Get the scoop on all the popular comics, games, movies, toys, and more every day! Buyer agrees to these terms and conditions: If there is a problem with your item buyer must contact seller within 3 days of having received the item and if a return is granted the item must be returned in its original unused/unopened condition and postmarked within 7 days. Optimus Prime and Bumblebee (Scrapmetal Finish), Movie - Revenge of the Fallen (ROTF) (195). Enter a product name, description, or keyword to find instructions. From a clean, non-smoking environment. Notable releases in this range included the first ever figure of The Fallen, and the first retrospective toy to homage Beast Machines in the form of Cheetor (which, reportedly, came about by accident). This page was last modified on 10 April 2022, at 16:49. Copyright 2022 ToyWiz. You may wish to create or login to an account in order to have full editing access to this wiki. Add to this an inexperienced design team and a lack of TakaraTomy oversight and you're left with offbeat transformation sequences and unusually-proportioned robots. In the void of deep space, the wreckage drifted until an ancient creature known as Unicron swallowed it up, melted it down, and used it to create a host of mechanical servants. Item number will be 5 digits and/or a letter and 4 digits which can be located on the front of package or above the bar code. *By clicking Buy Now, you authorize ToyWiz to charge, Titanium, Robot Masters, Device Label & Revoltech. First attempt at combining Rodimus Prime and his back into one figure. However, most international orders do arrive within 3 weeks. The death ofSENTINEL PRIMEsent him into a tailspin. We ship fast at We-R-Toys! Beginning with Wave 4, each figure was labelled with the character's series of origin. All content sourced by fans, online websites, and or other fan community sources. As well as collecting figures from many unrelated Transformers franchises, the line had an upshot of including characters and incarnations not previously released in toy form, such as robots from the contemporary War Within comic book series. [11] Nothing else was said until December, when ToyFare magazine reached out to Hasbro PR for the letters column of its 126th issue; when asked directly whether Prowl and Grimlock would come out, the answer was an unequivocal "We are not planning to release these versions. Screaming down out of the night sky of Cybertron, Scourge and his troops fell upon Autobot and Decepticon alike, destroying all those who stood against them. In addition, Hasbro displayed four more non-transforming 3 inch figures redecos of Side Swipe, Bumblebee and War Within Optimus Prime as Sunstreaker, Cliffjumper and Nemesis Prime, respectively, plus Soundwave as a new mold at San Diego Comic-Con and BotCon 2006. The included checklist features Cliffjumper, Sunstreaker, Soundwave, and Nemesisin that orderbetween the finalised wave 7 and wave 8 Robot Masters, suggesting at least two waves were dropped before the range pivoted to live action film series characters. Among many other toys that went on to be released, the display case contained Robot Masters figurines of Cliffjumper, Soundwave, Alternators Sunstreaker, and a War Within-themed Nemesis Prime; all four were also exhibited at BotCon 2006 that September. Like the Robot Masters, the Heroes included characters from a number of series, but featured comic-only characters even more heavily. With the exception of Nemesis Prime, they were even put up as product listings at Hasbro's official Transformers website (and might actually still be as you're reading this), whereas Soundwave and Nemesis Prime were solicited to Australian online retailer Case Fresh. As time went on, the realities of producing such a line proved too expensive and retailers lost interest, causing many products in both ranges to slip through the cracks. Create your account now and start collecting! Hasbro recognised that fans wanted Titanium Bumblebee and Cliffjumper, and that getting new versions of classic characters was important, but any further Titanium Series releases would make use of molds that had already been made.[1]. The panel noted that the resin hardcopies shown the year prior would not be produced owing to the expensive cost of creating die-cast tools perhaps implying that Grimlock and Prowl's releases were an attempt to recoup costs and the line was unpopular outside of the collector market. Primal Prime and Soundblaster currently still remain in limbo. The Titanium Series Transformers were first announced at San Diego Comic-Con in July 2006. Which was nothing compared to the surprise caused by the Rodimus Prime redeco that dropped in the Platinum Edition premium line ten years after Titanium ended. Entertainment News International (ENI) is the #1 popular culture network for adult fans all around the world. Each figure also included a plastic display base, with a removable badge sculpted with the character's faction symbol and stickered with its name. All Rights Reserved. Transformers Titanium Series figures are produced in two size classes: It is worth noting that since the Titaniums are developed by a separate branch of Hasbro from the normal Transformers team (who only has some input into character choices and looks), they do not take away "slots" from other Transformers lines. The Robot Masters were non-transforming replicas of robots from many series (and one spaceship, the Ark), made primarily of die-cast with some plastic parts. Instead, Hasbro released three waves of 2007 Movie characters in the 3 inch assortment before cancelling it altogether.

