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I use this in interactive notebooks, and often have the students color-code anything having to do with communism or socialism with a pink highlighter (pink red) and then choose another color (I usually had them use blue) for capitalism and for the U.S. There are also short reading and question sheets as an additional activity.Please see the links below for more materials to help teach about both World War One and World War Two:- WW1 and the Treaty of Versailles, This Google resource is the fifth of seven lessons from World War II in United States History.This resource is a lesson on the Allies victory in World War II. Friday, January 14th - Wednesday, January 19th. Students will complete the 8 reading comprehension questions as the explore the interactive map. Each class member is given a copy of pages 65A-65E. We learned that he was taken in by a foster family, started a new school, got a job, and made friends during his time away from home. stream
PLUS, a bonus pack of ten "big picture" quizzes focusing only on main ideas and a handy location list of all the places referenced in every episode! Both presentations together number 43 slides. The Cold War Around the World: <>
I also use this with the PowerPoints "Cold War: Alliances, "Satellites," and "Dissidents and the Red Scare. Directions: Primarily, we talked about the three big Allies-Great Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union-and all of the plans they had made for postwar Europe. Today we learned about the Japanese attack on the Pearl Harbor naval base, which led to the United States entry into the war. HUGE World War II Set - 3 presentation formats, matching notes pages, & essay! This online quiz is called Europe After WW2 Map Quiz. Give it a try! Today was a work day to complete your Pacific Theater Maps. Beginning of the Cold War 1. The lesson contains a series of short reading sections, each followed by directions for completing the map exercise and/or timeline. Greece Product includes: Europe after World War II that is colored to show the countries that were Soviet satellites. Germany 1948-49 Berlin 1948-49 North & South Korea North & South Vietnam Yugoslavia as a nation Yugoslavia as separate countries# Czechoslovakia Czech Republic & Slovakia Blown up view of Berlin to show the occupational zones within the city. Map of Europ, Cold War: How it affected different countries- history of countries &map activity I also showed you a brief video clip about Hitler's death. You can use these based on the level of your class or can differentiate amongst your students.The Europe Post World War II map also has comprehension questions that compare the two maps.Each map option and the questions have a key to go along with them. Copyright 2002-2022 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. To review the major events in Europe during the years immediately following World War II. This 46-page worksheet packet (including teachers key) provides your students with an extensive examination of this important period of history.This packet is perfect for use as introductory material, unit review, or for enrichment. endobj
Until this point, as you learned last week the United States remained neutral without sending any troops into battle. Today we learned about Fighting in the Pacific, which was a seperate front of fighting from the fighting in Europe. Cold War: How it affected different countries- history of countries &map act. At the conferences, all three countries tried to agree on what to do with postwar Europe. We also discussed some theories about whether or not he actually died or escaped to South America. Homework:Japanese Internment Writing Prompt, Japanese Internment Video (Spanish Version). Monday, December 20th & Tuesday, December 21st. After labeling the new map, there are six analysis questions students can answer based on the 2 maps.This is a simple activity but essential to understanding how the Treaty of Versailles affected Europe and the lasting bitterness Russia and Germany felt toward Wes, This no-prep print and digital map has students label the countries in Europe that belong to NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). Learning about the Cold War can help you brush up on your world geography. endstream
The Allies Make Plans for Peace The reading sections are entitled: Next, students can answer the 9 questions on a form linked to an interactive map. You may use the internet for ideas and also collaborate with your classmates, but you are not allowed to simply copy a poster from the internet as your own! World War II was fought predominantly in Europe and across the Pacific and eastern Asia, and pitted the Axis powers of Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Imperial, This resource is a comprehensive, thoroughly researched set of materials to fully teach World War II. Each of the presentation slides are editable so you can change them to fit your individual needs.The bloodiest conflict in history, World War II consumed the globe from 1939 to 1945. You and your partner looked at 2 propaganda posters from the WWII era. Cold War in Europe Map Assignment/Activity, World War I Map Activity (1914 and 1918 Europe Maps) Print and Digital, NATO in Europe Map Activity (Print and Digital), U.S. History Map Activities Bundle (Print and Digital), 1866-Present: Blank US History Maps Package with Answer Key: Students Color, WWII in HD Worksheets & Puzzles: ENTIRE SERIES BUNDLE, Quiz Pack & Location List, WW2 Europe 1941-45 The Allied Victory Power Point/Keynote Presentation, Modern World History Presentations Bundle, Bundle of 2 - World War II - Major Causes & Events of World War II. endobj
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Both Great Britain and France declared war on Germany 2 days later on September 3,1939. <>
We learned that the Axis powers were victorious in these areas thanks to a regroup by German Gen. Erwin Rommel, the Desert Fox. Today we focused on Great Britain and the German attacks in 1940. JFIF ` ` fExif II* > F ( 1 N ` ` Paint.NET v3.36 C <>
After, they read an excerpt of the Truman Doctrine and complete the exercise based on their analysis of the primary source and map. 6 0 obj
Tuesday, February 1st - Friday, February 4th. After the videos, you worked in partners, doing an activity called "Interviewing a Poster." The following topics are covered in the 144-slide presentation:-Introduction to World War II (Status of major countries that would become involved in WWII, causes of conflict among countries that would become the Axis Powers alliance, effects of the Treaty of Versailles and how it affected/caused the beginning of WWII)-The European Theater (explanation, maps, major battles including the Battle, This product is a Google form and doc linked to an interactive map on the Cold War from 1946 to 1956. Homework: Pacific Theater Maps (if not finished in class). Pages 65D and 65E are joined together to form a 2-page map, along with a timeline. endobj
It was months later when Japan finally surrendered: August 15, 1945. On the worksheet, you analyzed and examined the posters, looking at symbols, colors, images, slogans, etc. Since most of these Japanese Americans lived on the west coast, camps were established the western and central United States.
