Mr. Jaquemet has a strong legal background, and served as Chief of Protection Capacity Section, Department of International Protection, at UNHCR Headquarters in Geneva from 1997 to 2002. A refugee said, I am fearful about the future. <> But to be truly effective this offer cannot operate in isolation. While the government of Nepal should continue to demand that the government of Bhutan honor its obligation to permit refugee repatriation, Nepal should not make cooperation with resettlement contingent on the outcome of further rounds of bilateral talks with Bhutan.248 As one refugee said, The conclusion [of a new round of bilateral talks] might be that the government of Bhutan prolongs our refugee life by 15 or 20 years, by restarting the verification process. Since late 2007, UNHCR has helped nearly 80,000 refugees from Bhutan start new lives in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. A young refugee man said: The U.S. offer may be welcome to many of the refugees.
According to the Home Ministry spokesperson, Phadindramani Pokhrel, the government has raised the issue regarding the Afghan nationals entering Nepal through international borders after the Taliban recently took control of Afghanistan. Res. Nepal acceded to the ICCPR on May 14, 1991. On the occasion, Prime Minister Oli thanked the UNHCR for its assistance in managing the Bhutanese refugees so far and expressed confidence that there would be continued support for the management of the remaining refugees. After the investigation, the CIB had found that the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) had been giving shelter to the Afghan nationals at a house in Sinamangal. Ltd. EC/53/SC/CRP.10/Add.1, June 3, 2003, (accessed February 13, 2007), paras. To diffuse the current tensions in the camps between the proponents and opponents of resettlement, the U.S. and other resettlement countries should emphasize that the dichotomy between resettlement and the right to return is a false one. 258 Human Rights Watch interview with ethnic Nepali living in Bhutan (K52), details withheld. REPATRIATION, NEW REPRESENTATIVE, CHIEF, ASSISTANCE, RESETTLEMENT, REFUGEE PROCESSING CENTRES, REFUGEE, PROTECTION, CREDENTIALSCULTURED COUNTRY, LEGAL BACKGROUND, INTERNATIONAL PROTECTION, CAPACITY SECTION, THIRD COUNTRY, BHUTANESE REFUGEE, AWARENESS PROGRAM, Protection Of And Assistance To Refugees And Displaced Persons, Resettlement of refugees from Bhutan reaches 100,000 milestone, Bhutanese Refugees On Strike in Kathmandu, The process for Third Country Resettlement of the refugees from Bhutan in Nepal Begins, UNHCR/WFP Joint Assessment Mission Report Assistance to the Refugees from Bhutan in Nepal, Resettlement of 16 Vulnerable Refugees from Bhutan on Protection Grounds, Joint Assessment Mission Report Assistance to the Bhutanese Refugees in Nepal, Government of Germany Contributes 100,000 Euro To UNHCRs Nepal Programme, Government of Japan Contributes US$ 2 Million to UNHCRs Nepal Programme, Government of Japan contributes US$ 2 Million to UNHCRs Nepal programme, Government of Australia Contributes US $ 534,351 to UNHCRs Nepal programmes, IOM, UNHCR And WFP Denounce He Bomb Attack At The IOM Office In Eastern Nepal, UNHCR welcomes contribution of NPR 330 million (EURO)2950000 from European Commission, At 99, Grandma From Bhutan Chooses New Life Over Old, New UNHCR Reports Says Global Forced Displacement at an 18 Year High, Over 8000 Refugees From Bhutan Resettled in 2008, New UNHCR Report says Global Forced Displacement at an 18 Year High, Government of Japan Contributes US $ 2 Million to UNHCR Nepal, UNHCR urges all parties for smooth delivery of humanitarian assistance to refugees, Addressing HIV in the Context of Resettlement in Nepal, The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany has pledged contribution to UNHCR, Secretary-General To Appoint Karin Landgren As His Representative In Nepal. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 171, entered into force March 23, 1976, art 12(1). KATHMANDU: The government has objected to the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) decision of giving shelter to Afghan nationals at a house in Sinamangal without any consent on Tuesday. ExCom Conclusion 99 of 2004 [e]ncourages States and UNHCR to put into practice the strategic use of resettlement in a spirit of international burden and responsibility sharing, in conjunction with other durable solutions, especially to resolve protracted refugee situations. UNHCR, ExCom Conclusion 99 (LV), General Conclusion on International Protection, October 8, 2004, (accessed February 10, 2007), para. 1 0 obj Email from U.S. Embassy in Kathmandu to Human Rights Watch, March 12, 2007; email from U.S. State Department to Human Rights Watch, March 12, 2007; and email from UNHCR-Nepal to Human Rights Watch, March 12, 2007. Published on: 17 February 2021 | The Rising Nepal, Social Science Baha
