The reason I wanted this is that I have an application that needs to make both Graph API and SharePoint REST calls before it is of any use and it is a really bad experience for the user to have to see a prompt for Graph permissions followed immediately by a second prompt for SharePoint permissions. Your URL needs to be fully qualified domain i.e msal-core or just simply msal, is the framework agnostic core library. I came across an interesting scenario recently: I was working with a React SPA which used Azure AD for authenticating users, and it needed to work with multiple accounts logged in simultaneously. However acquireToken calls are valid only for one resource / multiple scopes. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact with any additional questions or comments. The MSAL Angular wrapper provides the HTTP interceptor, which will automatically acquire access tokens silently and attach them to the HTTP requests to APIs. UserAgentApplication can be configured with a variety of different options, detailed in our Wiki, but the only required parameter is auth.clientId. Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"). I wanted to solve this problem using the V2 authentication model approach of dynamically asking for scopes. You should protect your site for XSS. There are three options, you can connect using your office 365 account/Multi-tenant/Personal accounts. If you try to make 2 calls you end up calling AcquireTokenInteractive (passing just the Graph resource scopes) which the user gets prompted to consent to, and then the second call to AcquireTokenInteractive (passing just the SharePoint resource scopes) which the user gets a second prompt for. Default is false. If you have the tenant, provide the GUID of your tenant or Please note that consenting to scopes on login, does not return an access_token for these scopes, but gives you the opportunity to obtain a token silently with these scopes passed in, with no further interaction from the user. Addicted to coffee. MSAL AngularJS allows you to pass an Http interceptor ($httpProvider). Alright weve got some crazy undocumented magic going on here, but this does appear to give us the solution to the problem from a consent perspective. You can use optional claims for the following purposes: To request optional claims in IdToken, you can send a stringified claims object to the claimsRequest field of the AuthenticationParameters.ts class.

Chief Technology Officer at OnePlace Solutions. Stack Overflow using tag "msal". We encourage you to get notifications of when security incidents occur by visiting this page and subscribing to Security Advisory Alerts. If you want to build the library and run all the unit tests, you can do the following. At a minimum, @azure/msal-angular will follow the support schedule of the main Angular project. Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. through Azure AD B2C service. You can pass the following config options as an optional object to MSAL during initialization: redirectUri : The redirect URI of your app, where authentication responses can be sent and received by your app. Remember in that dialog above we were trying to acquire just the Graph token but passing in the extra SharePoint scope just for consent.

We encourage you to get notifications of when security incidents occur by visiting this page and subscribing to Security Advisory Alerts. With all that background and comments in the code I think youll find your way through the proof of concept pretty easily. If you need to access multiple resources, please make separate acquireToken calls per resource. If the refresh token's 24-hour lifetime has expired, MSAL.js will open a hidden iframe to silently request a new authorization code, which it will exchange for a new, valid refresh token. If users have browser constraints or policies where pop-up windows are disabled, you can use the redirect method.

(loginPopup=> acquireTokenPopup, loginRedirect => acquireTokenRedirect). Office 365, SharePoint, Azure, OnePlace Solutions & Life's Other Little Wonders. and is a identifier within the directory itself (e.g. These security concerns are mitigated per standard practices such as- use of short lived tokens (and so no refresh tokens are returned), the library requiring a registered redirect URI for the app, library matching the request and response with a unique nonce and state parameter. This method will initiate a full-frame redirect and the response will be handled when returning to the application. See here for specific features demonstrated by our MSAL Angular v2 samples. Navigate to the Azure portal using the following address: and get access to Microsoft Cloud OR Microsoft Graph. It helps to fetch the token of the current logged in user silently. The claims can be used by the application for validation, to identify the subject's directory tenant, and so on. To initialize the MSAL provider you will require to pass the clientID of your application and a tokenReceivedCallback function: clientID: The clientID of your application, you should get this from the application registration portal. Relying on the cache will give your users a better experience, and skipping it should only be used in scenarios where you know the current cached data does not have up to date information. This may impact your application. When we provide the General Availability release we will require you to update to the General Availability version within six months, as applications written using a preview version of library may no longer work. (LogOut/

