Please enter your name. The subject of the book is his journey in the early 1840s from his exile in France to visit his mother and his publisher in Germany. However it is to be understood that this is an imaginary journey, not the actual journey which Heine made but a literary tour through various provinces of Germany for the purposes of his commentary. Condition: Very Good.
There are no discussion topics on this book yet. L.B. I really didnt enjoy even one sentence of it. As for the political side of it, I won't pretend I got every single reference, but the notes in my edition helped greatly. Attracted by the ideals of the July Revolution, he moved to Paris, where he stayed for the rest of his life, interpreting German life and letters to the French and French politics to the Germans; in Germany his writings were ofcially branded as subversive. In Section VIII he travels further on to Hagen and Mlheim, places which bring to mind his former enthusiasm for Napoleon Bonaparte. Gegen Nationalismus und religise Bevormundung.
On the fruits of industry. L.B. Fischer, New York, Our BookSleuth is specially designed for you. Would you also like to submit a review for this item?
He confronts the shadowy figure, and is told: In Rome an ax was carried beforeA consul, may I remind you.You too have your lictor, but nowadaysThe ax is carried behind you. The section refers above all to the violation of the constitution by Ernst August in the year 1837, who was opposed by the seven Gttingen professors. Omissions? Disappointment. Gegen Nationalismus und religise. Heine puts his social vision into contrast with the grim November-picture of the reactionary homeland which presented itself to his eyes: A new song, a better song, Winterreise is about the exile of the human heart, and its bitter and gloomy self-reconciliation. That rare phenomenon, ironic political verse, light in manner but not in matter. D. J. Enright, Observer, Deutschland is brilliantly entertaining and retains its relevance for the modern reader through its classic consideration of the fraught relationship between revolutionary ideals and their practical consequences T. J. Reed reproduces the comic associations created by rhyme and succeeds beautifully in recreating the pointed, epigrammatic effect of the terse rhythm.
In Section IV on the winter-journey to Cologne he mocks the anachronistic German society, that more readily with archaic skills builds the Cologne Cathedral, unfinished since the Middle Ages, than addressing itself to the Present Age.
Ein Wintermrchen" (Germany. Dust Jacket Condition: Fair.
Therefore, Deutschland.
Tell us what you're looking for and once a match is found, we'll inform you by e-mail. RRP: 10.95BINDING: PaperbackPUBLISHED: 1996ISBN:9780946162581PAGES: 192Dual text, Translated from the German and edited by T. J. Reed. Between the Covers-Rare Books, Inc. ABAA, Gloucester City, NJ, U.S.A. I think I just really enjoyed unraveling all of the (to me at least) obscure references and allusions to German culture. Each word has been carefully chosen and the rhyme is nearly always perfect. Imogen Hermes Gowar's debut novel Das 'Wintermrchen' ist in Wahrheit ein tief pessimistisches Bild des deutschen 'politischen Winters' und ein hchst engagiertes sozialrevolutionres Programm. Christian Johann Heinrich Heine was one of the most significant German poets of the 19th century.
He died, after eight years of a painful paralytic illness, in 1856.
Modern times see in Heines work rather, the basis of a wider concern with nationalism and narrow concepts of German identity, against the backdrop of European integration a weighty political poem in the German language: sovereign in its insight and inventive wit, stark in its images, masterly in its use of language. Contact seller, Used - Hardcover His radical political views led to many of his works being banned by German authorities. IOBA. Please enter recipient e-mail address(es). Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Aufmunternd sprach ich: Ihr lieben Leut', Ihr mt nicht jammern und flennen; Troja war eine bessere Stadt Und mute doch verbrennen., Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, Why Fiction is Suddenly Swimming with Mermaids. Quite fun. Actors rehearse a scene from the play 'The Winter's Tale' by William Shakespeare at the Deutsches Nationaltheater in Weimar,Germany, 18September 2012. Great Expectations Rare Books, Staten Island, NYC, NY, U.S.A.
