by Tudor, Codrut Seres of the Humanist Party of Romania (PUR) and Roberts.
Alexandru Raj Tunaru -
The two main contenders offered differing fiscal proposals.
The documents included
The Politics of Spectacle and the Crisis of Democracy in Post-Communist Romania, Politics and Peasants in Interwar Romania, Populism and its Metamorphoses Vol. Election management body (EMB) regulatory reform is important to maintain or enhance the impartiality, transparency, integrity and accuracy of elections and of the institution that runs them. Gheorghe Dinu -
prime minister Theodor Stolojan headed the Justice and Truth (DA) coalition Petre Milut of Popular Action (AP) and Petre Roman of Democratic Force (FD). Political turmoil occupied the first few years of Yushchenkos presidency. Alliance of Romania (UDMR), Gigi Becali of the New Generation Party (PNG), New Generation Party (PNG)
Romania (PRM) once again was the nominee for the PRM.
Yanukovychs supporters in the east threatened to secede from Ukraine if the results were annulled.
Renewal Union of Romania (URR)
Parliamentary elections, at first scheduled for December, later were canceled, and Yushchenkos and Tymoshenkos parties agreed to form a new coalition, together with the smaller Lytvyn Bloc, headed by Volodymyr Lytvyn.
by fraud."
The document is Candidates Guide 2003 was issues by the Illinois State Board of Elections in 2003 and was meant to provide prospective candidates with a clear rubric for qualifying for the ballot. 1 & 2 @BULLET, Central Europe on the Threshold of the 21st Century, The Selection of Candidates for the European Parliament by National Parties and the Impact of European Political Parties, Right-Wing Populism and Extremism: The Rapid Rise of Golden Dawn in Crisis- Ridden Greece, Let the people rule! The tag lists the documents the envelope contains.
Traian Basescu -
of the vote, followed by Stolojan with 26 per cent, and Tudor with 15 per Democratic Party (PD)
The Ukrainian government further improved relations with Russia in June 2010, when it officially abandoned its goal of joining NATOa pursuit Russia had opposed. chairwoman for the Republican Party in the state of Nevadaalso actively
In November, a poll by CSOP put Basescu ahead of Nastase by just 0.3 per 36.61%
his party "does not interfere in electoral activity.
The Camera Deputatilor (Chamber of Deputies) has 346 members, elected Popular Alliance (APCR)
We are concerned the electoral process is much too affected Aurel Radulescu - In February 2012 Tymoshenkos interior minister, Yuri Lutsenko, also was convicted of abuse of power and sentenced to four years in prison. The GONGs Campaign, a feature located in the Croatian Jutarnji newspaper, provides articles outlining the responsibilities of the GONG education in the field of voter education and awareness.
the controversy and said the purported transcripts are not genuine, but former
Final results put Nastase in first place with
Gheorghe Ciuhandu -
Vadim Tudor -
By 25 December both UDMR and PUR signed a protocol of alliance with DA (Justice and Truth), with the designated prime minister being Clin Popescu-Triceanu.
the PDS and the Humanist Party of Romania (PUR)finished in first place
Yushchenkorunning on an anticorruption, anticronyism platformemerged as the leading opposition candidate, but his campaign was prevented from visiting Yanukovychs stronghold of Donetsk and other eastern cities.
and corporations.
Gheorghe Ciuhandu of the Democratic National Peasant Party (PNTCD), Marian
The 2004 Presidential Elections is a voter guide, available in Spanish, issued in 2004 by the Central Electoral Board in the Dominican Republic, in lead up to the 2004 Presidential Election. Final Report, Decree on Political Party Registration Procedures, Overview of Legal Framework for 2004 General Elections in Indonesia, European Parliament Recognizes IFES Leadership on Electoral Access for Disabled, Democracia, gobernabilidad y estado de derecho, Local Election Officials Handbook for the 2003 Consolidated Elections, Civic education and government: your role in civil society in 21st Century part I, Convivencia democratica: Libertad, dialogo y tolerancia.
WASHINGTON, D.C. - On January 15, 2003, the European Parliament unanimously passed a resolution on the status of basic human rights in the European Union, in which it recognized the role of IFES in Polling Place Data is an informative document, available in Spanish, issued in Guatemala and containing information on the available polling stations in the Guatemala Province. Why EU Regional Policy Has Been Inefficient in Romania, The rising of Romanian President Traian Bsescu and the role of digital guerilla, SOUTH-EAST EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE, Sino-Romanian Relations.