They were the first in a long line of heralds and servants to the evil Unicron, and to this day many of the streets and buildings of Cybertron carry the scars left by their powerful disintegration cannons. RETURN POLICY: We care about our customers! BotCon offered five hundred attendees the rare opportunity to take a Hasbro factory tour, guided by Transformers personnel. This list of names comes from the pack-in flyer included with Cybertron Heroes toys from wave six and onwards. After the catastrophic battle in which both Megatron and Optimus were mortally damaged, the fleeing Decepticon forces dumped the ruined bodies of their former comrades into space to lighten their load. The writing was on the wall at the future product unveiling panel; with the Hasbro team focussing on the upcoming Animated and Universe franchises, it fell to the fan Q&A section to reveal the future of Titanium Series. In April, fans with access to Wal-Mart's internal inventory system uncovered Cybertron Heroes UPCs for "G1 SHOCKWAVE", "CLASSC COSMOS", "CYBTN BUMBLEBE", "METALG1 ARCEE", and "WWBRAWL"[4] (the latter of which has never been corroborated by any other information). Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding or buying. We-R-Toys. Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Sucks to be Primal Prime and Soundblaster. If you don't receive instructions within a few minutes, check your email's spam and junk filters. WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD. Thanks for Transformers Generations Deluxe Class Scourge Decepticon Action Figure Hasbro In August, Figueroa revealed his copy of Grimlock on the TFW2005 boards, but he was unsure if or when it was ever being released. Some of the planned toys were eventually released as store and event exclusives. [1] Planned subsequent waves of product were reshuffled into exclusives or cancelled altogether. In addition, a multitude of Robot Masters was listed after the three waves of movie product, none of which have ever been heard from outside of this leaflet. Please enter your email below. We ship fast and pack with care. Please DO NOT ASK. Having trouble?E-mail us at Import duties, taxes, and customs charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. The hope of a rally was just over the horizon when MEGATRON pulled the AUTOBOT leader's spark core from his ruined body. Nonetheless, they were open to the idea that these designs could at least influence future toys,[9][10] with Cosmos in particular being named as a concept that had already been bandied about in an attempt to see release. The cancellation left a wake of unreleased figures at varying stages of development. The product development portion of the tour included displays of unproduced toy prototypes, including resin hardcopies of Titanium Series Shockwave, Cosmos, War Within Bumblebee (with an additional Cliffjumper head for an intended redeco), and Arcee. 705 738 6570 Thurs - Sat 10 am - 5 pm. [7] It was also stated that Soundblaster, Prowl, Primal Prime, Grimlock, and Skywarp would all be shipping, after which the Titanium line would be put on indefinite hiatus. ULTRA MAGNUS is on the other side of CYBERTRON, literally a world away from his new leader. If the buyer has changed their mind the original cost to ship the item to buyer's address(including shipping charges on listings with "free shipping"), return shipping, and any associated eBay and PayPal fees will not be refunded. Beginning in 2005, the line originally consisted entirely of Star Wars vehicles of various sizes, before expanding to include vehicles from Battlestar Galactica, Marvel Comics characters of various sizes and, yes, those gaddang Transformers. Powered by Shopify, Transformers Titanium Series Diecast Megatron. From a clean, non-smoking environment. But shortly thereafter, Hasbro said they no longer had plans to mass-produce or release any of those figures, and there was no further news for one year. They are also not actually made of titanium. In placing a purchase you agree to and understand that the postal service states shipping and delivery of your item may take up to 30 to 60 days. Robot Masters figurines stand (or squat, as may be more accurate) three inches tall, are coated in extensive paint applications, and typically, but not universally, feature articulation in the neck, shoulders, and waist. All of our items are from a clean, smoke free, pet free environment. At the heart of a galaxy spanning Empire determined to possess the planet Keys held by the Lost Transformers. Unfortunately, the