View the Dutch military in action during the Cold War: NATO exercise Full Play in Ypenburg, The Hague, 1958. As a result, the NATO request could not be considered and Dutch troops withdrew later in 2010 according to the schedule agreed in 2007.[15].

Dutch Hawk missile battalion training in Germany. The controversy faded thanks to the signing of the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, one year before the missiles were due to be deployed on Dutch territory. A Dutch soldier training during a NATO exercise, February 1977. (possibly 60 available). 12 x 120 mm Brandt Mortars Journalists are invited to the exercise to interview participants and find out more on how exercises are conducted, February 1977. Reconnaissance Battalion; CIMIC - Civil-Military Co-operation.
Armoured AFV with Spike ATGW), 18 x Stinger [9][10][11][12], On 10 December 2009, the Dutch daily newspaper De Telegraaf reported that the government was exploring areas elsewhere in Afghanistan to set up a new mission. Equally valuable was the Netherlands participation in the construction of one of NATOs pipeline systems during the Cold War: the Central Europe Pipeline System (CEPS).
Two ministers from the Dutch Labour Party (PvdA), Koenders (Development Aid) and Bos (Finance and Vice PM) in the meantime pleaded termination, which was also the opinion of the majority of the Dutch parliament. All RAND reports undergo rigorous peer review to ensure that they meet high standards for research quality and objectivity. The Dutch were convinced that there should first be regional cooperation before international cooperation, and the paralysing effect of the Soviet veto at the United Nations confirmed that. [16] The Dutch contingent has been replaced by soldiers from the U.S., Australia, Slovakia, and Singapore. A land of commerce and rich agricultural land, it is known worldwide for its exports and its expertise in water management. The Korps Mariniers is not open to women because of the extremely high physical demands for initial training it is found impossible for women to become commandos.
It also explains why Dutch leaders let NATO membership, as well as its membership of the European Union and the United Nations, shape a large part of the countrys foreign policy and why Atlanticism formed a cornerstone of its security policy during the entire Cold War period. Yet these choices were a necessity and in keeping with the spirit of the Netherlands constitutional obligations to promote the development of the international legal order. On 1 August 2010 the Dutch military formally declared its withdrawal from its four-year mission in Afghanistan; most soldiers are expected to be back in the Netherlands by September, excepting those working on the reset, redistribution and repatriation of materiel and supplies. (2) 11 Airmobile Brigade trains at Deelen Air Base. For information on reprint and reuse permissions, please visit The Netherlands' military is currently a fully professional military. SAM (FIM-92A) on Fennek, 11 x CH-47D
PzH 2000 (SP available), 130 x MRAT (Fennek This may explain why Walter Laqueur, an American historian, coined the term Hollanditis to describe the scale of the peace activist movement in the country. It served as the headquarters for Allied forces assigned to the central region of Europe. Navy Strength: Lynx ASW (possibly 14 in service), 20 x NH-90 Stikker was first and foremost a strong supporter of the Alliance and its values. %PDF-1.3 % [6] Dutch ground and air forces totalled almost 2,000 personnel during 2006, taking part in combat operations alongside British and Canadian forces as part of NATO's ISAF force in the south. For 13 years, an exceptionally long period of time for a NATO Secretary General, Joseph Luns (1971-1984) was the face of the North Atlantic Alliance. |\s9EDs1lv`o RH. Over 1,800 people were killed in the Netherlands, principally in the southern region of Zeeland, and thousands were left homeless or without their livelihood. Bassford, Matt, Kristin Weed, Samir Puri, Gregory Falconer, and Anais Reding, Strengths and Weaknesses of the Netherlands Armed Forces: A Strategic Survey.
