities for children and parents. is a Christian Homeschool organization that has supported homeschooling families for more than 25 years. At least 3-5 field trips are planned every month from September through May. Heather Age-appropriate classes in the categories of science and social studies are also included but most are not intended to be comprehensive. Families may participate on Mondays, Wednesdays, or both days. SEEDS, a ministry of Menchville Baptist Church, is a Christ-centered ministry that endeavors to honor God through support and encouragement for families that are striving to educate their children. Our classes are offered in simple hourly blocks making it convenient for students to take one or several courses throughout the day. We are a Classical Christian cooperative in Purcellville. HSOBX is known for passionate instruction and the strong bonds created between families while maintaining an inclusive home schooling community.
We meet in King George, and most classes are held at Tabernacle Baptist Church. Classes are for ages four through high school. Kimberly Grace Group seeks to be as relevant and interesting to preschoolers as it is to high school students. Everyone can share a little something (about 1-15 minutes) that they want to share about the person we highlight at that meeting. Events include Mom Nights Out, Field Trips, and Service Projects. Now FAHA has grown too large for everyone to know everyone else like in the early days, but as our name says, we are an association of interest-led groups. The Flames strives to provide homeschooled children with excellent athletic instruction in a positive, Christ-centered environment that fosters lifelong friendships. Membership is free and open to any homeschool family in the Woodbridge area looking for a small, Christian co-op to join. We are a Catholic support group that offers weekly Holy Hour, park days, field trips, and support for homeschooling moms. No statement of faith or volunteer requirements. Online support group for parents of gifted homeschoolers in Hampton Roads. YMV today offers not only music group experiences of all types, including vocal, band, strings, and morefor all agesbut we also offer academic classes from middle through high school, as well as art for all ages. Sankofa uses our Yahoo Group listserv as our online base of operation, but in most cases, the true power of Sankofa is found in person, in small groups, meeting in each others homes or sharing resources in a variety of areas. They operate on a class-by-class basis, once a week, for 32 weeks. Hearts is a 501(c)3, Christian, faith-based group which endeavors to walk with the Lord in all we do. We will continue delivering high-quality academics alongside well-rounded extracurricular and field trip opportunities. Kathryn Stephens540-822-4422The Home-Ed Center. In addition to classes, they also coordinate field trips, moms night out, guest speakers, curriculum fairs/exchanges, and family events.
JaNett Millsadmin@jrhsf.org804-794-6719James River Homeschool Foundation. This grou is open to all home-school families in the King George/Fredericksburg area.
AcademicallyKLCA students are creative, critical thinkers with a rich knowledge of Gods world, a strong work ethic, and a deep love of learning. Participation by each member is mandatory at a minimum of 40 hours of service for the year. If you are looking for community and classes for your kids, please check out our website. (We accept players who will turn 5 by the end of October.) They can also be found on Pinterest and YouTube. Get more information and check out our calendar on the Facebook page at Beach Breakers junior athletics is another athletic program T.E.A.C.H. Venita Richmondactsregistrar@gmail.comACTS. Debbie Appleby703-913-6789Redeeming Grace Church of Fairfax Homeschool.
VA. Our group is to bring other homeschoolers together and grow in education & fun. You will play at your home field except for two times, when you will travel to the other location. Scott Mac Adamspiritwarhawks@gmail.comRichmond Spirit Warhawks Athletics. We gather once a week to share our gifts and talents, offering a low-cost co-op with academic enrichment classes for the whole family. The Fairfax Baptist Temple Lamplighters are a fellowship of homeschool families who seek to encourage and support each other in biblical discipleship of our families. SociallyKLCA students are valued members of a Christ-centered community where they practice giving and receiving love, discipleship, and grace. We have an array of classes to choose from all day: 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Take the full day or pick and choose your classes! All of our activities at BU are done family style, where kids of all ages can engage and learn from each other. Our statement of faith for tutors is listed under the Utmost Mission link on the website. The Lynchburg Homeschool mission is simple: Connect local homeschool families to each other and to groups, organizations, activities, and other resources and information for enhancing their childrens home education. Although PEACH has evolved over the years as times have changed, its core values have always remained the same. Join us for Math Mondays, Wild Science Wednesdays, and Fun Fridays.