KATHMANDU: A delegation from UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) called on Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli on Tuesday. The international community, and in particular the U.S. and other resettlement countries, and those countries who maintain diplomatic relations with Bhutan, must put real pressure on the government of Bhutan to ensure respect for the rights of Bhutans ethnic Nepali population on a non-discriminatory basis, and in particular to ensure that all ethnic Nepalis in Bhutan are protected from arbitrary denationalization. Email:,, Copyright 2022 NepalPress. Upon assuming office, Sanders said, I am delighted to be in Nepal a country rich in culture and natural beauty and look forward to maintaining an effective working relationship with the Government of Nepal, members of the diplomatic community, UN Agencies, non-governmental organisations and all other major stakeholders and interlocutors in the refugee programme in Nepal.. The U.S. offer to resettle up to 60,000 Bhutanese refugees is the first significant movement in 15 years toward resolving one of the worlds most intractable refugee situations. Nepal E. Press Media Pvt. Earlier, sleuths deployed from the Central Investigation Bureau(CIB) of Nepal Police had taken 11 Afghan nationals under control from Sinamangal of Kathmandu on Monday. The Bhutanese, cleared out of their homesteads vacating it to plant GNH for the nation are happy to enjoy the care of global community. Refugees interim choices do not deprive them of their right to return to Bhutan. Sanders arrived in Nepal on 20 May 2013. The purpose of the [2005] Bhutan census is to clear the southern Bhutanese away. PM Oli expressed gratitude to UNHCR for its assistance in the management of Bhutanese refugees in Nepal and believed that such assistance would continue in the days ahead. Rather, refugees are offered these options on humanitarian grounds, to allow them to end their refugee status. Your email address will not be published. ), Nepal in short - UNHCR 2001 Global Appeal, Country Operation Plan 2002 for Nepal (External Version), Child Protection Network (Early Childhood Development Center) Nepal, On World Refugee Day, Guterres Says Refugee Protection More Challenging. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 18 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
UNHCR Country Operations Plan 2006 - Nepal, Resettlement of Refugees from Bhutan Passes 20,000 Mark, UNHCR Country Operations Plan 2005 - Nepal, UNHCR Country Operations Plan 2002 - Nepal, UNHCR Saddened Over Death And Injuries As Refugees Attempt To Return To Bhutan, UNHCR Country Operations Plan 2004 - Nepal, UNHCR Global Refugee Tally At 26-Year Low While Internally Displaced Increase, Netherlands and Switzerland Boost WFP Efforts To Secure Food Supplies To Bhutanese Refugees, Managing Migration for the Benefit of all:The International Organization for Migration (IOM), Mission in Nepal INFO-SHEET, Considerable Amount of Reduction in the Supply of Essential Items, UNHCR, UNHCR Nepal to Celebrate Refugee Olympic Team, Bureau for Asia and the Pacific Country Operations Fact Sheets (September 2014
Moreover, there is nothing sure about being taken back to Bhutan from the camps in Nepal.255. 252 Under the agreement reached at the 12th round of bilateral talks between Nepal and Bhutan and Nepal, Nepal agreed that refugees in category 2 (Bhutanese who emigrated voluntarily) who did not wish to return to Bhutan would be given the option to apply for Nepalese citizenship in accordance with laws of the kingdom of Nepal. Fourteenth Ministerial Joint Committee Meeting, Nepal Bhutan joint press release, May 21, 2003, Annex I: Agreed Position on the Four Categories, (accessed February 10, 2007). E-mail: [emailprotected], Mailing address: GPO Box 25334, I hope that the U.S. will keep an eye on Bhutan, and that Bhutan comes in the frontline with respect to democracy and human rights.256. Our concern is that our relatives in Bhutan should not be made to suffer like us.259. He said that Nepal, a developing country which is struggling with its own problems, wanted to manage the refugee problem in a timely manner. UNHCRs work in Nepal also includes providing protection and assistance to around 350 urban refugees and asylum seekers, helping find solutions for people without access to citizenship certificates, and facilitating the safe transit of Tibetan new arrivals to a third country. 247 UNHCRs Working Group on Resettlement has emphasized the need for resettlement to be used strategically, that is, in such a way as to maximize its benefits over and above the provision of a durable solution to the resettled refugees. x[[o:~G aEREalz>NmkJ\II,iog_h4b^EzQN12a 4 0 obj
2004-2020, , [], , , , , , [], , , , , , , , , , , [], [], [], To the young people in Bhutanese Communities across the globe, What is in a name? Third, the United States and other resettle countries should redouble their efforts to convince Bhutan to allow refugees who want to repatriate to do so under conditions that are compatible with human rights law. One refugee said, Government officials in villages are saying to Lhotshampas, Your relatives are going to America, now is the right time to meet them. So they are encouraging people to leave, saying, This is your golden opportunity.257 Another refugee said, Subdivision officers are going to Lhotshampas, saying to them, Your relatives are going to America, why are you still here?258 Yet another refugee said: The U.S. offer should not be an encouragement for the Bhutan government to evict more people. Having spent 17 years with UNHCR, Mr. Jaquemet has held a number of senior positions both at UNHCR Headquarters in Geneva and in other UNHCR offices, including Indonesia, Togo and Croatia. The PM also believed that UNHCR would extend assistance to this end. The undeniable support naturally draws the expression of gratitude to the sacred efforts of global community through UNHCR from the community of needy beneficiaries. The third option can be management within Nepal. Nepal should extend the benefits of this agreement to all Bhutanese refugees who wish to integrate locally in Nepal. The department has been deciding whether to send them back to where they came from or to send them to prison under current law. A member of the Bhutanese Refugees Durable Solutions Coordination Committee observed: Resettlement is not an option that is opposed to repatriation. 