The data gathered will be used solely for statistical analysis and will be automatically deleted from our system. However, neither the SSINA nor its member companies warrants the accuracy of the information contained in this website or its suitability for any general and specific use, and assumes no liability or responsibility of any kind in connection with the use of this information. We are sorry about any inconvenience this may cause. The Specialty Steel Industry of North America (SSINA) and the individual companies it represents have made every effort to ensure that the information presented in this website is technically correct. Local store prices may vary, there is no price matching between this website and the stores. }); For over fifty years, pressure-treated lumber has been the framing product of choice.
(I thought stainless did not rust!). Southern yellow pine, like all pine, is a softwood.
$('main').css("margin-top", 139); Marine designers, contractors and engineers favor treated wood because it is readily available, easily repairable, and extremely durable. Its attractive, abundant and affordable, but its also ideal for outdoor use. ET via Live Chat, or call us at 203-814-3060. All Rights Reserved, Pressure Treated Beams Southern Yellow Pine, Miscellaneous Lumber and Building Supplies, Brackets, Cabinet Hardware, Decorative Hinges, Casters, Wheels, Furniture Parts, Floor Protectors, Numbers And Letters, Metal Shapes, Shower Rods, Respirators, Dust Masks, Safety Goggles And Equipments, 3 In. Southern yellow pines unique cellular structure allows deep and consistent penetration of preservatives, protecting it from fungi, termites, and micro-organisms. QUALITY Southern Yellow Pine lumber is produced to the highest standards, as contained in the SPIB grading rules. x 10 Ft. Pressure Treated Pine #2 Common Beam, 3 In. x 12 Ft. Pressure Treated Pine #2 Common Beam, 3 In. While there are ten species included in this distinction, four of those species (loblolly, shortleaf, longleaf, and slash) make up 90% of the southern yellow timber inventory.
Plus, it has a unique cellular structure, which makes it one of the preferred species for pressure treatment. 305-856-6401 4. Please contact your local store for availability. As a result, treated Southern Yellow Pine is one of the largest segments of the Pine market. Its unique cellular structure permits deep, uniform penetration of preservatives rendering the wood useless as a food source for fungi, termites and micro-organisms. Odorless and colorless treatments are used to safeguard the wood from outside elements, but the gazebo can still be sealed, stained, or painted for added protection. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Certain conditions are required for decay and insect attack to occur: moisture, a favorable temperature, oxygen, and a source of food (wood fiber). Product Data Sheet x 10 Ft. Pressure Treated Pine #2 Common Beam, 3 In. x 16 Ft. Pressure Treated Pine #2 Common Beam. If youre looking for a great way to spend your days enjoying the Florida weather, let Superior Sheds help you design a gazebo to match your home or business. Customize your railing with pre-milled posts. Store Phone: Pro 230 Trus Joist TJI I-Beam, MicroPro treated wood products are US Building Code compliant, ICC-ES Report, ESR-2240, Better corrosion protection for exterior code-approved fasteners and hardware, MCA (micronized copper azole) is an American Wood Protection Association (AWPA) Standardized Wood Preservative. As water is removed from the wood fiber, it shrinks; conversely, if submerged in water, it swells. The quantity that makes up a standard package. What are the differences between 18/8 and 18/10 stainless steel? View Plan.

It is a rare county that does not contain one of the four main species: shortleaf, longleaf, loblolly or slash. by Bryan | Dec 20, 2017 | FAQ, Features, Know It | 0 comments. KDAT products (kiln dried after treatment). Higher levels of chromium and the addition of other alloying elements such as nickel and molybdenum enhance this surface layer and improve the corrosion resistance of the stainless material. x 10 In. Plus, it's environmentally and family-friendly.
And it takes even more to represent it. Why? The 300 series (which contains nickel) is NOT magnetic. 27th Avenue What is Southern Yellow Pine Lumber? Inventory levels cannot be guaranteed even though an item shows In Stock. Dispose of treated wood in compliance with local ordinances.
