Chiefs of known prowess and liberality attracted large retinues, and their influence within the tribe, and even beyond, increased proportionately. All sentences include two parts: the subject and the verb (this is also known as the predicate).
(22) I decided to become a tutor after many people complimented me on my teaching prowess.
Known for his dancing prowess, especially after Dirty Dancing became such a huge hit, Swayze is actually a trained dancer. (46) The Word "prowess" in Example Sentences. (61) What is "prowess" definition and meaning?

Test your vocabulary with our fun image quizzes, Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English. (71) What is the meaning of "prowess" in a sentence. (12) transitioning from the brain of an ape to your incredible intellectual prowess took us about seven million years.
But he unquestionably gave undue prominence to the tales of the prowess and glory of the Fabii, and probably also allowed his own strong aristocratic sympathies to colour his version of the early political controversies.
Quite often they were in awe of someone's prowess (quite often their own) with a hacky sack or skipping rope. more).
(5) Kelly was also legendary for his prowess in verballing alleged criminals.

(41) "prowess" - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage note. website aggregates word and phrase usages for educational and informational purposes Indeed, swimmers throughout the decades have competed exclusively in their Speedos, touting the swimwear's comfort and functional prowess as being key in their respective successes. With a little imagination and the help of the ideas presented below, you'll soon be surprising your lover with your romantic prowess. It was here that Strummer's songwriting prowess would first surface. Quite often they were in awe of someone 's prowess (quite often their own) with a hacky sack or skipping rope. This high intellectualism mixed with the reputed spiritual prowess, increases substantially the influence that these leaders have over their followers.
only in accordance with fair use principle. You must arrest every passing time and convert it into growing your knowledge and, you have before you a gilded opportunity to sharpen your deductive, transitioning from the brain of an ape to your incredible intellectual, What differentiates brother most from brother and beast is neither purpose, perspective nor, A rapturous display of playful abandon and dancing, The young girl hangs her paintings on the wall to display her, I decided to become a tutor after many people complimented me on my teaching, Michelangelo, historically known for his sculptures and paintings, clearly possessed a, The interview, which also focuses on Schwarzenegger's training routines and, The Eastern RomanByzantine armies continued to be influenced by the earlier Roman legions and were maintained with similar level of discipline strategic, What did hunters in Nordic countries display as a sign of, Although Austria failed to retrieve the territory of Silesia from Prussia (its original goal) its military, If you had to explain to someone who was learning English what ", Maybe it seems like a simple question, but the meaning of the word ", English Sentences with Audio Using the Word ", Here are 100 fantastic examples of sentences and phrases with the word ". owners. (14) A rapturous display of playful abandon and dancing prowess, the Koenji Awa-odori Dance is your finest opportunity to party Japanese style. He assumed the name of Mahommed when he embraced the Mussulman faith; and on account of his military prowess he obtained the surname Alp Arslan, which signifies "a valiant lion.".
In fact, his football prowess led him to a defensive linesman position in the region's annual high school All Star Hall of Fame Game. She stared at it, as irritated by its unwitting acknowledgment of her housekeeping prowess as she was about having this of all creatures in her house.
They love to play dress up and play with finger puppets, so you can use your crafting prowess to make them fun things to play with. What he lacks in attacking prowess, he more than makes up for with his defensive qualities. When you first started learning English, you may have memorized lists of words like: prowess. Whether you're a weekend warrior or an aspiring pro, weight training is one of the best ways to increase athletic prowess.
(26) This indicates the regions prowess during war and battle and hence the city being attributed the name of land of martyrs and warriors. In other cases a more despotic monarchy has grown up - the prowess of one man leading to the subjugation of other clans. (28) The Eastern RomanByzantine armies continued to be influenced by the earlier Roman legions and were maintained with similar level of discipline strategic prowess and organization. 36.russia's struggles are also a prime opportunity for china to showcase its economic Prowess. A complex sentence with prowess contains at least one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. He was already distinguished for his knightly prowess, and for some years devoted himself to adventure.
Search phrases with a word or a set of words, find usages in context, see They believed it was by their prowess that the Punjab had been conquered, and all India was held quiet. He then sat on the sofa, put his feet up on the overstuffed ottoman and once again congratulated himself on his prowess.
For a time the Cid, already renowned throughout Spain for his prowess in war, was even advanced by the king's favour and entrusted with high commissions of state. Between 1283 and 1290, a Bavarian disciple of Wolfram's 2 adopted the story and developed it into an epic poem of nearly 8000 lines, incorporating episodes of Lohengrin's prowess in tournament, his wars with Henry I. He comes from a strong extended family background of sporting prowess at various levels. (60) What is the best definition of "prowess"? Hanging Rock, Ninety-Six, Rocky Mount and other affairs brought their prowess and devotion into notice.
While love has no price tag, this is not the time to brag about your bargain finding prowess. But, though his account of the siege is full of personal touches, and contains one reference to the number of witnesses whose testimony he took for a certain wonderful fact, he does not tell us anything of his own prowess.
(33) What did hunters in Nordic countries display as a sign of prowess in the 19th century? By signing in, you agree to our Terms and Conditions is even possible that your wife might suppose that you were more interested sexually in her earlier lovers' sexual Prowess than in her.
The federal agent was interested to learn Vinnie and Dean had played sports together, but Dean put to early rest any misconception about his prowess on the playing field.
