Because next/image is designed to guarantee good performance results, it cannot be used in a way that will contribute to layout shift, and must be sized in one of three ways: If you are accessing images from a source without knowledge of the images' sizes, there are several things you can do: The fill layout mode allows your image to be sized by its parent element. Previously, I wrote about using Puppeteer to generate dynamic images for social sharing. If we open up the response, we can even see the URL for our new upload! Which will replace the image in the UI with the Cloudinary URL and display all of the data from the response right on the page!
To use this new image we can simply tack it on to our existing image: But once we upload an image and select a background, we'll see our new image! We get the response back in file.secure_url from cloudinary which we use to update the state, using setState.
Instead, we can take advantage of Cloudinary AI using it's background removal tool to cut out our images and swap in whatever background we'd like! Set up the following variables inside your Index component: eventName, ticketAppUrl, title and description. Add the following to the handleOnSubmit function: Here were creating a new instance of FormData, where were then looping through all of the files associated with our input (which will be only one in our case) and appending that file data to our FormData instance.
Where then we'll create an array with them to use in our app. Next, configure the Index component to take in the name and isShared props.
For more information on how to configure these values, refer to the Cloudinary image transformations documentation. Back to the topic, when we give user to upload image to the web-app, we generally need to store the image somewhere.
Heres a sneak preview of what well build. Now inside of our app, let's replace the locally selected image with our newly uploaded image. Disclaimer: I work for Cloudinary as a Developer Experience Engineer. In a Next.js application, any JavaScript file you add to the pages directory becomes a route on the front end.
The code below shows examples of how to create Twitter and LinkedIn share URLs.
I also uploaded some custom fonts to Cloudinary to ensure the image personalizations were on brand for Contentful.
To protect your application from malicious users, you must define a list of remote hostnames you intend to allow remote access.
By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy.
Note: if you want to follow along, you can download the images I'm using from GitHub:
Data Imbalance: what would be an ideal number(ratio) of newly added class's data? Next, lets use this to show a preview of the ticket when attendees share your event on social media. Add the relevant OG meta tags inside the Next Head component tags to enable a fancy image preview with a title and description to show on Twitter and LinkedIn.
At first glance, it might look overwhelming.
According to them Cloudinary allows any web application to manage all images in the cloud: upload, resize, crop, detect faces, Facebook & Twitter support, fast CDN delivery.
This performance problem is so annoying to users that it has its own Core Web Vital, called Cumulative Layout Shift.
Click on the asset to open it in the preview pane to change the file name so that its easier for you to recognize the image name in the code later on. As an example, heres the URL generated for my own Fast Forward ticket. Were going to build a Twitter Web Intent URL and LinkedIn share URL that, when your website is live (and this is the important part! How can you share that power and give your visitors the ability to upload their own images from your app? What drives the appeal and nostalgia of Margaret Thatcher within UK Conservative Party?
It appends a root domain to your provided src, and generates multiple URLs to request the image at different sizes. Next, we want to look for all of the files associated with that input, which we can find using the files property on our input. For the purpose of this tutorial, well work on index.js and serve the generated tickets under the root URL /.
In the next screen, give a Upload preset name, the Signing Mode to be unsigned and also give a Folder name.
If your application is retrieving image URLs using an API call (such as to a CMS), you may be able to modify the API call to return the image dimensions along with the URL.
Our Media Developer Experts are always pushing new horizons.
MongoDB relationships: embed or reference? This is the full URL with a name parameter only:, This is the full URL with a name parameter and shared parameter: And also the username, which you can find by scrolling up in the page and getting it from Invalidate versioned URLs(highlighted one) or from the upper right corner. I'm trying to upload multiple images for a product form.
Well use these values later.
Whether following along with Next.js or not, the code we'll be using should be transferrable to any other node.js-based application.
When submitted the form, I get an empty array. For instance, mine using the IDs in the screenshot above would look like: Then, we can use those backgrounds to create a thumbnail selection UI that will allow someone to select the background they want. The tricky thing is this is an asynchronous process, where uploading the image kicks off the request, but then we need to keep checking until it's done in order to use it. bash loop to replace middle of string after a certain character.