Default is true. The following pattern is as described earlier but shown with a redirect method to acquire tokens interactively. MSAL for Angular enables Angular web applications to authenticate users using Azure AD work and school accounts (AAD), Microsoft personal accounts (MSA) and social identity providers like Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft accounts, etc. Please see the config section for more details on their use: You can enable logging in your app as shown below: By default, you have multi-tenant support since MSAL sets the tenant in the authority to 'common' if it is not specified in the config. We use semantic versioning so you can control the risk associated with updating your app. * In Azure AD B2C, it is of the form https:///tfp/// In this article, I have explained how to fetch an access token using MSAL JS. You should ask user to login again for important operations on your app. All rights reserved. You can learn further details about MSAL.js functionality documented in the MSAL Wiki and find complete code samples. To read more about this protocol, as well as the differences between implicit flow and authorization code flow, see the description provided by @azure/msal-browser. We encourage you to get notifications of when security incidents occur by visiting this page and subscribing to Security Advisory Alerts. protectedResourceMap : Mapping of endpoints to scopes {"", ["", "mail.send"]}. The above sample code was taken directly from the official Microsoft Docs. Brilliant this now gives us a way to initially try to acquire the Graph token but also in the same call ensure the user has consent to the SharePoint scopes. You'll need to register the redirect callback as mentioned earlier. Please check the article here: Because the authentication redirect happens in a pop-up window, the state of the main application is preserved. This code is the same as described earlier. When this method is called, the library first checks the cache in browser storage to see if a valid token exists and returns it. Provide the Name of your app and choose the supported account type. Tokens are accessible from Javascript since MSAL is using HTML5 storage. If you are not interested in multi-tenant behavior, you will need to set the authority config property as shown above.

All requested scopes might not be granted in the access token. The reason for writing this post and creating the accompanying simplified proof of concept github repo was that I was struggling to find a documented way to achieve getting the end user to consent to both Graph and SharePoint permission scopes without being presented with two consent prompts. Now we are down into the actual format of specifying the individual permission scopes. Add and access custom claims for your application. Once our core 1.x+ is stabilized, we are going to bring our msal-angular library with the latest 1.x improvements. // could also check if err instance of InteractionRequiredAuthError if you can import the class. Once this is in place, we can start looking at the code itself. cacheLocation : Sets browser storage to either 'localStorage' or sessionStorage'. If you find a security issue with our libraries or services please report it to with as much detail as possible. Scopes can be from multiple resources/endpoints. GitHub Issues for reporting a bug or feature requests, User Voice page to provide recommendations and/or feedback. If you find a security issue with our libraries or services please report it to with as much detail as possible. Please read the contributing guide before you begin. If you want to build it from scratch, this would be a Defaults to RFC4122 version 4 guid (128 bits).

We encourge you to explore the options and make the best decision for your application. MsalInterceptor will request the specified scopes when automatically acquiring tokens. The Azure AD service then returns an access token containing the user consented scopes to allow your app to securely call the API. Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. MsalInterceptor configurations can also be changed to use redirects. For success and failure of the silent token acquisition, MSAL Angular provides events that you can subscribe to. The pattern for acquiring tokens for APIs with MSAL.js is to first attempt a silent token request by using the acquireTokenSilent method. Power Platform release plan for the 2022 release wave 2 describes all new features releasing from October 2022 through March 2023.

I intentionally kept the code as simplistic as I could (no Graph SDK, no SharePoint SDK, no error handling) just raw calls so you can see the mechanics without extra code fluff. navigateToLoginRequestUrl : Ability to turn off default navigation to start page after login. authority : A URL indicating a directory that MSAL can use to obtain tokens. unprotectedResources : is an array of values that will be ignored by the MSAL route/state change handlers. We are planning to deprecate support for msal-angularjs based on usage trends of the framework and the library indicating increased adoption of Angular 2+ instead of Angular 1x.

The following pattern is as described earlier but shown with a redirect method to acquire tokens interactively. As of MSAL 1.3.0 this is optional. logger : Logging is not enabled by default. The permission scope itself has your SharePoint tenant in it e.g. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. x.y.x) ensures you get the latest security and feature enhanements but our API surface remains the same. The @azure/msal-angular package described by the code in this folder wraps the @azure/msal-browser package and uses it as a peer dependency to enable authentication in Angular Web Applications without backend servers.