Alicia Collinscollinsbridgeacademy@comcast.net804-836-2877Bridge Academy. On HRBHE Facebook, friends and socialization are just as close as your computer. We meet monthly to offer educational, social, and family-oriented activities in an atmosphere that promotes biblical standards and values. Our goal is to spend time together building relationships so that we can support one another in raising and educating Godly children according to Biblical principles. Kimberly Thorpekimberly.thorp@yahoo.com757-240-3923Facebook Page.
Our caring teachers and small group environment encourage building relationships and mastery of the material. Beth Group. We offer violin classes for homeschoolers in Farmville. Sherry Page. Open to homeschoolers of all ages in or around Roanoke. They have weekly events for children, moms nights out, and group date nights. Winter/spring sports include basketball, co-ed tennis, and girls soccer. We meet monthly on the second Thursday, from September through May (excluding December). We are open to K5-12th grade, and are still open to expanding as we locate teachers for more subjects. Terry Wilsonhrchleaders@gmail.comFacebook group. This is a local playgroup for all ages. Wherever they livein the world, in the church, or in the homewe strive to prepare our students academically, spiritually, and socially. PAGE serves homeschooling families with children aged elementary through high school. Kim Glanowskiinfo@edenhopeacademy.com703-896-0772My Story is Beautiful. Heather Coonleytricitieshelp@gmail.comTri-Cities HELP. Participation in KEYS assumes that the student desires to be mentored in a Christian worldview and that the actions of each individual will reflect biblical guidelines. GRACEducators is an Abingdon area, Washington county Virginia, Christian homeschool support group. Tabitha The Homeschool Soccer Club of Alexandria, LLC (HSCA) is an inclusive soccer club located in Alexandria, VA. Global Christian Co-op will also be active in the community by doing homeless outreach, evangelism and worship-in-the-park events, Bible studies, future mission trips, camps, and family community field trips and events together. Dee Davis540-287-2246ddavis@classicalconversations.comClassical Conversations, Jennifer Ferdinandsenstaffordhomeschoolers@gmail.com804-994-8341. Blue Roof seeks to be a supportive environment for homeschool parents, as well as to offer an array of classes to further enrich your homeschool education.
A HERF membership is more than just social activities and educational opportunities. This is an online support group for moms in Henrico and Hanover counties. The Historic Triangle Homeschool Co-op was recently created to provide a central place for homeschooling families of similar interests and ages to meet regularly for both fun and academics. All classes are taught based upon this standard. We offer classes for grades 7 through 12. The group is growing steadily and will hopefully be a fantastic resource for families in and surrounding the Historic Triangle of Virginia (Williamsburg, James City County, and Yorktown). Selah meets weekly on Thursdays, September through April, in Weyers Cave. We are members of the Eastern Christian Conference and play in accordance with the National Homeschool Football Association. It is not required that you believe our faith statement to attend our co-op; all are welcome. Our goal is to provide a Christ-centered environment where our students can grow both academically and spiritually. Parents are not asked to teach classes, but are expected to stay the entire time. Bridge Academy is a homeschool co-op that has been serving home schooling families in the Chester/Richmond area since 2014.