However, the stamps can be easily removed. IFES 2011 Crystal Drive, 10th Floor, Arlington, VA 22202 Tel: +1 202.350.6700 | Fax: 202.350.6701 FAX
President Yanukovych gained greater executive authority later in 2010 when the Constitutional Court overturned the 2006 reform that had enhanced the powers of the prime minister. The Piteti Syndrome: A Romanian Vergangenheitsbewltigung?

National Liberal Party (PNL) The main objective of this paper is to encourage open debate and reform action in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region on the need to create the legal and political enabling environment Strategic Program of Education is a civic education program description book, available in Spanish, issued in 2005 by the Federal Electoral Institute in Mexico.
In the parliamentary election in October 2012, the ruling Party of Regions emerged as the single largest bloc, with 185 seats.
encompassing the National Liberal Party (PNL) and the Democratic Party (PD). When Ukraine cohosted the UEFA European Championship football (soccer) tournament in summer 2012, a number of EU countries registered their concern for Tymoshenko by boycotting the event.
and media outlets. In the election to the Chamber of Deputies, the National Union (NU)encompassing
rejected the oppositions demands. The last presidential election took place on December 10 and 12, 2000.
General elections were held in Romania on 28 November 2004, with a second round of the presidential elections on 12 December between Prime Minister Adrian Nstase of the ruling Social Democratic Party of Romania (PSD) and Bucharest Mayor Traian Bsescu of the opposition Justice and Truth Alliance (DA).
National Union (UN) Roberts holds dual American-Romanian citizenship. In the first round of the presidential election, on October 31, Yushchenko and Yanukovych both won about two-fifths of the vote.
Petre Roman - 1.90% 6.23% The autonomous hetman state and Sloboda Ukraine, Right Bank and western Ukraine until the Partitions of Poland, Ukraine under direct imperial Russian rule, Western Ukraine under the Habsburg monarchy, World War I and the struggle for independence, The New Economic Policy and Ukrainization, Western Ukraine under Soviet and Nazi rule, The Orange Revolution and the Yushchenko presidency, Russian invasion and annexation of Crimea, The election of Volodymyr Zelensky and continued Russian aggression. The government attacked the opposition by arguing that 'rumours of fraud' affect Romania's economy and its external credibility.
considered "morally unfit" to hold public office, and asked their
Definitions and theories of populism (April 2017), Religious populism: the coup de grce to secularization theories, THE HISTORY OF THE SOVIET BLOC - 19451991: A CHRONOLOGY Part 5 - 19881991, CONTEMPORARY POPULISM: A Controversial Concept and Its Diverse Forms, Lustration in Romania: The Story of a Failure, Rising Populism and European Elections. The implementing directives on the re-registration, registration of establishment, registration of amendments to the deed of establishment and standing orders, name, symbol, logo, executive board at Constitution of The State of Palestine - March 2003.
Central Electoral Bureau president Emil Gherghut
Disclosure forms submitted to the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Georgia (English language).
cabinet member Calin Popescu. Voting took place on Nov. 28. This lists parties that won seats.
respective parties to remove them from contention.
IFES Former Popular Action (AP) Social Democratic Party (PDS)
Uncaptive Minds Special Issue: 25 Years After 1989, Coming to Terms with the Dictatorial Past in Portugal after 1974. cent, suggesting the presidential election could be headed for a second round.
1.92%, Source: Centre Corneliu Vadim Tudor positioned himself against Bsescu, without openly endorsing Nstase.
For more information, see our Privacy Policy.
Alliance for Justice and Truth (DA)
Romania were correct." purported to be transcripts of PDS meetings.
The following week Tymoshenkos government was felled by a vote of no confidence and Mykola Azarov of the Party of Regions was installed as prime minister.
party members alike allegedly discuss issues such as launching a criminal Once again the presidents party finished behind both Yanukovychs and Tymoshenkos parties. Whom Will You Vote For in the Local Elections? is a voter brochure, available in Romanian, published in 2003 by the Association for Democratic Participation of Moldova, in lead up to the May 25 The Electoral Law and Political Parties Law and Its Regulations is an electoral guide, available in Spanish, issued in April 2003 by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal in Guatemala. Democratic National
Party of Great Romania (PRM)
On 13 December, the PUR president Dan Voiculescu hinted that they have more in common with the DA (both have a center-right orientation) and that they might break from the PSD, but one day later said that he would remain with PSD. Party (PDS) was considered the frontrunner.
Sorry, preview is currently unavailable.
Many observers believed both trials were politically motivated.
