Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally. indexes In this tip we will discuss how to download and install SQL Server Management Studio for Introduction In this article, we will take a look at why it is essential to leave AUTO CLOSE database option turned OFF for a Production or a Non-Production SQL Server Database across all versions and editions of SQL Getting Sysadmin Access to SQL Server When Locked Out SQL Server Security is one of the key responsibilities of a Database Administrator.

RESTORE DATABASE db_workspace FROM DISK = 'X:\Backups\Temp\db_workspace.bak' WITH REPLACE, FILE = 4,CHECKSUM,NORECOVERY, STATS=10, MOVE 'db_workspace' TO 'x:\data\db_workspace.mdf', MOVE 'db_workspace_log' TO 'x:\data\db_workspace_log.ldf' , MOVE 'db_workspace_FG1' TO 'D:\SQLData\ReadOptimizedDrive\db_workspace_FG1.ndf', ;RESTORE LOG db_workspace FROM DISK = 'X:\Backups\Temp\db_workspace_log.trn' WITH STANDBY =N'X:\Backups\Temp\db_workspace_ROLLBACK_UNDO.bak ', FILE = 5, ;RESTORE LOG db_workspace FROM DISK = 'X:\Backups\Temp\db_workspace_log.trn' WITH STANDBY =N'X:\Backups\Temp\db_workspace_ROLLBACK_UNDO.bak ', FILE = 6 ,STOPAT = '2013-01-11 16:56:10', Scrubbing Personally Identifiable Information, SQL Server Database RESTORE WITH MOVE or not WITH MOVE, Restoring a SQL Server Database A Practical Example, Using Page Level Restore as a Disaster Recovery Procedure in SQL Server 2005, STOPBEFOREMARK for stopping at specific LSN. For databases with a lot of files, this can be tedious. 0 Script will to last backup before the date\time specified in @RestoreToDate DEFAULT, @WithMoveDataPath sp_RestoreScript will do all the hard work for you, itll hunt down all the backup files that you need to restore your database to a specific time and present you with a nice, simple script to run based on the parameters that you give it.

Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. A comma delimited string containing all databases to restore, as of 1.4 @DatabaseName also accepts wildcards. Which Processes are waiting on aSpinlock? File 'AdventureWorks_Data' cannot be restored to 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\AdventureWorks_Data.mdf'. Get the source code from our GitHub repository, Point in Time recovery from data lose- Using @StopAt & @StandbyMode parameters to step through. Following is the script to generate restore statements of multiple databases for their last full backups. ToDiff Script will only include full and differential backups ToFullScript will only include a full backup Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Back-end thinking: how to extract an observer template. To go off hunting down the relevant full and differential backups and then figure out what transaction logs we need to play in and in what order. Anyway, I wanted a script that would give me. @RestoreOptions Changing the path or file name in the Restore As column is equivalent to using the MOVE option in a Transact-SQL RESTORE statement. ,@ToFileFolder = 'D:\SQLData\ReadOptimizedDrive\' If the deletion/truncation happened a week and many full backups ago, none of the other procedures referenced would help. Copy the database backup file you created in Step 2. WITH MOVE Path to move log files to.