Copyright 2019 Superior Sheds, Inc. privacy policy & terms of use, Why Pressure Treated Southern Yellow Pine is the Industrys Best, An excellent fastener-holding power and load-bearing capacity, One of the most durable softwoods available.
You get the great look of real Southern Yellow Pine with superhuman um, make that super-tree anti-aging powers. A chemical dip into 10% nitric acid plus 2% hydrofluoric acid bath will enhance the development of this passive oxide. Support@ShellLumber.com, 2733 S.W.

While indicated lead times are typically accurate, Ring's End cannot guarantee transit times provided by third-party shipping companies. When you place an order for Non-Stock products, you acknowledge that the size, details, and specifications are correct. In fact, pressure-treated SYP lumber is stronger and less expensive than other deck materials. 400 series are not as corrosion resistant as the 300 series and are magnetic, where the 300 series are non-magnetic. With the introduction of environmentally friendly ACQ and CA into the market, there are now alternatives to CCA for decking, railing and other components. When there is no nickel the stainless grade family is the 400 series. Yes. 800-621-6391, Email: The quantity that makes up a standard package. x 6 In.
When properly treated and installed, yellow pine can last for decades, which means you and your family will always be able to enjoy your beautiful custom-built gazebo. Introducing the ultimate protection for all your outdoor projects. View Gallery, They don't get more impressive than this two-in-one project.
It does not enable us to access any other information or allow us to view your computer and the data stored in it. Thats because it is real wood. x 12 x 8 Ft. Pressure Treated Pine #2 Common Beam, 3 In. available for transfer. x 6 In. Commercially available pickling paste can also be used. N-Durzand FlameFreezareboth unique products specifically designed for their particular environment. All rights reserved. For more information or to begin your gazebo project, call us today at 386-774-9861. It takes a lot to be worthy of the Yella Tag. x 6 In. Not only is it used for commercial construction and manufacturing projects, but many DIY home and outdoor projects also utilize SYP wood. If you can't find something you need here, please visit the store or Contact Us, 3X10 8' Pressure Treated Pine #2 Common Beam, 3X10 10' Pressure Treated Pine #2 Common Beam, 3X10 12' Pressure Treated Pine #2 Common Beam, 3X10 16' Pressure Treated Pine #2 Common Beam, 3X12 10' Pressure Treated Pine #2 Common Beam, 3X12 12' Pressure Treated Pine #2 Common Beam, 3X12 16' Pressure Treated Pine #2 Common Beam, 3X12 8' Pressure Treated Pine #2 Common Beam, 3X6 8' Pressure Treated Pine #2 Common Beam, 3X6 10' Pressure Treated Pine #2 Common Beam, 3X6 12' Pressure Treated Pine #2 Common Beam, 3X6 16' Pressure Treated Pine #2 Common Beam, Ecommerce Phone: The moly is added to help resist corrosion to chlorides (like sea water and de-icing salts) See Stainless Steel for Coastal and Salt Corrosion Applications for more information. For most marine construction, waterborne preservatives are preferred. x 12 In. Trus Joist Microllam LVL, 1 x 8 Eastern Pine V-Joint Tongue & Groove Wood Siding, Standard Grade, 2 x 2 x 3 ft. #1 Grade Southern Yellow Pine Pressure Treated Balusters, 2 x 4 x 8 ft #2 Premium Grade Douglas Fir, Kiln-Dried, 2 x 2 x 4 ft. #1 Grade Southern Yellow Pine Pressure Treated Balusters, 2 in. x 12 Ft. Pressure Treated Pine #2 Common Beam, 3 In. Store Toll Free: Benjamin Moore Collingwood Review & Inspiration, Architectural Wood is composed of a series of organic cells that contain water and act similar to a sponge. The KOPPERS MicroPro technology is the first treated wood process to be certified under Scientific Certification Systems Environmentally Preferable Product (EPP) program based on Life-Cycle Assessment. When the work is completed, wash areas of skin contacted thoroughly before eating or drinking. Industry quality-control standards for the manufacture and preservation of Southern Pine ensure long-term performance and minimize environmental impact. While much of the process used to pressure treat southern yellow pine is a trade secret, it has been thoroughly tested by the Scientific Certification Systems lab or SCS, a leader in environmentally-friendly building product certification. Check nearby stores, available at Full Service locations. Raised floor homes look great and protect homeowners against risks from flooding and subsiding soils. Wood is one of the