National Union (UN)
Bridge between the East and the West? In this election, Ion ILESCU of the Party of Social Democracy of Romania-Social Democratic Party (PDSR-PSDR) won 66.84% of the votes while Corneliu VADIM TUDOR of the Great Romania Party secured 33.16% of the votes.
Alliance of Romania (UDMR)
Silence, Remembrance and Ambiguity, Romanian Political Science Review 2006 (see the article), LE DISCOURS POLITIQUE ET LA MANIPULATION DU RCEPTEUR, Presidents above Parties?
and 19 members represent ethnic minorities. EU ACCESSION, POPULISM AND NATIONAL IDENTITY: THE CASE OF SLOVAKIA (2007), Contemporary Balkans: The Challenges of the 21st Century, After Protest: Pathways Beyond Mass Mobilization - Conclusion, Is Transition Reversible?
investigation on Basescu, and how to rig votes in the Senate. Yushchenko subsequently defeated Yanukovych by garnering some 52 percent of the vote.
his part, Basescu proposed a flat 16 per cent tax rate for both individuals
(Written July 2003 and updated January 2004).
In the end, the ruling PSD and the PUR kept 95 of the parliamentary candidates Traditionally, Romanians voted with a cardboard identity card, which was stamped when they voted.
reduction for the top income tax rate from 40 per cent to 38 per cent.
The President is elected by popular vote to serve a 5-year term.
On Nov. 22, at least four Romanian newspapers published hundreds of pages
2.23% 1.35%
In December 2012 sitting Prime Minister Azarov formed a government with the support of Communist and independent deputies.
In October, Bucharest mayor Traian Basescu became the presidential nominee For three decades, IFES has provided impartial advice to EMBs across the globe as they improve their policies and procedures with a view to strengthening the democratic process.
Marko Bela openly endorsed Adrian Nstase. 1.77% In September Yushchenkos health began to fail, and medical tests later revealed he had suffered dioxin poisoning (allegedly carried out by the Ukrainian State Security Service), which left his face disfigured. On Nov. 30, Basescu claimed electronic vote-counting procedures cost his
As the Yanukovych administration continued its pivot towards Moscow, EU leaders expressed concern about the preservation of the rule of law in Ukraine.
The main contenders were the left-wing alliance made up of the then incumbent Social Democratic Party of Romania (PSD) and the Romanian Humanist Party (PUR), and, on the other hand, the center-right Justice and Truth Alliance (DA; Romanian: Dreptate i adevr) comprising the conservative-liberal National Liberal Party (PNL) and the initially social-democratic Democratic Party (PD) which later adopted a center-right Christian democratic ideology.
This report reviews IFES efforts in Azerbaijan in support of the USAID project Civil Society Better Organized and Represented. Presidents in Central and Eastern Europe, Their Formal Competencies and Informal Power, The Roulette. as prime minister, while the DA alliance nominated businessman and former
with 43 per cent, with Stolojan in second place with 35 per cent, followed In January 2005, the IMAS institute of statistics released an analysis of the voting results in the 16,824 precincts.
33.92% Tymoshenkos Fatherland party claimed 101 seats, Vitali Klitschkos Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reforms (UDAR) won 40 seats, and the ultranationalist Svoboda (Freedom) party had a surprisingly strong showing, winning 37 seats.
Gigi Becali -
Copyright 2022, IFES, Head of Government: Prime Minister Adrian NASTASE, Assembly: Romania has a bicameral Parliament (.
group collected the information about specific candidates from local communities DA. Following 2003 amendments to the constitution which lengthened the presidential term to five years, these were the last joint elections to the presidency and Parliament in Romania's political history thus far. Parliamentary elections early that year saw Yushchenkos Our Ukraine party finish third, behind Yanukovychs Party of Regions and the Yuliya Tymoshenko Bloc. -- The same trend was true in the precincts with most void votes.
The document Local Elections Officials Hand Book of 2003 was issues by the Illinois State Board of Elections in 2003 and was meant to provide election officials with a manual for running a smooth electoral Electronic Voting is an informative brochure, available in Spanish, issued in 2003 by the Electoral Justice body in Paraguay in lead up to the 2003 Paraguayan General Elections. The Senatul (Senate) has 143 members,
Democratic Party (PD)
Hungarian Democratic
It has been suggested by the press that this could be result of a blackmail about his communist past.
Thus, the PSD was left in opposition while Justice and Truth Alliance (DA), the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania (UDMR), and the Humanist Party (PUR, renamed Conservative Party in 2005) formed the government.
Although international observers determined that the poll had been fair, Tymoshenko declared the results fraudulent and refused to recognize Yanukovychs victory; she and her supporters boycotted the inauguration of Yanukovych on February 25.
