After the mandatory tests have been done, in advance of milestones and releases, the RM marks the images ready (login to the qa site, scroll to the bottom of the page to Administration, and set the Status). One of the neat additions includes the ability to prevent removing anything that is critical to the systems operation. But we are also much more. It will receive updates for nine months until January 2020. But, you can always install the deb package if you do not prefer using Snap. Enter your email address to subscribe to us and receive notifications of new posts by email. I have been struggling with setting this up for the past few days. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. All applications are registered trademarks of their respective owners. These are scheduled roughly 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, and 5 months into the cycle, and a week before release for the RC. To access it, you can press the Super key + W, and heres how it should look: The software center for KDE i.e. Although it is not the latest Plasma as of today, its the last stable version. The content of the article adheres to our principles of editorial ethics. Rights: At any time you can limit, recover and delete your information. New to Kubuntu Linux, or just not sure which of our forums to post your question in? Keep it 'family friendly' or you'll be sent to your room without any supper. This is a recent sample: Scorecard Research sets this cookie for browser behaviour research. So if I understand now correctly if I'm on LTS my Plasma version won't change to the next major release (from KDE), but reasons behind this description is that it contains next major Plasma releases for non-lts Kubuntu versions. Like everything we do in Kubuntu, release management should be done by a team. Undoubtedly, the significant feature that you can experience is the newly designed overview screen of the Plasma desktop. Actually there is an unofficial repository that allows us to have and use the beta of Plasma 5.11. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Kinda like Kubuntu on steroids. 7 hours ago. Kubuntu 22.04 LTS comes with KDE Plasma version 5.24.4 (for me it's 5.24.5 right now because of backports enabled), and Plasma 5.24 is LTS release itself (in the meaning from KDE Team, not Ubuntu's one). Secondly, KDE Plasma 5.24 is supported by Qt 5.15.2 and KDE Frameworks 5.90, which is also a jump since the last Kbuntu Focal Fossa. Set to record internal statistics for anonymous visitors. Press J to jump to the feed. And, the KDE flavour, i.e., Kubuntu 22.04 LTS is now also available to download! KDErs do their best to support the use of KDE software but are less well placed to help with the rest of the distribution. Posts: 421,950 LinuxToday is a trusted, contributor-driven news resource supporting all types of Linux users. The Ubuntu release schedule is always listed as These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. In addition, Xubuntu have some nice docs which explain the various functions in clear language. Communication of the data: The data will not be communicated to third parties except by legal obligation. There are currently 159 users online. Most users ever online was 753 at 06:01 PM on Oct 30, 2020. Post them here. Kubuntu 22.04 - using Realtek wireless adapter, Get Energetic Evaluating Kenitic Kubuntu 22.10, 425 pkg update this morning -- Plasma 5.25, Two users logged in - problem mounting USB thumb drive, Installing docker-compose on Kubuntu (or any Ubuntu), If this is your first visit, be sure to The view gives you the virtual desktop thumbnails at the top, and in the middle, you can see the list of open windows for the virtual desktops. This update is due to the Ubuntu release schedule, which freezes the distribution before the release of the version, that is, before October 10 and therefore cannot be included in the official version. Someone should fix the download page. Is the HP OfficeJet Pro 8035e compatible with Kubuntu 20.04.4? So, if you want to stay on more current Plasma releases, you will have to upgrade to non-LTS releases every 6 months, starting in October with 22.10. Perhaps the most popular Ubuntu-based Linux distribution is the Kubuntu in terms of usability, appearance and stability. It's far more bleeding edge. If you're not familiar - it's the latest and greatest KDE/Plasma 5 release directly from the development team on top of an Ubuntu LTS base. 2022 9to5Linux All rights reserved. Post Kubuntu 22.04 specific questions here. In addition, a news story should be prepared for publication on This is a "CookieConsent" cookie set by Google AdSense on the user's device to store consent data to remember if they accepted or rejected the consent banner. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. There are currently four supported releases: Kubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus is the previous LTS, released on April, 2016. Non-support discussions. Our overall goal in the Ubuntu project is to further the adoption of free software on the desktop and the server, and we recognise that KDE is an essential part of the mix of desktop environments that allows people to find the best environment for their needs.". Shortly after the creation of Ubuntu, Mark Shuttleworth stated: "I believe that the KDE community does phenomenal work, and having a community-driven distribution to showcase that work will help attract users and developers to the project. Finally, Kubuntu is here as a mainstream distro featuring the latest and greatest from KDE. To clarify I'm perfectly fine with it how it is now: staying on LTS (both K/Ubuntu 22.04 base and KDE 5.24) but faster bug fixes from backports. I mean, if I want to stay on Ubuntu LTS (LTS in the meaning as in Ubuntu's release schedule) to use stable base OS but with backports enabled to get the latest from KDE is it guaranteed that I will receive constant updates via Kubuntu Backports PPA until Kubuntu 22.04 end of support (so for 3 years) or at least until next Ubuntu LTS (so 24.04) will be released? Stellarium version 0.16.1 officially released, SeaShells, show your terminal to anyone in real time via the web, Responsible for the data: Miguel ngel Gatn. Is it Good? We are, of course, a Kubuntu Linux Support Forum. For point releases, one can add notes at the top of the original Release Notes. I searched internet like crazy but I didn't found a straight forward answer.