construction of the early figures was prone to issues with looseness and breakage, as well as paint chipping from metal-on-metal contact during transformation. Each of them came with a stand in the shape of the Autobot or Decepticon insignia yes, even the Beast Wars guys and some of them even included removable accessories! Password mismatch. We will not falsify any documents by listing your items on customs as a gift or for less than you actually paid for the item. The Transformers Titanium toys were available in two size classes: the 3 Inch Robot Masters (not to be confused with the Japanese toyline Robot Masters), and the 6 Inch Cybertron Heroes (not to be confused with the Heroes of Cybertron PVC minifigures). The eighth wave and onwards, released in 2007, pivoted to focus on characters from some movie or other. Everything Sold Here Guaranteed 100% Authentic, Transformers War Within TItanium Series Megatron 6-Inch 6" Diecast Figure, Transformers Armada Powerlinx Thrust Exclusive Action Figure [Exclusive], Transformers Animated Super-Poseable Collection Starscream Action Figure SCF 07, Transformers Japanese Robot Masters Road Rocket Action Figure RM-18, Transformers Generation 1 TItanium Series Soundwave 6-Inch 6" Diecast Figure, Transformers War Within TItanium Series The Fallen 6-Inch 6" Diecast Figure, Transformers Japanese Revoltech Ultra Magnus Action Figure #019, Transformers Japanese Revoltech Megatron Action Figure #025, Transformers Nike Sports Label Megatron Sneakers [Size 7.0], Transformers Soundwave Electronic Action Figure, Transformers Japanese Music Label Soundwave MP3 Player [Spark Blue], Transformers Japanese Music Label Optimus Prime iPod Docking Bay, Transformers Generation 1 TItanium Series Ultra Magnus 6-Inch 6" Diecast Figure [Generation 1], Transformers War Within TItanium Series Ultra Magnus 6-Inch 6" Diecast Figure [War Within], Transformers Generation 1 Vintage Thrust Tech-Specs Filecard, Transformers Trading Card Game Rise of the Combiners Rare Bumpers #011, Transformers Japanese Galaxy Force Demolishor Action Figure GD-09, Transformers Timelines Collector's Club Exclusives Seacon Superwarrior Piranacon Exclusive Action Figure Set, Transformers Universe 25th Anniversary Masterpiece Skywarp Exclusive Deluxe Action Figure, Transformers Series 2 Ramjet 3-Inch 3" Vinyl Figure [Loose], NFL 2021 Instant Football Black & White Rookies Joe Tryon-Shoyinka Trading Card BW40 [1 of 2728], Disney Star Wars Droids & Creatures C-3PO 4-Inch PVC Figure [Loose], Funko Star Wars The Mandalorian The Child / Baby Yoda with Frog Exclusive 1/6 Mystery Minifigure [Loose]. Furthermore, numerous other 3 inch figures were also listed in an official catalog included with one of the last waves of the 6 inch toys, but no photos have ever surfaced, so it's possible they never made it past the planning stage. We ship fast and pack with care at We-R-Toys! [10] Of the checklist of upcoming Cybertron Heroes names, Skywarp was ruled out as not happening, and Soundblaster was only a maybe;[10] Prowl and Grimlock the latter now revealed as also being in his War Within body were named as the final toys to be released in Titanium,[9][10] though the panel noted they would probably be difficult to find. They are also not engineered or "mech-designed" by Takara. Most of them were co-branded with larger live-action film series toylines as part of the films' associated merchandise push; notably, the latter three Toys"R"Us exclusive two-packs were released to tie in with Revenge of the Fallen in 2009, well after Transformers product had ceased being released in the Titanium Series proper. The Titanium Series is a multi-property brand line of partially die-cast figures produced under Hasbro's Galoob brand as a subdivision of Micro Machines. Originally consisting entirely of Star Wars vehicles of various sizes, it has since expanded into Battlestar Galactica vehicles, Marvel Comics characters and Transformers. The predominant presence in the line was characters from G1, though they were at least filtered through the different lenses of their original character models, original toys, their Alternators bodies, and designs from Dreamwave's The War Within (the latter of which is treated as a distinct entity from Generation 1, as you'll see from the below section). Each figure included only a couple point of articulation, usually at the shoulders, neck, and waist. document.getElementById("copyright_year").innerHTML = new Date().getFullYear(); Todd McFarlane's Spawn Series 7 SCOURGE Action Figure - Ribcage Holds Little FiendFrom