Start by marking Deutschland: Ein Wintermrchen as Want to Read: Error rating book. Even though a lot of the references will be lost to todays reader, the feelings he conveys and the situation he describes are clear. In the same way that Antaeus needed contact with the Earth, so Heine drew his skill and the fullness of his thought only through intellectual contact with the homeland. Alternate titles: Deutschland, Ein Wintermrchen, Translation of Deutschland, ein Wintermarchen. Universal expectation.
Fr ein erflltes Leben in Frieden und Freiheit. So far, I was only acquainted with some of my sisters favourite, shorter poems by Heine, mostly about love. He is best known outside Germany for his early lyric poetry, which was set to music in the form of Lieder (art songs) by composers such as Robert Schumann and Franz Schubert. My German isn't good enough to read it in the original language, so I will have to return to it later to see if it's still as clunky and awkward. Not surprisingly the mythic German Emperor presents himself as a man become imbecile through senility, who is above all proud of the fact that his banner has not yet been eaten by moths. In Section XI he travels through the Teutoburg Forest and fantasizes about it, what might have happened, if Hermann of the Cherusci had not vanquished the Romans: Roman culture would have permeated the spiritual life of Germany, and in place of the Three Dozen Fathers of the Provinces should have been now at least one proper Nero. Would recommend discussing each chapter in a book club or something, it sparks the most intriguing conversations and interpretations. Fischer, NY, And of course you have to love Heine for loving the French and believing in the possibility of friendship and peaceful c. Heine loved his home country, which is why he wanted it to be better: Even in 1844, he was aware that bowing to the authorities and the military, uncritically reaffirming the status quo and finding scapegoats is the opposite of patriotism, and that it only helps those in power who are in for themselves (unfortunately, some people still dont get that, in Europe and elsewhere). His critique is not that subtle as he didn't have to fear censorship in Paris. English version by Herman Salinger; introduction by Herman Kesten. Some of his poems are so authentic that I can imagine the sound of the harp or the conversation between him and his mother that ended in a note which proves the ideological difference and partly an alienation from eachother. Let us know whats wrong with this preview of, Published Germany. Condition: Very good-. Wake up, old man, and take your beard off the table! Copyright 2001-2022 OCLC. Please select Ok if you would like to proceed with this request anyway.
A great deal of the attraction which the verse-epic holds today is grounded in this, that its message is not one-dimensional, but rather brings into expression the many-sided contradictions or contrasts in Heines thought. Dust Jacket Condition: Fair. European capital of culture 2010 Essen Germany, Zeche-Zollverein, World Cultural Heritage, art installation with artists, European city of culture 2010, Essen, Zeche-Zollverein, Ruhr area, art installation with artists, European capital of culture 2010, Essen, Zeche-Zollverein, Ruhr area.
Section XXIV describes a meeting with the genius loci of Hamburg, Hammonia.
Even though a lot of the references will be lost to todays reader, the feelings he conveys and the situation he describes are clear.
and one corner is bumped, else a very good copy of this anti-nationalistic, anti-Prussian, anti-tyrannical poem, published again 100 years after its first appearance, and at the height of the war in Europe.
Through them the Poet forms. Contact seller, Association Member: Welcome back. Green Mountain Books & Prints, Lyndonville, VT, U.S.A. Sandra has written a better review, go and read.
Heine, Heinrich, 13.12.1797 - 17.2.1856, German writer / author, his work 'Germany. The Section is in disguise also an attack on the Culture-politics of the Romantic on the Throne, Friedrich Wilhelm IV. Illustration for the verse-epic 'Germany. L. B. Fischer, New York, In Section XIV and Section XV the poet betakes himself in a dream to another memorable place: he visits Friedrich Barbarossa in Kyffhuser. Dust jacket in acceptable condition. Export to EndNote / Reference Manager(non-Latin). O friends, I speak to thee! Yet Heine's work addressed political preoccupations with a barbed and contemporary voice, whereas Mller's melancholy lyricism and nature-scenery explored more private (if equally universal) human experience.
storyline somehow non-existent?!?? Heines verses are great and his lines can be both scathing and hilarious. The E-mail Address(es) you entered is(are) not in a valid format. He who comes not today, tomorrow surely comes, A solemn promise of the greatest secrecy must be made in Old Testament fashion, in which he places his hand under the thigh of the Goddess (she blushes slightly having been drinking rum!). Best of all, the nobility, along with that gartered knighthood of gothic madness and modern lie, should stay there too with you in Kyffhuser (Section XVII). Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.