They will also help students become more familiar with the nations of Europe during World War 1 by identifying which European countries belonged to the Allies, which ones joined the Central Powers, and which ones remained neutral. Each class member is given a copy of pages 2A-2E. %PDF-1.5
Homework: Vocab (if not finished on Thursday). Interactive Map: Global Cold War: 1946-1956, Postwar America (1945-1960) Interactive Bundle, World War II - European Theater - Major Causes & Events. Purchasing this bundle saves you 20% off the cost of buying those products individually.Note: To view detailed previews of this bundled product, please refer to the individual listings for the worksheets and the word wall. The Cold War was a period of geopolitical tension between the Soviet Union with its satellite states, and the United States with its allies after World War II. :kP1OTWU5K{mvs3o7(JRn/RT_q0,_WKmkK0}E>Ra,a'X#5'?i*&w$(h R[IiUy}85 _wK2J3iq4I12QzJj7
How Did It Effect Each Country? Students then use the informational passage and their complete map to answer 8 questions. We learned that Germany invaded Poland in September 1939, which got the war underway. I assigned each class a different country: 1st period - Great Britain, 2nd period - Germany, 3rd period - Soviet Union, 5th period - Japan, 6th period - Italy, and 8th period - United States. Homework: Worksheet (if not done in class). Also mentioned were the military strategies used in the Pacific: island hopping by the United States and kamikazes by Japan. ",#(7),01444'9=82. 3. Inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies may be directed to the Title IX Coordinator at (570) 459-3221 ext. 3444 or the Section 504 Coordinator at or (570) 459-3111 ext. 9 0 obj
We learned that as Allied forces moved in on German forces from the east and west (Soviets in the east, British & Americans in the west), the Germans eventually were surrounded by their enemies. 3156 at 1515 West 23rd Street, Hazle Township, PA 18202. endobj
This is a detailed assignment to do in class or as homework to help students better understand the impact and importance of the aftermath of World War II in Europe and the Cold War. Loads of teaching options to help students master World War II!ABOUT THE WWII IN HD WORKSHEETS INCLUDED IN THIS TEACHING BUNDLE:These WWII in HD Worksheets include hundreds u, Engaging History Presentations Mr. Harms has designed a number of PowerPoint and Keynote presentations with key Social Studies Concepts and Critical Thinking Questions to help students understand history.
