Regions values and benefits from the diversity of our associates, our customers and the communities we serve. Regions Bank employees are most likely to be members of the republican party. Pay at Regions Bank is significantly lower than some of its highest paying competitors, like. We take a deep dive into what's impacting employee retention and what employees are looking for in their new role. Truework This year the company really hit the slumps. Have you worked at Regions Bank? New research shows that each woman experiences the disparity of gender pay gap in different ways, depending on her position, age, race and education. Cut staffing in half, and increased our responsibilities. Find your market worth with a report tailored to you, No results found. Oh Yeah, you will have morning hudles and maybe afternoon hudles based on the branch numbers and goals and what nots! Regions Bank is a retail, sales company. You will also be role playing until you satisfy your manager with your sales performance. All content is posted anonymously by employees working at Regions Financial. Diversity, Equity, and inclusion are fundamental to our corporate strategy and human capital management. New research on who's asking for raises and who's getting them as well as advice on how to ensure you're getting the salary you deserve. love Copyright 20082022, Glassdoor, Inc. "Glassdoor" and logo are registered trademarks of Glassdoor, Inc. KEY NOT FOUND: What happened to the old Regions? Using a database of 30 million profiles, Zippia estimates demographics and statistics for Regions Bank. Even if you follow policy, and do all you could, it's all about the scores at the end of day for Regions, nothing else. Same customers, same response let's move on already! Website, Knowledge If you were in charge, what would you do to make Regions Financial a better place to work? Employees say this is a great place to work. $20,400 to the Republican Party. How often do you get a raise at Regions Financial? People here are given a lot of responsibility. Can't find personal emails with with any company using Kendo. Pompanoosuc Mills is a design company that provides domestic hardwood and sustainability American design. Use Facebook or Google to sign in or register with SimplyHired. The company employs over 21,000 people as of 2017 and some of the employment opportunities include financial relationship consultants, data scientists consultants, financial relationship specialists, branch managers, wealth advisors, team leaders in financial relationship consulting, and much more. Our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion starts at the top of our organization, with oversight of our Board. On average, employees at Regions Bank stay with the company for 5.0 years. Pay, Whether you are hiring a single employee , or an entire department of, The labor market is a strange place right now. Regions also has continual system issues, fraud and bank errors..more than any other bank I have worked for and they rarely are willing to help out customers with fees even if it has been over a year since one was given..managers have the ability to override system and refuse to do so even when I feel it could have been done..had to practically beg on the customers behalf. Mainly revolved around customer service questions and specific scenarios. Do not apply unless you're a salesperson. Helping customers throughout the day in person and over the phone. Through five core values--Do What is Right, Put People First, Reach Higher, Focus on the Customer, and Enjoy Life--Regions Bank strives to make life better for customers, associates, and communities while achieving superior economic value over time for shareholders. Sales is the main part of our job, but they dont realize all the time spent servic. here. Learn how to secure and automate employment verifications, Employee-first & data secure companies leveraging Truework, Learn how to complete a verification for any employee, Verify income and employment in multiple other ways, Industry-leading endpoints for income and employment verification, Learn more about the team securing employee data, Read more about our security program and certifications, Join the community of security, HR, and verification professionals, Employment verification services explained. Find personal and business email addresses with one click. The employee experience below at Regions Bank, compared to a typical company. Competitors of Regions Bank include Citi, JPMorgan Chase & Co., and Capital One. You are not calling because you want to make sure their card works and you care about their overall experience with the process, you're calling to help make Regions money. What is paid time off like at Regions Financial? I am very organized and detail-oriented and can find effective solutions to get the job done. Regions Bank employees are most likely to be members of the Republican Party. Make sure the employees got praised for doing a great job . Holiday Pay, Hour lunch, PTO, & Co-workers. Also, tell them consequences to them if goal not made. Its the stress. Our roadmap to create strong, consistent shareholder value. How is pay, wlb & work culture. They keep adding more "tick marks" and it doesn't give me the opportunity to really do what I do best (have needs based conversations with clients to uncover opportunities). It's a survey created by Regions used by Gallup to evaluate an associate's customer service and knowledge. I need to change where I'm at, but not sure how big of a company is really gonna hire me when I'm so new to things. What your skills are worth in the job market is constantly changing. They are a mobile banking company that is committed to diversity, responsibility, and excellence. But back to KDS. It's tough to remain innovative in such a fast-moving field. Regions Receives Gallup's Don Clifton Strengths-Based Culture Award - Doing More Today. We earned vacation time by our hours and our vacation was not caped. Branches are held accountable for "activity levels" such as making outbound calls and filling out their "guided discovery" module which tells customers what products they qualify for based on their answers IF they feel comfortable answering, standing by the door and convincing customers to sit down to make deposits so the bankers can interview them, "refer-a-friend" registrations, and a variety of other activity "indicators." By using this website, you agree we may store and access cookies on your device. I love working from home. The Ovia Health program is available to all Regions associates, and their spouses and domestic partners. Don Clifton Strengths-Based Culture Award. Algolia's hosted search API helps developers and product teams build consumer-grade searches. Their whole work environment, training, and conversation is centered around loans. With the combination of three well-respected banks, the holding company began operations with a total of $543 million in assets and 40 banking locations in Birmingham , Huntsville and Montgomery. The parent company is Regions Financial Corporation with regions Bank as a subsidiary underneath. Does anyone here work for Fidelity? Regions Bank's mission statement is "To achieve superior economic value for our shareholders over time by making life better for our customers, our associates and our communities and creating shared value as we help them meet their financial goals and aspirations.". So now I just got a letter that I have failed to meet my obligations and face getting demoted and that I will know by the end of June if I will be demoted or not. Also, tell them how much turn over Regions has. "About This Company" data & logos provided by. They have this score system called Gallup. Bonuses have been restructured to be unattainable and if by some miracle you do reach it, it might be an extra 100 dollars, gross (not net) and its for the entire quarter. When I first began it was better than it is now in 2020. If an associate receives an overall 4 rating the percentage value assigned by Regions is 0. The company has its headquarters in Birmingham, Alabama, and they sponsor Regions Field, which is a minor league baseball stadium in Birmingham. In addition, the reward for the goals they want you to meet are ridiculous. Share your experience anonymously. Everyone who was in my training class hates it already..some have even left and I'm right behind them and we only started a few months ago btw. That's all Regions care about are loans. The largest donation made to a political party by a Regions Bank employee was