These additional elements are critical to allow the component to prevent layout shifts. create next-app -e my-image-background, npx create-next-app -e my-image-background, Step 1: Installing and configuring the Cloudinary Node SDK, Step 2: Proxying secure Upload and Resource requests with Next.js serverless functions, Step 3: Uploading an form image to Cloudinary, Step 4: Removing the background of an image on upload, Step 5: Installing and configuring the Cloudinary URL Gen SDK, Step 6: Changing the background of transparent images using underlays,, Configuring the Cloudinary SDK with our credentials, Creating a new serverless function handler, Parsing an image and options value from the request's body, Passing those values into the Cloudinary uploader, Returning a 200 response with those results, Creating a new function where this time we grab a different data value from the query parameters, Passing that to the Cloudinary resource method, Prevent default to avoid the default browser actions for submitting a form, Pass along our image source to our API endpoint, Take the results and store it in local state, We're using useEffect and saying that any time, Inside, we're first making sure we have uploaded data before trying to use it, otherwise returning, Then we're wrapping everything in a self-invoking async function to allow us to use async/await syntax (personal preference), In our async function, we're firing our upload using the URL from our uploaded data, We're additionally passing in an option telling Cloudinary we want to use the. The power behind those ticket previews you see on Twitter and LinkedIn is all down to the magic of the Open Graph protocol. To do this, we're going to use the Cloudinary URL Gen SDK, which will allow us to create our transformations in our React app, where the Node SDK is only available in Node (like our serverless function). Cloudinary is an image and video asset management service that provides an API for customizing your media on the fly. Sign up for your free Contentful account in minutes.
Navigate to the root of your project directory and start the development server: Navigate to https://localhost:3000 in your browser and youll see your fresh Next.js app in action.
When using layout='responsive', the parent element must have display: block.
Note that Ive used the font Arial instead of the custom font used in the URL above.
With our Upload endpoint, we can now pass this right along using a POST request, which will tell Cloudinary we want to upload that image, and get a URL and it's details in response.
What if I don't know the size of my images. How to upload multiple images to Cloudinary?
To create our Upload Preset, lets first head over to our Cloudinary dashboard and navigate to the Settings section using the little cog in the top navigation bar. When our input changes, we want to read the file that was added so that we can show it in the UI.
The LCP element is typically the largest image or text block visible within the viewport of the page.
We can even show that image instead of our original by replacing the image at the top: At this point, we have our images uploaded to Cloudinary, however, we're currently just using the URLs "as is". I chose Next.js for this application to harness the power of server-side rendering using URL parameters, which will power the image personalization.

The new item gets added in the home page. The most basic way to manage your images and other media like video is to directly access them from your project, but that limits some of your options for how you can serve and transform those images, which is where an image manager comes in.
Now were ready to upload!
The default loader for Next.js applications uses the built-in Image Optimization API, which optimizes images from anywhere on the web, and then serves them directly from the Next.js web server. Create a file called resource.js inside of pages/api and inside of pages/api/resource.js add: Similar to our Upload endpoint, this will make a GET request available at /api/resource?publicId=
Cloudinary base URL, Automatic asset format selection for best browser experience f_auto, Name text color (as a hex code without the #) ffffff, Name text position coordinates x_46,y_239, Name font and size l_text:avenirdemi.otf_48, The same is repeated for the ticket number text, Finally, the URL ends with the name of the image as stored in Cloudinary fastforward2021.png.
Now before we move on, lets take a quick peek at our new project. If the styling of your image isn't turning out the way you want, consider experimenting with other layout modes. Heres where it comes into play.
For example, say I want to collect awesome pictures of space and I find this cool X-ray based image of another galaxy.
Note: feel free to use a different value than my-image-uploader as your project name!
Let's replace that with the following: We're saying if we have an image source but no upload data, show the locally stored image, otherwise, show the image we uploaded. Once you've identified the LCP image, you can add the property like this: See more about priority in the next/image component documentation. In order to follow along youll need a free Cloudinary account.
Notice that were adding a second URL parameter onto the end of the URL shared which we configured in getSeverSideProps() earlier. I didnt have access to legitimate ticket numbers for the Fast Forward 2021 event, but I still wanted to include a unique-ish ticket number in the design to make the personalized tickets look more official. , Check out the Developer Showcase to see what's being built with Contentful. Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide.
Now that were diving into the code, lets open up our pages/index.js file and scroll down to the handleOnSubmit function.
Two things to note from here, before moving to coding is the Nmae of Upload Preset which is BillingRestro in my case. Lets get started! How can I list all collections in the MongoDB shell? Instead, I can use an Incoming Transformation to both resize that image to a more reasonable size and optimize that image in a way that wont negatively impact the quality. Vercel makes it really easy to go live with your Next.js application in just a few seconds. The way to avoid image-based layout shifts is to always size your images.
Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search.
Note: Many of the styling issues listed below can be solved with next/future/image. But now we can kick off a separate request to remove our background.
The beauty of this approach is that the possibilities for dynamic image sharing are endless. Read the full image configuration documentation for more information.
Note: we're prefixing the Cloud Name with NEXT_PUBLIC so that we can use that value in the client.
To spin up a new Next.js application, run the following command in your terminal: This command creates a new directory that includes all code to get started. How should we do boxplots with small samples?
