When I returned to the eroded red-dirt rolling fields of my home in the southeastern corner of the Texas Panhandle, I hungered for the chance go back the Southwest, where I could explore the prehistoric communities, desert basins, canyons and mountain ranges. To find the surface area of a cube, simply multiply the base by height on one of the sides (or find the area) and then multiply the product by 6 since a cube has 6 sides. Everything Arizona, from the Grand Canyon to Yuma and all things in between.
We hope that you will discover new vistas in earths landscape and new dimensions in the life experience in our series on the Grand Circle.
We plan to begin in the Four Corners region, turn next to southern Utahs canyonlands, then move over to northern Arizona and the incomparable Grand Canyon. Hell they sell them to the middle east even, and ship them from the US. And so I spend more time inside on the computer and Im starting to figure out the pattern for power use off the camper battery charged by solar. Thank you. Thanks. At least I dont live alone. I always cross my fingers every time I bring up Open Live Writer and hope that nothing has changed since the last time I used it. Pulled in around noon and Paul and I sat outside in the sunshine visiting all afternoon. Its Friday morning, and I have the beginnings of a worry coming on. Arizona skies are famous you know. I would guess in my area much further south of you, the BLM land is basically vacant. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. Next to the San Pedro River and humming bird capital of the world.

These majestic plants, found only in a small portion of the United States, are protected by Saguaro National Park, to the east and west of the modern city of Tucson.

Maybe 1 to 2 feet wide. I wanted to see and hear for myself people who spoke Spanish as their native language, played joyous music on aging violins and guitars and trumpets, danced vigorously and gracefully in swirls of color and silver conchos. Its been a year since the Grand Canyon alumni crowd met up south of Quartzsite but this year the gathering was diminished by folks not traveling for obvious reasons.
Leviticus says, When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not wholly reap the corners of your field. After a quarter of a century, we have come to accept that the Southwest holds more treasures than we can ever truly see and know. Thanks for your concern. According to the U. S. Geological Surveys Science for a Changing World Internet site, the Colorado Plateau rests on a foundation of rock that was uplifted by monumental forces and beveled into a relatively level plain more than 600 million years ago.
Comments came to my email so others could see the post, at least for a while. On our last day the guys went out on a buggy ride. All it takes is a tiny fraction of a second not paying attention. That story scared me, Gaelyn. I enjoy watching them.
This cool desert art sits about 2.7 miles out on Palm Canyon Rd. Great way to relive a fabulous travel year. I wanted to see and hear for myself people who painted their faces and wore fantastic headdresses and costumes and sang and danced to ancestral rhythms in community plazas.
I discovered the Southwest, beginning with Mesa Verde, when I was a teenager, a country kid growing up on small dry land farm in the hardscrabble Rolling Plains of Texas. The next day, a couple of Pauls friends from Colorado rolled into the southern circle around Quartzsite with their RV. The greater Southwest, which spans the Four Corners states as well as western Texas, southern California and Mexicos northern Chihuahua and Sonora, holds rich opportunities for discovery and adventure. Looking across the canyon you see what I call The Castle. Wow, you sure have lots of great sunsets and sky photos. Frustrating to have it there for months, then have the CO replace it days/or the same day and have it missing again just before I get there!
Im being as careful as possible. Steve, Red, Steve and Guy. The decision to move becomes more pressing as it approaches time to dump and fill once again. Paul has the knowledge, skills, and ability to fix stuff and he solved the sticky door problem, rewired the 12v plug, and redid the sagging screw for my curtain wire. Ive taken one fall off the steps before we started fulttime and Im still super cautious I dont bounce as well as I used to . A short clip showing just how narrow it gets. 2) Pack it up and go to Wickenburg, not appealing but could be planned for the next day. Yogi, How do you process photos?
Also a thrasher appears to have moved into the penthouse. While I love birds, I have to admit that the starling is probably my least favorite and I wish theyd go back where they came from. This pandemic has just been awful!! Happy Week!!! We not only explored the places that I had known from my earlier days, we sought out places new to usCanyon de Chelly, for instance, Painted Desert, Petrified Forest, Walnut Canyon, Wupatki, Oak Creek Canyon, the Canyonlands, Hovenweep, Colorado National Monument, Chimney Rock, Chaco Canyon, Aztec, El Moro, White Sands, Big Bend. (It's Free. Could have been worse. Hate hearing the signal sucks there. For information about our privacy practices, please read our privacy policy.
The Desert Museums Art Institutes traveling art collection strives to increase awareness of the incredible biodiversity, as well as the fragility of the Sonoran Desert Region. #4: Let the students convert the numbers in the first column, Diameter of Circles, to radius on their own. Remember that when calculating the circumference of a circle, one must first find the radius. Each of the animals, plants and habitats portrayed in this exhibition is endangered, threatened or otherwise compromised in the Sonoran Desert Region. I currently am pretty happy just hanging out in the desert under big skies in my chosen circle around Quartzsite. Sadly, even out in the middle of nowhere, nearest neighbor 100s of feet away, and I still listened to and felt the drone of somebodys music.
