Elementary Schools in Alpena Public Schools, See All 6 Elementary Schools in Alpena Public Schools, More About Alpena Public Schools Academics, Selecting a category below will take you to another page, I'd love to know why we need to waste tax payer dollars on having 2 TWO uniformed, armed, and with police vehicle stationed to help kids cross the road when this is normally done by a nice lady with a smile, wave, and just the power of a STOP sign!? It is a one-stop shop for students to find the agenda for the day, help videos, daily work and links to other classroom activities. Melissa Jarema, Teacher, Alpena Public Schools. Alpena-Montmorency-Alcona Educational Service District (AMAESD), Northeast Michigan Community Service Agency(NEMCSA), Child and Family Services of Northeast Michigan, Compass North (servinghomeless youth 12-21 or those at risk of being homeless), (Ending Sexual and Domestic Violence - Together). She taught Science 7, Earth Science, Intro to Chemistry, and Intro to Physics for nine years at Hillman Jr./Sr. She has recent publications on Teacher Leadership and Adjunct-Online Instruction. Alpena decided to adopt a learning management system (LMS) that would help it develop a range of online and blended learning experiences, with a focus on technical education and project-based learning to complement and augment its traditional academic classroom-based approach. He loves being a teacher because it provides him with the opportunity to help students develop their passion for learning and understanding the world around them.
As a teacher mediates content, they diagnose, devise a strategy, succeed and move on or fail and make a new one. Learn more about Brightspace for Michigan. She is passionate about creating a love of reading for her students. Children are born learning and these critical first years impact the success they experience later in school. She has been teaching at McBride Middle School for three years and has been in education for four years. In the three years since Alpena began its student-centered learning journey, the district has seen the number of online enrollments skyrocket. It is also pioneering a course called Amped Up, which combines algebra with design and manufacturing. She has taught K-12 students throughout her career and simply loves to watch young people discovering who they are and inspiring them to think about the ways they may contribute to our world, now and in the future. Over the course of each year, the process gets dialed in and then that classroom is a machine to behold. Jasmine started her education career as a first grade teacher. The teachers and consular and other staff members made life for the four years i spent there amazing. Discover the schools, companies, and neighborhoods that are right for you. Students: 4,100Interviewee: Dr. John VanWagoner, Superintendent, Alpena Public Schools. He applied for the council so that he can help shape Michigan education policy in a way that recognizes the humanity and unique needs of all students. He is actively involved with Creative and Educational Placemaking and the co-founder of the DeWitt Creativity Group and Michigan Creativity Group. Gonzales believes that school climates are changing as our students face numerous challenges such as poverty, transience, ELL factors, and, by serving as a member of MTLAC, she has an opportunity to actively participate in the process of how to prepare communities to best support these differing student populations. Starkey is the father to two wonderful children, Alice and Henry. Wilson is a National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT) in Adolescent and Young Adult Mathematics and the President of the Michigan NBCT Network. The D2L team have been phenomenal to work with. For example, the district already offers an innovative geometry and construction course, where students learn geometry by building a house. Teaching requires him to constantly engage his problem-solving skills, creativity, and empathy. Godin also loves working with families on how they can best support and promote their childs development. Or not. She is ready to help facilitate some positive change in Michigans educational system! Starkey loves being a teacher because of the opportunity to connect with his students and have an impact on their emotional, cognitive, and physical development. He applied to be part of the MTLAC because he wants to be a connection between the classroom and the policymakers, and to be a voice for the kids in classrooms. Crucially, Brightspace also gives Alpena access to an open marketplace of educational content, so teachers can pick and choose the elements they need to augment the content they develop themselves. 3 years of skyrocketing growth in online enrollments, 17% of high school students now take courses online, 90% success rate for students passing online courses. In the 2017-18 school year, he will be teaching Geometry, AP Calculus, and Calculus II. It has 3,513 students in grades K-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 22 to 1. Amber Kasic is entering her fifteenth year of teaching and sixth year at Holland High School as a Spanish teacher. John Barnes has been with Saginaw Public Schools for 15 years, including his time as a student teacher, and has taught students in grades from 7 to 12. On the other hand, purchasing content from external vendors was expensive, and often not optimized for Alpenas needs. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Beth Gonzales works with teachers, students and families to create innovative learning experiences that help support and maximize efforts to grow learning communities. I absolutely love my school and would highly recommend anyone to come here if you could. Alissa Miller, Eighth Grade Math Teacher at Alpena, comments: Brightspace allows me to keep everything in one well organized space that can be accessed anytime, anywhere. Barnes joined the Michigan Teacher Leadership Advisory Council because he is always in search of new challenges. Alpenas administrators decided to look for a new LMS that would provide a more intuitive and open approach to course creation. Find the resources you need to understand how consumer protection law impacts your business. Wilson applied for the TLAC because of her passion for ensuring that all students have access to accomplished teachers and all teachers have access to relevant and meaningful professional learning opportunities. To view the D2L.com website, please upgrade to Microsoft Edge, or download another browser such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. In order to do this, Croley believes it is vital to transform our current education system and rethink the role of educator as well as the function of our educational institutions. Katie Lee is beginning her second year at Thunder Bay Junior High in Alpena. Other roles include a K-5 Literacy Coach, Reading Recovery Teacher, and her current role of K-3 Early Literacy Specialist.
