Not quite sure what we're looking at? By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Did Halloween come early this year, or is Bruce Wayne really patrolling the streets now? See the horse enjoying a banana on Google Street View. Perhaps his date was a no-show? If we didn't know any better, we might have thought this Los Angeles building was exploding. Just think about it with just a few clicks, you can visit some of the most exotic locations in the world from the comfort of your couch! It was tempting to see the images as a neutral and privileged representation of realityas though the Street Views, wrenched from any social context other than geospatial contiguity, were able to perform true docu-photography, capturing fragments of reality stripped of all cultural intentions.. Perhaps next time he hits the road, he might want to take it easy on the water. Safe to say, that's one catfight we certainly wouldn't want to be a part of. Though, based on our riders' mannerism, something tells us this might make for the safest choice of transportation. You don't lug your dog around in a personalized shopping cart? And while the images are fascinating to scroll through, Google Street View continually updates its database, often blurringout many of theoffending images or removingthem altogether. We wish our Mr. and Mrs. a happily ever after! Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. When you up load photos.please give location. With its supposedly neutral gaze, the Street View photography had a spontaneous quality unspoiled by the sensitivities or agendas of a human photographer. Whatever the case may be, this unusual sighting was captured in Mexico's small state of Tlaxcala. Click here to see the feet that just carried on walking on Google Street View. Did you enjoy reading this article? moment was caught on the streets of Poland's port city of Gdask. Why is Stellar Converter for OST a Great Option for OST to PST Conversion? And we're so glad they did Why the long face? A penguin on a Penny Farthing bike (Click here to see this picture live): A Reddit user shared this image from Japan in 2013 where a group of pigeon head people: You are going to hear me because a tiger is on the loose: Do the Yoga like no one watching but Google Street View | Here is the live image: Middle fingers to Google Street View Car: BJ somewhere in Karla Buriana, The Czech Republic. Accident caught live on Google Street View: Public handjob live on Google Street View: Police and a suspect somewhere in South America: Creepy!
Luckily, I found them while reading Twisted Sifter. Nothing to see here, just a man and his friend taking their tractor out for the latest joy ride. We have a collection of 80 images to show so without wasting any more time lets go into it. You can read more about it and change your preferences, Get the best of Bored Panda in your inbox. The amusing exchange was caught off a deserted road in Hungary's scenic village of Nagydobos. He walks through Google street view for hours on end, and finds the beautiful, the insane, and the funny. HACKREAD is a News Platform that centers on InfoSec, Cyber Crime, Privacy, Surveillance and Hacking News with full-scale reviews on Social Media Platforms & Technology trends. And so will we. This hilarious exchange was captured thousands of miles away, on the scenic streets of Italy. We tried our best to find more cool examples of funny Google Street View images. That being said, we wouldn't go anywhere just yet. All Rights Reserved. You can unsubscribe at any time. Our money's on the four-legged instigator who got busted on Google's street view. This unlucky driver found out the hard way that there's more than one use for 2-ply toilet paper. Thankfully, despite underestimating the height of that underpass, it seems that nobody was harmed in this collision.

Back in 2009, Google captured this unforgettable snap after a flock of sheep went running loose on the roads of Lowther, Southland. Public bathrooms have never looked better. With 7+ billion people in the world, there's lots we have yet to discover. In this hilarious shot, two men are seemingly battling it out dressed in fluorescent orange jumpsuits, with one appearing to be holding a golf club ready to swing! is among the registered trademarks of Gray Dot Media Group Ltd. Company registration number 12903776 in regulation with the United Kingdom Companies House. As for the poor driver on the receiving end of that accident? And we'd love an invite next time around. This candid (?) After all, dogs are a man's best friend. What? But given the fact that Google maps documented it for us? For the most part, Rafman collects accidentally hilarious or odd moments. The staff behind this beloved hangout decided to pull a fast one on Google maps when it came to documenting their eatery.
And while accidents are never a laughing matter, we can't help but feel slightly amused that Google managed to capture the messy exchange. Whether they're going #2 on our windshields or waking us up in the morning with their coos, we've all had our fair share of pigeons - haven't we? In fact, don't quote us on this one, but we might just be looking at IKEA's upcoming Fall collection. And hey, when you get back from your honeymoon, we'd love to carpool sometime. Talk about riding in style. Don't worry, neither do we. Then again, with a view that breathtaking? In this very obscure snap, the cow seems to have requested that Google hide its identity as its face appears to be blurred. Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. - well, that, and that she took the sparkly ring off before taking a dip in the inviting water.