In one measure of its stunning natural history, prehistory and history, the Grand Circle encompasses some nine national parks, 21 national monuments, three national recreation areas, a national historic park, a national forest and two national conservation areas. at my Skull Valley home. Cylinder- a geometric figure with straight parallel sides and a circular top and bottom; V =r2h, Download the official NPS app before your next visit. No, I still havent done anything with the sagging camper corners. 2021 N. Kinney Rd., Tucson AZ 85743 U.S.A. 80+ paintings by over 30 notable artists illustrating threatened or endangered species and ecosystems of the Sonoran Desert Region, Full exhibition requires approximately minimum 400 linear feet (with three-foot separation between works), Conservation essays accompany each painting, Bilingual Exhibition tags for each painting, Curatorial, Installation and Design Assistance, Bilingual Sonoran Desert Natural History Childrens Books, Exhibits can be rented per month or customized. The regions plants and animals reflect the diversity of the land itself. I have been known to prepare this meal in the parking lot as the frozen pizza large enough for leftovers is too big for the freezer. I can see why you like the desert Take care and stay safe. We had one before we retired and I took a bad fall similar to yours one morning (and back then I was still practically a child )). We are fortunate to be under those gorgeous AZ skies. I cant imagine being in Qs crowds right now, but its nice to have the little RV park for power and water when you need it. Just seems like every day stuff to me, mostly.
Vanishing Circles - Traveling Art Collection of the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Art Institute - Skip Links. No desire to fly across the country with one night stays, arriving and doing everything the same afternoon, spending a night and flying off the next day. Order fulfillment is by Fine Art America. I hoped that wouldnt be a new norm and thank goodness the problem has since gone away. I really like the desert landscape inside the circle around Quartzsite with Congress high on the list for decent weather, remote, an occasional sunrise, not too many close neighbors, bird watching, brilliant sunsets, nearby friends, and close enough to services, but the signal sucks. Those ears just make me laugh out loud.
Sometimes, its just the little things that make me smile. That area does get more than its share of beautiful skies. #6: Review with students the steps in finding the volume of a cylinder and surface area of a square. Maybe later in the winter for me. Tucson, Arizona is home to the nation's largest cacti.
I had taken Spanish in grade school (Este es el gato, I learned), but I had never actually heard anyone speak any language other than Texas Rolling Plains English, let alone Athapascan, Zuni, Tiwa, Tewa or Keresan. Also much steeper and narrow.
I wondered about the 2010 post I saw the other day. So we recorded in the parks rec-room that night. Over the next few months, we will publish a series of articles about some of the most spectacular destinations within the Grand Circle. The basins and mountain flanks became home for mammals ranging from the Colorado Chipmunk to Pronghorns to Elk; birds, from the Black-chinned Hummer to Golden Eagles; reptiles from the Collared Lizard to various rattlesnakes; and pond animals, from snails to frogs to fish. It sounds kinda fun to live in that circle for awhile . #2: Introduce (re-introduce) circles to the students.
As it formed under the infinitely patient hand of Nature, the Colorado Plateau compared with the geologically active Rocky Mountain region to the north and east and the desert basin and mountain range region to the south and west experienced relatively minor structural folding and faulting over the past 600 million years. Coming Home Thank you for the concern. Click below for the rest of the story.
I felt as though I had come home. Finally, multiply the product by . Hi Gaelyn, Thanks for these wonderful photos Those skies are certainly dramatic. Grand Circle Part 2
Not a good time to be in the hospital for sure. Mesa Verde National Park The second step is to multiply the number by the height of the cylinder. Not so sure the weather will let us though. A Yearning to Return Probably a little warmer where you are but our daily highs reach mid 60s, hot enough to sit outside.
This camp is not too far east of where I was the beginning of January but on the north side of the road instead of the south and still offers great views of the Plomosa Mountains. I love to see the winter forest through your lens, and from this warmer, but could be more, desert. Its foundation became blanketed by thick layers of sedimentary rocks laid down by advancing and retreating seas from 300 to 600 million years ago. The North American Deserts Print Circles and Saguaro Worksheet. Zion National Park, DesertUSA Newsletter -- We send articles on hiking, camping and places to explore, as well as animals, wildflower reports, plant information and much more. I felt drawn by tales of ghost towns, isolated villages, abandoned military forts, living pueblos, trading posts, Spanish missions and lost gold mines and treasures. Im getting a tiny bit of cabin ever after isolating since last March. Thanks for checking on me.
