Consumers increasing insulation; and retrofitting, repairing or replacing HVAC equipment. Don't Know. Consumers Energy keeps you up to
Easier rebates with our online application. Easily access your bills, our transfer services, and more. To participate,you need to be a Consumers Energyelectric or combo customer (electric and natural gas) with an individual, dedicated central air conditioner or an air-source heat pump that is not shared between building units; does not participate in a disqualifying Consumers Energy rate or program. You get your rebate taken right off the price of the product at the time of purchase. Residential customers who have already received instant rebates by enrolling in the Smart Thermostat Program upon purchase of a new Nest thermostat from the Consumers Energy Store are not eligible for the $75 Prepaid Mastercard upon enrollment.
Making In 2016, the assessment team achieved an exceptional customer satisfaction rating of 9.2. Consumers Energy Electric takes is an unexpectedly large utility bill to realize that energy efficiency To learn more, visit the ENERGY STAR sectionwithin ConsumersEnergy.com. And for each season you stay enrolled, youll receive an additional $25 Prepaid Mastercard. date on new rebates for energy-efficient products like indoor and outdoor Whether you are looking to replace your interior commercial lighting, or natural gas water heater or furnace, there is an energy-saving solution for you.
248.912.8902Nick.LeRoy2@icf.com, Rob Murawski, Account Manager Please select which type of Consumers Energy customer you are to view eligible products. Since the assessment program was implemented in 2015, over 17,000 assessments have been conducted. Please try again later. ways.
If you start to feel uncomfortable, you can stop participating at any time by changing the temperature. During these events, your Nest thermostat will adjust your homes temperature by up to 4 degrees, helping you to use less energy. Energy offers free energy audits and rebates for businesses as part of
save you the most energy and money. Tell us more and well help you get there. Thank you for your continued participation in the Consumers Energy Insulation and Windows (INWIN) program in 2021. The updated application is available for download on the Consumers Energy website. Rush hour events happen when theres unusually high demand on the grid. These rebates can cover Energy rush hours will start in May and end in September. products at the time of sale. Some of these products are ENERGY STAR and/or DLC listed. Were sorry, were experiencing technical difficulties that are resulting in occasional payment errors. discount through Consumers Energys website. Products shipped only to Michigan addresses. Please find updated applications enclosed with the new address for your use and discard the old applications. You can help reduce their energy use by offering incentives for installing: You'll be able to effectively address many of the problems homeowners often experience, such as: Consumers Energy helps generate valuable leads by promoting the program to our customers. Studies also show that energy-efficient The Consumers Energy Business Marketplace includes

Energy rush hours will occur on non-holiday weekdays and weekends between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. in the summer. rebates and free shipping, making them perfect for DIY projects. We are pleased to announce the continuation of the Program into 2022. The Consumers Energy Insulation and Windows (INWIN) Program is designed to improve the energy performance and durability of existing residential housing in Consumers Energy service territories. And your Nest thermostat can do it automatically. Consumers Energy hired DNV to design and implement their program. Thank you for your continued support of the Insulation and Windows (INWIN) Program. This is not the same as your Consumers Energy billing account. their Rebates. Nest thermostats learn what temperatures you like so they can keep you comfortable and help you save energy. document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Consumers Energy Marketplace. The program offers financial incentives to participating homeowners for the installation of qualifying insulation and windows measures in eligible single- and multifamily dwellings (fewer than four units). Not only does it save money, but it can boost your companys Customers who receive electric service from Consumers Energy may be eligible to participate in the summer season. The program will continue to accept application submissions through the remainder of the year, however any submissions after Dec. 1st, 2021 may experience delayed rebate checks until early January 2022. Central, MI contractor will analyze your businesss energy use and compare it to similar The self-direct program allows eligible customers to run their own energy efficiency programs and not participate in the Consumers Energy Business Energy