According to the Next docs, this solution aims to solve the issue of multiple and complex layouts. , getLayout Recoil Conext , // Use the layout defined at the page level, if available,,,,, Suspensemm, . I would love to hear your throughs and feedback on it. Nextjs getlayout Component, It does not like MyApp returning a component with a type of React.ReactNode.

, getStaticProps getServerSideProps , Please note that I'm not sure if there are any side-effects to using ReactElement instead of ReactNode. . This is done for two reasons. Our next step is to actually apply a layout to a page. This also lets us persist things like page state when we switch pages. Per their docs. I might have a few layouts like this. , . The second "issue" this solves is specifically for Typescript users. Notice the return type in NextPageWithLayout. You could change the return type, but wrapping and returning the layout with the NextAuth actually takes care of this issue, as now MyApp is returning a type of JSX.Element. And if I'm way off on using one or the other, please let me know! But how do we render them? If you need multiple layouts, you can add a property getLayout to your page, allowing you to return a React component for the layout. In this article, we looked at how to set up per-page layouts in NextJS and how to use them with NextAuth and tRPC. Since the component is re-used when changing pages, its component state will be preserved (e.g. You'll notice that instead of returning getLayout();, we are instead storing it in a variable called layout first. The rest of tRPC setup and configuration should remain the same. The official Next docs use ReactNode and it is what I use most when returning components as it has a wider coverage of possible types. The page state is maintained and only components that have changed will be rendered again, instead of the entire page.

Both libraries have fantastic docs that will let you get up and going very quickly and I'll have links to both of them. I will also skip over the setup of tRPC and NextAuth unless it pertains specifically to making our layout work. , , useEffect SWR This allows you to define the layout on a per-page basis. pageProps: { session, pageProps },

We will be looking at why you would want to use this solution, how it works, and how to make it work with NextAuth and tRPC. This will only grow in complexity as more pages are added. If you're not using NextAuth, you'll have to update getLayout to return something like React.ReactElement in order to make tRPC happy. Since we're returning a function, we can have complex nested layouts if desired. I like creating mine under a /layouts folder, but you can choose whatever folder structure works for you and your project. Next.js , TTINext.js , SPA Next.js , _app_app First Load JS shared by all , next buildchunks/pages/_app-389b549c2fab3b3b.js23.3 kB, _appRecoilRecoilRoot, Recoil , Next.js , First Load JS shared by allRecoil package _appRecoilRoot, Recoil package 23.3 kB _app 538 B Recoil , getLayout getLayout UI , _appSingle Shared Layout, _appPer-Page Layouts_app23.3 kB538 B, getLayout Recoil layouts/my.tsx Layout , Recoil PageAPageB ContextXPageCPageD ContextYgetLayout First Load JS, RecoilRoot Layout , getLayout , _appFirst Load JS shared by all_app, , The concept of an outlet like in Angular doesn't exist in Next. input values). , You might be tempted to do something like this. It gets expensive to maintain. This would let my existing layouts stay the same upon navigation, so the only content that would need to be rendered again was content I was passing to my outlet. In Next, however, pages and routes are built out by what's underneath the /pages folder. // MainLayout.tsx (Prop interface omitted if using JS), // Nothing to see here, just normal React stuff, // Here's the spice! I would assume it would still work as expected, but I haven't done enough testing to find out. This looks a little bit different than in the Next docs. We'll be using these to expand on NextPage and AppProps. Your pages need to be wrapped in a session in order to use the useSession() hook. There's an overall layout that is shared between all pages and each page has its own sub-layout that changes depending on what kind of content you are viewing. At this point, we have our layouts applied to the pages we want. Your app will feel like a Single-Page App, although it technically isn't. }: AppPropsWithLayout. I've been working on an application that has quite a few changing layouts. If your layout is maintaining some sort of state, like verifying if a user is logged in or making a server call, this will now be executed every time you navigate. Let's go into one of our pages and give it a layout. The original version of this app I had built in Angular, so having nested layouts like this was a breeze. Powered by .css-1wbll7q{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}Hashnode - a blogging community for software developers. This is why getLayout works. Let's hope over to _app.tsx and see how that's done with tRPC and NextAuth! Thank you so much for reading. I will also be using Typescript for this guide, but leave comments on what can be omitted for those using normal Javascript. (Omit React.ReactElement if use JS), // This is not the code you're looking for, { .css-y5tg4h{width:1.25rem;height:1.25rem;margin-right:0.5rem;opacity:0.75;fill:currentColor;}.css-r1dmb{width:1.25rem;height:1.25rem;margin-right:0.5rem;opacity:0.75;fill:currentColor;}7 min read, Subscribe to my newsletter and never miss my upcoming articles. The withTRPC HOC has us passing in MyApp into it. For simple layouts, it's not that big of a deal. In my case, I have it in my header, as I need to render different content depending on if the user is logged in or not. Getting and nesting the layout within solves this issue. This works to an extent. This is simple enough, as you wrap your MyApp component in _app.tsx with the layout you want. The first thing that we want to do if we're using Typescript is to create two new types. We also looked at what problem this pattern solves and why we would want to use it. These are some amazing technologies and using them together lets you not only build more reliable and more powerful sites faster but create unique and seamless user experiences. input values). This works really well if you have a common layout that all your pages will use and share. This is something that is crucial to minimizing latency and helping with performance. For larger and more complicated layouts though, you can run into performance issues and things like page flickering upon loading. RecoilRecoilRootLayout I would create a layout, slap a in there, and call it a day. The first thing you need is to actually have a layout that you want to use. The other solution it gives is to use a layout per page, which is what we will be discussing in this article. Next does give you a few choices for handling layouts within your applications, first is a completely shared layout for all pages. If you only have one layout for your entire application, you can create a Custom App and wrap your application with the layout. ! I'll go ahead and assume you have a Next project setup already. You can make them whatever you want and add whatever stylings you want to them as well. First, if you try something like this, might see an error from NextAuth. RecoilRootRecoil, , @mya-ake React.Context Provider Layout , React.Context _app Recoil RecoilRoot _app , React.ContextLocalStorage1kBRecoil With this in place, we can now update our MyApp component to use our custom types and to get NextAuth setup correctly. The error here is coming from the fact I'm wrapping my page in the , not my layout. If you found this helpful, I would really appreciate you sharing this. Our second page can be done very similarly. (e.g. The point is that how you have your layouts doesn't matter too much.