most economical and versatile construction materials used in the marine environment, and pressure-treated Southern Yellow Pine continues to be preferred for use in the long list of marine applications. MicroPro pressure treated process with micronized copper preservatives, which help protect against termite damage and fungal decay. stratford-ct-commercialpaintcenter-store". We provide customers a wide array of products suitable for commercial and industrial applications, too. The greatest shrinking and swelling occurs tangential to the growth rings, while half as much occurs radially to the growth rings, and very small amounts occur longitudinally. It means we use the only wood treatment process guaranteed to withstand rot, fungal decay, and termite attacks. to search by sku (e.g. Non-stock products are not carried in stores and are specifically obtained to fill individual orders. When most wood is exposed to the elements, excessive moisture, or contact with the ground, it will decay. To assure long-lasting service in demanding marine environments, pressure treatment with preservatives is the most effective method of protecting wood. The data gathered will be used solely for statistical analysis and will be automatically deleted from our system. Known to be one of the strongest, most versatile varieties of wood, southern yellow pine is an ideal product to use. Find inspiration, building tips, and ideas for your next project. Some 85% of all pressure-treated wood is Southern Yellow Pine. We can even add a screen to keep the insects out.
We currently have open positions for the kind of people who will give out before they ever give up. AIFP can help!
Join us in looking back at 50 years in business.
SYP has a tight, dense grain, which means its less prone to warping and cracking. Pine is a soft wood, but dont let that fool you. Southern Yellow Pine is the most treatable of all softwood species. Register, 1 - 36 of 39 results for Treated Southern Yellow Pine Lumber. Carbon steel fasteners may be used for interior, above ground, weather-protected applications such as sill plates, interior framing and interior trusses. Southern yellow pine refers to several species of pine that are predominantly located in the southeast United States. Both DIYers and building professionals will like these garden and outdoor living ideas and plans. x 10 In. That said, you should never use pressure-treated wood on countertops or cutting boards, which may come into direct contact with food. 18/10 is 18% chromium and 10% nickel. Up for the challenge? DURABILITY Southern Yellow Pine is highly resistant to wear; therefore, it is suitable for flooring, decks, patios, marinas, boardwalks and other high-traffic applications. sku:1234, sku#1234), Sign In We trade SYP wood products for residential and commercial projects. Choose from a variety of roof options such as metal, shingles, and cedar. Copyright 2022 RING'S END. Sign up for our newsletter and be the first to know when we have specials, news & events! Stainless Steel information I may want to know The information below is reprinted from the Stainless Steel Information Center Specialty Steel Industry of North America http://www.ssina.com/faq/. & Decorative Hardware, Window & Door You must order in units of this quantity. The information in the SDS was written based on the best knowledge and experience currently available. The second number is the amount of nickel, i.e., 8 stands for 8% nickel. Our southern yellow pine is treated with the MicroPro preservative process, which has received EPP certification from the Scientific Certification Systems (SCS) based on its life cycle. while enjoying all the benefits of extra weather protection. 3. Treatment with preservatives protects wood that is exposed to the elements, in contact with the ground or subjected to high humidity. The treatment process injects Southern Yellow Pine with a substance that allows it to resist rot so that it can get rained on, hailed on or snowed on without falling apart. x 10 Ft. Pressure Treated Pine #2 Common Beam, 3 In. Composite boards are often limited to specific decking systems, and their color cant be changed except for when it fades on its own in the sun. Coconut Grove, Florida 33133. x 10 In. $(document).ready(function(){ All rights reserved. You can't have the ultimate backyard without the ultimate deck. So 18/8 means that this stainless steel contains 18% chromium and 8% nickel. From memorable campaigns likeThe Adventures Of The Yella Fellafeaturing our founder and CEO Jimmy Rane, to our recent award-winning work starring arag tag team of sneaky beaversTake an in depth look at how we built the brand people know by name. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. It is the users responsibility to ensure safe conditions for handling, storage and disposal of the product, and to assume liability for loss, injury, damage or expense due to improper use. Follow these simple tips when using pressure-treated Southern Yellow Pine: Marine Environments are toughest on treated Southern Yellow Pine. x 12 In. ACQ and CA are replacing CCA in the outdoor consumer market. Thats one reason why SYP wood tends to be used for structural components like trusses and building framings. Answer: Stainless does not rust as you think of regular steel rusting with a red oxide on the surface that flakes off. Southern Yellow Pine is used for many applications due to the desirable inherent characteristics: HIGH STRENGTH Design values assigned for Southern Yellow Pine are among the highest for all softwoods. Pro 230 Trus Joist TJI I-Beam, x 6 Grooved IPE Hardwood Decking, Kiln Dried, 2 x 6 x 8 ft #2 Premium Grade Douglas Fir Kiln-Dried, 2 in. x 11 in. The process has been applied tomany types of pressure treated wood, such as decking boards,picket fence and split fence materials,pressure treated plywood,posts & rails and other materials, just to name a few. While it is safe, using pressure-treated wood indoors is often not necessary, as there is little danger of rot, decay, or termites inside. The Southern Pine Lumber name and logo is a trademark of Southern Pine Lumber Company Specialties, Inc., and may not be used without prior written permission. = You can't have the ultimate backyard without the ultimate deck. If any of these conditions is removed, infestation and decay will not occur.
We'll give you the tools to excel. All rights reserved.
Copyright 2022 Southern Pine Lumber Company Specialties, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Wood preservation also helps conserve forest resources for future generations by greatly reducing the amount of wood needed to replace untreated wood structures prematurely damaged by decay or termites. In todays blog, the lumber experts at AIFP answer some of the most frequently asked questions about Southern yellow pine. Pressure treated lumber is real wood, but better. In the meantime, check out our lumber blog, where we cover other building materials we trade, including spruce-pine-fir, plywood, and cedar. Southern Yellow Pine grows across the Southern United States, from East Texas to Virginia. Wash area well with lots and lots of water after use. to search by sku (e.g. 2017 - 2022, AIFP. Clothing that accumulates sawdust should be laundered separately from other household clothing and before reuse. Answer: There are several types of stainless steel.
Big accomplishments follow even bigger stories. If you feel that you've received this message in error, please, 2022 Shell Lumber and Hardware A Ventura Ecommerce Solutions, LLC website. Sold under a variety of trade names, ACQ and CA contain no arsenic and provide the same resistance to decay and termite attack. This is not a complete list of items carried in our store. You must order in units of this quantity. Some people may treat sub-floor panel products that are used in the bathroom or other areas where moisture exposure is likely. Non-Stock products require Special Orders. Kiln-Dried (KDAT) Pressure Treated Decking, Sealing, Painting & Staining Pressure Treated Wood. x 10 In. We are not responsible for typographical errors. End uses include interior and exterior above ground, ground contact, and fresh water immersion. If you see red rust it is probably due to some iron particles that have contaminated the surface of the stainless steel and it is these iron particles that are rusting. We're primed for five-star racing with NASCAR. Assuming that its dried correctly, Southern yellow pine tends to be as stable as most other species. Find a Dealer of YellaWood Brand Products Near You, 2022 Great Southern Wood Preserving, Incorporated. Southern Yellow Pine is so tough that its the material of choice for building thrilling wooden roller coasters. Please refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for additional information. Osmose MicroPro technology is a revolutionary way to pressure treat wood for decks, fences, landscaping and general construction uses. We reserve the right to refuse and cancel any order. It does not enable us to access any other information or allow us to view your computer and the data stored in it.