This past December marked the 80th anniversary of the attack. Lastly, students will receive another Google form and doc linked to, This is a bundle of 2 highly animated, power point presentations on World War II - Major Causes & Events. <>
Each of you will be creating your own propaganda poster! TIME: There is an answer key included. All maps are due at the end of class tomorrow. <>
Today we learned more about the German invasion of Poland and the events that took place shortly thereafter. stream
Click on the link and you will be prompted to "Make a Copy". Toward the end of the first attempt, Hitler order a seige (military blockade) on Leningrad. Today we reviewed your answers from yesterday's worksheet about the fighting in Eastern Europe and Northern Africa. This event would change that. We learned that Hitler attempted to invade and had not met his goals before the harsh Soviet winter set in(the Germans did not have the appropriate clothing for the cold and their weaponsstoppingworking properlybecauseof the cold). Then they can summarize and determine authors point of view a the doc. Pre-made digital activities. Rename the file to whatever, This is a 18 slide, highly animated, power point presentations on World War II - European Theater - Major Causes & Events. We learned that because of radar, the British were able to see the German planes coming and were able to prepare for the attacks. Today we focused on the war in EasternEurope and Africa. Using their textbook and potentially some outside sources, students will create a map of key places and countries of Europe after World War II and the Cold War. In Africa, both sides fought to control the Suez Canal in Egypt because it was key to reaching the oil fields of the Middle East. The list of28 key terms is attached below. 4. (Aligns with Virginia World History II Standards of Learning WHII.10d-f Interwar Period) This product comes as a link in a PDF file. There is a printable worksheet available for download here so you can take the quiz with pen and paper. Click the Email Us link above to let us know. Students will be shown maps, animations and descri, The zip file contains six basic maps to help teach students about different areas of the conflict:Europe in 1914The Western Front : 1914 to 1916The Western Front : 1917 to 1918The Eastern FrontEurope After the WarGermany After the WarMaps come in colored, labelled, and blank versions. Some filters moved to Formats filters, which is at the top of the page. Students, teachers and rockstars alike all come here to create and learn. Today we learned about Hitler and Germany's two attempts to invade the Soviet Union. Today you were assigned a Europe Map for World War II. Hitler also wanted to build military bases in southeastern Europe in preparation for invading the Soviet Union. Worksheets and Word Wall in one! Each of the presentation slides are editable so you can change it to fit your individual needs.The bloodiest conflict in history, World War II consumed the globe from 1939 to 1945. Today we read an evacuee's story titled "From Folkestone to Tintern." Additionally, students will be able to identify the new nations that were created after World War I and which nations lost territory after the war.Wh, This World War I Map Analysis Worksheet includes 2 maps of Europe - before and after WWI. We mainly focused on Japanese Internment here in the United States. Most of the fighting in the Pacific was between the Allies (mostly the United States) and Japan. From Folkestone to Tintern An Evacuees Story.doc.
In Eastern Europe, Hitler wanted to build bases for the attack on the Soviet Union. You need to be a group member to play the tournament, This is an online quiz called Europe After WW2 Map Quiz. -READY FOR DISTANCE LEARNING AS A EASEL ACTIVITY -OR USE IT AS A DOWNLOADABLE PDFThis 74-page bundle combines my popular WWII Word Wall and WWII Worksheets into a single ready-to-go product for your unit on World War II. I5 gY'#u? This was written by a child who was evacuated from the city to the countryside to escape the German bombings. You had the entire class period to work. 1 class period %
We learned about the Neutraility & Lend-Lease Acts, which were designed so that the U.S. could indirectly help to defeat Germany and the Axis Powers by lending supplies and money to other countries. In early 1941, Hilter gave up on his invasion of Britain and moved on. endobj
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Today we played a Family Feud style review game for tomorrow's test. Berlin, was surrounded by the Soviets and on May 7, 1945 the Germans surrendered. The reading sections are entitled: The provisions of the Treaty sent Germany into a severe depression, Great Britain and France ended their policy of appeasement, the League of Nations was not able to work quickly and did not have much authority, and dictators such as Hitler, Stalin, & Mussolini came to power. In class, we looked at 11 different images from the camps and discussed what life was like for Japanese Americans. PurposeGames lets you create and play games. 2006 - 2022 PurposeGames. Students must color and label key areas as well answer questions that relate not only to the map, but to the unit on World War II and the Cold War.