Fight boredom with iPhones and iPads here. CoventryLive have delved into the weird and wacky world of Google Street View and found some surprisingly hilarious snaps. Does anyone have eyes on Goldilocks? This Google snap was taken at the Joshinetsu-Kogen NationalPark, where visitors can pay to watch wild monkeys bathe in natural hot springs. This hilarious picture was captured by Google, and there are only 3 words that come to mind right about now: We're lovin' it. So we scoured subreddits like /r/googlestreetviewfindsand /r/FunnyStreetViewas well as the Tumblr Fun Google Street Views to see some of the latest bizarre finds around the internet. And while we probably wouldn't wheel our 60+ pound Golden Retrievers around a winding shopping promenade, we love to see the bond these two clearly possess. Sign up here. From two men seemingly duelling in orange jumpsuits to pigeon masked pedestrians, Google Street View has managed to capture some images sure to make you laugh out loud. Here is someone dressed as a sea creature running towards the Google cameras in San Diego. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. And even though Street View can take you on tours on everything from the cozy small streets of Italy to the vast Australian deserts, it also hides some pretty funny and weird things as long as you know where to look. Fortunately, that's not what's going on here. Seriously, that guy is holding on for dear life. And while they may have gotten the last laugh here, we're a bit concerned for our fellow human diners. - and he did! Maybe our next driver can help us out with that one. This man alongside his trusty cockatoo are taking a relaxing summer stroll through Portland. We have sent an email to the address you provided with an activation link. Anyone can write on Bored Panda.

We've seen dining bears, sun-bathing mannequins, and trust us when we say the surprises aren't done just yet. Curious what's going on here? Curiosity may have killed the cat, but as far as this feline's concerned? Reproduction without explicit permission is prohibited. Images that were meant to show people how to get around a city or find a specific address are turned into art. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); An old man with a bag like that is creepy as hell: Body in the trash can (Really we have no idea what this dude is up to): Some sites claim that this is a robbery in Brazil, but its not. Sorry to disappoint, folks, but no, it's not. Does anyone else see the optical illusion here? Forget Loch Ness.
Maybe he's late to the circus? We all know that Google Street View is great for showing us how to get somewhere - but we didn't know it was SO funny! One glance at this hilarious picture below, and we can't help but pity the helpless residents who thought they could stand a chance against the little firecracker. One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" I mean, just think how much seaweed in all of those unwanted places he's going to be washing off later Two roundtrip tickets to Italy: $1,000+. Sometimes I'm lazy, sometimes I'm bored - I'm just like you, but a bit cooler. Shortly after tying the knot, a pair of newlyweds decided to embark on their next chapter in the most dreamy (and slightly over-the-top) way possible.

Was than a women showing her butt and little kids holding guns? Here's to hoping our clueless girlfriend said "yes!" While the hilarious sighting was indeed captured in the United Kingdom, that's about the only thing that ties it to our Royal family. Safe to say, it's moments like these that make Google's watchful eye every bit worth it. You can change your preferences. Check your inbox, and click on the link to activate your account. Jons hobby is finding all sorts of bizarre things on Street View that Google probably didnt intend to capture, and his finds are both fascinating and hilarious. Something went wrong, please try again later. Anyone up for a road trip around the West Coast? Get a daily selection of our top stories based on your reading preferences.
This amusing moment might not be something we see every day, but for folks halfway across the world? We wanted to post these awesome Google Street View photos a long time ago, but somehow they got lost along the way. One of the weirdest finds on Google Street View is these frightening pigeon-masked people in Japan. I am also into gaming, reading and investigative journalism, Google is busy in updating its Android OS with the third and probably the largest security patch update, With an aim to secure the browsing, users surfing the Internet via chrome browser on mobile devices will, Gmail, as we know, is a popular and commonly preferred email platform around the world.