Efficiency Programs. As a part of the programs emphasis on customer satisfaction, and as an additional method to help meet increased savings goals, a facility assessment program was implemented in 2015. The objective of the program is to increase the demand for energy-efficient improvements for insulation and windows to produce long-term electric and natural gas energy savings to Consumers Energy residential customers. Click here to view the products you are eligible for. delivered to the commercial, industrial and contractor markets as a reduction in the purchase price of qualifying Business Energy Efficiency Solutions. Through the Business Assessment program, a Consumers Energy-approved In October 2008, the state of Michigan required the states investor-owned utilities, alternative retail suppliers, electric cooperatives and municipal electric utilities to develop and implement an energy optimization program. We even provide free direct installation Register to attend one of the following seminars to become a preferred contractor in Consumer Energy's Insulation and Window Program: There are no seminars currently scheduled. businesses. The programs meet the clients customer satisfaction goals and exceeds the savings goals every year and has grown from 10 to 60+ employees since it started in 2009. As a participating contractor in the Consumers Energy INWIN Program, you can expand your business and provide customers with more comfortable, safe and durable homes. *Appliance Service Plan is not regulated by the Michigan Public Service Commission. Simple The total program savings count up to 2.4 TWh electricity and 1296 million m3 natural gas. Once youve decided which 734-892-9129David.Anderson@icf.com, Account Advocate Team Please use live chat or email marketplace@cmsenergy.com for more information. This program was expanded the following year to include Food Service and HVAC. DNV, in conjunction with their partner, Franklin Energy implemented a business energy efficiency program that achieved Consumers Energys first year goals and has since continued to meet and exceed the clients stated savings goals every year. Eligibility Requirements: Business customers that use less than 1,200,000 kWh of electricity or 15,000 Mcf of gas per year. 165 W. Michigan Ave. Consumers Energy is Your Business' Teammate. Consumers Energy is pleased to announce the launch of the Co-OpAdvertising Program for Insulation and Windows (INWIN) Trade Allies thatreceived a gold, silver or bronze badge in 2021! The Business Energy Efficiency Programs include a Large Business program to install energy efficient equipment at qualifying customer locations, a Direct Install Program designed for qualifying small businesses that offered higher incentive levels for a limited number of energy efficiency measures, and a Pilot & Specialty Program for specific segments to determine the long-term opportunity for energy efficiency programs. charge, depending on the type of service you have with Consumers Energy. In 2016, a midstream program was launched offering an instant discount on energy efficient lighting products. 586.212.4689Rob.Murawski@icf.com, Rebate Application (fillable PDF version), Tenant to Property Owner Rebate Reassignment Form, Tenant to Property Owner Rebate Reassignment Form (fillable PDF version), Contractor Digital StoreFront Collateral Request Portal, 2022Co-op Advertising Program Guidelines, 2022 Preferred Contractor Marketing Kit (PCMK). 517.980.4044Robert.Riley@icf.com, Nick LeRoy, Account Manager Customer The certificate holder is to be named as additional insured and is Consumers Energy. Caps Lock is on. Discover instant discounts on energy efficient products for your business and start saving today, Our Instant Discount Service makes energy efficient products available to businesses at a reduced price from hot water saving devices, water heater pipe insulation. Energy assessments and upgrades. East, MI In 2009, the Small Business Trade Ally program was launched, offering higher incentives to small business customers. Consumers Energy is excited to announce the launch of the Preferred Contractor Marketing Kit for 2022. A friendly reminder to please submit all 2021 outstanding applications as soon as possible. For suggestions to find the best web browser for you VIEW DISTRIBUTORS. The Pilot & Specialty programs increased from three in 2009 to 13 in 2017. upgrades, like replacing your interior and exterior incandescent bulbs with LED For expedited same-day enrollment, please bringa copy of: Your insurance company may submit the certificate of insurance. The trademarks DNV GL, DNV, the Horizon Graphic and Det Norske Veritas are the properties of companies in the Det Norske Veritas group. As a Consumers Energy customer, you also agree to the. Offshore classification fleet in service, Electric grid performance and reliability, Reliability, availability and maintainability (RAM), Ship management, operations and ship design.
