On a cold, rainy morning I crossed the street to play with my friends as my great-grandpa watched me from the kitchen window. We have grown with Cassie. Eric is a Licensed Marriage and Family Counselor and is excited to be working with Branches. He is a graduate of St. Louis College of Pharmacy (B.S., Pharm.D. He currently serves part-time at Mount Hermon Christian Camps. Students are expected to grow in compassion, self-awareness and theological knowledge. Certified Christian coaching to encourage personal growth and accountability in discovering and fulfilling your God-given destiny. Marriage and Family Counseling, Counseling Youth, Biblical Directionism, Counseling and the Finished Work of Christ, Counseling Practicum, You can study at the Advanced or Certificate Track Level*. Unless youve been there, its hard to understand the hurt that comes from separation and divorce. It was to sit in compassion and understanding with them, letting them know that life is so much better with Him by your side. Biblical counseling seeks much more than merely helping people to feel better or make changes in their behavior. I went to church, heard the same sermons I had heard 1000 times, but was still never moved. , Our family started with Cassie before she received her Ph.D. She was recommended to us from a dear friend. However, there may be situations whereby we may be legally or religiously obligated to share certain information with others. Certificate Track - For those not interested in the Advanced Track, but still desiring the necessary preparation to become a Biblical counselor, a certificate program is available. Students will be prepared throughout the Certification Track to become certified by the International Association of Biblical Counselors or the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors. What came from a simple question was the opportunity to encourage and grow deeper than I never would have been able to on my own! has served as a lay counselor for over 25 years. However, if someone wishes to make a contribution, it will be deposited in the churchs general fund. As a coach, he has spent over 3000 hours walking alongside others, helping them live fully for Christ with purpose and passion. She is the most articulate, compassionate, and knowledgeable counseling professional I have ever met. If you are seeking services for yourself or a family member, please call 281-363-4500, or email shannon@discovergateway.com, DivorceCare is a support group which helps individuals recover from the pain of separation and divorce. Our services are open to the community and we serve Kitsap and Jefferson counties. Ron has served in Christian ministry for 40+ years as either a pastor in church settings, or in directing camps and retreats in camp settings. Little did I know, Mobile Ministry would change my relationship with the Lord and provide me the confidence I needed to strive to serve others. Biblical Foundation of Self-Awareness, Topics in Biblical Counseling. As a Pastoral Counselor he seeks to walk alongside those who struggle toward gaining hope and strength through Jesus Christ. I cried for hours and although I fall short of the Glory of God every day, I know that Christ died for me and He took my sins with Him. How to Find Good Christian Therapy , Finding the right counselor is key. The MACC will prepare students to: Develop a philosophy of Christian counseling consistent with a Biblical perspective of mental health and mental disorders. Develop a sufficient Christian biblical and theological framework to provide safe and effective counseling ministries in global environments. I rededicated my life put down the drugs, picked up my bible, and have been so madly in love with God ever since!! I proceeded to deal with my pain through drugs and alcohol for the next 32 years. This provision will not be granted to previous students who graduated with diploma degrees. Because of the bullying, by the time I was in the 8th grade I became very suicidal, and even attempted to take my life. He is a Certified Christian Coach and Coach Trainer, a presenter of workshops on spiritual gifts, destiny discovery, stages in leadership formation, and more. But the moment I walked in, I felt something I had never felt before, it was Gods presents, and overwhelming grace. We are here to love people and help them to change and grow. Qualified Christian clinical counseling with trained professionals for adolescents, adults, individuals, couples, and groups. Date: Mondays | July 11 August 15Time: 6:00p, CHURCH OFFICE 8110 E. Cactus Rd., Suite 100 Scottsdale, AZ 85260, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. There is also domestic violence, human trafficking help along with veteran and military services, and many other connections to help for your specific situation. After some encouragement and getting to know this person more, service started and we parted ways. After serving in the US Air Force for 26 years, he retired as a Chief Master Sergeant. Two free sessions to members of GateWay Bible Church or Baymonte Christian School. ** Students will receive the necessary assignments and preparation to apply for certification with the International Association of Biblical Counselors. Understanding our identity is a foundation to helping us become the person we were created to be. There are many community organizations set up to help with rent and bill assistance, food, shelter, transportation resources, childrens services and basic medical care. He also worked for Santa Barbara County in their Juvenile Hall as well as San Luis Obispo Juvenile Hall. As such, we are committed to a presentation of the gospel to those who seek counseling and are not believers in Jesus Christ. Mobile Ministry has become a part of my monthly schedule and I will never turn back.