2 0 obj Poland's military was no match for the Germans and along with the country, was virtually destroyed. I like my students to practice creating and interpreting historical maps. The Ir, This activity compares World War II Europe during and post-conflict. Today we started class by watching ashort propaganda video clip. The posters were in color from various countries (America, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Canda, Austrailia, Japan, and the Soviet Union), so you got to see what different areas and cultures were being seen by people around the world. This download also includes digital versions so it is easy to use with hybrid or, The Cold War Map Exercise guides students through the divisions that formed immediately after World War II. <> To review the major events in Europe during the years immediately following World War II. Wednesday, December 15th &Thursday, December 16th. Two Chinas- policy problems Churchill and Roosevelt/Truman disagreed often with Stalin, mostly due to the fact that they did not like the possibility of communism spreading out of the Soviet Union. Some people, especially children evaculated north to the countryside to escape the attacks. x]m#q_'.Q3B;EN8ZG >k+k?KUOkjLJqK>]U]g[gp89o5G?_vM~w?v7Uel60M_076034_cn6!6v$U~@34lusMHffJ&Ll|;*!~_93c2F7 X/eR7}\ `F F~a)Wzrw&cCMYCqRVBWWZMK u0E#g uUu} /fLog;7;-[o`o67;9O>&(@K)Y The film describes the first 24 hours after the attack and how the United States and President Roosevelt reacted. A shoutout is a way to let people know of a game. Worksheets offer multiple choice and free response worksheets for all 10 episodes and also true/false tests for episodes 2-10! The Hazleton Area School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs or activities and provides equal access to all designated youth groups per the Boy Scouts Act. First, make sure you are signed into your Google account. Quizzes with auto-grading, and real-time student data. ReconstructionTranscontinental RailroadIndian in the West: Battles and ReservationsAmerican Involvement in Latin America, 1898-1939Migration to the United States 1860-1910, 10 detailed worksheets plus 40 crossword puzzles! Students color the alliances of each country in Europe then answer a few questions on their new map. However, Japan did not surrender until after the atomic bomb was used on Hiroshima (August 6, 1945) and Nagasaki (August 9, 1945). You will have 3 more class periods to work on this in class. Today we dove into World War II by learning about the causes of the war: Resentment of the Treaty of Versailles, Failure of Appeasement, Failure of the League of Nations, and the Rise of Dictators & Totalitarian States. Beginning of the Cold War, A simple outline map. Overview This presentation is designed to give students an overview of the events leading up to the Allied Victory during World War II. Thanks to German Gen. Erwin Rommel, the Axis Powers were victorious in these areas. Pick an audience - or yourself - and it'll end up in their play queue. This can be used in class or as homework as its a completely stan, I have created these blank US history maps for the years 1866 to the present. All rights reserved. Next, the students will answer the 3 short answer questions on the doc.Students will learn about:Guatemala: 1952Germany: 1948-1949Eastern Eur, Students will drag and drop text boxes to label key locations in Europe after World War I and identify German and Italian expansions. 7 0 obj The Allies Make Plans for Peace $ShK4!sw;1|y|~z^7r:9~4f:a$8"r$RtjZ &3]+2E.NT'%cv]=/DF7}\-xVn %r;y{~JHm6 m+"&I4%MrjE]} CFdJ"B4Fd_uD%DNu_mDuyD endobj The Soviets held off the Germans, and again winter came. The review sheet for the test is attached below to help you prepare. JRU0cmnk{] !w=iNaX2B.5'Q@Z.P& V We began class with a video clip that summarized the 57 day long "London Blitz." Are you getting the free resources, updates, and special offers we send out every week in our teacher newsletter? Today, we started to watch a History Channel documentary of the attack onPearl Harbor. After a brief power point, we started to read 2 eyewitness accounts of the attack. x[mo6naPheX>huIu~GZ Today we viewed a short PowerPoint about the war ending in Europe and Japan. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> The camps were a way for the military and government to monitor them during the remainder of the war. There were a couple of battles specifically mentioned, the Battle of Coral Sea and the Battle of Midway. {8v:lBb a@rfw#]3$:UC ~1`10i $]7Sa6JS/8$p|Xw6*P16d?b',ZCv/$4nA?cBxB_v5rl>T%Pf~N>Hmn_U]N:7[HT ',i2K`fp%L k]'UN@]|0t#b~{oE06}H@`3d @ +#FaXe. Today we learned about conferences and meetings that were going on during and then after the war in Europe. You completed a worksheet with the help of an article I passed out to you in class. Having trouble viewing this site? You need to get 100% to score the 31 points available. ", OBJECTIVE: 3 0 obj World War II was fought predominantly in Europe and across the Pacific and eastern Asia, and pitted the Axis powers of Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Imperial Japan against the Allied nation, Please enjoy this free map resource to help teach students about the different alliances which existed in Europe before the outbreak of the First World War in 1914.Included in the file are reading and question sheets as well as a colored, labelled, and blank map.These materials are also available as part of a larger map unit showing different areas of the conflict.Europe in 1914The Western Front : 1914 to 1916The Western Front : 1917 to 1918The Eastern FrontEurope After the WarGermany After the, World War II Worksheets! Each class will create their posters from that country's perspective. You saw eitherLooney Tunes orDisney's Donald Duck.