#8: Come together as a class and check answers. I think thats where many people fall and really hurt themselves. They were out all day and had a great time riding though old mining areas and seeing some petroglyphs. It has shown remarkable stability say the geologists. Diane, Steve, Me, Steve, Guy, Sue, Greg, Cori, Glenda and Curt. It's rather short and fairly easy. #3: Look at the table on the Circles and Saguaro worksheet. Palm Canyon is so cool.
Saguaro- a giant columnar (cylindrical) cacti that is native to the Sonoran Desert Seems my entire website went down for no apparent reason. "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood And sorry I could not travel both.
Its more fun when you leave a comment! RV'ing before it was cool." Nice thing is that I can redo post by post and actually have to read the posts and edit the photos and the format. The part of the Southwest often called the Grand Circle, which extends from northwestern New Mexico and southwestern Colorado westward across southern Utah and northern Arizona, holds the greatest concentration of stunning geologic features, exotic plant and animal communities, spectacular prehistoric ruins and fabled historic sites. Glad you are enjoying the Arizona desert along with me. Thanks, I do enjoy winter desert views.
Grand Circle Part 3 Nice of that friend of your to help out on a few things. Driving much distance is getting more difficult with my bad shoulder. With my wife and good friends, I wondered across Mexico, seeing Spanish colonial cities, Mesoamerican pyramids and columned buildings, isolated cliff dwellings and prehistoric rock art. Thankfully, you didnt fall on tile or cement.
Im a newly retired gal, 29 summer seasons as a Park Ranger, traveling solo for 40+ years. ), The Desert Environment Trinkets, coins personal items are left by some in the center. Circular shaped sprinkler systems are popular here in the west, all the way up through Washington. The Plateau was further shaped by winds, which laid down vast sand dunes; waters, which carved through earlier deposits and left behind new deposits; and volcanoes, which erupted in the west and blanketed large regions with ash between 250 and 300 million years ago. So glad to hear your fall was not seriously damaging. The neighbors look in occasionally during the day. I dont want to be afraid of being out by myself. As I grew up, I continued to explore the Southwest whenever I got an opportunity. But if I blow it? But due to gentle rain overnight continued into morning I wasnt sure wed go and look at RVs for sale. And after taking inventory made it back onto my feet with only a small cut on my palm, scuffed elbow, and desert dirty clothes. Grand Circle Part 4, Arches National Park Sigh. There's a lot of loose rock, but it quickly becomes solid rock.
Then remind myself to just relax and go outside into the 64 Arizona apricity, set my chair out of the wind and read awhile, or just stare off into the desert horizon. It could be really out of date.
I believe the official term is central pivot boom irrigation.
This will be a good time to refresh students' memory on converting diameter into radius. It is a world of sudden displacements and bizarre juxtapositions, a phantasmagoric land of natural arches, bridges, balanced rocks and basaltic dikes. In the Cliff Palaces yawning alcove and Mesa Verdes sheer-walled canyons, I could see the potential for new vistas in earths landscape. Still, said Annabelle Foos in her paper Geology of the Colorado Plateau, the folds of the Colorado Plateau are broad open folds, and the plateau is dissected by a number of long north-south trending normal faults. Moreover, she says, The volcanics on the plateau were deposited less than 6 million years ago and are as young as 1,200 years. #5: The second part introduces students to word problems involving volume and surface area. So glad you got the smiley face for the Q cache, I'll have to try again next winter.
If you'd like to see it the coordinates are: 33.3732 -114.1737. Sometimes I think you don't realize how unique and inspiring you are. Alan. Multilply the radius by,then multiply this product by 2. What are you all growing out in the desert? When I looked over the edge of the canyon wall, down into the alcove that embraces Mesa Verdes Cliff Palace ruin, I truly saw, for the first time in my life, beyond the boundaries of a small Texas community with stern-looking buildings and houses of lumber or brick and a population of farmers in overalls and straw hats, cowboys in worn boots and jeans and sweated Silver Belly Stetsons, railroad workers in coveralls and stripped caps, small business owners in starched shirts and dark ties and snap-brim hats, and grave-looking Protestant pastors in perfectly pressed blue or black suits and plain black shoes. The Grand Circles prehistoric peoples included the nomadic bands who hunted the big game of the last Ice Age; the hunting and gathering groups who took the smaller game and collected wild food plants after the Ice Age ended, some 8000 to 10000 years ago; the early agriculturists, master basketmakers, who lived in caves or rock overhangs or open pithouse villages and raised corn; several Puebloan traditions, most famously the Anasazi, who lived in beautifully-planned and well-crafted stone villages and raised various corn, beans and squash as well as other crops; and, finally, the hunters and raiders, for instance, Navajos, who assumed command of the region after the Puebloan peoples abandoned their communities and moved south and east during the first third of the second millennium.