We ask, however, that all counselees attend Gateway for the duration of their counseling. She has experience working with parenting skills, addiction issues and marital communication skills. Services include emergency shelters, food and clothing resources, library locations, legal services, employment resources and others. Students who successfully complete this track may submit their courses to Masters International University of Divinity for consideration towards fulfilling requirements for a degree in Biblical Counseling. Thats why many of your friends and family dont fully know how best to help you. Primary office located in Felton/Mount Hermon, but available for meetings at the GateWay Bible Church counseling office. She is able to pinpoint issues and open eyes in order to see issues clearly. Financial aid at Gateway Seminary begins with the commitment of the Southern Baptist Convention to quality theological education. Cassie has helped us in many areas such as: finances, dealing with extended family issues, our marriage, schooling, religion, abuse, our jobs and working together as a family while maintaining our individuality. Occasionally, we may suggest that a counselee have a physical examination by their doctor. Since then we have individually seen Cassie as well as a family. Each session is self contained, so you do not have to attend in sequence. How long will counseling last? var u199547869="enrollment"; var h445781842="gs.edu";var linktext=u199547869+'@'+h445781842;h445781842="gs.edu";document.write('' + linktext + ''); Her belief system is what separates her from other psychologists/counselors we have dealt with in the past. This guide will help connect you to the community services and supports you need to help you make good choices and live a healthy life. Electives, transfer credits and ADVANCE courses may not be used to satisfy this requirement. We believe that a personal, vital knowledge of Jesus Christ is essential to salvation, and is the foundation for all true biblical counseling (2 Cor 5:17). Having worked with Dr. Reid on several projects and recommended several friends to her, I can confidently say that she handles the hearts of her clients with delicacy and wisdom. The MACC is available at the Los Angeles campus and through Gateway Online. We are passionate about helping people find healing and hope. Ron has over 25 years of ministry leadership experience in both small and large churches and has been coaching since 2004. Check here for the latest news and for upcoming events at each of our campuses. Because of the Christians new identity in Christ, the Holy Spirit works to effect change through the Word of God as it is read and applied to the believers life (Jn 16:7-11; Rom 6-8; Gal 5:16-18, 22-23, 6:1; 1 Jn 2:27). The question this week was What is one thing you want to improve in this year? A simple question that really could have had shallow answers and established surface level connection. Eric took a break from County Mental Health and went to work for Superior Court as a Family Mediator. What are the core issues? He earned a bachelors degree in Business Administration from Liberty University and a masters degree in Biblical Counseling from the Masters International University of Divinity. That is what I expected to happen after all. at Branches extends available resources to the church community and is similar to what is provided by any of the regular Pastoral staff at Gateway. Then my daughter was born, and my whole life changed. Jo and her husband share a love of music and serve together on the worship team at GBC. Apply NowStart your application and learn about the prerequisites for the Master of Arts in Christian CounselingStart Application, Financial AidFinancial aid at Gateway Seminary begins with the commitment of the Southern Baptist Convention to quality theological education.Keep Reading, Request InfoFill out this short form to receive information about the Master of Arts in Christian CounselingLearn More, Contact our enrollmentteam to get started. What is Gods view of those issues? Instead of giving a surface level response, this individual opened up about the current struggles that come with marriage. **Master's International University may require additional course work and applicable tuition to complete the degree requirement. Shannon is also a Prepare/Enrich Marriage facilitator and uses the Prepare/Enrich program to help pre-marital and married couples reach their full potential. After nearly losing my wife in the birthing process I remembered praying and asking God if he is real- and if he loves me- then to save my wife, and daughter, and he did. She has done outstanding work with our daughter. After an initial intake, a counselor will be chosen for you based on experiences, talents, gifts, gender, availability, etc., and the two of you will coordinate schedules for your appointments.
Options to continue counseling on a sliding fee-for-service scale, or. Cassie cares about her clients and is willing to help them succeed. For more information about the MACC, use these links to access our Academic Catalog. To learn more information about Prepare/Enrich, please visit www.prepare-enrich.com, Counseling services are available for individuals, couples and families. Telehealth is available. Start by typing in your zip code to unlock services near you! Kurt Grady, Pharm.D., D.B.S. Feeling stuck, need some godly wisdom, or need to hear from the Lord? Getting the opportunity to share the gospel and help people meet their physical needs gave me a better sense of understanding; that we are all Gods children, and that we need to help our brothers and sisters who struggle in difficult seasons.