Candidate, Pardee RAND Graduate School, by Matt Bassford, Kristin Weed, Samir Puri, Gregory Falconer, Anais Reding. If you use our chart images on your site or blog, we ask that you provide attribution via a link back to this page. On 10 May 1940, Nazi Germany invaded the Netherlands and the country surrendered a few days later. It had long sought protection in neutrality, but after the country and some of its colonies were occupied during the Second World War, Dutch leaders recognised that the only way to ensure security was to form a peacetime alliance with their European and North American neighbours. The intricate and far-reaching network of dams, locks, storm surge barriers, etc., has been called one of the seven wonders of the modern world. Unfortunately, due to ill-health Stikker resigned from the post in April 1964. 1 x Amphibious Combat Support Battalion Source: Dutch MoD. The core of the armed forces consists of the four service branches: the Royal Netherlands Navy, the Royal Netherlands Army, the Royal Netherlands Air Force and the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee. The highest-ranking officer in the Dutch military is the Chief of the Netherlands Defence Staff, who is usually (but not necessarily) a four-star officer (NATO OF-9). This is where AFCENT would officially be established from 15 March 1967 onwards; it was inaugurated on 1 June. The two World Wars were no exception. List of currently active United States military land vehicles. The Dutch Cabinet left for England, as did the Royal family, part of which moved to Canada for additional safety. The AH-64 Apache and F-16 squadron will remain longer in Afghanistan to support the withdrawal process and transports. NL-2500 ES The Hague Moreover, with the creation of the Western Union, the Benelux countries, France and the United Kingdom proved to the United States that they could collaborate in order to attract greater American involvement on the European continent. Never had works of this scale been undertaken. [8], In December 2009, reacting to three requests received from the side of the U.S. by Vice President Biden, the special American representative to Afghanistan Holbrooke and Secretary of State Clinton and a request by Secretary General of NATO Rasmussen as well, the Dutch government announced that the final decision on the continuation of the mission in Uruzgan would be on its agenda in March 2010. Initially, it benefited from the financial support of the United States through the Mutual Defense Assistance Program aimed at helping Western European countries rebuild their defences. (3) Eindhoven hosts the European Air Transport Coordination Centre, MAJOR Reorganisation continues and the size of the Marine Corps may be It also uses conforming rank structures. An exhibition on NATO in The Hague on the occasion of the Alliances 15th anniversary in 1964. The RAND Corporation is a research organization that develops solutions to public policy challenges to help make communities throughout the world safer and more secure, healthier and more prosperous. Stinger SAM MANPAD, Air Force Strength: 9,500 (plus about 400 reserves), Royal Netherlands Air Force Outline Structure, Notes: In addition, local conscript forces exist on the Dutch Caribbean islands of Aruba and Curaao.

Water has always been a challenge for the Dutch, but from the 17th century they turned it into an unlikely weapon: a water defence line across the country that helped stop enemy invasions. The RAND Corporation is a nonprofit institution that helps improve policy and decisionmaking through research and analysis. It adhered to the Alliances fundamental values and continued to contribute to the general collective defence effort, as it still does today. at Willemstad (Curacao). troops), 1 x Johan de 74 x BVS10 Viking Personnel Carrier This study was conducted within the context of the NL MOD's Future Policy Survey, which is a review of the Netherlands' future defence ambition, required capabilities and associated levels of defence expenditure. 32 x 81 mm Mortar For NATO, this catastrophe was an eye-opener: it realised that what it used to protect citizens against the effects of war could be used against the effects of disasters. In 1958, the North Atlantic Council - NATOs top political decision-making body established procedures to coordinate assistance between member countries in the event of disasters. In line with his countrys preferences, he was a staunch Atlanticist and guided the Alliance through a period dominated by arms control talks between the United States and the Soviet Union, the end of the war in Vietnam and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979. Please check your download folder. being replaced by 20 x NH-90, (over We have provided a few examples below that you can copy and paste to your site: Your image export is now complete. This study is therefore not a root and branch consideration of the Netherlands armed forces, but a comparative study of several different armed forces to illustrate contrasts and similarities with those of the Netherlands. "[7] In January 2009, Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende reiterated that the 1,600 Dutch troops in Afghanistan would end their mission in 2010, saying "We will stop in Uruzgan in 2010." 1 x Amphibious Logistical Battalion On 9 December, allegedly PM Balkenende (CDA), the vice-PM's Bos (PvdA) and Rouvoet (ChristenUnie) and the three involved ministers Verhagen (CDA, Foreign Affairs), Van Middelkoop (ChristenUnie, Defense) and Koenders (PvdA, (Development Aid) secretly discussed the future Dutch engagement in Afghanistan, together with Commander of the Forces general Van Uhm.
