As distance education, it is not limited to one central institution. To read about how people have already gotten involved in this ministry and how you might too, go to Join Our Ministry Team.
Click here. Patient and influential.
God brings His Church to maturity through the teaching of His Word (Ephesians 4:11-15). UGANDA FIELD OFFICEINTERNATIONAL TELEPHONE: 011-256-414-201-507INTERNATIONAL FAX: 011-256-414-201-888AFRICAN BIBLE UNIVERSITYP.O. In case you wonder how they manage all this, they have been blessed with the help of a wonderful Christian lady called Ainebyona who does all their cooking, cleaning and washing in order to free them to do these other jobs! Greater than you were yesterday every day and closer to Christ than you ever thought possible.
Every successful minister goes through school. One of its main purposes is to do [], Do you find yourself constantly surprised by the things that God says are important as you read through Scripture? My name is Shivon Jackie Biryahwaho and I'm 36 years old. They already know the native languages, cultures, and tribal customs. BOX 1028 AREA 47LILONGWE, MALAWI SOUTH EAST AFRICA, UGANDA OFFICEPHONE: +(256) 414-201- 922 or +(256) 414 - 201 - 507AFRICAN BIBLE UNIVERSITYP.O.
Free Ministry Training for CLI Student's Youth Pastor Calling Mission: The chief aim of Uganda Bible Institute Mbarara is to strengthen the Church in Uganda and beyond through theological education by training and equipping church leaders with necessary knowledge and skills to rightly understand and effectively teach the Word of God to their congregations and the non-believers. Covenant Bible Institute of Theology in Mbale, Uganda, is training pastors to proclaim the truth of Gods Word to the open hearts of East Africa. I grew up in a Christian family. Welcome to GTBC a college with a Christian touch geared towards producing credible, informed and mentored servants of God. [emailprotected].
African Bible University (Uganda), is a private Christian university in Uganda founded and owned by African Bible Colleges.
And yet the Lord brings unity and enrichment through all this diversity. The college provides a conducive atmosphere which fosters spiritual growth with a focus on service to God, the church and society. You must be logged in to proceed. If you're a mission-minded Christian who desires to get involved with God's work in Africa, we also invite you to explore our website to discover if your God-given talent can be put to use here. Here is her story
Please remain vigilant in your prayers as the region recovers from the famine and continues to battle COVID-19. An indigenous, Evangelical, non-denominational institution meeting the needs of churches in East Africa. The campus of African Bible University in Uganda sits on 30 acres (0.12km2) on Lubowa Hill, approximately 12 kilometres (7.5mi), by road, south of Kampala, Uganda's capital and largest city. Medical (Ethiopia) - Top 10 Christian Medical Ministries in Ethiopia. Remember to register with an official school email for verification of ownership.
As you consider Gods calling on your life we invite you to visit our offices and see if Glad Tidings might just be place for you.
A pioneer in nontraditional, theological education in Africa, AOS was founded in 1990 in Jinja, Uganda. Their oldest son Murray (14) was born in Malawi, and Elliot (12) and Daniel (10) were born in the USA while Palmer was alternating between African Bible College, Malawi and Knox Theological Seminary in Florida. Get in touch: Office Line: +256 393 280 474 Email: [emailprotected].
Partner with us in training up the next generation of pastors who will shepherd the growing African church. BOX 5771 YEKEPA, LIBERIA WEST AFRICA. Executive Director of ARMI and Post Education Development. Need additional information? In addition, the prospective student must satisfactorily pass the African Bible University Entrance Examinations. This Biblical concept summarizes the vision of African Bible University of Uganda.
I live in Gulu which is located in northern, Ugandan Ministry Journey With false teaching and cults so prevalent, who will plant the churches, and teach, lead and care for Gods people? It is the desire of African Bible University that every qualified student who wishes to attend the university is able to do so. [7], African Bible University (Uganda) (Africa), Uganda National Council for Higher Education, "Uganda National Council for Higher Education: Private Universities - African Bible University", "Dr. O. Palmer Robertson: Vice Chancellor - African Bible University, Uganda", "Road Distance Between Kampala And Lubowa With Map", "Location of the Campus of African Bible University of Uganda At Google Maps", Basilica of the Uganda Martyrs, Namugongo, HoimaKampala Petroleum Products Pipeline, KenyaUgandaRwanda Petroleum Products Pipeline, International Specialized Hospital of Uganda, Mbarara University of Science & Technology, Uganda Technology & Management University, Valley University of Science and Technology, University of Military Science and Technology,, Educational institutions established in 2005, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 29 November 2021, at 00:36.
The original vision for African Bible Colleges began in the hearts and minds of Dr and Mrs John W Chinchen.
He is currently working on the Psalms looking at the flow of the book, both in terms of theme and structure. Ready to take the next step? Here we help you to stay connected. LBC-PDN Liaison His regular courses include Old Testament Biblical Theology, New Testament Biblical Theology, Old Testament Poetical Books, Sermon Preparation, and Greek.
He preaches each week in chapel and usually teaches three courses each semester. Healing School Highlights! The curriculum is designed to prepare the colleges graduates for Christian vocation.
A sound evangelical theological foundation, based on understanding of the historical background and con text of the Bible, proper methodology of Biblical interpretation and sensibility to the Holy Spirit. [4] The location is about 2 kilometres (1.2mi) east of the Kampala-Entebbe Road.
The Bible will be your primary text and an outstanding faculty will also teach how to be salt and light to the people and cultures of Africa.
My wife's name is Hanifer Kiggundu, and together, Equipped Leader All applicants are reviewed and evaluated in two areas: 1) Character 2) Academic Achievement. Mission trips are a battle. The key beliefs include the Bible, the Godhead, Humanity, the Way of Salvation, and Justification by Faith, the Church and the Christian Hope. So why then is this chapter here?