I find the camera weight also causes pain in my shoulder. He made a delicious Broccoli soup for dinner. But it does remind me that our wanderlust need has lessened a bit. You are like me camera is first thought. Seems I used to do a lot more of the fixing myself. I dont like even one night in noisy town, but its really not the usual kind of busy, less now that the Big RV tent show is over. I should learn to let go of those things sooner. Then off for the 1 1/2 hour drive to Quartzsites Shady Lane RV Courtat Januarys increased price of $37 and still a good dealand parked in my usual space. I realize these are the same activities we all do in a S&B (stick and brick = house/apartment) but when boondocking theres no current bush (other than the sun), garbage service, or in my case almost endless hot running water. Press J to jump to the feed. According to Wheeler, Nearly 80 species of fish and 340 species of plants are endemic, and the region hosts more than 80 plants listed or recommended for protection as threatened or endangered species. I learned first hand about the plant communities of the Sonoran Desert (with its regal Saguaro Cactus), the Mojave Desert (with its otherworldly-looking Joshua Tree yuccas), and the Chihuahuan Desert (with its scrubby Creosote Bushes and Honey Mesquites). Ive lived full-time in a RV for almost 30 years working summers and playing winters. Take care with that shoulder, falling down the step I am sure did not help. Thats a deal breaker for me. Thats a big fix. Vanishing Circles is a fine art collection of original paintings available for travel. The Grand Circle
The first step in finding the volume of a cylinder is to find the radius and then square it. Literally crop circles.
By far our favorite hike in that area. Big bonus for Vulture Mine Road is the awesome signal staring up at a huge tower. Shenanigans in the desert :-) What a fun time you've been having! I came to feel addicted to the Southwest, always yearning to see and know more. Be careful out there. So beautiful out on the boondock places and you will have time to really see all the desert wonders but Alison good to know you can find a d3cent park within the circle for what you (and the camper) need every once in a while. Guess you could technically call them crop circles. Volume- the amount of space that is occupied within an object Get to know us all better by watching the video. I like the space but dont want to tow that monster all over the place. Poor Al stuck in Bayfield when I know hed much rather be hanging out around Congress where you often are. We use Mailchimp as our marketing platform. That night as I stepped out to photograph the sunset I slipped off the step and did a slow motion fall on my left side. Thank you for these beautiful desert landscapes, Gaelyn. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. But Im worried about your shoulder as Im sure you are. Heres more of mine. Monument Valley Today, says Ray Wheeler in the Land Use History of North America Internet site, the Colorado Plateau has become a conjugation of the vertical and the horizontal; its landforms, a debate between hard and soft rock.
Canyonlands National Park I actually made it to camp along Vulture Mine Road before cooking pizza for late lunch. Of course gorgeous sunsets prompt me out to take far too many photos.
And Im glad you are able to get space and stay away from those ever growing RVers from all over. But that night I had to cut and paste which took even longer than my already slow normal. Ive adjusted the shoulder ache but dont want to make it worse. Large motorized arrays. Falls are so dang scary. I started exploring US National Parks in 1977 and 20 years later became a seasonal Park Ranger.
Those are the coins aliens dropped from orbit when there were making a wish. Love that butterscotch sunset!!
Luckily a pharmacy nearby cleaned me up and and put plasters over every thing at no charge!!
We hope that you will feel liberated. Sorry about your housecamper issues. Looks like with our son's wedding we may have to move north quicker than we wanted. The gigantic scale of the landforms, and the clarity of the air, says Wheeler, makes for vistas of breathtaking hugeness. I didnt drive far off pavement on the terrible rutted and rocky road as I only planned one night. Just running behind trying to find power and signal at the same time and place. I am showing those steps a whole lot more attention.
- Your photographs create an Emotional feeling in the viewerthat they become One with You. Cindy, Lifes transitions between travel and work play - "I know you love your job as much as you love travel -- it shines through all your posts." Ive gotten to know my neighbor who is permanent for the winter season. Montezuma Castle National Monument Your pics are beautiful! I felt liberated.
If youre not happy with your purchase, for any reason, simply return it within 30 days, and youll receive a full refund of the purchase price.
It's been there for many years. That piece of garbage is holding a rally 5 minutes from my house next Saturday.
--Robert Frost, A Show, A Church & A Look Out - Tucson, AZ. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I had seen prehistoric Indian campsites, usually adjacent to a small stream, marked only by long-cold fire hearths, occasional stone arrow points, chert flakes, and small pottery fragments, but I had never seen standing multi-story communities, frozen in time, sequestered in canyon recesses, their rooms and ceremonial chambers littered with shards of bowls, jars and mugs and their walls painted with images of unfathomable meaning. I thought this "tree hugger" picture of my brother was pretty funny!
In the area, give a shout.
Id love to hear from you! Reason being I want to print the book and I certainly didnt have a clue how to format the blog well back then and when I went to print the book it looked awful. LOL Nice that your solar is working well for you, especially with the wild weather you are having there in Arizona.