Im not sure what exactly happened, but I remember my dad was able to distract me for the first two hours of surgery and I made it through. Because of that, my wife finally convinced me to go to church, and I went, but I walked through that door with doubts, and shame. We want to empower you with the support you need. (909) 687-1800 Gateway Seminary 3210 E. Guasti Rd. I have never felt so connected to the Lord. Johnny is Certified by the International Association of Biblical Counselors and the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors. They also enjoy the unconditional love of two cats! People seek counseling for a wide range of issues, such as marital problems, depression, grief, anger and unforgiveness, anxiety, parenting, fear, confusion, and pre-marital counseling. Correction what needs to be done to affect that change? Gateway Church offers professional counseling through the 61:3 Counseling Ministry. At our weekly DC4K group, kids make friends with other kids who understand how they feel and the things they are going through because of the divorce of their parents. For a list of weekly seminar topics and to learn more about Grief Share, please visit, www.griefshare.org, Gateway Church, 2930 Rayford Road, Spring, TX, 77386, United States. Gateway Biblical Counseling & Training Center The Gateway experience is rooted in an unwavering commitment to the inerrant Word of God. Group sessions and training seminars offered on a periodic basis. Visit Site , GATEWAY BENEVOLENCE Benevolence is meant to provide limited financial assistance for your immediate needs. All other things seem to fall into place. When a believer has set their heart on pleasing and glorifying God, the process is much shorter. During service a couple of weeks back I was sitting next to a man who was by himself. We offer tools and pastoral ministry that provide a safe place for you to begin a process of growth and healing. David Tyler, Ph.D., is the Director of Gateway Biblical Counseling and Training Center, a ministry of Edgemont Bible Church in Fairview Heights, Illinois. I left it realizing this act of service wasnt for me and my confidence, it was for those who struggle to get by and those who dont know the Lord. Jo is not accepting new referrals at this time. I was in the middle of a study on Romans when God clearly explained to me that all my burdens were really blessings in disguise. When we do, we begin to live out our purpose. (831) 438-0646 You will be able to pick up any sessions you missed in our next 13-week cycle. This person expressed how there has been separation over the past year and that the goal for this year is to improve the status of the marriagesomething much more serious then my get good grades answer. Gateway Seminary will consider applicants lacking an accredited undergraduate degree for admission to its basic master's degrees. We provide tools to help you experience the freedom that comes from knowing the truth about who you are in Christ. He is certified by the International Association of Biblical Counselors and Association of Certified Biblical Counselors. Visit Site , FINDHELP.ORG Search for free or reduced cost services like medical care, food, job training, and more. A car sped around the corner and hit me head-on. Completing the assessments will help you self-evaluate and will help us understand how to most effectively minister to you. Eric comes from San Luis Obispo where he worked for County Mental Health for over 38 years. ", Byron Copeland, Executive Pastor, North Richland Hills Campus atGateway Church, I had been seeing a counselor for depression after going through a divorce without any real progress for six months. The vision of the ministry is for individuals, from all walks of life, to experience a safe place to share their burdens, experience Gods grace, and go deeper in their relationship with God and others. He has extensive experience in the Foster Care System working for Cuesta College Foster Education Director and Independent Living Project Director. To understand where you are, and to maximize our meeting time together, please fill out the assessments below before scheduling your appointment. Visit Link . When such exploration is ongoing our counselors are qualified and able to offer that support or make suitable referrals to other appropriate professionals. One hour is the standard session, but at times it may be longer. Using Biblically-based and clinically sound principles, Shannon enjoys working with children, adolescents, women in life transitions, pre-marital couples and marriages experiencing distress. However, at the end of the service we came back together and I was provided on opportunity to pray for this individual and encourage persistence within the marriage. My parents threw me into the back of the station wagon, and we headed to the emergency room.