This was even before the Dutch government decided in 1985, after much debate, to accept the siting of just under 50 American cruise missiles on its territory, in line with NATOs agreed policy. AIR FORCE EQUIPMENT, CURRENT UNIT DEPLOYMENTS First in Germany, then in the United Kingdom. Interestingly, this means that the role and responsibility of the Dutch military in international stability and peacekeeping is constitutionally determined. He was also a strong supporter of American policy and during his tenure, he maintained a close working relationship with NATOs military commander, the Supreme Allied Commander, Europe (SACEUR), General Lauris Norstad (United States). Armed forces personnel are active duty military personnel, including paramilitary forces if the training, organization, equipment, and control suggest they may be used to support or replace regular military forces. The Dutch Hawk missile battalion training in Germany in 1966. Source: Dutch MoD. 5,900, Ministry of Defence Both deployments led to heated protests throughout Europe. In the meantime, the Dutch East Indies proclaimed independence in 1949 and became Indonesia. 44 x Leopard 2A6 provided at the De Peel Airbase. Rotterdam (carries helicopters, armoured vehicles and up to 600 He had a commanding presence that gave him the natural authority to foster consensus among Allies, when necessary.

Before becoming NATOs fifth Secretary General, he had served as Dutch foreign minister (October 1956 to July 1971). 6 x Destroyers and Frigates The Netherlands Atlantic Association (or Atlantische Commissie) was created in 1952 with the aim of reaching out to the public to explain the Alliance, transatlantic security issues and raise awareness on NATOs key objectives and activities. This was a coal mining area, where the Hendrik Mine was active until 1973 and where the main military base in the region would be located: the Hendrik van Nassau-Ouwerkerk Camp. - on order replacing YPR-765 between 2010-2016 (wheeled). The opposition that ensued was unequalled. Later, due to the increasing fear of Soviet expansionism, they actively contributed to the creation of the Western Union with the signing of the Brussels Pact in 1948, the first guarantee of their security within a regional defensive alliance. In addition, a second major change in military affairs was made in 2003. Thus, on 20 February, the PvdA had no choice but to resign their ministers from the Cabinet, leading to a collapse of the Dutch government. If you use our datasets on your site or blog, we ask that you provide attribution via a link back to this page.
We have provided a few examples below that you can copy and paste to your site: Your data export is now complete. Brigade) Dutch forces contribute to maritime surveillance in Iceland, February 1986, at the peak of Soviet activity in the North Atlantic. It gave them a voice among the bigger players. As such, joining NATO was generally regarded as the next logical step forward. Throughout the Cold War, the Netherlands was one of NATOs most loyal Allies, both politically and militarily. It crossed Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg and, of course, the Netherlands, to ensure that Alliance forces were supplied with fuel, whenever and wherever required. It was located next to the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) to create synergy and a more stimulating research environment (NATOs Air Defence Technical Centre was renamed the NATO Consultation, Command and Control Agency (NC3A) in 1996 and was merged into the NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCIA) in 2012). It was not until NATO adopted its strategy of flexible response in 1967 that the country started to enlarge and equip its forces. Military Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Before then, all citizens of The Netherlands were tasked with the defense of the kingdom. It immediately put into place emergency airlifts to drop boxes of supplies over the disaster-stricken areas of the Netherlands. The armed forces contribute to stability and freedom in the world. Source: Dutch MoD. RAND technical reports may include research findings on a specific topic that is limited in scope or intended for a narrow audience; present discussions of the methodology employed in research; provide literature reviews, survey instruments, modeling exercises, guidelines for practitioners and research professionals, and supporting documentation; or deliver preliminary findings. In London, the Foreign Ministers Van Kleffens (the Netherlands), Spaak (Belgium) and Bech (Luxembourg) developed a close personal wartime collaboration. Today, Headquarters Allied Joint Force Command (HQ JFC) Brunssum is located at the Hendrik Base. Assistant Policy Researcher, RAND; Ph.D. MAJOR A soldier explains to a journalist where the next manoeuvres will take place, February 1977. There appear to be 5 x SF companies that Her Majesty Queen Juliana of the Netherlands signs the Instrument of Accession in Soestdijk on 10 August 1949. Plein 4 troops), 21 x SH-14D The Pardee RAND Graduate School ( is the largest public policy Ph.D. program in the nation and the only program based at an independent public policy research organizationthe RAND Corporation. This representation of RAND intellectual property is provided for noncommercial use only. In addition, within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, there are small local conscript forces on the islands of Aruba (Arumil) and Curaao (Antmil).