Emperors have worn out their usefulness, and seen in that light Monarchs are also superfluous.
With a warning to the King, of eternal damnation, the epic closes. Don't have an account?
Dust jacket has several small tears along the spine.
In Section VII the Execution begins in dream. However, on 4 October 1844 the book was banned and the stock confiscated in Prussia. satire, Deutschland, Ein Wintermrchen (1844; Germany, a Winters Tale), a stinging attack on reactionary conditions in Germany. With Section XXVII the Winters Tale ends: The Youth soon buds, who understands Age-toned with light foxing at front edge. On 12 December 1844, King Frederick William IV issued a warrant of arrest against Heine. Condition: Near Very Good. Condition: Very good-. Translated by Herman Salinger. In such works Heine assumed the manner of Wilhelm Mller, whose son Professor Max Mller later emphasized[2] the fundamentally musical nature of these poems and the absolute congruity of Schubert's settings of them, which are fully composed duos for voice and piano rather than merely 'accompaniments' to tunes.
At the end of 1843 Heine went back to Germany for a few weeks to visit his mother and his publisher Julius Campe in Hamburg. In: Diskussion Deutsch 8 (1977) Heft 35. p 234-249. You may send this item to up to five recipients.
The verse epic appeared in 1844 published by Hoffmann and Campe, Hamburg.
Refresh and try again. Heine loved his home country, which is why he wanted it to be better: Even in 1844, he was aware that bowing to the authorities and the military, uncritically reaffirming the status quo and finding scapegoats is the opposite of patriotism, and that it only helps those in power who are in for themselves (unfortunately, some people still dont get that, in Europe and elsewhere). Stay up the mountain, Old Man!
Contact seller.
Heines figure-creations (like, for example, the Liktor) are skilful, and memorably portrayed.
The play will premiere in Weimar on 22 September. Section IX brings culinary reminiscences of homely Sauerkraut seasoned with satirical pointedness: Section X, Greetings to Westphalia.
Condition: Good. Fischer, 1944. A heavenly realm decree. In Aachen Heine first comes in contact again with the Prussian military: These people are still the same wooden types,Spout pedantic commonplaces -All motions right-angled - and priggishnessIs frozen upon their faces. This way of looking at Deutschland. English translation by Herman Salinger; introduction by Herman Kesten. Seller: The poets pride and grandeur Secondly, I really liked the way Heine alternates between loving descriptions of Germany and contemporary satire. New York: L.B.
Condition: Very Good. But if I had been a literary genius like him I probably would have been worse :-), I have been fascinated by Heine's life and the way he lived in Paris in exile. I think Heine had a knack of finding the balance between witty criticism and the heartfelt truth. Finally, in Section XX, he is at the limit of his journey: In Hamburg he goes in to visit his mother. Rest assured, I love the Fatherland just as much as you do. Published by nationalism), especially in contrast to the French, whose revolution he understood as a breaking-off into freedom. I am your lictor: in the rearYou always hear the clink ofThe headsman's ax that follows you.I am the deed you think of. The proverb in the Roman kingdom. Research literature, Commentaries (German), Learn how and when to remove these template messages, personal reflection, personal essay, or argumentative essay, Learn how and when to remove this template message,, Wikipedia articles with style issues from November 2012, Articles lacking in-text citations from July 2018, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Thus Heine casts his secret and 'illegal thoughts', so that the darts of his satire and humour fly out from the tragic vortex of his own exile. Cloth. The E-mail message field is required.
Recently, reference to this poem has been made by director Snke Wortmann for his football documentary on the German male national team during the 2006 FIFA world cup. Germany, a winter's tale, 1844 1944 [Hardcover]. Having travelled far and wide in Germany, I knew most of the places he talked about- and I lived in Hamburg- , so it was a delightful feeling to read about them, as they were 150 years ago.
