Frequent handwashing or use of an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, Cover all cuts, scrapes, rashes, skin disruptions, etc. Should eat an easily-digested meal (higher in starch) no later than3 hours before competitionavoid foods that contain lots of fatsand oils (harder to digest), Avoid candy or honeycause rapid swings in blood sugar,resulting in lower energy levels, Drink plenty of fluids to ensure full hydration, Consume several high-starch mini-meals or snacks, along withlots of fluids. endobj [] Its greatest benefit is pain relief. If, because of a disability, you are unable to access content on the Canton Public School Districts website, have questions about the accessibility of content or technology used by the District, and/or would like to report barriers to access any technology used by the District, including this website, please email Ice massage is rubbing ice (usually frozen in dixie cups) directly on the painful area until area is numb. *When using a commercial ice pack (anything other than an ice bag), always make sure there is a layer of towel or clothes between the pack and the skin to avoid frostbite. Copyright 2008-2022, Glassdoor, Inc. "Glassdoor" and logo are registered trademarks of Glassdoor, Inc, Masters Degree in a relevant field and a minimum of two years of student advising or related experience in higher education to include experience working with, Propose and develop strategies for solicitation of major gifts, capital projects and gifts to the endowment. Website Accessibility Notice : The Canton Public School District is committed to providing access to all individuals, with or without disabilities, seeking information on our website. ******************************************************************, At all day events (tournaments/track meets), Try to choose starchy vegetables and whole grain and enriched breads, cereals, and pasta over fatty foods (for example, a baked potato over french fries), Gatorade Sports Science Institute: Hydrocollator packs are more commonly referred to as heat packs. Please register and upload your physical using our new online program Planet High School. Cold whirlpoolsare beneficial for those with ankle sprains more than 2 or 3 days old. Unlike ultrasound, the heat from hydrocollator packs do not penetrate deep into the tissue, but create more of a superficial heating sensation. This application is most commonly used with shin splints. Its greatest benefit is pain relief. High school athletes should not need to use vitamin or mineral supplements (unless otherwise prescribed by a physician). They also should not need protein supplementation or high-protein diets. Eating high-protein diets or protein supplements may prove harmful and may lead to a loss of appetite, diarrhea, dehydration, and undue stress on the kidneys. Canton, CT 06019, Copyright 2022 Canton Public Schools, Connecticut. Concussions occur as the result of a head injury. We treat them with extra precaution, especially when they occur in adolescents. Young athletes who experience a head injury areoften keptout of participation and competition for a minimum of 7-10 days. Why do health care providers do this? Mostly for the simple fact that, Double vision, fuzzy vision, misty vision, seeing spots, blind spots, Sensitivity to light and/or noise (tends to increase symptoms), Feeling sluggish or slowed down (like everything is moving in slow motion), Concentration problems (increase in symptoms with reading, classwork, homework, watching TV, working on the computer), Trouble remembering things that happened before or after the head injury, Changes in personality/acting out of character, Trouble sleeping: sleeping too little or too much compared to normal sleeping patterns, Many people experience one or any combination of these symptoms in a day, but a mechanism of injury must occur to have a concussion. These mechanisms of injury include: a blow to the head (from an object or another athletes body), falling and hitting the head (usually on a wall or the ground or hard floor), and spearing (tackling with the head down, falling straight down on the head, etc. Canton Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, or disability in its programs or activities. Electrical impulses from the unit stimulate the muscle to contract. Different wave forms help to achieve different rehabilitative goals. *Q2|fbWuY\-z>D+h_w!kJ|..MYM\[z}mVB HZ)DUJlOf+6B@{Y6M@%xK[B 6hxhj!'mSF0bmn!}@tA+=a2C[C0AiEDZglyQ7Oq1h9PoI;|[R1!=("[%; . Prior to large tournament or camp, take Valtrex, as directed by physician (generally 500mg dailybeginning 3 days prior to the starting day and concluding 1 day after). * Last updated at 8:27 am on Thursday, July 21, 2022, 1001 N. Main St. (Google map, other maps), Nickname(s): Little Giants (boys), Little Giants (girls), Cities in District: Canton; Norris; Banner; Dunfermline, Board Division: 6, Legislative District: 16, IHSA Official Representative: Brad Hulet phone 309-647-0520 fax 309-649-5039, Superintendent: Tad DeRenzy, Principal: Jay Valencia phone 309-647-1820 fax 309-649-5039, Assistant Principal: Jason Juchems, Boys Athletic Director: Brad Hulet phone 309-647-0520 fax 309-649-5039, Boys Athletic Director's Assistant: Teresa Schoon phone 309-647-0520 fax 309-649-5039, Girls Athletic Director: Brad Hulet phone 309-647-0520 fax 309-649-5039, Girls Athletic Director's Assistant: Teresa Schoon phone 309-647-0520 fax 309-649-5039, Activities Director: Brad Hulet phone 309-647-0520 fax 309-649-5039, Activities