As noted above, they are faster, and lightly armoured cavalrymen, usually with a spear and sword.

Or even add their number to the flank or rear charge. SpeedThe majority of competent wielders of this weapon have some form of armour and move at Normal speed. 320 florins.
All Lance and Spear wielding cavalry have this attribute however only some missile cavalry have it. For the most part, these units should target swordsmen first to gain battlefield dominance and then slaughter the rest. Longbowmen? These units are expected to have a role against cavalry, but will struggle against capable units.
Additionally, it also seems to kill multiple hit point units in one hit making it very effective against General's bodyguard. Many dual-role missile units operate as sword and shield units.
This is a constant risk and these units will be problematic in this way. RibaultsRibaults are multi-barrelled organ guns that fire a small shot similar to a musket shot. There are three camel units in the game: Tuareg Camel Spearmen, Bedouin Camel Riders and Camel Gunners. The mace is quite similar to the axe however appears to be aimed more towards purely anti-armour slugging.

Huscarls who wield the Axe as their primary with a shield. It has half the anti-cavalry bonus of a spear and does not seem to brace against charges well. The flanks are a weak spot so they need protection. So, how do you get your heavy cavalry to use the big pointy barber poles? In each of the campaigns, a small part of the world (e.g. RocketsThe Rocket Launcher and Elephant Rocketeer fires a volley of explosive rockets. This makes them charge with their lances and is devastating enough. Gunpowder weapons halve armour and ignore shields.
An unfinished mod of an already existing mod, this is a tweaked version of the Kingdoms Grand Campaign Mod for Medieval 2: Total War. Settlements can be governed by members of the player's family, who are also capable of leading armies as generals.
However, some better quality missile cavalry have the Formed Charge attribute (e.g. How to UseIf a unit has an Axe, it has one use for it: killing other heavy cavalry. Loose FormationThis is used to reduce casualties from missile fire as it thins the unit's density. If they were armour piercing like the one handed mace, they might be interesting in some scenarios. Keep them behind your cavalry and charge in once melee has started. At a pinch, the pavise wielding units can hold a line to buy time and Genoese Crossbows could hold a wall with Melee Attack 8. "[20], Although most reviews were positive,[4] some reviews have noted negative aspects of the game, such as pathfinding bugs,[21] some AI problems and some uninteresting new features.[11].
And then, after your missile cavalry are given free reign by the tying up of the enemy, you can always run them round the back and shoot at the exposed infantry.
Against opposing infantry, it can be effective to disable Skirmish mode and let them shoot until the enemy charges - the last few volleys issued at point blank range will give the chargers a morale shock just as melee begins which can cause them to instantly rout. Note that when a unit has no ammunition left, they will not skirmish. The lance is a heavy shock weapon that cavalry can wield. It is difficult to seem a large difference in practice as the base morale of a unit plays a bigger part. Using Skirmish mode against melee cavalry is a good way to deplete and demoralise before charging in. Exceptional bows have attack 9 or 10 costing 800 florins for Vardariotai and Dvor Cavalry respectively. They will be noticeably less likely to get exhausted and therefore can be the key troops for moving around the enemy. Units who wield a missile weapon as their primary and wield the Axe as a secondary weapon. They are the pinnacle battle line weapon in the game's time frame. They also often require the most micromanagement of the cavalry, but you will reap rewards if you can execute a luring of the enemy cavalry away, allowing you free reign.
The unit closes up and the front two rows fight together. Many reviewers regarded the game as an improvement over its predecessors, but criticized its lack of innovation. Sipahis) and can land a decent charge on lighter infantry. These units are good coming into existing melee or on walls where there is no charge. The best lance units have Attack rating 13 (Charge 8) and cost between 700 and 1100 florins.
This results in wild variability of outcome between even match ups, and powerful units can lose against the odds. An expansion, Medieval II: Total War: Kingdoms, was announced on 30 March 2007 and released on 28 August 2007 in the US, 31 August in the UK, 7 September in Australia, and 22 November in Japan. The French begin the campaign sandwiched between powerful rivals the Holy Roman Empire, and the English. [4] Hyper's Anthony Fordham commended the game for its "incredible gameplay, both in battle and on the world map."