Pages 2D and 2E are joined together to form a 2-page map, along with a timeline. The pre-war map is labelled, but students must use a textbook or internet resource to label the new map of Europe after the Treaty of Versailles. % ;} x7SbuwC22xIjf2@:)XC@emA` We also learned about the German's attack on France, partically a small coastal town called Dunkirk. %PDF-1.3 Work, Europe After World War II RECENT WORLD HISTORY LESSON 2/45 Map Exercise+Timeline, Early Cold War: Europe After World War II Outline Map, Europe After World War II, WORLD HISTORY LESSON 65/100, Map Ex. Teachers Pay Teachers is an online marketplace where teachers buy and sell original educational materials. $.' Hitler would not allow defeat and eventually 90,000 Axis were captured in early 1943. 2. **Please note: This resource is for EUROPE only**The Europe During World War II map has several different variations. 5 0 obj The presentation will take 25-30 minutes to complete and students can follow along with the student notes Google form. The Germans attempted to takeStalingrad, and the Battle of Stalingrad was one of the most brutal of the war. Add highlights, virtual manipulatives, and more. Heights-Terrace Elementary / Middle School, McAdoo Kelayres Elementary / Middle School, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). For years I have not been able to find what I was looking for so I created my own instead. No other maps from the book are needed, just a set of red and blue color pencils or crayons. On this sheet, give a capsule summary of the conflict and the date when it occurred, from the end of World War II to 1970 Anything not finished in class on Tuesday will have to be completed for homework or outside of class. The visually appealing materials are intended to support and enhan, Discounted Bundle! Homework: Europe Map (if not finished in class on Tuesday), Monday, January 3rd & Tuesday, January 4th. Designed by a teacher for teachers, this PowerPoint focuses on "The Allied Victory" in World War 2. The map is editable and customizable after purchase. 4 0 obj The other countries are already labeled on the map so students just label the 28 member countries located in Europe. endobj endobj You may also be interested in: Creating a Class-wide W, Get hold of this quality set of modern History maps for the late 20th Century including WW2 and The Cold War. I will be checking it at the end of the period on Thursday. Iran 1946, 1953 The legislation was amended so that loans did not have to be paid back immediately. OBJECTIVE: The answer key is attached below. The purpose was to show you that even children were targets of propaganda during the war. Wednesday, February 9th - Thursday, February 10th. Japanese Americans and immigrants were forced to relocate to internment camps run by the government. Today, we started a new unit-World War II. <>>>
stream -READY FOR DISTANCE LEARNING AS A EASEL ACTIVITY -OR USE IT AS A DOWNLOADABLE PDFAre you teaching about the titanic global struggle between the forces of fascism and freedom? Homework: Posters due Monday, February 7th. 1 class period The lesson contains a series of short reading sections, each of which is followed by directions for completing the map exercise and/or timeline. TIME:
Even though he wrote it 60 years later, the male described his experiences accurately and gave us a vivid image of what was taking place during that time. Homework: Propaganda Worksheet- Due Tomorrow! I gave you the entire class period to work on your new vocabulary words. <> This Siege of Leningradoccurred during the winter and around a million Soviet civilians died because of starvation. He persuaded Bulgaria, Romania, and Hungary to join the Axis Powers and later defeated Yugoslavia and Greece. Also included in:World War I (World War 1) Bundle, Also included in:U.S. History Map Activities Bundle (Print and Digital), Also included in:Modern World History Presentations Bundle, Also included in:World War II Lesson Bundle, Also included in:Postwar America (1945-1960) Interactive Bundle, Also included in:Bundle of 2 - World War II - Major Causes & Events of World War II. S&XDJdIR"1-":IJ$hVT$)SHraNn$p9Wy74FB/K$v*'y""%,$ %IH b"`In$vI*]I%Dba 6L.B]i'k$v0'Y#IDH2`T$,7IT4DB0TDT \!XYX9u~Nen:Ak)H;'t|v[|.-y$tsu2K\~$pI9.Etip#r:yQoD\3i O/C80EcQ #kNW?fj-RyZX'- 5k7O @cL^;|z$ZBb0['^"cU^o?V#7#Cc'-Dlxs-^erT UX4D.Hqw=6t[=-!Z0]*TVM4w8CH,Lf'@:wck>+C:t2\E9Eh nX(?L1.=mt?9_:N_qn(eQ2cE82||g9:Xk9U@ k _vrmV!1JjBXSfV\MhYZes5aKsu Vw@J&OujnCuW.?fS,Rw$iYxhu%P#Vxm2TQx2'X+,Ic)ABM{ N(Qm;"7v}FH!ru;mGddrEA?bs|D^B"P"~&2@:6ja^,^C>@>W\kP|HVb|)kYHcJ. & Timeline +Quiz, World War Two Map of Europe During and After the War (WWII) (World War II), World War 2 and The Cold War Modern History Maps.