Outside of school, Godin enjoy spending time with her family on a small farm, where they raise mini horses to visit children with special needs. Robyne C. Muray teaches English/Language Arts and performing arts classes at Lansing Eastern in the Lansing Public School District. Student-Teacher Ratio may not be indicative of class size. This is the percentage of 12th graders who graduated. A big focus of her educational philosophy is the importance of helping her tiny students grow into strong individuals as social, empathetic and capable learners. When they saw D2Ls Brightspace platform, they quickly realized that it offered something different. Her favorite subjects are Math and Social Studies because she enjoys teaching history and its impact on the future. For years he has heard teachers call for more open communication between state government and educators. Furthermore, although the district now provides personal computers for most students, many of them have little experience with educational technology. All of the courses I worked so hard to build last year were uploaded with a click of a button and ready to be reviewed and used again this year.
Alpena is harnessing D2Ls Brightspace platform to deliver personalized educationcombining classroom, online and blended learning experiences to help each student learn in whatever way is best for them. Jasmine loves being a teacher because she is passionate about helping each of her students reach their full potential, even when they feel like they are not capable of getting there. I am thrilled with the fact that Alpena has incorporated Brightspace into our educational experience, says Kris Copping from the English Department at ACES Academy. Willison has previously taught Pre-K and 6-8 science. Districts can be confident that data is safe and secure and can view data from classroom to district level. This year, in addition to teaching, Tobe also is going to be serving on the Alumni Advisory Board for the Michigan State College of Education, coaching varsity girls track and field, and taxiing his two daughters to their various events. Alpena-Montmorency-Alcona Educational Service District, Northeast Michigan Community Service Agency.
All rights reserved. Niche requires Javascript to work correctly. In that time, he has taught Creative Leadership, Acting I and II, Stage Movement, Technical Theater, Improvisation, Video Production, Film as Literature, Creative Writing, Communications and Debate, Communications/Yearbook, and Public Speaking courses. Some of it is his own children, while part of it is getting to tell the truth every day, and seeing former students reaching their goals is deeply satisfying to him. And if you ever want Barnes undivided attention, play frisbee with him, as he is much like a dog in that regard. She has been in education for 23 years. Gaucks passion is to give a voice to her students who daily are met with frustration and struggles. Starkey is an avid traveler, having traveled to over 32 countries with his wife, Lesley. So are we! In addition to his work in the classroom, Woods also is the host of a weekly podcast called The STEM Everyday podcast which includes ideas and interviews about adding STEM to any classroom. Chang has worked as an instructional consultant at Tobey Elementary. She is thrilled to have the opportunity to be a voice for Michigan's educators and students. Before her teaching career, Wilson earned a Master of Science in Chemical Engineering from the University of Michigan. He wants to provide students with the "soft skills that standardized tests dont measure, but are demanded in the workforce.
Alpena knew that it had to make the learning experience as intuitive as possible to make sure that no student is left behind. An official website of the United States government. He enjoys teaching because he enjoys developing talent and creating opportunities where students can unleash their creativity while remaining inclusive, empathetic, and fearless in their pursuit of making a positive difference. He has sought to live by the phrase: "they don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." She is an online adjunct instructor for graduate courses at Grand Canyon University and a contingent adjunct instructor for Northern Michigan University. Outside of teaching, Wregglesworth enjoys travel, technology and gadgets, downhill skiing, biking, kayaking, and hanging out with her amazing four-year-old daughter. Early learning and development program resources for all children, birth to age eight, especially those in highest need.

Niche users from this school district are most interested in the following colleges. My school could use some fixing up though. Barnes didn't understand children, and never met a teacher like himself. Our mission is protecting consumers and competition by preventing anticompetitive, deceptive, and unfair business practices through law enforcement, advocacy, and education without unduly burdening legitimate business activity. Michael Whalen is a high school Social Studies teacher in his fourth year of teaching for Kearsley Community Schools in Flint. The second, is that her learning is never done. She can have adult conversations with them about real-life topics, and inspire them to make real change in the world.