We love meeting interesting people and making new friends. 1 Databases will be restored WITH REPLACE DEFAULT: GETDATE(). However, once youve []. Restore_database_' + @DatabaseName + '_migrated_from_' + @@SERVERNAME + '.sql', INSERT @RestoreDatabaseResults (ResultText) SELECT '--**********************************************************************************', INSERT @RestoreDatabaseResults (ResultText) SELECT '--*****, INSERT @RestoreDatabaseResults (ResultText) SELECT '--***** Generated on: ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), GETDATE(), 112), INSERT @RestoreDatabaseResults (ResultText) SELECT '--***** Generated by: ' + SUSER_SNAME(), INSERT @RestoreDatabaseResults (ResultText) SELECT 'USE master', INSERT @RestoreDatabaseResults (ResultText) SELECT 'GO', INSERT @RestoreDatabaseResults (ResultText) SELECT 'ALTER DATABASE [' + @DatabaseName + '] SET SINGLE_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE', INSERT @RestoreDatabaseResults (ResultText) SELECT 'RESTORE DATABASE [' + @DatabaseName + ']', INSERT @RestoreDatabaseResults (ResultText) SELECT 'FROM DISK = N''' + @FilePath + @DatabaseName + '_For_Migration.bak''', INSERT @RestoreDatabaseResults (ResultText) SELECT 'WITH', INSERT @RestoreDatabaseResults (ResultText) SELECT ' FILE = 1,', INSERT @RestoreDatabaseResults (ResultText) SELECT, ' MOVE ''' + DBFileName + ''' TO N''D:\SQLServer\MSSQL\Data\' + DBFileName + '.mdf'',', ' MOVE ''' + DBFileName + ''' TO N''E:\SQLServer\MSSQL\Data\' + DBFileName + '.ldf'',', INSERT @RestoreDatabaseResults (ResultText) SELECT ' NOUNLOAD,', INSERT @RestoreDatabaseResults (ResultText) SELECT ' REPLACE,', INSERT @RestoreDatabaseResults (ResultText) SELECT ' STATS = 5', INSERT @RestoreDatabaseResults (ResultText) SELECT ' GO', INSERT @RestoreDatabaseResults (ResultText) SELECT 'ALTER DATABASE [' + @DatabaseName + '] SET MULTI_USER', INSERT @RestoreDatabaseResults (ResultText) SELECT 'ALTER DATABASE [' + @DatabaseName + '] SET COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL = ' + @CompatabilityLevel, INSERT @RestoreDatabaseResults (ResultText) SELECT 'ALTER DATABASE [' + @DatabaseName + '] SET RECOVERY ' + @RecoveryModel + ' WITH NO_WAIT', INSERT @RestoreDatabaseResults (ResultText) SELECT 'USE [' + @DatabaseName + ']', INSERT @RestoreDatabaseResults (ResultText) SELECT 'EXEC sp_changedbowner ''sa''', INSERT @RestoreDatabaseResults (ResultText) SELECT '--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ END SCRIPT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~', Backup - Backup all Databases with COPY_ONLY, Backup - Cleanup Symantec Backup Exec 10d History, Backup - Get Backup Compression Effectiveness, Backup - Transfer a large DB across slow WAN, Central Management Server - Get List of Managed Servers, Clustering - Get Basic Cluster Information, Managing SQL Agent Jobs in an Availability Group, Connectivity - Compare the Settings of 2 Connections. There are no dynamic SQL, #temporary tables or @table variables used, and the script only reads a few backup history tables in msdb.

@RestoreAsName However, the server I was using to restore to had a different drive configuration. 2018, John Morehouse. ,@StandbyMode = 1, RESTORE DATABASE db_workspace FROM DISK = 'X:\Backups\Temp\db_workspace.bak' WITH REPLACE, FILE = 4,CHECKSUM,STANDBY =N'X:\Backups\Temp\db_workspace_ROLLBACK_UNDO.bak ', STATS=10, MOVE 'db_workspace' TO 'D:\SQLData\ReadOptimizedDrive\db_workspace.mdf', MOVE 'db_workspace_log' TO 'L:\SQLLogs\WriteOptimizedDrive\db_workspace_log.ldf' Resource Hog! Options for piecemeal file, filegroup and page restores. @RestoreToDate (LogOut/ @Database = 'db_workspace' SQL Undercover, sp_restorescript 1.3 Released SQL Undercover, sp_RestoreScript v1.4 Its Now Compatible with Case Sensitive Collations, Accepts Wild Cards in DB Names and Fixes A bug SQL Undercover, sp_RestoreScript 1.5 Release SQL Undercover, sp_RestoreScript 1.6 Release @Credential Added For Backups In Azure BLOB Storage SQL Undercover, sp_RestoreScript 1.7 Released SQL Undercover, sp_RestoreScript 1.8 Now Released SQL Undercover, sp_RestoreScript 1.9 a dirty little bug squished! , MOVE 'db_workspace_FG1' TO 'x:\data\db_workspace_FG1.ndf' @Database = 'db_workspace'. Find Quick Results from Multiple Sources. Stay up-to-date with the latest posts as they happen! Restore script there is not able to generate scripts for multiple databases in a single execution. -- save each DB script to a separate file using the file name at the top of the section, --**** Define and set parameter values ***, ,@CompatabilityLevel = '130' -- for SQL Server 2016, INSERT @RestoreDatabaseList (DatabaseID, DatabaseName, RecoveryModel), SELECT database_id, name, Recovery_Model_Desc, WHERE name NOT IN ('master','model','tempdb','msdb','reportserver','reportservertempdb', 'distribution'), INSERT @DataFileList (DBFileType, DBFileName), WHERE DB_NAME(database_id) = @DatabaseName, INSERT @RestoreDatabaseResults (ResultText) SELECT '', INSERT @RestoreDatabaseResults (ResultText) SELECT '--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~', INSERT @RestoreDatabaseResults (ResultText) SELECT '--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ START SCRIPT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~', INSERT @RestoreDatabaseResults (ResultText) SELECT '-- Save as file name: 050. BlitzBlockingChain, Getting Blocking Chains fromsp_BlitzWho. Restoring a database backup from one server to another, or from one database to another on the same machine, often requires MOVE TO commands. (LogOut/ Im sure weve all been there, we need to restore a database to 11:34am, four days ago. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! The metadata in the msdb database keeps track of all the backup information associated with a database. How to Fix PowerShell Execution Policy Error in Windows Server, How to Restore a Full Backup of Database in SQL Server, How to Restore a Full Database Backup in SQL Server Using TSQL Scripts, How to Restore an SQL Server Database Using SSMS, How to Restore an SQL Server Database Using T-SQL Script, How to Restore Full Database Backup in SQL Server, Overwrite the existing database (WITH REPLACE), Permissions Required to Restore Database Backup in SQL Server, Restore a Full Database Backup Using SQL Server Management Studio, RESTORE DATABASE FROM DISK WITH MOVE REPLACE, How to Configure TempDB on Local Disk in SQL Server 2012/2014 Failover Cluster to Improve Performance. ToFull Script will only include a full backup