This exemplified the visible breach which the French July Revolution of 1830 signifies for intellectual Germany: the fresh breeze of freedom suffocated in the reactionary exertions of the Metternich Restoration, the soon-downtrodden Spring of freedom yielded to a new winter of censorship, repression, persecution and exile; the dream of a free and democratic Germany was for a whole century dismissed from the realm of possibility. English translation by Herman Salinger; introduction by Herman Kesten.
Contact seller, Used - Hardcover He was also a journalist, essayist, and literary critic. Absolutely boring! It is a delight to read and, like most poetry, is probably best read in the original German. The world cup in 2006 is often mentioned as a point in time which had a significant positive impact on modern Germany, reflecting a changed understanding of national identity which has been evolving continuously over the 50 years prior to the event. Mostly a political but also a poetic view of Germany in mid 18 hundreths. ), Poor Heine. The translation I read was by Salinger, and he did a fantastic job of keeping the lyrical flow of the work.
Dealings with the police remain unpleasant in Minden, followed by the obligatory nightmare and dream of revenge (Section XVIII). This reissue following the reunification of Germany in 1990 adds facing German text and updates the introduction and endnotes in the perspective of a Germany once more reconstituted. Ein Wintermrchen is a high-point of political poetry of the Vormrz period before the March Revolution of 1848, and in Germany is part of the official educational curriculum.
The fact that Heine's poetry was itself so closely identified with Schubert was part of his armoury of 'fire and weapons' mentioned in the closing stanzas: he transformed Mller's lament into a lament for Germany. Germany in internal need? DJ has edge chipping and tearing, and is in a mylar protector.
Published by (Section XXV and XXVI) Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Its sad Heine was an asshole. BORING. My grandmother came from Hamburg. The verse-form he delivers it i. Some of his poems are so authentic that I can imagine the sound of the harp or the conversation between him and his mother that ended in a note which proves the ideological difference and partly an alienation from eachother. He marks the doorposts with his hearts blood, and this gives the Liktor the signal for a death-sentence. The translation I read was by Salinger, and he did a fantastic job of keeping the lyrical flow of the work. Please inquire for more detailed condition information. Contact seller, Association Member: Unless one is obsessed with the German History, I would not recommend reading it .. oh and by the way the whole book is written in verse!!! Notes. A brilliant satirical poem first published in 1844 by one of Germany's foremost poets, "Deutschland.
The place where my grandfather was born; He does not long to go back among the French who, according to Heine, now drink beer and read Fichte and Kant.
His poems have a real flow to them and it always pleases me to read them out loud. 296,357,005 stock photos, 360 panoramic images, vectors and videos, Share Alamy images with your team and customers. Copyright 22/07/2022 Alamy Ltd. All rights reserved. (It's Heine so it will probably still be awkward, although the clunkiness would be much reduced. Heine, Heinrich, 13.12.1797 - 17.2.1856, German author / writer, works, first writing of 'Germany: A Winter's Tale' ('Deutschland. More frightful than Joves thunderbolt: Heines verse-epic was much debated in Germany right down to our own times.
Anyone have a translation recommendation?
Corrections? Das 'Wintermrchen' ist in Wahrheit ein tief pessimistisches Bild des deutschen 'politischen Winters' und ein hchst engagiertes sozialrevolutionres Programm. The stanzas express Heine's conviction that an idea once thought can never be lost. In the period following the work was repeatedly banned by the censorship authorities. 3. Required reading which I wont rate for how much Im not a poetry person.
In the final stanzas Heine places himself in the tradition of Aristophanes and Dante and speaks directly to the King of Prussia: Then do not harm your living bards,
by Anaconda Verlag. ILAB Ein Wintermrchen) is a satirical epic poem by the German writer Heinrich Heine (17971856), describing the thoughts of a journey from Paris to Hamburg the author made in winter 1843. His critique is not that subtle as he didn't have to fear censorship, Heinrich Heine uses the beauty of the German language and he uses it elegantly even adding more beauty to it. Museum: State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow. After attending the universities of Bonn, Gttingen and Berlin he was unable to settle to any suitable employment and uneasy under the repressive German political order in the Metternich era; to these years belong four volumes of travel sketches. This poem was immediately censored in most of Germany, but ironically it became one of the reasons for Heine's growing fame.[1]. This freedom resulted in the most cynical or ironical text-tones that the era of Romanticism may have ever witnessed and his irony is what made Heine so modern for me and therefore still relatable. Eine Reise durch Deutschland von Paris aus nach Hamburg im Jahre 1843 nimmt Heine zum Anlass einer ironischen Bestandsaufnahme der sozialen und politischen Wirklichkeit seiner Zeit.
