Email us at to start COMPLETE THIS STEP IN ADVANCE. No. No. Yes, 5-7 days prior to the start date of your campout at Camp Bette Perot, Camp Gambill, Camp K, or Camp Rocky Point you will receive an email from the Outdoor Leadership Experience Coordinator for that camp that provides additional details about your campout including the gate code that you will use to enter the camp property for that weekend. A refund will not be provided if someone signs up for an option, activity, or event that they are ineligible to participate in due to participation criteria. Repeat step 5 for Staff Drivers License Photo and State DMV Report. Introduction to Cooking Outdoors Propane, charcoal, box in First Aid/ AED/CPR. It is important that all groups show up at the time they signed up for when the Ultracamp reservation was made so that everyone at camp can be provided the quality activity experience they have signed up for and so that staffing ratios are maintained. You will then select the option of "I need to reset my password" and select if you wish Ultracamp to contact you via email or text message. If individuals from your group do not show up at the appropriate activity time, then your group will not receive a refund for those activity spots and all money paid for those spaces is non-refundable and non-transferable. Retrieve Ultracamp username or reset password, Register for the open wait list spot I was notified about. No.
proper camp! Application for Use of Buildings and Grounds. You may also enjoy stargazing and discovering the local flora and fauna as you explore the trails at Camp K on your own. If that person declines the space, then the system continues to contact individuals on the waiting list in the order they were placed on the waiting list. Certification, and at least one adult that has a current certification GSNETX will provide a refund if you need to cancel for an above reason related to COVID-19. How to Leave No Trace Outdoors A Girl Scout always Cell phone service varies greatly depending on location, weather, and if you are trying to send a text or make a phone call. If this is your first time ever registering for Two Sentinels on Ultracamp: Click Add Person to add a profile for yourselfto your Ultracamp account. No. The cost of swimming is $5 per person. If you are interested in a unit that spans 2 sessions (like Superpackers which spans Session 1 and Session 2), select the session the unit begins (Example: for Superpackers, select Session 1). but we'll go the extra mile (or more) to help your girls' experience Please note that the activity may not be able to accommodate your group if you arrive late to an activity or you may receive a modified experience to fit within the time your group has remaining at that activity and you will not receive a refund in this situation. See the section above for camper registration instructions. T-shirt Size: To change your selected tshirt size. Girl Scouts of Utah uses UltraCamp for registrations and forms for If you are looking for a fantastic way to spend time with your family Rentals for Outside User Groups page. They must be submitted no later than 7 days before a camp date reservations deadline to pay final balance (30 days out from the campout date).
No. As a result, swimming options are not currently available for purchase in Ultracamp. protect the planet. If the start date of your campout is 31-90 days away, then you may modify your reservation online. Please note that the 25% deposit is non-refundable. No. Select the Access your UltraCamp accounthere. There are three easy steps to get your troop out to camp: Ultra Camp offers a streamlined way to Click info for more details on each unit or. Select from the eligibleunits for your camper. Please note that the 25% deposit is non-refundable. As noted above, the money paid for activities is non-refundable and non-transferable unless the changes are made at least 30 days prior to the campout. If you are interested in lifeguarding for GSNETX, please contact regarding possible employment opportunities. As a result, if you do not reserve the activity when you see it is available, there is a possibility that someone else may reserve that space before you. No. Step by Step: Developing Outdoor Skills in Girls At Girl If you have previously created an account and are having difficulty logging in, please click on the link that says "forgot login information". Families are able to reserve space at Camp Bette Perot, Camp Rocky
needed. Please click on the link that says, " Forgot my log in information". Register as GS in a Troop: If your camper has never been registered as a Girl Scout and wants to join a troop, go to. troop leader and co-leaders if desired. Add any other reservations for your children. Introduction to Campsite Set-Up A safe, efficient Select the Edit my bio information if Ultracamp account before making your reservation. your campers need, we're here to help! working with younger girls.
Acknowledge a girl's mastery of an outdoor skill and Please do not panic if you see any of our camp wildlife. Yes. Complete the guided registration process.
A unit shelter with oven, stove, and refrigerator is provided in each unit at Camp Bette Perot, Camp Gambill, and Camp Rocky Point. care for the environment as they grow. Select which session you'd most like to serve as staff for.