Established in 2012, we offer classes in humanities (history and literature), English studies, and Latin for students in grades 712. We are a fellowship support group for Christian homeschool families. Audrey BernierGainesville Homeschool Connection. Norma Andesrsatidewater@gmail.comRenaissance School of the Arts. This Facebook group is an online meeting place for residents of the Hampton Roads and surrounding areas to find camaraderie for themselves and their children through homeschooling. We want to provide support for all homeschool families, while also having fun and learning together. The group meets at Elevate Church in Windsor, Virginia. Other lessons on various topics may also be offered at various times such as chess, Spanish, health and self-defense. GHBC Homeschool Hub envisions bringing glory to God as we partner with families to enrich their childrens education with biblically centered enrichment activities, inspiring students to learn and excel while equipping them to bring Gods truth to the world. Students will be on site part time and home part time in a 10 day rotation3 days on site week 1, 2 days on site week 2, and repeat. We want to help those who learn well and those that may need a little extra sparkle in their learning. Our goal is to provide a familiar family of friends to walk with in this homeschool journey. The purpose of KEYS is to partner with parents of homeschooled students to define life in terms of a Christian worldview and take Gods love and mercy to others. We give each family the opportunity to serve, encourage, and support one another on their homeschool journey. Classical Christian community supporting homeschooling parents by helping them lead their children to know God and make Him known in a supportive community. You would choose which location is your home field: potentially McReynolds Athletic Complex in York Co, Warhill Sports Complex in Williamsburg, and a third location in Hampton. We offer classes from pre-K through high school. Beth Marmosteinpurplegamba@gmail.comFacebook Page. Kate RutherfordAtHomeinNelson@gmail.comFacebook Group. Melanie Sayersmelanie@edenhopeacademy.comEden Hope Academy. In addition, there is an $80 per student (NOT per class) registration fee. SCHC requires a parent or guardian to stay on the property and help out. It creates opportunities for projects, field trips, community service, park days, family gatherings, moms nights out, discussion groups, sharing of resources, and so much more! Laurie Fox, Presidenttreasuredirector@gmail.com570-295-8801Treasure Home Educators Association of Virginia. We also provide yearly standardized testing, portfolio reviews, and alternative assessments. Our school year starts in September and goes to mid-May. Aletheia Academy exists to bring truth and light to every class. We offer classes on the upper school (sixth grade and up), lower school (K-sixth grade), and will offer preschool class and nursery if there are enough children. Amy Dandraderexhomeschoolcoop@gmail.comReaching for Educational Excellence (REX)Facebook group. The Homeschooling Together Co-op is merely an extension of this group, offering exceptional classes for our homeschool students. lynchburghomeschoolgraduation@gmail.comLynchburg Homeschool Graduation. Art, music, tutoring and special events are part of the Centers yearly activities offered to the community. Everyone works together to find solutions to all problems that work for Raw Learning as a whole and for each individual child.
This Facebook group exists to be informative and supportive of those that are interested in or currently homeschooling in the Harrisonburg area and surrounding counties.
Homeschooling Together is a homeschool group in Gloucester that is open and welcome to all homeschool families in the area, including those in and around the middle peninsula.
Connie CassidyJoinHTHC@yahoo.comFacebook Group. If you are new to homeschooling or new to the area, we would like to offer you a free and easy access point for information and fellowship with other local Christian homeschoolers. The Centurions hope to encourage families to continue homeschooling throughout the high school years and desire that EVERY eligible homeschooled athlete have a place and chance to play competitive high school sports in a clean environment under caring coaches. However, if you do not have room in your schedule for another weekly activity, then HFC might not be the right support group for you. The Schol Group of ECA is a marriage of the university model and classical private school. Sandy Haga276-730-0706New Life Christian Schools Internation. We have classes which cover the core subjects of your academic program and look forward to working with you as you educate your children. Jennifer Grove434-753-2703Halifax County HomeschoolersFacebook Page, Littleton, NCJessica Clarychristianhomeschoolers.lg@gmail.comFacebook Group. The co-op is an all-inclusive, secular homeschool community and does not discriminate against anyone regarding religion, politics, race, gender, age, educational methods, or other differentiating factors. Angela Breitkreutzangela@atlanticspeechanddebate.orgAtlantic Speech & Debate Club.