We suggest you try the mod list with no filter applied, to browse all available. The melee stats of all these units is either mid-tier or better, however not a match for elite spear/lance cavalry so wait until the enemy is Shaken or Wavering before tuning back. If the opponent has spears or halberds, guard mode can be disabled as the longer reach of the pike will win the battle. It is an image that survived through the centuries, right until youre sitting in front of your computer trying to get the blasted things to charge properly. Merchant Cavalry Militia who wield the sword as their primary with a shield. AvoidGunpowder is the slowest reloading unit in the game, and therefore they are at most risk at that point in time. [13] IGN said that the game was not as revolutionary as its predecessor, but still introduces some new ideas and builds on others from Rome: Total War, which would still be enough for anybody to buy it.
There are a wide range of gunpowder artillery types, and this section will cover there uses. SpeedPike units walk faster than any other infantry unit even in spearwall formation, at about the same speed as Slow Swordsmen running. Combined with the shooting they will do on the way in, this can be situationally effective. The Monster Ribault has a barrage mode which puts out a lot of damage in one volley, however normal mode will rout single units faster and be more efficient with ammo. Under most circumstances, the settlements can be converted from one type to the other.
Normal Melee Running / Normal Pike Running / Halberd Running, Slow Melee Running / 2H Sword Running / Pike Walking / Slow Pike Running. This fix was applied universally, which has now caused this unintended interaction between infantry and cavalry. MissileReiters wield pistols of range 45, Elephants have arquebuses with range 120 and Camel Gunners wield a musket with range 180.
Approach from off centre so the opposing unit peels off to chase. Quality Range Hand Gunners are the weakest and shortest range guns with Attack 13, but both units of this type are good in melee and so they cost 650 and 850 florins. Quality Range (Non-Spearwall) Transylvania Peasants at 270 florins are good for breaking spear lines with Attack 5. Polish Nobles have Attack rating 10 and cost 800, and are strong anti-cavalry units, especially bodyguards. When first playing the game, the player can only choose out of five factions: Kingdom of England, Kingdom of France, Crown of Castile, Holy Roman Empire and Republic of Venice. Boyar Sons and Polish Nobles have the Formed Charge attribute which means they can be used to take out infantry. With Guard mode off they will advance upon contact and end up out of position when the next charge comes in. There is also very little reason for spears to have Guard Mode off, and they should just avoid non-spear melee infantry altogether as the melee penalty is significant. Combinations are used to vary effects slightly.
Another dimension is in the cost as later units are not strictly more expensive than earlier ones; specialisation allows units to be cheaper than earlier multipurpose ones. Impetuous infantry rarely seems to charge without orders. This is quite historical and looks great - however it can glitch out and the unit just gets stuck not firing - in those cases click Stop and they should reset. Quality Range (non-Longbow) Regular bows have Attack rating 6 and cost from 380 to 530. Units firing their crossbows incur fatigue, and crossbows require more energy to reload and fire than bows so with these units it is important to reduce the amount of running they do.