Americans Most Popular Comic Books! Entertainment News International is not responsible for reporting errors, inaccuracies, omissions, and or other liablities related to news shared here. Contact us about any infringements right away - CLICK HERE, This site uses cookies for site configuration, advertising, and analysis. The archivist? If you have any concerns or questions please contact our consumer care department at Figure comes with display stand. No commander could ask for a finer soldier than ULTRA MAGNUS. Each hardcopy was displayed in robot mode, with an additional A4 printout nearby showing photographs of each in alternate mode. The Transformers Collectors Club roundtable has suggested there "may still be hope" for these figures to be produced in some form as part of other toylines, and Hasbro has said they would particularly like to use something akin to their Cosmos design in an upcoming line. No images of these figures have ever surfaced, and it's unlikely that any of them ever actually made it past the planning stage. Some included removable weapons, which were tailored to the figure's hands and could not be interchanged. Figure measures 6". These four figures were displayed by Hasbro at San Diego Comic-Con and BotCon in 2006. The pack-in leaflet included with sixth wave Cybertron Heroes and onwards, which started hitting specialist retailers in early 2007, also listed the four Robot Masters; incidentally, this is the only known place one can find Nemesis Prime's stock photo. The chronological checklist of six inch figures suggested a ninth wave featuring Soundblaster (with Ravage) and Prowl, and a tenth wave featuring From a clean, non-smoking environment. To see your past orders, you must enter the same e-mail
Contact ENI | In December, Soundwave was listed as a product on the official Transformers website[2], followed soon after by Cliffjumper and Sunstreaker[3], all complete with stock images. Privacy Policy, Entertainment News International - All images, trademarks, logos, video, brands and images used on this website are registered trademarks of their respective companies and owners. The 6 Inch Cybertron Heroes went a step beyond the 6 inch figures from other Hasbro brands, in that they were transforming figures rather than statues. Titanium Series began full of ambition, pulling characters from all over the franchise, utilising the talents of fan favourite artist Don Figueroa, and bringing die-cast to Western Transformers fans for the first time since the 80s. If we made a mistake we will pay the return shipping. The Robot Masters assortment got off to a rocky start, with its first three waves hitting Australasia and U.S.-based online retailers long before reaching mass U.S. retail, and when they finally were found in U.S. stores, they were sighted in reverse order compared to their official wave numberings (although all those sightings occurred within the span of a few days at most). [5] Fans were left to speculate until BotCon 2007 that June. Detailed die-cast metal Scourge figure changes from combat robot to vehicle and back! Robot Masters are small, non-transformable, die-cast figurines of various Transformers characters dating from the dim and distant past of Generation 1 to the then-recent past of Cybertron, briefly hitting Beast Wars and Energon along the way. The lack of interest outside of the collector market was cited by Hasbro as a factor in Titanium Series' discontinuation. Brand new. "[12], Eventually, at BotCon 2008 in the subsequent April, Hasbro revealed they had successfully "found homes" for a handful of Cybertron Heroes, all of them as exclusives; Skywarp was released as a Hasbro Toy Shop exclusive in the summer of 2008 both online and at that year's San Diego Comic-Con, whereas War Within Grimlock and Prowl were made available at Toys"R"Us a month later. "BotCon 2008 - Hasbro Products Panel Report" at, "Official tank mode pictures of The Fallen @ BBTS" thread at, "New Images of Titanium Soundwave Cliffjumper and Sunstreaker" at, "New 6 Inch Titanium Listings Found in Wal-Mart Computers" at, "Images of New 6 Inch Transformers Titaniums WWI Prowl, SDCC Menasor, WWI Prime vs Megatron 2-pack" at, "Botcon Transformers Club Panel Information" at, "Botcon 2007 - Botcon 2007 Hasbro Tour Updated Friday at 12:45pm" at, "BOTCON: LIVE FROM HASBRO'S SUNDAY PANEL" at, "Botcon 2007 - Panel: Hasbro Transformers Future Product Unveiling" at, "New Pictures of 6 inch Titanium War Within Grimlock" at TFW2005, "Toy Fare #126 Update-CLASSICs 2.0, Titanium WWI Prowl and Grimlock" at,