The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. In the plus size fashion industry, few clothes are as revered for their figure-flattering prowess as pant suits. (50) How do you write a good sentence with "prowess"? Following these steps, you'll soon become comfortable with the writing style and confident in your poetic prowess.
19.they were admired for their Prowess in war, and in particular for their horsemanship.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web.
The Goddess bestows him with unusual swordly prowess and sets him loose with a demigod named Shorty for a companion. The common soldiers, on the other hand, were fascinated by his personal prowess and his camaraderie. a clever action in a game or other situation that is intended to achieve an advantage and usually involves taking a risk, Keeping an open mind and opening your heart: useful phrases with open, 0 && stateHdr.searchDesk ? It really would depend on each individual and how well read they are on the subject and their, If you remember one thing about teacher licensing, remember this: Albert Einstein, at the height of his fame and, Duke Ellington teaches students to paint, perform, and more importantly, it encourages their, As noted in the book, the students journeys were neither easy nor without struggle, yet their innate drive and, Who exactly are these young men and women to offer opinions on Judge Sotomayor's general, Everton midfielder Phil Neville shows little of his, Colleen's major publicity during her Miss A year centered on her height (she stands 6 2 in her four-inch heels) and her, My suspicion is that these judgements are used by judges (and their clerks) more to showcase their, The urban dictionary defines numbnuts as an insult that describes a person of limited, For Catholics during this period, the church had seemed a more formidable adversary to, After a lot of effort, your piece is sound, complete, mistake free and it shows your, Each is an endearingly accessible, discrete endeavor charged with fresh optimism and conspicuous, It is seeing a representation of black girls and women on all social media platforms that unapologetically celebrate and affirm our beauty and, Most ladies value the financial security over physical attractiveness in a man while men prize physical attractiveness over, Truth is, Paterson's excellent grasp of constituent issues, supurb memory and extraoadinary, Indian Auto Expo is a platform for the auto giants not only to showcase their automobile innovations and, No, men are quite capable of deep emotion, tremendous empathy and stunning feats of, You can form study teams, play games, take quizzes, and show off your, And, according to research, more to do with their effectiveness in future workplaces guaranteed to emphasize teamwork and group decision making over the discrete, This is a subtle way to market yourself while demonstrating your, (see 20.he's always bragging about his Prowess as a cricketer. The old warrior endured the fatigue of the march as well as the youngest soldier, and for his courage and prowess he received the cross of St Louis. Active on the skate scene since 1998, Circa's intention is to create shoes that are on the cutting edge of technical prowess and functionality. We often hear about high schoolers prepping for the SATs, but what about the ACT? I was also quaking at the knees a little due to lack of culinary prowess, but all fears were dispelled on arrival. (24) With a prowess for writing, the promising author wrote a thirteen chapter fiction novel. (43) What is the definition of an "prowess"? (7) You must arrest every passing time and convert it into growing your knowledge and prowess in that chosen field of influence. I want to receive exclusive email updates from YourDictionary.
(19) The young girl hangs her paintings on the wall to display her prowess in art. You can now submit videos of your footballing prowess using your mobile phone or via internet u.. . Reveal your skills as a swordsman as you tackle black-hearted villains and prove your strategic prowess as you lay siege to seemingly impregnable fortresses.
The two brothers, jealous of the athletic prowess of their step-brother Phocus, slew him; but the crime was discovered, and Peleus and Telamon were banished.
It upheld courage and enterprise in obedience to rule, it consecrated military prowess to the service of the Church, glorified the virtues of liberality, good faith, unselfishness and courtesy, and above all, courtesy to women.
The songs atrophied until they were flimsy excuses for endless displays of guitar prowess. The second option will determine your star's intelligence, physical prowess, appearance and what positions he will be qualified to play.
But now that you have a better understanding of the language, theres a better way for you to learn. Detailed Definition and Meaning. (13) What differentiates brother most from brother and beast is neither purpose, perspective nor prowess.
(68) The Word "prowess" in Example Sentences. (8) the visual prowess in his right eye has returned. The crusade, in which he distinguished himself equally by wisdom and prowess, taught his practical spirit several lessons.
3.the ship is hardly a symbol of china's Prowess in technology.
A compound-complex sentence with prowess contains at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause. To listen to the pronunciation of each sentence, click on button in front of it. A tally of seven cup goals from eight matches was perhaps a better indication of her scoring prowess during the campaign however. Thus in medieval French poetry vasselage is commonly used in the sense of "prowess in arms," or generally of any knightly qualities. The battle was hotly contested; but, in spite of the prowess of Hunyadi, the rout of the Christians was complete; the king of Hungary and Cardinal Cesarini were among the killed. True, there are still words that you dont know.
(64) "prowess" meaning in english, "prowess" definitions. As a general rule the annalists wrote in a spirit of uncritical patriotism, which led them to minimize or gloss over such disasters as the conquest of Rome by Porsena and the compulsory payment of ransom to the Gauls, and to flatter the people by exaggerated accounts of Roman prowess, dressed up in fanciful language. Many legends are told of his military prowess, for which there is no space in this summary. 30.aries is the one chosen because of its physical strength and Prowess.
Gene takes a lie detector test on the Adam Corolla show, to prove once and for all whether or not his claims of sexual prowess are true. Choose skills, abilities and magic to enhance your combat prowess. (9) you used your visual prowess too much, didnt you? the past, wushu was developed for the sake of military Prowess and physical well being. Dependent clauses can refer to the subject (who, which) the sequence/time (since, while), or the causal elements (because, if) of the independent clause.