Linux Kernel 5.15 LTS powers the Kubuntu 22.04 LTS same as the Ubuntu base. Google AdSense sets the _gads cookie to provide ad delivery or retargeting. If necessary, the RM can spin a new ISO during the testing period. Ideas and opinions expressed here are owned by the author and dont necessarily reflect those of any other people or organizations. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. I tried KDE Neon and for me it's good in theory but in practice I felt more like using KDE's demonstrate/showcase version of operating system instead of fully supported distribution. For major releases, the channel topic should be updated. Latest News from Linux and Open Source World. Quantserve (Quantcast) sets the mc cookie to anonymously track user behavior on the website. It also gives you a search option which makes you faster at finding your applications. You should expect all the feature additions of Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and specially tailored improvements for the Kubuntu 22.04 release. Besides, the KDE Plasma 5.24.x series is the 26th edition of KDE Plasma desktop and brings some stunning features such as overview effect, new notification, etc. Almost anything goes here -- Almost. The interest of the next stable version of Ubuntu has centered in Gnome, but it is not the only version that will incorporate an updated desktop. Discover has received some upgrades. Writing a Macro in LibreOffice Calc Getting Top 10 Linux Distributions for KDE Plasma [Compared].

This page was generated at 10:39 AM. So in the future it will be updated to Plasma 5.27 (via backports) and so on. General discussions about KDE neon, "a rapidly updated software repository.". Icons and Logos are used for information purposes and credit is provided at the end of corresponding articles. We bring the latest tech, software news and stuff that matters. It went to 5.25 last Wednesday. Kubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver is most recent LTS, released on April 26, 2018. In addition to that, you should also notice updates to KDE apps and other pre-installed applications. Dual Booting Linux Mint on Windows and Mac, Kubuntuguide (unofficial Kubuntu help wiki). A passionate technophile who also happens to be a Computer Science graduate. On the other hand, if you compare the last Kubuntu 20.04 LTS with this version, a whole lot of changes you should expect. KDE Plasma 5.24 finally adds the support for fingerprint authentication. Lets take a look at what you can expect. Kubuntu is an official derivative of the Ubuntu operating system, which uses the KDE Plasma Desktop. Testing is also reported on the QATracker. You should notice a warning when you try to remove something that could break the system. It will receive updates for nine months until July 2019. With KDE Plasma 5.24, you get the ability to use a feature similar to GNOMEs Activities overview. Purpose of the data: Control SPAM, comment management. Does an Ethernet splitter slow down speed. It may store your IP address. Ubuntu 21.10 Has Reached End-of-Life, Upgrade Now! Other feedback? Unless you have a specific need to keep this release, be sure you upgrade prior to this date. This version of Plasma also brings a custom accent colour option that triggers your imagination for a beautiful desktop. Export or Save As PDF A Specific Range, Ubuntu MATE 22.04 - New Features and Release Details, Create Your Own Custom Light and Dark Wallpaper for GNOME, Pop OS 22.04 LTS New Features and Release Updates, Ubuntu Studio 22.04 LTS New Features and Release Details, Ubuntu 22.04 Review & Benchmark: Best LTS Version and A Few Misses, 5 Less Popular Features that Make Ubuntu 22.04 LTS an Epic Release, Experience Ubuntu Unity 22.04 LTS With These New Features, 10 Things to Do After Installing Ubuntu 22.04 [With Bonus Tip], Hands-on With openSUSE MicroOS Adaptable Linux Platform [First Look], Top 10 Features of Linux Mint 21 Vanessa, Top 10 Linux Distros for Beginners in 2022 [Compared], DAT Linux: Perfect Distro for Data Science Based on Ubuntu LTS, Top 10 Best Professional Video Editors in 2022, 5 Best and Free Desktop Email Clients for Linux and Windows. Kubuntu 22.04 LTS - New Features and Release Details. It doesn't store personal data. Plasma 5.10.5 will be the version that Kubuntu 17.10 arrives with, but that is something we can change. To efficiently create it, open a previous version for editing after logging in, copy it, and paste into a new page with the new name (always ReleaseCodename/Release/Kubuntu). Unless you are a dev or seasoned user willing to work with bugs, it's not for you. Hi. YouTube sets this cookie to store the video preferences of the user using embedded YouTube video. 2022 It's FOSS (Part of CHMOD777 Media Tech). Thank you one more time. I use Kubuntu 22.04 LTS with Kubuntu Backports PPA enabled. The new overview screen reminds you about GNOMEs application view. How to Enable Volume and Power Control in Top 10 Most Beautiful Linux Distributions [Featured]. Data storage: Database hosted by Occentus Networks (EU). Heavily slant towards Linux and Open Source. The German company Blue Systems took over this role. Finally, to download the official ISO of this release, refer to the link below to the image file. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Kubuntu 18.10 Cosmic Cuttlefish is the previous stable Kubuntu, released on October 18, 2018. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Cookie used to remember the user's Disqus login credentials across websites that use Disqus.