Please choose whether or not you want other users to be able to see on your profile that this library is a favorite of yours. Heinrich Heine uses the beauty of the German language and he uses it elegantly even adding more beauty to it. As if he sat next to you, joking. For me, reading Heine is the feeling of being at sea (while not being seasick): the soft lulling of the waves is the exact flow of these poems. First Thus. Condition: Good. Reading these verses somehow made me happy. Heines verses are great and his lines can be both scathing and hilarious. Heine, Heinrich; translated by Herman Salinger, Published by Section VI introduces the Liktor, the poet's demon and ghostly doppelganger, always present, who follows him about carrying a hatchet under his cloak, waiting for a sign to execute the poet's judicial sentences. The poet shows himself as a man who loves his homeland and yet can only be a guest and visitor to it. He is best known outside Germany for his early lyric poetry, which was set to music in the form of Lieder (art songs) by composers such as Robert Schumann and Franz Schubert.
The rotten belly shall not feed In Section III, full of euphoria he sets foot again on German soil, with only shirts, trousers and pocket handkerchiefs in his luggage, but in his head a twittering birds-nest/ of books liable to be confiscated. This book is on the bottom of german literature. The information provided will be included in your download confirmation, Search for stock images, vectors and videos. The Mermaid and Mrs. Hancock is an enchanting tale about a merchant, a prostitute, and mythical Eine Reise durch Deutschland von Paris aus nach Hamburg im Jahre 1843 nimmt Heine zum Anlass einer ironischen Bestandsaufnahme der sozialen und politischen Wirklichkeit seiner Zeit. Sword or noose would do equally good service for the disposal of these superfluous toadies.
The rst of his collections of verse, Book of Songs (1827), established his reputation as a lyric poet and was to provide a number of composers, notably Schumann, with song-texts. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account.
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March 31st 2005 Cloth. Schubert's Heine settings hardly portray the poet-philosopher's full identity. hardcover.
So far, I was only acquainted with some of my sisters favourite, shorter poems by Heine, mostly about love. A few of his poems had been set by Franz Schubert, not least for the great posthumously-collected series of songs known as the Schwanengesang. Enjoyed reading this so much, I thought the whole thing was so-so, but I strongly suspect the translation I was reading was not doing justice to the poem. Ein Wintermrchen transfers the theme to the international European political scene, his exile as a writer from his own homeland (where his heart is), and his Heimatssehnsucht or longing for the homeland.
I am no sheep, I am no dog, No Councillor, and no shellfish I have remained a wolf, my heart And all my fangs are wolfish. Dust Jacket Condition: Poor. And he who goes softly goes well*, so runs This is a very sarcastic poem about Germany in the 1840s from a German living at this time which made it very interesting and I loved that we got a personal insight into this timeframe. I really enjoyed this book.
Condition: Very Good. 1944, Seller:
Heine spent the last 25 years of his life as an expatriate in Paris. His poem "Die schlesischen Weber" was what caught my attention the first time. Although this is very different, it is also very much the same. A Winter's Tale', first four sections, manuscript, 1844. Although I had a bit of a language barrier sometimes - I'm a native French speaker but read it in the original German - the whole was just amazing. Some of oldest, inexis. In 1835 a decree of the German Federal Convention banned his writings together with the publications of the Young Germany literary group.
And of course you have to love Heine for loving the French and believing in the possibility of friendship and peaceful cooperation while the French-Germany enmity was reaching its peak (Franco-Prussian War 1870/71, WW I and WW II). Section XVI brings the Emperor to the most recent state of affairs: between the Middle Ages and Modern Times, between Barbarossa and today stands and functions the guillotine.