These can used to defeat lightly armoured melee infantry, disordered spears. They can defeat cavalry but are vulnerable to everything else and need a lot of support with an Attack rating of just 7. Used By Unshielded units that have the spearwall ability (western units), Unshielded units without the spearwall ability (eastern units). If these are a threat then use another unit like foot or horse archers to provide support for the elephants and to catch routers. Used ByAll units have the Formed Charge attribute. AvoidCircle and Shoot is riskier with these weapons due to the proximity with which they must close to their targets. Quality Range Militia pikes are excellent value at around 150 florins. Light infantry: Cheap and mobile but not particularly effective unless flanking. While these units can be effective against cavalry given the room to charge or armour-piercing secondary weapons, it is can result in casualties and there are better options. AvoidThe compromise for being better than the generalists is the lack of shield which makes them very vulnerable to missiles and charges. However, this mode seems to make the arrows more effective against heavily armoured units as they burst into flame. Janissary Archers (Attack 10, cost 780) and Dismounted Dvor (Attack 11, cost 770) are exceptional units that can dominate a battlefield. The objective of the battle is to defeat the enemy army by completely destroying it or causing the whole army to flee; in a siege battle, the objective is to completely destroy the army or to take control of a plaza in the centre of the settlement. Other factions may find that armoured enemies give them some trouble as their bows become less effective over the progression. Additionally, the more they suffer hits, the more likely they are to run amok, which is a double blow if they are mixed in with your infantry line - so it makes sense to operate them in some isolation. These are high value units that shouldn't be risked in needless melee so for the most part this weapon gives these units a survivability in cavalry engagements. Good crossbows with Attack 12, range from 400 to 570 florins based on the level of protection and melee prowess. Being unarmoured they wont' stand up to late knights, but at 600 florins they are good value for money. All units will conform to this system except a few later units: Those that wear Brigandine armour which have a value of '6' that upgrades one level to '8'. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. Attack ratings are between 5 and 14, and Charge is between 2 and 4. How to UseThe Mace provides a clear advantage over Swords, but unlike Axes, tends to be wielded by top tier units. Like other missiles they're vulnerable to cavalry charges, and the short range missile means they may struggle to get a volley off. Stamina is the ability of the unit to resist fatigue. Italian Men At Arms). Mounted archers are a very significant component of some factions and are the counterpoint to charging knights. In essence, these units are like shock cavalry without the vulnerability to spears, and much less mobility. Handgunners duck allowing the second rank to fire, while the other units have a routine where the front rank cycles to the back of the formation after firing. The first [DISCONTINUED] SEE FILES I found the original GUAM mod, rendering this mod obsolete. How to UseCrossbow cavalry is somewhat more straightforward than bows, the lower Attack ratings and armour-piercing attribute means they should be primarily used against armoured targets. Also, if either the charger or the target moves in a significant direction, the chargers will need to turn, and thus drop their lances. They also recover from routing quicker too. However, their large size means that shields cannot be used so close formation fighting is employed. They are not fast so they do need to be wary of charges.
SpeedThere are no Fast units in this category, and a few are Slow due to heavy armour. Quality Range Poor grade spear cavalry cost between 280 and 410, having Attack rating of 7 (Charge 3). If cavalry combat is required, then utilise Wedge formation to reduce losses on the charge to leverage the melee advantage of the Mace. Use these on armoured targets primarily. Quality RangeCavalry are generally costed against their primary purpose - charging or shooting - so the range is not so clearly defined. Many late game archers and crossbows are armoured swordsmen, like Scots Guard, Janissary Archers, Byzantine Guard Archers, etc.
Quality RangeAs the Sword is a ubiquitous secondary weapon and the Attack ratings seem paired to the primary weapon (even with missiles), the range here covers the entire cavalry range. A battle consists of two or more armies from different factions fighting each other. Elephants have arquebus armed troops on board which fire regardless of whether the elephants are moving. Difficult to use well in the vanilla game, they seem to be best used within pike units or coming into a melee second up, rather than charging opponents frontally. Reiters have two uses. They make good anti-cavalry units thanks to the large size of the horses and the fact that most cavalry is armoured. The tradeoff is higher vulnerability and generally these units are cheaper for comparative quality in sword and shield units.
How to UseThe utility of these units depends heavily on where they sit on the quality spectrum.
Use this to assassinate generals with Peasant Archers. Your heavy cavalry are shot to bits trying to catch them, as well as tiring themselves out. MountsThe units in this category ride unarmoured Ponies, Heavy Horse or Eastern Armoured Horse, so none have barding or mail. Late CannonsCulverin, Cannon and Basilisks are more advanced versions of the Bombards. I hope you found this informative, and dont hesitate to contact me by e-mail or ask on the forums if you dont get or think a certain bit is wrong.
Unlike foot missiles, cavalry archers can fire in all directions. The mod information provided must not violate the sites. For units with normal Stamina, you should plan for minimal manoeuvring when you deploy. At the other end of the spectrum, Tsar's Guard, Royal Mamluks and Middle Eastern Bodyguard ride armoured mounts giving them more impact power.