The API "works" but the first upload is always empty and never pushed to the product model of mongodb, also the API gets only the last image. Join our webinars, meetups, conferences and partner events! Note, that the Incoming Transformation is for the smaller images which is been shown at the Home or Item page in my app and Eager transformation is for the larger images, which the user gets to the product details page. Im going to name my folder My Uploads. Now, i have done some backend changes like adding a Prisma database and a Yoga server above it, since my last article and the app looks like this currently.
As for the Folder, using a folder is optional, but I highly recommend using one, especially when testing things out, which gives you an easy way to organize your uploads and clean things up if you decide to start over. Well also generate a random ticket number and configure the app to behave differently for viewers who arent ticket holders. In my demo at the top, you'll notice it's slightly different, here are a few bonus additions to the project not necessarily relevant to the tutorial that will help clean things up a bit. Discover new insights from the Contentful developer community each month.
Weve got a personalized image via the Cloudinary API as a URL! Astrocoder, Dev Experience Engineer, Space Jelly CommanderI help others get the tech out of the way to solve real problems with the tools of the web.
In my adddish page, the CreateItem components gets load. The function generateImageUrl() below takes a number of required and optional parameters to build up a Cloudinary image URL like we explored above, to generate a personalized image.
If none of the suggested methods works for sizing your images, the next/image component is designed to work well on a page alongside standard
This function will be called with a context object, from which we can destructure the query parameters.
It includes a variety of built-in performance optimizations to help you achieve good Core Web Vitals. Here, i upload an image, add a title and price(in paisa).
Inside of our form we'll see where we're adding the image using imageSrc. When our images are loaded using URL-based transformations, Cloudinary will go and process that image on the fly, which when first requested, might take a little extra time before getting cached in the CDN.
Next.js will automatically determine the width and height of your image based on the imported file.
To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Lets get to the fun stuff!
Now, Click on the Big Orange Save button on the top right corner of the page to save the configuration.
You can get the code till this for the same in this Github link.
I added the highlighted code to upload a file by using input type=file. Now, there are many different services out there but cloudinary is one of the best and easy to use in a React NextJS app and also taught in the course by Wes Bos.
But doing this manually can be a huge pain and take a lot of time! The output below is what you should see after you run the command in your terminal. This isnt critical to our workflow, but its nice for someone to see what theyre uploading before they upload it.
Now that weve configured the data, we need to personalize the image using Cloudinary. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers.
It will open this screen, which shows our newly added BillingRestro configuration. How did this note help previous owner of this old film camera? These values are used to prevent Cumulative Layout Shift while your image is loading.
Dont forget if you want to make sure your Open Graph images work as expected youll need to deploy your application to a live URL. First, create a file in the root of your project called .css-1vcw20b{border-radius:0.25rem;background-color:#EFE3F9;-webkit-padding-start:var(--chakra-space-1);padding-inline-start:var(--chakra-space-1);-webkit-padding-end:var(--chakra-space-1);padding-inline-end:var(--chakra-space-1);font-size:0.875em;padding-top:2px;padding-bottom:2px;white-space:pre-line;line-height:var(--chakra-lineHeights-normal);color:var(--chakra-colors-inlineCode);}.env.local and add the following: You can find these values right at the top of your Cloudinary dashboard. How do I drop a MongoDB database from the command line?
Lets get coding!
When using layout='fill', the parent element must have position: relative. Before we send our data up, we have one more thing, and thats associating our Upload Preset with our form. So, its time to add some image. If we scroll down on this page, we should come to a section that shows Upload presets.
Once saved, you should be redirected to your Upload Settings page, where we should now see our new preset. Dont forget to share your ticket on social media itll be even more fun now you know how it works! By signing our requests, we can make sure that anything thats uploaded is authenticated and we can be sure they have the right permission to make that upload request.
The Next Head component imported at the top of the file and rendered inside the Index component will add the meta tags we define inside it to the head of the resulting HTML page. Now our image asset is stored safely in Cloudinary. When uploading directly to Cloudinary, we get a few options for how we manage those uploads. Once installation has finished, you can navigate to that directory and start up your development server: And once loaded, you should now be able to open up your new app at http://localhost:3000!
Add the following getServersideProps() function to the bottom of your index.js file. Compare my Fast Forward ticket confirmation URL with the link shared on Twitter below. This will become important in the next couple of steps.
through preload tags or priority hints), leading to a meaningful boost in LCP.
This is an example of an Open Graph meta tag that provides a URL to an image used to represent the web page. The Next.js Image component, next/image, is an extension of the HTML
Click Edit below that title where we should now get a modal where we can configure our transformation.
So next, we can use the Cloudinary API upload endpoint with fetch by adding: Note: inside of the Cloudinary URL above, be sure to replace Your Cloud Name with your Cloudinary accounts Cloud Name which you can find right in the dashboard.