When French President Charles de Gaulle decided to withdraw France from NATOs integrated military structure in 1966, NATO commands had to leave too. Ensuring the ropes are tightly knotted, Exercise Sharp Spear. The Dutch Ministry of Defence employs almost 70,000 personnel, including both civilian and military personnel. "I indicated that in writing to the NATO secretary general, who has confirmed it. 2 x Marine Infantry Battalions (1 x Bn integrated with UK 3 Commando The Kingdom of the Netherlands became a founding member of NATO in 1949 and its unabated commitment to the international legal order gave it a much larger role in international affairs than its size would normally justify. It was one among several installations that helped to control, operate and maintain NATOs communications system at the time.
A first day issue stamp celebrating NATOs 40th anniverary in 1989, Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre (EADRCC), NATO Public Diplomacy Divisions Co-Sponsorship Grants. These are approximate figures). Note: This was undoubtedly the only time the Dutch population was so vehemently opposed to NATO policy. Infantry Fighting Vehicle (AIFV), 200 x These operate under the auspices of the Royal Netherlands Navy and Marines. Hb```a``sb`c`ad@ APC=3L" $9*_y6oM~VEZN15>kns$&2_q$\c The pipeline is still operational today. platoon strength 30 personnel. Part of this defence known as the IJssel Line, continued to serve this purpose up into the early part of the Cold War to deter a Soviet invasion of the Netherlands. ARMY EQUIPMENT, 200 x Boxer So when the Marshall Plan was announced on 5 June 1947, it was welcomed in the Netherlands, as in many other European countries. In parallel, military vocational training was gradually opened up to women; female soldiers were given the same legal status as their male counterparts and could fulfill most functions. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2010. He ruled out the possibility of the Netherlands keeping its troops in Afghanistan past 2010 with any force comparable to its former deployment. 24 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 26 /H [ 1602 425 ] /L 699484 /E 204859 /N 4 /T 698886 >> endobj xref 24 59 0000000016 00000 n 0000001527 00000 n 0000002027 00000 n 0000002234 00000 n 0000002516 00000 n 0000003012 00000 n 0000003479 00000 n 0000004217 00000 n 0000004603 00000 n 0000008668 00000 n 0000008689 00000 n 0000009706 00000 n 0000009727 00000 n 0000010687 00000 n 0000010708 00000 n 0000011629 00000 n 0000012212 00000 n 0000012584 00000 n 0000013004 00000 n 0000016430 00000 n 0000016728 00000 n 0000017380 00000 n 0000017747 00000 n 0000017987 00000 n 0000018400 00000 n 0000021257 00000 n 0000021313 00000 n 0000021335 00000 n 0000022440 00000 n 0000022858 00000 n 0000025864 00000 n 0000026096 00000 n 0000026392 00000 n 0000026522 00000 n 0000028178 00000 n 0000028443 00000 n 0000028997 00000 n 0000029351 00000 n 0000029717 00000 n 0000029739 00000 n 0000030941 00000 n 0000031726 00000 n 0000032073 00000 n 0000032095 00000 n 0000033237 00000 n 0000033295 00000 n 0000033316 00000 n 0000034331 00000 n 0000034352 00000 n 0000034835 00000 n 0000034928 00000 n 0000035019 00000 n 0000035442 00000 n 0000037861 00000 n 0000038014 00000 n 0000201206 00000 n 0000204616 00000 n 0000001602 00000 n 0000002006 00000 n trailer << /Size 83 /Info 23 0 R /Root 25 0 R /Prev 698876 /ID[<38127c8e88eba0a55c346c535fa318e8><38127c8e88eba0a55c346c535fa318e8>] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 25 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 22 0 R /PageLabels 21 0 R >> endobj 81 0 obj << /S 217 /L 387 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 82 0 R >> stream
He was no stranger to the Organization: on behalf of the Netherlands, he had signed the North Atlantic Treaty in 1949 in his function as foreign minister; and from July 1958 to April 1961, he was the Permanent Representative of the Netherlands to NATO. There are Marine barracks at Rotterdam, This relief effort was provided by different member countries and coordinated by NATO, a pattern that subsequently formed the basis of an agreed disaster assistance scheme that would be formalised a few years later. This put an end to the existence of separate departments for women in the three armed forces. Drawing upon decades of experience, RAND provides research services, systematic analysis, and innovative thinking to a global clientele that includes government agencies, foundations, and private-sector firms. Other NATO entities were established on the same military base and nearby an international school was opened in Brunssum, in September 1967, for the children of NATO military personnel working in the region, be it in the Netherlands or in Germany. based at Aruba in the Netherlands Antilles. 