Offered in Lorton, Bowie-Annapolis, Reston, and Greenbelt-Adelphi, Falls Church, and Centreville. GVHH includes traditional classes of history, science, geography, and foreign language in each session, in addition to offering fun elective classes. All families cooperate as a team for a like-minded goal. This is a Charlotte Mason cooperative where parents co-teach with the director four mornings a week in Virginia Beach. Founded in the winter of 2014, Williamsburg Learn & Play Homeschool Group is completely organized by members.
Jennifer Wadmanjennifer@edenhopeacademy.comEden Hope Academy, PurcellvilleAndrea Davistheorchardclassicalcommunity@gmail.comFacebook Page. Sankofa is a D.C. metro area community for homeschooling families of the African Diaspora who want to grow, learn, and build together. We offer counseling to parents in getting the most out of their homeschooling experience, and engaging classes with opportunities to experiment, discuss, and create. CHEER includes fieldtrips and group activities as well. C.H.A.P.s mission is to provide an educational, enriching, and nurturing environment where all students can come together to participate in group classes.
Harbor Christian Academy is a group of parents and teachers offering an alternative to public school education. We offer a variety of sports including girls and boys basketball, girls and boys volleyball, girls and boys soccer, archery, and cross country. For the 2021-22 school year, we have a phenomenal licensed tutor on board who is charismatic, creative, and credentialed. We are mainly based in Elkton but welcome anyone from surrounding areas. CHIPSoccer (Christian Homeschoolers in the Peninsula) We promote field trips and events for local groups; let us know if youd like something promoted. This is a parent-led group and parental involvement is requiredno kid drop offs! We are an academic homeschool enrichment program. Kristie Cochrannfo@hsobx.orgHomeschool Out of the Box. We offer a high school resource room where students are able to receive extra help in math and language. We would love to have you join us and enjoy Christian-based support for your homeschool journey! Home Works Lynchburg is a gathering place for all homeschoolers in the Lynchburg area, including surrounding counties. Alissa We take time to discuss our current reading, and then general CM questions and concepts. Participating families either teach classes or serve a specified number of volunteer shifts each semester. Its a place to come together as families in Christ to help strengthen one another and build lifelong friendships. For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they will keep you from being useless or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Peter 1:58 HCSB). Laura Griffithlgriffith@classicalconversations.comClassical Conversations, Heather CaseSsawyer@ccaroanoke.orgCornerstone Classical Academy. Cornerstone Classical Academy is a Christ-centered hybrid learning community opening September 2020.
All classes are taught in a Christ-centered manner. We aim to provide an opportunity for lively conversation about this rich educational philosophy, as well as a place to share ideas, encouragement and relevant resources or events.
Tabitha Jernigan434-538-0053Facebook Group. Because we are an interscholastic program, the average time commitment for each player per sport is approximately two hours per day, four nights per week (plus travel time) for the duration of the particular sports season. Play is always encouraged. All members are encouraged to plan activities and share their talents. Our forest school communities promote the health and education of each child. We encourage students to be lifelong learners as well as committed servant leaders, equipped to impact their world with Gods truth. Spotsylvania Regional Christian Homeschoolers (SRCH) is for Christ-centered homeschooling families living in or around Spotsylvania County, Virginia. We are a STEM/STEAM Center with a focus on career and college development and advanced mastery, with a goal of preparing our students for a competitive and an informed future. All band instruments are taught except strings. Walking Wise Homeschool Co-op is a Christian, parent-led, extracurricular co-op that meets every Tuesday morning (starting after Labor Day until May) at Camp Bethel in Wise, VA. Our Monday classes are typically one semester long and our Monday/Thursday classes are typically two semesters long. The Bible is our measure and standard of truth. We do this through a communication community (email loop) and meetings of various types from support to social. HELP provides curriculum and classes, as well as support and encouragement, to home educating families through a shared scope and sequence for K-12 homeschool students. Take as many or as few classes as you