To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser.
Humanist Party of Romania (PUR)
Our Martyrs of 1989 Did Not Die for This!
His first cabinet served only until September 2005, when he dismissed all his ministers, including Prime Minister Yuliya Tymoshenko, a fellow leader of the Orange Revolution.
In the documents, ministers and In relation to the conduct of factual verification of election participants from political parties as regulated in KPU Decree Number 615 of 2003, I hereby reconfirm to you the following matters.
In October the president dissolved parliament. Alongside local partners, IFES applies its technical expertise and draws on international public law and best practices in the development, implementation, review and reform of regulations that are clear, consistent, comprehensive, and accessible for all stakeholders.
Romanians and Hungarians, 1991 2000. In spite of this, electoral fraud is nearly impossible to commit, as every citizen is assigned to one local voting station, the only location he/she can vote at.
Cleared to seek a third term as president by the Constitutional Court, Kuchma instead endorsed the candidacy of Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, who was also strongly supported by Russian Pres. An August CURS/Antena 1 poll kept Nastase as the top presidential contender
The ensuing power struggle between the president and the prime minister, whose political role had been enhanced by a constitutional reform that took effect in 2006, led Yushchenko to call for another round of parliamentary elections in 2007.
The document, published in 2004 Ce Rapport unique, ralise fin 2003, dpeint de manire claire et mthodique la situation de faiblesse et de pauvret d'un pouvoir judiciaire lui n'est ni indpendant ni responsable vis--vis du IFES experts answer questions about the electoral framework for Indonesia's 2004 elections. The
This report is issued as a record of the observations made by the IFES mission concerning the 2003 nationwide elections in Paraguay.
Clear standards and procedures help to clarify the election management responsibilities of an EMB, minimize irregularities or confusion on the part of stakeholders, and support the efficient running of elections. -- Lia Robertsa former Dec. 12 TOTH Szilrd, Hungarian Elites in the Romanian Parliament during the Interwar Period, in Parliamentarism and Political Structures in East-Central and Southeastern Europe in the Interwar Period, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu Publishing House, 2012, 187-214. 31.77% elected to four-year terms by proportional representation.
Social Democratic Party (PDS)
Democratic National
Democratic National
as the Coalition for a Clean Parliament released several lists of candidates For Party of Great Romania (PRM) This was corroborated by several teams of journalists, who followed the buses.
New Generation Party (PNG) PSD vice-president and cabinet minister Miron Mitrea said
From the First Pontas government to Klaus Werner Iohanniss victory in the presidential elections, Neoliberalism: a discourse-analytical perspective, The state of social democratic parties in Central and Eastern Europe, The Role of National Identity in the Trajectory of Romania's Foreign Policy (1990-2007), Political Participation in Romania: Low Turnout, Protests and Anti-Establishment Party (20122017). no longer supports Internet Explorer.
By continuing to use our website without changing your settings, you agree to allow us to use cookies and other identifiers.
The Case of Central Europe, Revisiting the Second-Order Election Model and Its Application to European Parliament Elections in Central and Eastern European Countries.
II No.
Gheorghe Ciuhandu openly endorsed Bsescu. The outcome forces a run-off on Dec. 12. The elections in
Marian Petre Milut - to four-year terms; 327 members are elected by proportional representation New Generation Party (PNG) PDS secretary general Cozmin Gusanow a member of the oppositionsaid
Social Democratic Party (PDS)
The next prime minister, Yury Yekhanurov, stayed in office only until January 2006.
1 is a listing tag, available in Spanish, issued by the Electoral Justice body of Paraguay.
ANBI Informatie. Humanist Party of Romania (PUR) Vice President, Global Strategy and Technical Leadership, Senior Global Legal Advisor; Director, Center for Anti-Corruption and Democratic Trust. nine, and the UDMR with three.
), Sitemap | Privacy Policy | Terms and Conditions criteria by having a criminal record or conducting illegal activities.
In late October, a group of several non-governmental organizations known
Legislative Branch: The Parlamentul Romaniei (Romanian Parliament) has two
for public opinion and democracy. Because neither had won a majority of votes, a runoff poll was held on February 7. campaigned for office. Clear legal and constitutional provisions are essential for the protection of fundamental political rights and the effective management of elections, especially in countries undergoing democratic change. Current prime minister Adrian Nastase of the Social Democratic Most Romanians now have laminated plastic IDs, to which a printed stamp is affixed when a person votes.
The president is elected to a four-year term by the popular vote. The opposition claimed that there were organized "electoral excursions" of PSD supporters who were bussed to various towns to vote several times.