To learn more about Divorce care, please visit www.divorcecare.org, DivorceCare for Kids is a special group to help children heal from the hurt caused by the separation or divorce of their parents. See individual therapists below that use this technology. During his time with Mental Health, he worked in the County Drug Program as an addiction specialist, Youth Services where he worked with children and families in a variety of different programs. Telehealth is the use of secure video-conferencing technology to provide real-time counseling to clients at a distance. As each turns from a desire to please himself (Luke 9:23, 24) to a desire to please God (2 Cor 5:9, 15; Col 1:10), true change is then not only possible, but inevitable (Rom 8:28, 29, 12:1, 2). services at Branches provide short-term assessment and counseling. I highly recommend her, and her entire team, to you. I even tried to find ways to prove that there wasnt a god. Categories:Health Care & Health Related Services, 19168 Jensen Way, Suite 130Poulsbo, WA 98370, 2022 Poulsbo Chamber of Commerce | Site by fusioncw.com, Arts, Culture, Entertainment, Event Venues, Web Consulting & Design, Computers, Telecom. Southlake, TX 76092. She has also served as a mission consultant and adjunct professor for Pacific Islands University, a Gateway Global partner in Guam. var u125725960="enrollment"; var h1448861144="gs.edu";var linktext=u125725960+'@'+h1448861144;h1448861144="gs.edu";document.write('' + linktext + ''); Jo has gathered over 30 years of experience as a clinical counselor, supervisor, facilitator/trainer and educator in private practice, university, or church settings. After each session the person advances in their areas of need.
During his time in San Luis Obispo he served at Santa Margarita Community Church as Associate Pastor, Youth Pastor, Awana Commander and Worship Leader. I never understood how someone could praise the Lord on Sunday morning, then turn around and beat their children on Monday (all in the name of Jesus). As we learn to navigate these life seasons, we grow our character, live more wholehearted and become a little more like Jesus. We understand that the nature of the information we deal with is highly personal, and thus, we will do everything we can to guard the information entrusted to us. Teaching what does the Bible say about the issues? *Gateway does not prepare people for state or national qualifications or licensure, as our belief is that Biblical counseling is a ministry of the church, rather than a profession licensed by the state. Telehealth is available. This 6-week workshop will provide space to become aware of the need to honor, process, and let go of the transitions, changes, and losses in life. Mr. Johnny Kicklighter, M.A. In addition to direct counseling work, Jo supports service members and military families as a volunteer with the American Red Cross, Services to the Armed Forces branch. If you are a danger to yourself or someone else, If there is physical or sexual abuse reported, If we discern that your pastor should know so that he can shepherd you. Eric and Ann have been attending a Life Group and love being at Gateway. I took a leap of faith and went knowing no one. Southlake, TX 76092, Dr. Cassie Reid is an excellent counselor, woman and friend. Additionally, each is asked to consider becoming certified through the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors. is a Senior Medical Science Liaison with a biopharmaceutical company where he supports research and education in the field of neuroscience. Were not on a clock. - Provide a short description of your situation. Ron loves outdoor adventures, connecting with people from all walks of life, and assisting people to sort through the many factors affecting our circumstances and decisions in our lives in order to move forward with their dreams and goals. Best of all, children will learn how Gods love can strengthen them and help turn tears to hope and joy! Counseling Ministry at GateWay Bible Church. Counseling Referrals . He is the Dean of the Biblical Counseling Department for Master's International University of Divinity in Evansville, Indiana. We deal with the spiritual issues of ones life and let the doctors do what they do. When that didnt work, I turned to drugs and by the time I was 14 I had developed a sever drug addiction, and continued it for 10 years. He is the author of Jesus Christ: Self-Denial or Self-Esteem? I changed counselors that day and have never regretted it. Actual Client, I would highly recommend Dr. Cassie Reid as a professional counselor. I knew God was calling me to do something greater than I could ever imagine, but I longed for that understanding and direction. Its a process to understand the truth about how loved you really are and about who you are in Christ. There is also housing and shelter organizations to help provide you with direction on temporary and permanent housing. To set up an appointment or speak to a staff member in more detail about your situation please call 817-541-9040or email us at info@cassiereid.com. She is my number one recommendation for a counselor!, Mallory Bassham, Associate Senior Pastor, Multi-Campus at Gateway Church, "Cassie (and her team) have a unique gifting to touch those who are struggling in life's most difficult seasons. After worship, the time came where, in service, they provided a prompting question for us to ask the people around us in order to build community. Our Divorce Care group is led by people who have been through divorce and successfully rebuilt their lives. All our services are client-focused, relationship based, and supportive of personal growth and change which reflects Gods will and the Biblical base at GBC. Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Addressing Racial Issues in the Curriculum. He obtained an associate degree in Weather Forecasting from the Community College of the Air Force. The Master of Arts in Christian Counseling (MACC) prepares students to meet the emotional and spiritual needs of people in their churches and ministries. Visit staff page for individual emails, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, The Branches counselors would like to come alongside and support you in facing such times; to grow in Him and bear much fruit.. It's amazing how easy it is to engage with her in sessions making anyone feel completely comfortable. Analyze the major theories in psychology and counseling to enhance effectiveness with individuals, marriages, and families. Counseling can last anywhere from four to twenty sessions. Then I met my wife, who was waayyyy too good for me, and I started to see Gods love for me, but because I still addicted to drugs I couldnt accept it, nor did I want to. A student must request admission under this provision in writing through the Office of Enrollment and may initiate this request only after all qualifying criteria have been met: Applicants must demonstrate their ability to do graduate-level work by entering the Seminary as a diploma student and by completing at least 15 hours of Gateway Seminary coursework required in the masters degree sought (at least 6 hours of introductory courses in New Testament, Old Testament, history, or theology) with a minimum GPA of 3.2. Ive always had a hard time branching out and doing things by myself, and this was the weekend God changed my life. We offer professional and caring counseling services for affordable rates to individuals, couples, and families. They would say things like, well maybe if you came to church more, then you havent these problems or maybe you arent cut out to be hereNeedless to say, I hated church. Ontario, CA 91761-8642, Contact our enrollmentteam to get started. It just depends on whether one really sets their heart on pleasing and glorifying God. My roommates were out of town and Mobile Ministry was happening that weekend. 909.687.1467Schedule Appointment, Because of my experience with Gateway preparing for chaplaincy, I always remind myself that in every hospital room is a mission field, Start your application and learn about the prerequisites for the Master of Arts in Christian Counseling. Self-Esteem: Are We Really Better Than We Think?, The Second Coming of Jesus Christ: Oil, Terrorism and Nuclear War, God's Funeral: Trading the Sacred for the Secular, Grief: Victory Over A Lonely Darkness, and co-author of Deceptive Diagnosis: When Sin is Called Sickness and ADHD: Deceptive Diagnosis. 2022. However, we do. Second, this is followed up with ongoing training through Gateway Counseling Ministries and other organizations such as Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC) and the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (CCEF). She has paid the price, personally and professionally, in order to be fully equipped to see into the hearts of people in a way that intuitively finds their keys to freedom and wholeness. I remember watching Passion of the Christ one day and I just couldnt believe Christ would die for someone like me. He is the founder of LeaderMorph and Purpose Filled Ministries.and is currently on staff as the Adult Pastor at GateWay. Each week, we will learn and experience the needed comfort from the family of God. All counseling done by the Gateway Counseling Ministry is free of charge as a ministry of Gateway Bible Church. Visit Site , MERCY MARICOPA Mercy Maricopa wants to make every effort to make sure you get the care you need to stay healthy. Branches Ministry offers licensed clinical counseling, pastoral counseling, telehealth, and certified life coaching. After introducing myself and answering the question in regards to my own life, I opened up the floor for my new found friend. Sally Beck is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with 20 years experience.
If you dont have internet access at home, you can visit your local library for internet use. 40 Day Freedom : Living In Purpose Journey , Looking for a good Christian counselor? For example. First, they complete the year-long Cornerstone class using the Self-Confrontation manual or an equivalent program, while doing required supplementary reading. Participants are welcome to begin attending our GriefShare group at any point. For more information, please visit www.dc4k.org, The Prepare/Enrich program was created as a resource to help couples get to know each other like never before; to truly understand their spouse and themselves; to make difficult conversations easier; to resolve conflicts; and to bring couples closer together. 211 ARIZONA Need help with food, clothing or help paying bills? Fill out this short form to receive information about the Master of Arts in Christian Counseling, Korean-English Bilingual Program . I finally decided that I needed to give it all to God and completely surrender, give my life to Him. Conviction is there recognition of sin and the need to change? Her areas of focus include treatment in anxiety, depression, addictions, grief, anger resolution, and recovery from trauma. My pain started to diminish and my relationship with my wife and kids improved!