10 x Mine Countermeasure Vessels NATO reacted by adopting what was called the Dual-Track Decision. NATOs principle of consensus was also fundamental to the comparatively smaller members of the Alliance. For NATO, it was essential that not only the civilians, but also the armed forces get to know each other. Where the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany meet around the Maas River, lays what is called the balcony of Europe or land without frontiers. In the night of Saturday 31 January, while people were sleeping, a heavy storm triggered the North Sea floods that, at times, reached five metres above mean sea level. Part of NATOs communication and information systems was on the Hendrik Base too (the NCSA-B or NATO Communication and Information Systems Services Agency, Sector Brunssum). The government created the Dutch East Indian Company, an amalgamation of Dutch trading companies, which became a business model for the country. Read more about Luns time as NATO Secretary General. Since the 1990s, the Dutch military has been involved in four major military campaigns: As part of Operation Enduring Freedom as a response to those attacks, the Netherlands deployed aircraft as part of the European Participating Air Force (EPAF) in support of ground operations in Afghanistan as well as Dutch naval frigates to police the waters of the Middle East/Indian Ocean. They also produced posters representing the uniforms and insignia of each of the NATO member countries, including the Netherlands. The service branches are supplemented by various joint support organisations. Equipment includes: Do you know why the country joined NATO? Although its vast commercial empire faded long before it joined NATO, international commerce remained crucial to the Dutch economy during the Cold War - and thereafter. [13][14], In early February 2010, the disagreement between the PvdA on the one hand and CDA and ChristenUnie on the other about a request from NATO, by improper channels, for a renewed Dutch commitment in Afghanistan, came to a head. They were played in local cinemas and in teaching institutions. 1 x By the 1980s, the number of Dutch heavy units had increased and the Netherlands boasted a reserve capacity in the Elbe, which could help hold a sizeable attack by Soviet forces. Royal Netherlands Navy Outline Structure: There are naval bases at Den Helder and Texel with overseas base HRMS Sittard moors during NATO Exercise Sharp Spear, September 1989. The same article of the constitution determines that supreme command of the Dutch military resides with the Government of the Netherlands. Source: Dutch MoD. Some even say it became the foundation of the modern corporate model. All unions represent both current and retired military personnel and/or civilian personnel. A few years later in 1952, the Netherlands became a founding member of the European Coal and Steel Community.
At the crossroads of Europe, the Benelux countries had been drawn into, and suffered from, conflicts between its larger neighbours. In the Netherlands, the population rallied against the deployment of nuclear warheads very early on, well before the actual deployment of American missiles took place. Principal Units: 4 x Submarines (1) Air defence training and support for all three armed services is It was responsible for research and development in the area of air defence and came under the responsibility of Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE). "I do not have assurances that other countries will be ready to replace Netherlands troops, but I am certain that Dutch troops will leave in 2010," Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen said. For a long time, the Netherlands long-term exposure to different customs and cultures created an openness of mind that became part of its culture, introducing a balance with the steady influence of the clergy back home. There was already unease because of the rumours around the Cannerberg and the lack of government clarity on the existence of this NATO facility. The armed forces are organisationally part of the Ministry of Defence. This premice did not help to temper reactions.
These are approximate figures). Built in the early 1950s, the IJssel Line became part of NATOs defence for a few years and consisted of a series of dikes, fortresses and bunkers, some of which have survived the passing of time and are accessible as part of a Cold War museum. With a significant part of its territory at, or even under, sea level it is forever battling high winds and strong tides. Over time, this openness also led to a high level of social tolerance on issues as fundamental as life and death; and its consideration for issues beyond its frontiers is reflected in the Dutch constitution, which states that the government shall promote the development of the international legal order. Fennek are in service in a variety of specialised battlefield The Future Policy Survey was delivered to the Netherlands Parliament in April 2010. This disaster assistance scheme continued to be used throughout the entire Cold War period. STAR - Surveillance, Target Acquisition and 9,500 (plus about 400 reserves) YPR-765 (tracked M113 type being withdrawn), 57 x 155 mm In keeping with the move to a professional military, this article was dropped.