The next presidential election, held on January 17, 2010, confirmed the political demise of President Yushchenko, who received only about 5 percent of the vote.
Prime minister: Adrian Nastase - PDSR. Privacy Policy
A regulatory framework which can include procedures, regulations, guidelines, codes of conduct, and other regulatory documents complements electoral laws by clarifying or filling in gaps, and should be regularly reviewed.
Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania, Christian Democratic National Peasants' Party, Community of the Lipovan Russians in Romania, Federation of the Jewish Communities in Romania, Democratic Union of Turkish-Muslim Tatars, Democratic Union of Slovaks and Czechs of Romania, Bratstvo Community of Bulgarians in Romania,, Pages using embedded infobox templates with the title parameter, Articles containing Romanian-language text, Articles with Romanian-language sources (ro), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Peasant Party (PNTCD) Alliance of Romania (UDMR)
Democratic Force (FD)
Party: Hungarian Democratic Alliance of Romania (UDMR), Party: Democratic National Peasant Party (PNTCD).
-- Although international observers called attention to irregularities in some contests, the European Parliament characterized the election as comparatively fair, and the main opposition parties accepted the official results.
In the top 1,000 precincts with the most votes on the supplementary lists, the PSD had 43% to the DA's 23%, while in the precincts with fewest votes on supplementary lists, the PSD had 30% to the DA's 34%. 40.94 per cent of the vote, with Basescu in second place with 33.92 per cent.
Nastase called IFES' global legal and technical expertise draws on international public law and best practices to identify gaps and inconsistencies in legal frameworks, providing electoral management bodies and other stakeholders with options for clear and effective legal and constitutional reforms.
Hungarian Minority in Romania: Hope, and Scepticism, Surrounding Romanias Newly Elected President, Hungarian Minority in Romania: RMDSz Hopes Hungarian Government Will Promote Minority Protection In Brussels, Hungarian Minority in Romania: Ethnic Minority Rights Remain Political Issue, Hungarian Minority In Romania: UDMR Votes To Joins Government, Hungarian Minority In Romania: Autonomy Not A Breach Of Laws, Hungarian Minority in Romania: Rally for Autonomy for Szeklers Land, Hungarian Minority in Romania: Romanian Minister Accused Minority Of Interfering With Democratic Process, More Hungarian Minority in Romania news , TOGETHER IN EUROPE: Integration, autonomy, welfare, Hungarian Minority in Romania: DAHR Electoral Program, Hungarians in Romania: Seminar on National Minorities in Romania, More Hungarian Minority in Romania publications . Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics, Affiliation: Union for Romania's Reconstruction, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Tehology, unknown universities (unknown years), Social Democratic Party "Constantin Titel Petrescu", Independent candidate: Eberhard-Wolfgang Wittstock, Cultural Association of Slavonic Macedonians of Romania, Democratic Association of Slavonic Macedonians of Romania, Bulgarian Cultural Association of Romania, This page was last edited on 21 July 2022, at 17:39.
This reform law suspends certain provisions of the Constitution of Liberia and amends the New Elections Law of 1986. Collection of selected contributions.
As the government continued to balance the often conflicting goals of maintaining positive relations with Russia and gaining membership in the EU, dissent between Yushchenko and Tymoshenko contributed to the collapse of their coalition in September 2008. Youth Democratic Party (PTD) 2.36%
Le public auquel il s'adresse est de journalistes. 0.36% 6.17%
for a reduction of corporate taxes from 25 per cent to 19 per cent, and a
This time, however, a coalition with the Yuliya Tymoshenko Bloc held together, allowing the pro-Western Orange parties to form a government with Tymoshenko as prime minister. Democratic Party (PD)
Other significant contenders were the Greater Romania Party (PRM) (right-wing nationalists), the ethnic Hungarian party Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania (UDMR), and the Union for Romanian Reconstruction (UPRR), a group of right-wing technocrats.
coalition more than 160,000 votes, saying, "It is necessary to repeat
5.10% In what was widely seen as an attempt to thaw relations with the EU, Yanukovych pardoned the imprisoned Lutsenko and ordered his release in April 2013. for the DA coalition after Stolojan withdrew from contention citing health In exchange, Ukraine would receive a reduction in the price of Russian natural gas. The Peoples Representative Assembly (DPR) of the Republic of Indonesia recently approved new political laws to govern the 2004 elections in Indonesia. Alliance of Romania (UDMR) Winning 48.95 percent of the votea narrow lead over Tymoshenkos 45.47 percentYanukovych took the presidency.