From memorable campaigns like. The higher the numbers the more corrosion resistant the material. TREATABILITY Southern Yellow Pine is also one of the easiest softwoods to pressure-treat with preservatives. See the Stainless Steel Primer for more information.
Learn how the Yella Tag became the Yella Tag. Wear eye protection and a dust mask when sawing or machining treated wood. Because of its strength, durability, and beauty, Southern yellow pine is one of the most popular woods in the United States. Looking to buy Southern yellow pine wood for your next big project? Modern science has developed preservative treatments that are odorless and colorless, and leave the wood paintable and dry to the touch. See The Care and Cleaning of Stainless Steel for more information. And if youre building in an area with extreme termite infestations like the Gulf Coast or Hawaii, you might also consider using pressure-treated wood for indoor applications to prevent future damage. The EPA continues to approve the use of CCA for marine construction, as specified in the American Wood Preservers Association Use Category Standard UC5 and Commodity Standard C18. 2. The YellaWood brand has developed a wide array of environmentally-friendly pressure treatedpine and materials for decking in a variety of conditions, including KDAT products (kiln dried after treatment)and MasterDeck. Dimensional Stability Proper seasoning and storage helps provide optimial dimensional stability of lumber in service. For complete information about types of preservatives, the latest industry standards, product identification and specification guidelines, refer to SFPAs booklet,Pressure-Treated Southern Pine (download in Publications). What is the difference between 304 and 316 stainless steel? Learn how the Yella Tag became the Yella Tag. Leading waterborne preservatives approved for outdoor applications in the market today include Alkaline Copper Quaternary (ACQ), Copper Azole (CA) and Chromated Copper Arsenate (CCA). AIFP is continually growing. x 12 In. Due to Covid-19 and the volatility of the lumber market all quotes are good for only one week. What is Pressure Treated Lumber? Plus, its beautiful grain pattern and eye-catching golden color adds a layer of natural beauty thats hard to beat. We offer square, oblong, and octagonal models built with southern pine pressure treated lumber. Quantities May be Limited Due to Supply Shortages >>, 1 in. Lumber made from Southern Yellow Pine include all four species and is graded in accordance with the grading rules of the SPIB (Southern Pine Inspection Bureau). Big accomplishments follow even bigger stories. Pressure treated decking for a better backyard. Southern Yellow Pine or SYP when youre texting is the best possible lumber for your DIY projects. 877-304-4711 Advances in preservative treatments, environmental management and sustainable forestry practices make treated wood an ecologically sound building material. This website is presented by SFPA members, including: 2022 Southern Forest Products Association. Pressure-treated SYP lumber can be safely used inside the home. x 11 in. Our website uses cookies to collect user details during each visit and to improve site functionality. Make your backyard project that much better with deck accents. 18/0 is a misleading designation. Paint it, stain it or just let it age to a silvery gray over time, all while knowing the structure of your handmade project is going to stand the test of time. Learn more about our policy here. The unique cellular structure of Southern Pine permits deep and uniform penetration of preservatives, rendering the wood useless as a food source for fungi, termites and micro-organisms. These cookies only give us the information you provided. All other logos appearing on this site are trademarked by their representing corporations. Answer: Stainless steel must contain at least 10.5 % chromium. The 400 series (which just contains chromium and no nickel) ARE magnetic. Contact us today to learn more about how AIFP can you help you meet your unique construction, manufacturing, and industrial needs. There will be no refunds or credits once an order is placed. Or, they can have lights and speakers added to them, making gazebos the perfect place to entertain.