But here I prefer to start from scratch with a new name in such cases. Technically my mains line is recording net usage. Am I missing something - again? They monitor the states and conditions of a variety of entities. Nice option! In case youre not a native Dutch.
Note: Newer icons may not yet be available in the current Home Assistant release. Through a python script it is converted to watt-hours and stored in Influxdb. @BillRandolph Same here with rtlamr - but Im stuck, I think. just to confirm, with my TP Link plugs, would I use either: A full list of available sensor device classes is below: Example of various device class icons for sensors. UPDATE: the above works for the scope of last_reset, but in order to be offset-aware, timezone has to be included, so in case you need it: {{ as_datetime(as_datetime(0|timestamp_utc)|string+Z).isoformat() }} I cobbled together some sensors that read data from RTL-AMR and report usage and cost in a few different ways, but this August update has much more potential. To put it in another way: the logic when updating the statistics is to update
Having issues getting my stats to show in drop down. Obviously some math needs to be done, but I am not sure about the best way to do it. The problem I have is with the grid consumption and the export consumption. I dont know what is the filter of that listand I found no additional info/doc about it. Please note that each utility provider has its own time schedules for peak and off-peak and you are required to create an automation that switches the utility_meter entity from one tariff to the other. I dont know why you wouldnt see any data. I now have different Tuya variants (Gosund, Elivco) that only show the consumption in the app and not in Home assistant Did you wait for 2 hours after creating your energy sensors for them to show up in the energy dashboard? I came across a quirk (2021.7.4) where my template sensor configured in Legacy mode (i.e. So I cant just pipe in the value directly from influxdb. Attributes that do not change are only saved in the database once. Not Wh or kWh? @ kr_noob So weird there is no mentioning of this in the official docs link. state_class: measurement, state_class: measurement Ive added all of them to Energy section, but still have no data on graph. Please try with this example but with other name and other unique_id again. And dont forget to reload templates or restart. This is controlled by the sensors device class designation. In my case, I use NR to read my home energy meter, and sensors are created in a flow, so it was really easy customizing them adding the needed attributes. Instructions on how to integrate Integration Sensor into Home Assistant. So I am looking to see if anyone has some ideas on how to handle the setup I have to make it work with the new energy dashboard. However despite the correct device class and UOM I am not able to select them. I added attribute of other, set attribution name to last_reset and attribuite value to ``` Works like a charm with homewizzard. I believe that they are: Also make sure the entity is measuring energy not power. Really W? . Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. I would advice to use the modern syntax. Your post has no context, you havent replied to another post. This is the sensor for real-time consumption: But it doesnt appear in the list of sensors to choose: I thought there was some attributes missing from sensors I created through node-red, and the only one missing was state_class: measurement, so I added it to all NR sensors, but it still doesnt pick them up. Am I missing the last_reset? If so, how can I add this? Home Assistant has support for storing sensors as long-term statistics if the entity has I am receiving L/hr and also total water used. unless the difference is negative, in which case don't add anything. For the sake of being correct on a daily basis I assume it is a good idea to have the template sensor set to 0 at 23:59:59 by means of an automation. I found the answer here for setting the currency. I imagine the best way to do this is to some sort of intermediate calculation that is then piped into the template sensor for the energy dashboard. Thanks for any help solving this, Id be happy to test and use this new feature. Currently the energy dashboard is showing to much bars to make it easy to read and have the WAF factor increase. Statistics of the accumulated growth or decline of the sensor's value since it was first added is updated every 5 minutes. unit_of_measurement: kWh I think I need this logic. Generation of long term statistics will be suppressed unless the unit changes back to None. I will try with your example. Time must be in sync time and timezone wize between HA and your measurements. device_class: energy. The driver for both the new properties is to enable automatic generation of long-term statistics. either of energy, gas, or monetary. a net energy meter. You can use the UI to change the entity ID and friendly name of supported entities. device_class: energy Ive just enabled another kWh report from Group 2there are three reporting groups for this meterto see if that one will work. It would be great to add Water as a resource. Do I need to create some other sensor? Instructions on how to integrate the Utility Meter into Home Assistant. Perhaps, because you tried it first the other way and changes now? friendly_name: Washing_Machine ENERGY Total Also also please have a read of this, particularly point 11: Help us help you, Hey Tom, I think Ive been confused about the utility.meter and the Energy section of Home assist - they are completely different - some people are using ulility.meter to feed Energy data, To clarify if it create the utility_meter in the configuration file; does it essentially create new sensors based on the (in my case sensor.water_total) that breaks down into the brackets ive selected daily/hourly etc? I have known all the issues above. By setting assumed_state to false you will get the default switch icon. interpreted as the start of a new meter cycle or the replacement of the meter. Volume of gas, statistics will be stored in m. Name of the entity as displayed in the UI. Okay so I have the DSMR Integration, but Im stuck at what to add where? I have no interest whatsoever in the amount of energy used or the cost of it to have this separation in the energy dashboard. I simply loved this announcement: 2021.8.0 beta: Feel the energy - Home Assistant (home-assistant.io). Well watts or kWh or Wh does not make a difference in my example. If you have, you will need to add the energy: integration manually. You have that working so it looks good. But why is it not updating? You are right, its time to Discord, I never did 'til now. Energy is a quantitative measurement of what it takes to produce work (e.g. Gas consumption measured as energy in kWh instead of a volume should be classified as energy. Defines the units of measurement, if any. Sensors which restore the state after restart or reload should not extend RestoreEntity because that does not store the native_value, but instead the state which may have been modifed by the sensor base entity. However, practice and theory differ as I am