John is the DBA with a bat, a Microsoft SQL Server DBA, Blogger, Forum Answerer, Friend of Red Gate, Idera ACE, Chapter Leader, Speaker, Sentry PAC member, Microsoft Data Platform MVP and a bat whisperer. Where can I find SQL Server Management Studio for SQL Server 2016? Learn how to eliminate data loss, cut recovery times, and reduce IT complexity. Production recovery situations - After a tail log backup or using STOPAT, Test environment refreshes - Parameters using WITH MOVE to override file folder.

Options for LiteSpeed and other 3rd party backups possible. I've found this procedure useful in a number of situations such as: - Guidance on LSN checks included in Version 1.02. - The article "Importance of Validating Backups" that prompted development of the procedure. 1 Script will restore to a point in time specified in @RestoreToDate Inventory 11+ or Deploy 12+ with a Pro or Enterprise license is required to use this feature. First, we will declare some variables just to make things a little cleaner and easier. [sp_RestoreScriptGenie] What are those other options? @FirstLogToRestore Every time a backup is taken, SQL Server records the backup activity into the SQL Server backup metadata in the msdb database. The tablein the appendix has asummary of the backup history for database db_workspace in a virtual test lab. Restore As: The full path of the database file to be restored.

Previous messages provide details. That code will generate a statement similar to this: Have fun using this to generate restore database commands! , MOVE 'db_workspace_FG2' TO 'D:\SQLData\ReadOptimizedDrive\db_workspace_FG2.ndf' Moving VMWare Virtual Machines to Synology, How to Find Composite Primary Key Columns in SQL Server, Backup And Restore With Move Curated SQL, Issues When Using Temporary Tables in Nested Stored Procedures, Finding Cluster Log Errors with Powershell, A restore statement with the appropriate MOVE switch. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Technical Articles for the DBA / Developer. Migrating databases using a 'one time' log shipping technique to minimize downtime, Recoverying lost data by stepping through in STANDBY mode. Just point the script at an existing SQL Server Backup File, and give the new database a name, along with a target folder for the data and log files, and press F5. Heres the fully automated T-SQL script, this script you can schedule on the server on which you wish to restore databases, this script queries remote servers (where databases backed up) msdb database, backupset table is used to find latest full backup dates and backupmediafamily table to locate fully qualified backup file path. Disclaimer The sample scripts are not supported under any Microsoft standard support program or service. In a previous tip on Disaster Recovery Procedures in SQL Server 2005 Part 1, we have seen how we can come up with a disaster recovery procedure in SQL Server 2005. Interoperability Database Settings and Restoring. Lost files: cannot find files after moving them to different location Ok so my roommate in fear that she lost all her files yesterday when her laptop didnt log in properly found some files in the recently used folder, she moved them to her pictures folder then restarted her laptop.