All families are responsible for bringing their own food. The work or task a dog has been trained to provide must be directly related to the persons disability. The remaining balance is due 1 week prior to your camp out. No. This includes having a minimum of 2 unrelated female adults in the cabin. Although you should not approach the wildlife, you may take a photo with your camera from a safe distance. Account Type. If those 2 people then show up to that activity later in the day and wish to participate and the activity staff can accommodate them, then they must pay for the new activity time.). This will walk you through the process to create your account. Click here to manage your UltraCamp account. The Open Texas document for youth camp states, "Serve meals with disposable utensils, napkins, cups, and plates. If you are interested in teaching archery for GSNETX, please contact regarding possible employment opportunities. accounts from their individual/family account in order to keep ClickNext until you get back to the main Reservation Details page. If you would like to add meals to your reservation, please reach out to with your request. Please reach out to with your request. Yes. This is different from your MyGS account. You will receive your activity schedule approximately 1 week prior to your camp out. Yes. menu. Progression allows girls to learn the skills they need to become

If you do not see a facility listed that you are interested in camping at, please email to inquire. Camp staff will work with you to set up the time and location of the training after you arrive at camp. great campout, you need to plan aheadand be prepared. Questions? Select Staff Driver Form then choose the file from your computer and click Upload Document. Watch this video to find out how! You register your kids at the same time as you register as staff. you're booking your camp and can't find the activity or badge work We do not allow participants or visitors to have pets or emotional support animals on our camp properties. Although a group may choose to reserve all sleeping spaces and designated day use spaces for the general camping weekend, there often will be other groups on camp participating in other programming opportunities. However, we understand that occasionally circumstances may arise that would prevent a girl from joining her Troop/SU for the entire weekend. There is a strong possibility you will see a variety of wildlife while at camp which may include spiders, snakes, insects, birds, armadillos, raccoons, and deer just to name a few. Tasty! To remove a sweatshirt you ordered, change to a package without a sweatshirt. No. Create a new UltraCamp account, selectingCorporate/Group under We are unable to grant financial aid for a campout after the campout date has passed. The unit with the waiting list spot available will now show as open. Individuals should wash their hands after removing their gloves or after directly handling used food service items." Confirm what grade your camper will be entering in the fall. If you have any questions or need any help reserving bed spaces for girls and/or adults please email volunteers-in-training) can learn new outdoor skills to use when Their account information now Troop/SUs are only permitted to participate in programming at the camp they are registered to be at for the weekend. persons name. If Per GSNETX guidance, Hand hygiene, cleanliness, sanitizing, and reduction of shared supplies are recommended. The Girl Package Choice: To add a sweatshirt, change the selected package to one that includes a sweatshirt . However, if you do not see an activity available that you would like to participate in, please email to inquire. No. now. This video will Do not use "" as it is for administrative Yes. and out! Select the desired unit and complete the details. Please be aware that if your troop brings a male(s), they will count in your maximum number of 10 people allowed at Camp Rocky Point or 15 allowed at Camp Bette Perot and Camp Gambill. In order to keep groups separate, the male housing area at each camp can only house a male(s) from one troop/ unit group. No. If disposable items are not feasible or desirable, ensure that all non-disposable food service items are handled with gloves and washed with dish soap and hot water or in a dishwasher. all outdoor camps and programs (i.e.,summer (resident) camp, troop Troop [number] or [Name of Service Unit] Service Unit for the Fill out basic contact information, age, and grade. Click the account member you got the waiting list spot notification for. There are 2 ways to register as a Juliette/Independent Scout: Then scroll all the way down in the search results and click. A deposit of 25% is due at the time the reservation is made with the balance due 1 week prior to your camp out. If an individual that is scheduled to attend your campout is ill or injured and cannot attend, then you may request a refund for their portion of the housing and activity fees that have been paid. Before preparing or eating food, have all girls members wash or sanitize their hands." However, if the start date of your campout is 31-90 days away, then you may cancel your reservation online and make a new reservation. You'll receive a confirmation email immediately. Please contact us at[emailprotected]. UnderCurrent Reservations, click the reservation you want to change the t-shirt/sweatshirt options for. finances separate. plan outdoor camping adventures with your troop or family. Once an account has been set up, you will complete Point, Camp Gambill. Read more on our websiteabout the units and available staff jobs. However, camp staff are not on property and will not be able to train you in fire safety; therefore, you may not have a fire if you are not troop camp certified. Day use is $1 per person at Camp Bette Perot, Camp Gambill, Camp Rocky Point, and Camp Kadohadacho (K). Now your UltraCamp account is set up and you're ready to register
your required troop camping and first-aid/CPR/AED forms and If the start date of your campout is 31-90 days away, then you may modify your reservation online and receive a refund of the credit amount paid. A deposit of 25% is due at the time the reservation is made. Select New Account from the I DO NOT have an account Register your camper as a Girl Scout for the year. theApplication for Use of Buildings and Grounds. There will be no camp staff on duty and so your group is not permitted to participate in waterfront activities such as, but not limited to, swimming, canoeing, kayaking, etc. Fill out basic contact information, age, and grade. leaves an area better than she found it. Forgot your login information? if needed.
videos when planning camporees and skill-building weekends. Yes. reservation. activities that can easily go outdoors and inspire girls to love and Next to your camper's name, click Register. Yes. activities. If you are interested in leading kayaking and canoeing activities for GSNETX, please contact regarding possible employment opportunities. More information is available on the Camp This will allow you to either retrieve your username or reset your password. Your original reservation cannot be modified within 30 days of the campout since that is after the payment in full and form due date occurs. group must have at least one adult that has completed TR301 - Camping We do not permit infants, toddlers, or non-registered Girl Scouts to attend weekend camping opportunities such as troop and service unit camping. Please note that all financial aid online requests must be completed by the person whose name the camp reservation is under. appears. Sweatshirt Size: To change your selected sweatshirt size. If your camper is already a registered Girl Scout in a troop, you just need to know their Troop Number. We do not permit infants, toddlers, or non-registered Girl Scouts to attend day use or limited time frame programs/events at camp. If only part of the beds are available to purchase in that housing facility, then you may not place adults in the cabin with girls from another group. Skip to Step 2--Sign into Ultracamp. Sign in to your account or create an account thenregister as a Juliette. Please click on the "Reservations" tab and then "New Reservation" to make a reservation for family camping. you advance girls skills in an age-appropriate way. conditions. Males must stay in the designated male housing space unless participating in an official GSNETX family camp event or a troop or service unit sponsored family camp event that has been pre-arranged with GSNETX where all bed spaces in a unit have been purchased and each family has their own cabin or tent with males staying only in the cabin/ tent with their family members.