not able to choose them in the energy dashboard. This is incorrect and will cause issues. The sensor's value when the first statistics is compiled is used as And voil. I have changed W to Wh, however, nothing show up again, do I need to restert HA? And if so, where do I get the other entities (return to grid, or solar production?). They have settled on kWh, reading the discussions on discord, so the answer is yes. Prefix name with mdi:, ie mdi:home. Upd. Information has a value and optionally, a unit of measurement. The only thing I would like to know is which smart plugs I should buy for power monitoring (EU/16A) that work out of the box without flashing or soldering, preferably with zigbee. Dont seem to find the last reset but kWh are reset daily. In case someone else stumbles on this and wonders about the answer. Tried to configure it right away, but unfortunately it wont let me choose the sensors of my energy meter (Elios4You) that I integrated and used for 1 year (through node-red, that creates all the sensors). I can stumble through writing yaml code and template sensors, just takes me awhile. Any ideas how to trick the older data into the new sensors? since 2021.8b9 you can have the energy card in lovelace: Energy Cards - Home Assistant (home-assistant.io). Instead of adding extra_state_attributes for a sensor entity, create an additional sensor entity. Since in Home Assistant, we dont deal with Power functions but with samples of the power being used, we cant do the integral (mathematical operation) directly and get the true amount of energy consumed/produced. This works great for the individual circuits/devices chart. If you have Power, which is instant measurements, you can change it to kWh, which mend that if you use instant data 1 hr and devide it to 1000 you will have kWh: Then you should go to Configuration tab Customization and find your device there and add state class: measurement: Hit SAVE, check again your configuration files and restart HA! You need to go into the definition for the sensor or the customization page for it and define a state_class of measurement, a device class of energy, and a last_reset of 1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. This works great for the individual circuits/devices chart. This system collects data in watt-seconds that is continuously increasing, decreasing in the case of solar. Those attributes I mention are required for it to even be selectable in the energy configuration. After a page refresh or click and drag-down the graph shows up correctly. Generation of long term statistics will be suppressed unless the unit changes back to None Ive done all customisations with my energy sensors - i have 3 sensors for each tariff zone. Using Energy Consumption for the consumption section is obvious, but should I add Energy Production to the solar panels, or is the Return to grid ? If you cant modify the sensors in ESPhome, then you can use customize global entries. It has been said many times in this thread and in the 2021.8 release thread, but there are a number of attributes that need to be set. If last_reset is not set, the sensor's value when it was first added is used as the To opt-in for statistics, the sensor must have I stand corrected: as @balloob said, customize comes after internal conversion to ISO8601 has already been made, so this works: {{ as_datetime(0|timestamp_utc).isoformat() }} 1970-01-01T00:00:00. Total Daily Energy Sensor ESPHome. Turned out I had to put the sensor in recorder.yaml after that (and a restart) I could select the device, it created an warning/error at first (the yellow square) that it couldnt get statistics but of course that was because of the lack of data, it disappeared after an hour, oh, warning, all (ALL!!!) And it doesnt match, as per your log. Sensors which restore the state should extend RestoreSensor and call await self.async_get_last_sensor_data from async_added_to_hass to get access to the stored native_value and native_unit_of_measurement. Your a LEGEND, thanks for your time to respond!
The same trick can be done to go from template-sensor like you have into a new template-sensor. Ive just enabled another kWh report from Group 2there are three reporting groups for this meterto see if that one will work.
You can check the statistics as per my post here: Hoping for this too. You can also use the Quick bar, and choose Reload Location & Customizations. Hi. I have added a proposed change via github with your information added. Now Id like to have these sensors in the energy dashboard instead of the smart meter (green) ones. I have indeed read the previous posts, but wanted to add if there would be a way to avoid these customizations. So if questions seem obvious then they are not obvious to me, So the template sensors (without decimals) are red in the below picture, the 2 entries below each in green are the p1 and p2 readings from the smart meter. not reading directly from your utility meter device or from the utility provider cloud service) you need HA to split your energy measurements into 2 (or more) tariffs, in order to track these energy consumptions separately. like this month's energy consumption, today's energy production or the yearly growth of if you have homeassistant: defined in your config you have to set it there. Im trying to add this device to Energy section of Home assistant however I get No matching statistics found, from config: If you are using a 3rd party device (e.g. I have an ESPHome based telemetry kit for my electrical counter. I get the same result no matter I do, the problem is with integration. The device also has a separate channel that collects the main lines and solar.
Thats cool - but my sensor.elec_meter doesnt show up on the Grid Consumption drop down. cycle: hourly, The Energy section seems to talk about Gas and Electricity but not water although there are some references to water in relation to Energy. Now, none of my smart plugs (on ESPhome) is listed in the HA Energy module, because the required sensor attributes are missing. I dont have recorder.yaml is that a default file or something you added to HA? It doesnt matter how they appear in Lovelace. I have changed W to Wh, however, nothing show up again, do I need to restert HA? The
Device class is currently supported by the following platforms: If you implement customize, customize_domain, or customize_glob you must make sure it is done inside of homeassistant: or it will fail. I tried to read though thread must have miss read or understood! I can stumble through writing yaml code and template sensors, just takes me awhile. The sensor's state when it's first added to Home Assistant is used as an initial Suggest a feature, get fellow users to vote on it and see it happen. This difference is very important as you need to use the proper entities in our Energy Panel. I just found the following in the logs and I have no idea what this means: Logger: homeassistant.components.sensor.recorder That said, if you can sample Power values fast enough (every few seconds) you can reliably measure energy transferred through mathematic approximations called Riemann Sum.

Which would produce a watt-hour counter that the dashboard is expecting.