2022, Centre for the Study of Labour and Mobility, Impact of COVID-19 on Nepali Migrant Workers: A Case Study of Migrant Workers in Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Qatar and Malaysia, Migration and COVID-19 in Context: Labor Migration and the Agriculture Sector in Nepal, A Media Analysis of Changes in International Human Trafficking Routes from Nepal, Call for Papers: CESLAM Kathmandu Migration Conference 2022, Call for Papers: CESLAM Kathmandu Migration Conference 2021. Copyright (c) 2022 UN.INFO.NP All rights reserved. If they were not protected and cared, their fate and pain was obvious. 253 Human Rights Watch interview (K33), Khudunabari camp, November 15, 2006. The Bureau has handed them over to the Department of Immigration in Kalikasthan, Kathmandu. Required fields are marked *. Verma said that the agency will move ahead only after holding discussions with the Government of Nepal in the coming days. Australian Ambassador Glenn White visits Bhutanese Refugee Camp. Nepal records 391 new cases of Covid-19 on Wednesday, 2 teachers of Hetauda Campus suspended for misbehaving with students, Rain likely to take place in most places today and tomorrow, Floods, landslides cause damage to roads in hilly districts of Sudurpaschim, Finance Minister case: Probe committee prepares to send hard disk of CCTV to forensic lab, Two secretaries of Nepal government transferred secretly, Probe committee formed to investigate charges against ex-FinMin gets seven more days, Global success of RRR signals breakthrough for Tollywood, RPP Chairman Rajendra Lingden adds 49 members to Central Committee, 4 Nepalis arrested in Tokyo for submitting fake documents for visa renewal, We are yet to make our opinion, says probe committee member secretary, Ranil Wickremesinghe: Sri Lanka sees new president sworn into office, Rain predicted across country; authority urges for precautions. 3 0 obj
She began her career with the United Nations in 1991. To enforce this message the resettlement countries should bring pressure to bear on the government of Bhutan to respect and protect the fundamental human rights of the remaining ethnic Nepalis in Bhutan, and to allow those refugees who wish to repatriate to exercise their right to return. Upon assuming office, Bushra said, "I am very happy to be here in this beautiful country, which has a long tradition of generously hosting refugees from various countries.
Facts First, Truth Foremost Online News Portal from Nepal in Nepali & English Language. Moreover, Nepal must also facilitate resettlement for durable solution purposes, in accordance with UNHCRs Multilateral Framework of Understandings on Resettlement, which states that host countries must facilitate the departure of refugees selected for resettlement, including by the timely issuance of exit permits and travel documents, and to avoid taking measures which might impede the process. UNHCR, Convention Plus Core Group on the Strategic Use of Resettlement, Multilateral Framework of Understandings on Resettlement, June 21, 2004, (accessed February 17, 2007), para. In response, Representative of UNHCR Verma said that the UNHCR was positive about continuing its support for refugee management. All relevant parties should emphasize to the refugees and the government of Bhutan alike that the options of local integration and third-country resettlement do not extinguish refugees right to return. 254 United Nations Principles on Housing and Property Restitution (Pinheiro Principles), endorsed by the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, 57th Session, august 11, 2005, (accessed February 19, 2007), Principle 2. Thus if the U.S. offer to resettle 60,000 stands alone and neither repatriation nor local integration become viable options, the majority of refugees will remain without durable solutions. }9Wd1{DD7S):NLw)>M&p\b"BT
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xdP|rE*"C~1\J; .qr3J'Fu0Ts|0'QH 2Jr6y2`MNk|H. The Prime Minister said that the first priority was to create a favourable environment for refugees to return to their country with dignity. Kathmandu, Feb. 17: Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli on Tuesday was paid a courtesy call by Carolin Spannuth Verma, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) representative in Nepal. In addition to more than 100,000 refugees living in the camps in eastern Nepal, as many as 15,000 unregistered Bhutanese refugees live outside the camps in Nepal and another 30,000 live in India. Nepals government is however open to all three options, PM shared before the delegation.