Director's Assistant: Teresa Schoon phone 309-647-0520 fax 309-649-5039, Boys Baseball Head Coach: Mike Emery, Boys Basketball Head Coach: Hunter Rhodes, Boys Cross Country Head Coach: Chancy Whittington, Boys Football Head Coach: Nick Wright, Boys Golf Head Coach: Mike Emery, Boys Soccer Head Coach: Melanie Turgeon, Boys Swimming Head Coach: Justin Miller, Boys Track & Field Head Coach: Mike Vollmar, Boys Wrestling Head Coach: Zach Crawford, Girls Basketball Head Coach: Maribeth Dura, Girls Cross Country Head Coach: Chancy Whittington, Girls Golf Head Coach: Tyler Christiansen, Girls Soccer Head Coach: Melanie Turgeon, Girls Swimming Head Coach: Justin Miller, Girls Track & Field Head Coach: Ken Brant, Girls Volleyball Head Coach: Linzie Mitchell, Girls Wrestling Head Coach: Zach Crawford, Bass Fishing Coach: Jeff Anderson, Speech Coach: Amanda Vandermeer, Vocal Director: Tony Militello, Scholastic Bowl Coach: Christy Semande, Sideline Cheer Coach: Erika Shaw, Halftime Dance Coach: Nicole Derenzy, Student Council Adviser: Jodi Neptun Annual performance appraisals resulting I agreed to, Must possess a valid Pupil Activity Permit (and all necessary certificates). For all subsequent sports played in a school year, fill out Section 7. Only if an injury or illness occurred that required a physician's car, does Section 8 need to be filled out for subsequent sports. Build relationships with member, Persons applying for paid coaching positions must meet district and WIAA requirements including a valid background check., Must have the ability to sit and stand for extended periods of time; exhibit manual dexterity to dial a telephone, operate facility grounds keeping equipment,, Professional demeanor and ability to interact with charity towards students, staff and faculty. This page will help to briefly explain different modality types and why they are used. We are so excited! All Rights Reserved. Good driving record is preferred. !b$M{ C^Lncf$'_CTpDuLGQbC M eSE{y-~+!JG^$ MK'FrB&"_nEfIQ(t16(;Kz&`GtDewsDU4*ztM.
If you have questions about filling out the forms, please contact the athletic trainer. She played soccer and softball in high school and also played both sports at Eastern Connecticut State University.
76 Simonds Avenue Assess, evaluate, and confer with returning athletes for developmental planning., Under the direction of the Physical Plant, Maintain accurate and timely documentation of student performance, progress, treatment minutes and changes in status in compliance with ODE, MSP, and OPTA, Qualifications include experience playing or coaching field hockey at the, Troubleshoots, repairs, and performs maintenance on all types of mechanical, infrastructure, equipment/components, and HVAC automated systems/components., Personal Training Certification Must have and maintain a current Personal Training national certification(accepted certifications include: NSCA, ACSM-CPT, ACE,, The following may be required: Sitting, standing, lifting, moving about the room or, Assist in the design, periodization and implementation sport specific speed, power, conditioning, and resistance programs for the following: all student, Three years of experience in computer field and two years of technology schooling. By eating the recommended amounts of food from each food group daily (from the Food Guide Pyramid), you can greatly increase your ability to get all the nutrients the body needs, which will improve your ability on the playing field! Select meals containing all 5 food groupsour bodies use thenutrients better when consumed together, When eating out, choose something nutritionally sound, like a cheeseburger with lettuce and tomato, Consume high carbohydrate, nutritious foods The body replaces lost glycogen rapidly and normal synthesis of new proteins can resume, Should eat within 2 hours after the event/workout. 4 0 obj American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons - Sports Nutrition: Colorado State University Cooperative Extension - Nutrition for Athletes: Faculty and Staff Forms Employees Only, The Sports Medicine Center, Susquehanna Health, (570) 673-5134, ext. Why do we take extra precautions with concussions?? They are used to help relax muscles, in preparation for stretching or physical activity. endobj Carbohydrates are the most efficient fuel for the body during strenuous activity.. %PDF-1.7 Reuben B. Myers Canton School of Arts & Sciences, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). girls tennis varsity, Girls Varsity Tennis, PCEP Athletics Academic Eligibility Update for 2022-2023, Canton Girls XC Parent and Athlete Meeting, Softball headed to Conference Championship, Canton tennis takes down Stevenson 7-2 on Monday. Nutrients important for the body: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minterals, and water. We will be having a parent/athlete meetingonTuesday, June 7 at 6pm in Room 305(located in Phase 3/Canton North)to discuss the season. Kelsey Nader also added 2 hits and 2 RBIs. In 2013, she graduated from Springfield College with her Master of Education in Athletic Administration. Kim is certified to teach PreK-12 Physical Education and Health in Connecticut and also coach interscholastic sports in Connecticut. 5 0 obj Different ice applications include: ice bag, ice massage, and commercial ice packs. <> For non-infected athletes wanting to prevent transmission from an infected teammate, take Valtrex as directed by physician (generally 500mg twice/day for 3 days).. This application is most commonly used with shin splints.