Create a healthy partnership through accountability, training and education rather than building unhealthy dependency. The firstborn of three - two sisters and a foster brother, I am 19 years old. The Spirit of God is moving powerfully across Sub-Saharan Africa bringing millions of people to faith in Jesus Christ. Currently we have 135 students from 10 nations: Uganda, Sudan, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Kenya, Malawi, Eritrea, China and Korea.

Have you ever attended an event where you literally could feel the tangible presence of God with healing taking place, What a beautiful, cool and rainy Wednesday in the city of Kampala that ushered in the long-awaited Charis ministry and. Hey I am Epaphrus mwebaze from sheema west Ankole currently graduate teacher but I would wish to have adiploma course in theology..can it be possible ..
I currently live in Uganda in a place called Namugongo and this is my story of how the prodigal daughter returns. High Schoolers Earn College Credits at our Lancaster Campus.
This is a two-year program with a fixed start and end date. Are you interested in Applying? I was born in May 1981 in Kampala, the capital of Uganda in East Africa I am the second born in a family of 2 brothers. CLI accepts any individual anywhere in their life to learn about Christianity.
More space is given to it in Exodus []. Joanna serves as the Registrar, although the Deputy Registrar has shouldered much of the work for the last few years. The second Bible college on the African continent was established in Malawi, Central Africa in 1991.
Through all your learning you will be part of a family of believers who hunger and thirst for the glory of God and who will stand with you to faithfully proclaim the truths of the Bible. Apply to conduct research with or at LBC | Capital, DC high schoolers can earn college credits through First Lap, Explore our D.C. site in person or virtually, Schedule a time see our Philadelphia site, Come with us on a tour of our Lancaster campus, Home | Projects | Pastors for Uganda.
They are open to second-year students first, and any remaining spots are available for first-year students to attend., Barbarah's Calling - Free Youth Pastor Training. I am the last born with, I am Joel A Magambo, from Kabale, Uganda.
3225 E. Commercial Ct. Meridian, ID 83642, Life Bible College, 3225 East Commercial Court, Meridian, ID, 83642, United States. with Isaac and Annelline Kofi. Students study through an accredited in-country masters degree program. Our mission is turning ordinary Christian workers into extraordinary Centurions of Christ. I am thankful for the free online training for ministry I am receiving at the Christian Leaders Institute, THE PRODIGAL DAUGHTER RETURNS-My Early Life
The inerrant Word of God remains central to every part of the programs of study and application and the transmission of these truths will change you and focus your ministry on the values of eternity.
African Bible University is located on 30 beautiful acres just outside the capital city of Kampala. You will receive mail with link to set new password. Our heart is to open blind eyes , cast out demons, raise the dead, and set the captives free all around the world. In his administrative role as Vice Chancellor Palmer is responsible for finding faculty and staff, fundraising, budget and finances, and general oversight of the running of the university.
Vision: An informed, transformed, theologically sound and Christ-centered Church. The Robertsons hope to be in Cambridge until August 6th when they expect to return to Uganda ready for the start of the new academic year. Sign up with your email to receive occasional updates about ABCs on-the-ground work in Malawi, Uganda and Liberia. We have now closed our special GoFundMe campaign and have asked Pastor Morris and Aida Ogenga to use the extra funds to expand the food distribution as they see the needs.

We take Jesus at His word when He says to Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15).
CBIT USA, P.O. In 2005 the third of these Christ-committed universities opened in Uganda. The standards of Christian commitment and scholarship maintained by African Bible University require a ploy of selective admission. You need to join Charis for a life changing Gospel experience, so why are you waiting? Uganda Bible Institute Mbarara facilities include a room and board provided for all resident students, a 3-storey Classrooms/Library building, staff duplex, a 400 capacity dining hall/kitchen which has been completed and now in use. Hello, my name is Chris Ongeimungu, and this is my story.
If you're a pastor, evangelist or some other type of gospel minister and you have not yet been trained or you want advanced training, we invite you to explore our website to discover if Alpha-Omega Seminary is the place for you. But we also have fun, explore new places, and get to see people set free in the name of Jesus. In 1975 the vision became reality when the first of the African Bible Colleges began in Liberia, West Africa. Being a student at Christian Leaders Institute is enjoyable, Evangelism Free Training Medical (Ethiopia) Top 10 Christian Medical Ministries in Ethiopia. My name is Edward Kiggundu, and I am receiving evangelism free training at CLI. Because of that, we go through months of pre-trip prayer.
My,,,,,,,, ABU is able to do this by utilizing volunteer lecturers and soliciting gifts from Christian friends and churches abroad to subsidize the cost of each students education. Dr Palmer Robertson and his wife Joanna have been in Africa since 1992, first in Malawi, and then in 2001 Palmer was asked to become the Vice Chancellor of the proposed African Bible University in Uganda. You may be able to minister from long distance in your home country or perhaps the Lord might call you to come in person and work with us in Uganda, either long term or short.
We believe that both a systematic approach to the study of Gods word and the personal experience of the fulness of the Holy Spirit is necessary for the equipping of the minister of God. Uganda Bible Institute Mbarara is a twelve acre campus located in Southwest Uganda on the northeast side of Mbarara at Nyamityobora. A two-year commitment of $400 per month will provide an African pastor the education they desperately need. Become a trained Christian leader today! We were raised by a single, Trained Christian Leader At African Bible University, every student majors in Biblical studies, but also has the opportunity to explore Gods truth as it is manifest throughout His wondrous works of creation and redemption. All board members and faculty must sign this Statement of Faith annually. I found this, yet again, just a couple of weeks ago when I came to preach on Exodus 16 and was confronted by a whole chapter about manna.