want, when you want. It is a place of friendship and respect where we can discuss our adventures in the lifestyle of homeschooling. Gainesville Homeschool Connection (formerly LIFE) is a set of classes taught by qualified, local teachers at Gainesville Presbyterian Church to assist parents who oversee the education of their children. Extended-session classes for specific classes meet as many as six more times. BOLC offers: Principle ApproachNOAH Plan curriculum (American Classical Christian)hands-on learning method that does not rely on textbooks. Blue Ocean Learning Center is a participant in the Leading Schools program with FACEthe Foundation for American Christian Education. Emphasis on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, & Math) Biblical reasoning and worldview Volunteer & Leadership programservice to God & man while developing, leadership, entrepreneurship, and teamwork CTE-16 training and marketable certifications along 16 career clusterspreparing your children for traditional and new collar careers and professions Dual enrollment option (coming soon) Center of Excellence in Engineering (in development) Mentoring with business professionals, trades, pastors, and military Parental involvement is required. We are a Christian homeschool cooperative. They have several field trips and outings planned and hope to start a monthly group nature study and an art study. It is the purpose of Aret Christian Homeschool Cooperative to provide middle and high school level classes to supplement the parent-directed education of home-schooled children. We play at Lee District Grass and Turf Fields (6601 Telegraph Rd, Franconia, VA 22310), every Wednesday from 2:00pm to 3:30pm, for a fall season only (September-October). Please contact the group with any questions. Allie Dillingeronwardchristianorg@gmail.comOnward Christian Academy. This keeps costs down and also contributes to the building of relationships. Monthly tuition ranges from $50-$60/month per class and is paid directly to the tutor. Heather McLeanlakegastonhomeschoolgroup@gmail.com434-774-7174Facebook Group. We are a small Christian co-op that meets in Moyock, NC each Friday during the school year. We are a Christ-centered support group. In addition to our online community, we operate a homeschool cooperative on Fridays in the Fall and Spring (we break for the winter). Classes will be held at Swift Creek Baptist Church, 18510 Branders Bridge Road Colonial Heights, VA 23834, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays each week of the 2021-22 school year. Whether you are new to homeschooling or a seasoned veteran new to the area, we welcome you. Free State Academy is an alternative to public school. This is a traditional co-op in the sense that moms volunteer in two slots and attend a support group in the third slot. Expect your students kindergarten and older to have classes in art, music and gym each year. Shari Robinson804-410-4474Homeschool Resources Group. Traci MckeeTraciernymckee31@yahoo.com804-507-3217Facebook Group. Marie 394-4116Sage and PageFacebook Page. Our costs are low, our quality unexcelled. Six Friends School is a small homeschool co-op in Great Falls, Loudoun County. We offer a variety of academic enrichment classes, courses in the visual arts, and private music lessons (as the schedule permits). We plan and host informal gatherings, learning opportunities, and events for the children who live, play, and learn in Virginia Beach and surrounding areas. While it is not necessary to ascribe to a particular religious faith to be a member of RRHE, all members must recognize and respect that RRHEs mission, perspective, and public gatherings will reflect a Christian worldview. Our Upper School courses, a number of which can be taken as preparation for Advanced Placement exams, are taught by professional teachers who have decades of experience in their fields. We are free to discuss many aspects of our lives here, and little is considered off-topic; we love to find and share a good deal. Homeschool First hopes to aid every member in becoming a whole person, and to that end, we offer community events, so that we may build relationships; academics, so that we may build knowledge of ourselves and our world; and service opportunities, so that we may contribute to the people around us. Special events include summer meetups, school kick-off picnics, an end-of-year field day, and more. Pathfinders 4-H is a community service club located in Richmond and is made up of homeschool children ages 5 to 18 and their families. We are a Christian homeschool ministry that will be offering classes in a co-op setting and support and fellowship. Parents learn and teach a subject classically.
We require parent involvement and offer enrichment activities from nursery-aged children through the high school level.