Nepal, a developing country facing its own problems, wants to manage the refugee problem gradually.
Nepals willingness to integrate refugees would give the refugees real options. (No. He also expressed his confidence that the UNHCR would support Nepal for that. The possibility, now, that the majority of Bhutanese refugees currently in Nepal will opt for durable solutions other than repatriation ought to make it that much easier for Bhutan to accept repatriation, and for resettlement countries to press Bhutan for a genuinely comprehensive solution that utilizes all three durable solutions to resolve this protracted refugee situation. UNHCRs work in Nepal also includes providing protection and support to refugees. On the occasion, Nepal representative Verma said UNHCR was positive to continue assistance on refugee management. 256 Human Rights Watch interview (K43), Birtamod, November 18, 2006. Email from UNHCR-Nepal to Human Rights Watch, March 12, 2007.
Phone: +977 1 5909011 ,+977 1 5909021 Minbhawan, New Baneshwor, Kathmandu Nepal must allow these refugees to exercise their right to leave the country without delay. If people are resettled to countries that respect human rights, they can exercise their right to go back. Moreover, the options of local integration and third-country resettlement do not extinguish refugees right to have restored to them any housing, land, or property of which they were arbitrarily or unlawfully deprived, and to be compensated for any housing, land, or property that cannot be restored to them.254. 2200A (XXI), 21 U.N. GAOR Supp. First, given that resettlement is likely to be the only feasible durable solution for the majority of the refugees at the present time, countries other than the U.S. should join in a coordinated effort to maximize the total number of resettlement places available for this refugee population. t6go~|:lx*?Bnj
(?1I n`"Th|S0!hV=&Y. A/6316 (1966), 999 U.N.T.S. 248 A new round of bilateral talks between Nepal and Bhutan had been scheduled for November 2006, but they were postponed on the request of the government of Nepal, due to the political developments in Nepal. Kathmandu, Nepal, Centre for the Study of Labour and Mobility. The government of Nepal has so far insisted that it will not make any decisions about resettlement until after the bilateral talks. 257 Human Rights Watch interview (K24), Sanischare camp, November 14, 2006. Newly appointed UNHCR representative to Nepal Bushra Halepota presented her Letter of Credentials to Minister for Foreign Affairs Pradeep Gyawali on Friday. Since late 2007, UNHCR has helped over 112,800 refugees from Bhutan resettle in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. Government of Nepal and UNHCR to conduct census of the Bhutanese refugees in camps in eastern Nepal, Nepal - UNHCR/WFP Joint Assessment Mission: Assistance to the Refugees from Bhutan, July 2014, Restoring Dignity: Programming in Refugee Camp Settings - Jordan, Bhutan/Nepal Trapped by Inequality: Bhutanese Refugee Women in Nepal, IOM and UNHCR Condemns Attack On Refugee Bus In Eastern Nepal, Micronutrient Supplementation for Children in Bhutanese refugee Camps of Nepal, UNHCR-IOM Joint Press Release
The U.S. and other countries should talk to Bhutan that these people in Bhutan should not be evicted. Website by 249 Human Rights Watch interview (K25), Sanischare camp, November 14, 2006. If they [resettlement countries] will not take us, maybe we are in the street here in Nepal or in India, maybe somewhere else, begging for food.253. The newly appointed UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) Representative in Nepal, Steven Craig Sanders, presented his Letter of Credentials to Minister for Foreign Affairs, Madhav Prasad Ghimire, Wednesday. Spokesperson Pokhrel also said that the UNHCR has been informed about giving an early notice before taking such types of decision or the government will not consent to it through the letter. Before coming to Nepal, she served as the UNHCR Representative in Somalia. About | Services | Team | Contact | Blog | News, Copyright | Terms of Use | Privacy Notice | Fraud Alert | Help. All Rights Reserved. UNHCR Nepal representative Carolin Spannuth Verma (L) meets PM KP Oli at Baluwatar. The Home Ministry also had a virtual discussion with Carolin Spanuth Verma, UNHCR representative in Nepal about the latest issue on Tuesday. Sometimes loved, mostly tolerated: Homeless dogs face cruelty all the time, Sajha Yatayat flags off three electric buses, to roll on Valley routes, Drainage work along Jamal-Kantipath road creates hassle for locals, Fire destroys warehouse of National Federation of Disabled-Nepal, Deuba government taking a leaf out of Olis book in obscene fashion, experts say, Government failure to estimate actual population size hits Covid vaccination programme, Federal government itself is anti-federal, politicians and experts say, Dengue detection in Lalitpur raises the risk of a triple whammy, Locals are first responders during disasters but they are ill-equipped and untrained.