Discover the rebates available when you make energy efficient updates to your business. It should read as shown below: Consumers Energy Insulation and Windows Preferred Contractor Program c/o ICF your business more energy efficient improves your bottom line in a variety of is good for your companys bottom line. Consumers Energy will give you a $75 Prepaid Mastercard for signing up for Rush Hour Rewards. To get the most out of Google Home, choose your Help Center: U.S. Help Center, U.K Help Center, Canada Help Center, Australia Help Center. Plus, youll receive an additional $25 Prepaid Mastercard for each season that you stay enrolled. Critical rush hour events can occur between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m.on weekdays between Juneand September. And rebates from Consumers Energy help to offset the price of the products, making energy-saving electric and natural gas equipment a cost-effective choice. For more information on becoming a Consumers Energy Insulation and Windows Trade Ally, please visit the Join Us page. There will be a maximum of 14 rush hour events each summer, and each rush hour event will be no longer than 4 hours. The total program savings count up to 2.4 TWh electricity and 296 million m3 natural gas. happier, more productive workers. Your maintenance and alterations or builder's license(s). Jackson, MI 49201. participating distributors. Attn: Insulation and Windows Program
All rights reserved. DNV designed a commercial and industrial energy optimization program consisting of two main elements: an incentive program, which is called Business Energy Efficiency Programs, and a self-direct program. workplaces can improve employees health and comfort, and can translate into Services And when it comes to improving your Michigan businesss energy use, Consumers Energy can be a valuable teammate. The program has consistently achieved scores in the 8.5-9+ range. Appliance Service Plan does not affect your regulated utility service. The Consumers Energy Smart Thermostat Program will give you a $75 Prepaid Mastercardfor signing up for Rush Hour Rewards. Achievements David Anderson, INWIN Program Manager LED-lit exit signs and a variety of indoor and outdoor LED lightbulbs. Common upgrades include improving lighting; This may cause you to enter password incorrectly. VIEW PRODUCTS West, MI your browser. Program Product rebates are thousands of dollars worth of a contractors work. We're currently experiencing system issues which may result in website slowness. Electric & Gas Get an answer from an expert on the Google Home Help Forum.
We're sorry for any inconvenience and ask that you try again later today. Please contact your account manager to schedule one-on-one training. In the unlikely situation of a critical need on the electric grid, Consumers Energy may need to call a critical rush hour event. energy-efficiency products to install, you can purchase them at a substantial bottom line by replacing standard efficiency products with higher efficiency alternatives. The contractor will then recommend equipment upgrades that will
environmental reputation and serve as a marketing tool. Miscellaneous Measures- Electric Products, Miscellaneous Measures- Electric & Natural Gas Products, Miscellaneous Measures- Natural Gas Products, HVAC Products- Electric and Natural Gas Products, Foodservice Products- Electric and Natural Gas Products, Foodservice Products- Natural Gas Products, Up to 55 gal, less than 75 mbh and .64 UEF, Up to 55 gal, less than 75 mbh and .68 UEF, Over 55 gal, less than 75 mbh and .80 UEF, Less than or equal to 25 in total conveyor width, (M-F, 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. & Sat, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.). The rebates help offset the cost difference between choosing a standard product and an energy-efficient one. lighting, lighting controls and refrigeration upgrades. click here. All together they avoided 457 kilotons of CO2 emissions. With Rush Hour Rewards, you can get rewarded for using less energy when everyone else is using more. All it All products include instant For the best performance on this website and others, please upgrade 2019 marks the tenth year of the program, and it has grown to offer over 400 different energy efficiency incentives. To help you start saving even sooner you can now receive rebates on eligible replacement products instantly at participating distributors. You need to be a Consumers Energy customer with central air conditioning to participate. Consumers Energy provides electricity to 1.8 million customers and natural gas to 1.7 million customers in Michigans Lower Peninsula; in total, they serve more than 6 million customers in Michigan. The intent of the service is to help your business save energy and improve your
Please be advised that Consumers Energy address has changed on the INWIN Rebate Application form. of energy-conservation products like indoor and outdoor lighting.