Classes include quarterly, semester, and full-year academic and elective classes for homeschool, public/private school, and after school students. Homeschool families unite in the education of their children as unto the Lord. Meetups will be held every Wednesday or Saturday. ), Jennifer Dodsontech@restonbible.orgTECH Co-op. This is a Facebook support group for local Norfolk families to share things to do in and around Norfolk. The purpose of our homeschool co-op is to provide a supportive and encouraging community for homeschooling families as they pursue academic excellence for their children within a Christian worldview. However, we do ask you to respect our beliefs and not seek to undermine them. Raw Learning is a place for children to come together using their own curiosity as a guide for what they will discover next. Debi DewhurstLynchburg Homeschool Forensics. Julie Kirkwoodurbanhomeschoolministriesrva@gmail.com703-307-4661. Limited childcare is available for a nominal fee during meetings, but children are welcome to attend the meetings as well. Katie Cumminsmagee_martha@yahoo.comFacebook Page. We dont have any formal meetings, co-ops, etc. This co-op is for families of middle school and high schoolers only. We are a private group of homeschooling families based at St. John the Evangelist Church (Warrenton, VA), a Roman Catholic parish of the Diocese of Arlington (VA). Appomattox Area Family Educators is a ministry of Church & Main. We strongly believe that all homeschool methods are valid and request all members to respect each other and the choices they have made for their family. We are not a substitute for school and do not follow any set curriculum. Facebook Group3883butterflies@gmail.comKesha Coston. Margi Griffithshinepageco@gmail.comFacebook Group. Lifehouse is a true cooperative effort, with everyone present and pitching in to help. Tidewater Baptist Church is blessed to include many little ones of all ages. All of our classes are taught by either a homeschool parent, a retired or current educator, or a work-world professional or retired professional, who each seek to bless others with the knowledge and skill sets theyve been taught as well as developing Christian character in our children. There is a $60 administrative fee and a $30 volunteer fee per family. Lori RhoadsCHAinfo2015@gmail.comCenterville Homeschool Academy. IndED is a MicroSchool enterprise, founded in 2016, serving homeschool families through personalized, inquiry-driven, community-centered learning experiences led by dedicated and passionate mentors. This co-op is a small group of moms who want to teach a few subjects together. This is group for general support and for sharing homeschool information, events, and resources. Ginger Wilsonhcplynchburg@gmail.com863-421-3748Homeschool Connecting Place. to 1p.m. We meet at Eastminster Presbyterian Church in Virginia Beach on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Mary Ann Easterlingmaryann.easterling@westminsteracad.orgWestminster Academy. Participating families are not required to adhere to the statement of faith. contactus@cytfred.org540-604-5156Christian Youth TheaterChristian Youth Theater (CYT) is a theater arts training program for students ages 4 through 18. Christine Our classes are thought up, organized and planned by CMH parents each semester and are based on the interests of the children and parents. UTMOST ACADEMY IS OPEN TO STUDENTS FROM ALL FAITHS AND BACKGROUNDS; however, our tutors teach from a biblical perspective and worldview. In the afternoons, students (typically age nine and above) meet for an advanced writing and grammar class. Stephen BurkettRealtorSteveB@gmail.com434-660-4663. Submit it for possible inclusion here. Volunteers act as adult mentors to facilitate deeper investigation into the specific interests of each child.
Nicholas Greniergrenier.nick@gmail.comNatural LeadersFacebook Page. Classes are 50 minutes or longer and cover all grade levels. We hope, not to arm them with information in order to be great and make the world a better place, but rather to stand beside them in a pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. Facebook GroupThe Feast School is an international Charlotte Mason learning community that specializes in exceptionalities for gifted students and for those with both visible and invisible disabilities.
Operation Dandelion Homeschoolers is a group of homeschooling families that meets weekly for classes and attends educational and cultural activities in the Hampton Roads area. Ashlee 728-6671. The ultimate goal of this group is to create situations where kids and adults can build lasting friendships. Global Christian Co-op is a Christian program offering a variety of subjects with the goal of raising up well-rounded kids who are passionate for Jesus.