Whenever a quick generation of a RESTORE script is needed. Step 8. This would allow me to easily execute the backup statement and then on the target server execute the restore statement. David is a DBA with over 14 years production experience of SQL Server, from version 6.5 through to 2016. Modify the WITH parameters in script like REPLACE, KEEP_CDC, RECOVERY and STATS as per your requirement. During a restore, most of the database options that are settable using ALTER DATABASE are reset to the values in force at the time of the end of backup. The procedure is effectively a single SQL query involving repeated calls to a Common Table Expression (CTE). 7. Mike Eastland frequently restores production databases to various development servers. Recently for big databases thought of using split backups. This script is compatible with SQL Server 2005 and higher, and has been tested on a case-sensitive-collation server. ToGenerate TSQL Script for the database restoreclickScriptsand chooseScript Action toyour choice from the different options which are available as shown in the snippet below. If wildcards have been specified in @DatabaseName, @RestoreAsName cannot be used. If the LogsOnly restore option has been selected, this is the date of the first log to be restored. Use WITH MOVE to identify a valid location for the file. ToLog Script will generate statements including full, differential and log backups DEFAULT The following steps can be used to restore a database, restore data, or move a database from one console to another. One method is to write a process that uses the metadata in the msdb database to generate a restore script. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. To generate a script to restore all user databases, to the most current point in time possible, from the default backup locations, to the existing data and log file locations - run the procedure with no parameters. Now, not every environment is the same. EXECUTE [dbo]. We Have Everything You Are Looking For! Managing personally identifiable information when moving databases to unsecure environment can be challenging. Change the Database File Path as per your existing setup and specify the correct Backup File location. This post is part of our series on Database Recovery. If the backend API returns 100,000 pieces of data at a time, what should the frontend do? How to generate database restoring script in SQL Server. Once result is retrieved you can review and change the file paths for files before starting the restore on destination server. It happens. If any other option has been selected it will be ignored. Following are the aspects to consider while using the script. Ashish has authored more than 325 technical articles on SQL Server across leading SQL Server technology portals. If you dont have a backup, nothing else matters. ; RESTORE DATABASE db_workspace FROM DISK = 'X:\Backups\Temp\db_workspace.bak' WITH REPLACE, FILE = 6,CHECKSUM,NORECOVERY, STATS=10, MOVE 'db_workspace' TO 'x:\data\db_workspace.mdf', MOVE 'db_workspace_log' TO 'x:\data\db_workspace_log.ldf' This might be required following a media failure on the drive hosting the database data files (and assumes current backup history in MSDB), you should always take a tail log backup first if possible before starting to plan restores. Many times it can be difficult to perform a Restore due to corrupted media, low disk space on the server and so on. Change). -- use this script to generate backup scripts for every non-system DB on a server. The sample scripts are provided AS IS without warranty of any kind. Ok, Ill admit it. On the console you are moving to, navigate to the Backups folder (the default location is C:\ProgramData\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Deploy\Backups) and paste the database file you copied in Step 4 into that directory. ,@StopAt = '2013-01-11 16:56:10' IMPORTANT: If you are trying to restore data rather than move the console, skip to Step 6. Following script will generate restore script of multiple databases for their last full backup. Generates TSQL Scripts to restore all database backups from to the destination server. Click here for Microsoft documentation for the RESTORE DATABASE command. NOTE: The code is no longer available directly from this page. This article explains the steps to be followed by the DBA to configure SQL Server 2012 Failover After the successfully installation of SQL Server 2016, I have realized that SQL Server Management Studio 2016 (SSMS) is missing. There are other ways to increase availability of your highly critical database in SQL Server 2005. v1.3 Command datatype changed to VARCHAR(MAX) We were finding that restores consisting of a large number of backup files were exceeding the old VARCHAR(1000) datatype. Connectivity - Unable to Connect - SQL Server or Network Problem? If above doesn't work, uncheck all options under Conversation Clean Up 3. Could you please add split backup and restore script by including log backup/restore. Any DB without FULL backup will not generate error but will be skipped in result. [] Hannah Vernon helps us out with a query to generate a database restore command: [], [] Log is one of the most important aspects of database management. 1. Use Stellar Toolkit for MS SQL software that comes with an efficient SQL backup extractor tool designed to help database administrators recover SQL database from corrupted backup (.BAK) file. External Temp Tables Preventing Plan Reuse in StoredProcedures. 0 Database wont be restored WITH REPLACE DEFAULT, @NoRecovery Close out of any PDQ Deploy and/or PDQ Inventory consoles you have running. The recovery model of the source database is taken into account, and a parameter must be supplied to set the destination compatibility level, EXECUTE script on: DESTINATION SERVER, --*******************************************, --**** RUN THIS ON THE SOURCE SERVER ***. This cant be left NULL if LogsOnly has been selected.