In my first article i changed the menu to hamburger menu from the normal menu.
Regardless, we ultimately need to be able to accept the ability for someone to select an image and upload that image, then either provide that URL to our visitor or store it somewhere to use at a later time.
That list of elements however is a Node List, where we cant use convient methods like Array.find, so we first convert that List into an Array using Array.from then use find to look for the element that has a name of file which is the name assigned to the input in our form.
Transformations like face detection help us make sure when cropping images, were doing so intelligently to create the best experience we can.
The code in the final implementation generates a number from any given string, and the return value is prefixed with 000.
But now at this point, our pages and images should look exactly the same when loading and uploading, except the URLs are now generated using the Cloudinary URL Gen SDK! But now that we have our background image, we can use it inside of our main image as a transformation. Now head back to the application, select an image, and hit upload.
We only looked at what transformations we can apply before our image is stored, but most of the fun and interesting transformations happen after the image is stored when were trying to use it in our app. Once were ready to upload, we want to send our image up to wherever were uploading it, which in our case will be Cloudinary. Step 0: Creating a new Next.js app from a demo starter, Step 1: Setting up an Upload Preset for unsigned Cloudinary uploads, Step 2: Uploading an unsigned image to Cloudinary by URL, Step 3: Applying Incoming Transformations when uploading an image to Cloudinary, modern formats and compression techniques, How to Create an Image Placeholder Service API with Cloudinary & Netlify Functions, How to Update Static Content in Next.js Automatically with Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR), How to Generate BlurHash Placeholders with Cloudinary Custom Functions & Netlify, How to Automatically Optimize Headless WordPress Images and Videos with the Cloudinary Plugin, How to Detect Long Press Gestures in JavaScript Events in React, The function that fires when the form changes, The function that fires when the form is submitted, Set the Format quality to be Automatic Best Quality. And lastly, make sure to sign up to Fast Forward 2021 to receive your free ticket! Why does KLM offer this specific combination of flights (GRU -> AMS -> POZ) just on one day when there's a time change? Now that our endpoints are both set up, we'll be ready to get to work managing these assets in our app! Announcing the Stacks Editor Beta release!
OG meta tags are identified in the HTML by an attribute prefixed with og. Note: Remember to replace my-uploads with whatever name you gave your Upload Preset in Cloudinary. Now, click on +Add Eager Transformation, which will open a similar popup as above case. On the other hand, we can use unsigned requests, which will allow us to give a wider range of access for those who are trying to use our site to upload an image. Note: there's not really a distinct difference between POST and GET requests when creating the functions beyond how you accept the data where with POST we were using the body and GET we're using query parameters. Here, were sending a POST request to the Cloudinary API where were passing in our instance of FormData as the body. Make sure to convert all equals (=) symbols in the LinkedIn share URL to the HTML character code %3D otherwise the link wont work correctly. When uploading to Cloudinary, we have two different methods for how we can upload media: signed and unsigned. This allows me to set up API endpoints that use serverless functions to proxy my custom uploads to Cloudinary. .
Those functions start with an onChange handler.
Select your template image and after a second or two, youll see the new image asset in your dashboard.
If youd like to explore the code demonstrated in this post, check out the GitHub repository here (it contains zero CSS so go wild with your designs!). The Cloudinary API lets you make all sorts of image customizations via URL parameters.
In order for this to work, you need to have the Cloudinary AI Background Removal add-on installed on your Cloudinary account. The Contentful blog helps builders and digital leaders create better digital experiences.
And finally we want to perform the upload itself, so add the following under our transparentData state instance: This is a big one, so let's break it down: So after all of that, we can now try to upload an image again, and if we're patient waiting a few seconds after our first successful upload, we should see that below our uploaded data, we should see our transparent data!
Technically we don't need to store this value in an environment variable, but since we're storing everything else, it makes it easier to manage from a single location. Learn more over on Cloudinary about Eager Transformations.
Whats more, Im excited to build similar apps in the future for different events I might run for my Discord and streaming community. We'll want to collect all of the Public IDs of those images. At this point, you shouldn't even notice a difference, as the uploaded image should the same as the local image. That somewhere nowadays is cloud. Youll notice were making good use of those event configuration variables we defined earlier.
Above our image, let's add some controls: Note: I'm just using some inline styles here to make it a little bit more usable. To account for this, I made sure all requests for the index were redirected to the current event page.
We can again test this out by adding a console.log: But now, we want to collect all of those files and turn them into FormData, which is what well use to upload our image to Cloudinary.
Things to bear in mind: If you want to use line breaks (/n) in your tweet, make sure you wrap your tweet text in encodeURIComponent().
I work with the dev community at Cloudinary and am a prolific creator of educational content around the web teaching others through learning by doing one Star Wars plush cuddle at a time.