Note: SET NEWNAME replaces CONFIGURE AUXNAME for recovery set data files. Oracle University and Error : You are not a Valid Partner use only Flashback Database After completing this lesson, you should be able to: Describe Flashback Database architecture Configure your database to support Flashback Database Perform Flashback Database Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. COPYING eKIT MATERIALS FROM THIS COMPUTER IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED Quiz In this lesson, you should have learned how to: Transport tablespaces between databases by using image copies or backup sets Transport databases by using data files or backup sets Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. This information is usually available in the recovery catalog, if one is used. Oracle Database 12c: Backup and Recovery Workshop 13 - 28 Oracle University and Error : You are not a Valid Partner use only THESE eKIT MATERIALS ARE FOR YOUR USE IN THIS CLASSROOM ONLY. If LARGE_POOL_SIZE is not big enough, the server does not allocate buffers from the shared pool. RMAN manages all aspects of TSPITR. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Three Cloud Computing Service Models The NIST definition of cloud computing includes three service models. Oracle Database 12c: Backup and Recovery Workshop 15 - 18 Oracle University and Error : You are not a Valid Partner use only THESE eKIT MATERIALS ARE FOR YOUR USE IN THIS CLASSROOM ONLY. Oracle Database 12c: Backup and Recovery Workshop 19 - 9 Oracle University and Error : You are not a Valid Partner use only THESE eKIT MATERIALS ARE FOR YOUR USE IN THIS CLASSROOM ONLY. Oracle Database 12c: Backup and Recovery Workshop C - 7 Oracle University and Error : You are not a Valid Partner use only THESE eKIT MATERIALS ARE FOR YOUR USE IN THIS CLASSROOM ONLY. COPYING eKIT MATERIALS FROM THIS COMPUTER IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED Objectives Flashback makes error recovery much easier by: Enabling you to view data as of a past point in time Rewinding unwanted data changes Minimizing the time it takes to correct an error Flashback is easy to use and includes simple commands, with no complex procedures. All rights reserved. To transport tablespaces across platforms, query the exact name of the destination platform. For tape backups, the size of a single tape buffer is defined by the RMAN channel parameter BLKSIZE, which defaults to 256 KB. Oracle Database 12c: Backup and Recovery Workshop 13 - 7 Oracle University and Error : You are not a Valid Partner use only THESE eKIT MATERIALS ARE FOR YOUR USE IN THIS CLASSROOM ONLY. When you discover the need for transaction back-out, performance is better if you start the back-out operation sooner. Oracle Database 12c: Backup and Recovery Workshop 17 - 24 Oracle University and Error : You are not a Valid Partner use only THESE eKIT MATERIALS ARE FOR YOUR USE IN THIS CLASSROOM ONLY. You cannot use Flashback Table to rewind a table to before the point of a structural change, such as a truncate table operation. Oracle Database 12c: Backup and Recovery Workshop C - 6 On-demand self service Anytime, no human involvement is required Broad network access Anywhere, from any device Resource pooling Shared resources to meet many demands Rapid elasticity Seamless response to meet changing demands Measured service Metering of and reporting on usage Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Enable Flashback Database. The Agent uploads data to the OMS via HTTP on port 4889 or via HTTPS on port 4900.

EMPLOYEES is renamed and the new name is recorded into the recycle bin.

Perform a SET UNTIL to limit media recovery to the end of the archived redo logs. NOOPEN: Use to finish with the duplicate database in MOUNT mode. Oracle Database 12c: Backup and Recovery Workshop 17 - 2 Oracle University and Error : You are not a Valid Partner use only THESE eKIT MATERIALS ARE FOR YOUR USE IN THIS CLASSROOM ONLY. COPYING eKIT MATERIALS FROM THIS COMPUTER IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED Target Discovery Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 9. For example, consider the following RMAN script to perform these steps, which is contained in text file reco_test.rman: Online logs and datafiles are relocated as specified. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. Thus ensuring that the boundaries of a multi-tenancy model are honored while distributing available resources according to demands. COPYING eKIT MATERIALS FROM THIS COMPUTER IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED Process Steps of Table Recovery: 1 7. When you use the RMAN CONVERT command to convert data, you can either convert the data on the source platform after running Data Pump export, or you can convert it on the target platform before running Data Pump import. If the tape buffer size is 256 KB, set LARGE_POOL_SIZE to 34 MB. RMAN can be accessed either through the RMAN command-line client or through the graphical Enterprise Manager. When a transaction starts, it is assigned to an undo segment. The VERSIONS clause cannot be used to query external tables, temporary tables, fixed tables, or views. To create an Oracle instance suitable for use as an auxiliary instance, perform the following steps: 1. COPYING eKIT MATERIALS FROM THIS COMPUTER IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED Filtering on Valid-Time Columns: Example 1 Use versions queries for valid-time. All rights reserved. The principal work of the duplication is performed by the auxiliary channels. This line indicates a media management error. COPYING eKIT MATERIALS FROM THIS COMPUTER IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED Objectives Disk Write New Block Old Block Version Version Data Files Flashback Log Fast point-in-time recovery strategy Eliminates the need to restore a whole database backup Provides continuous data protection for the database Optimized: Before-change block logging Restores just changed blocks Replays log to restore the database to the desired time Provides fast recovery: Minutes, not hours Requires a single command to restore: FLASHBACK DATABASE TO '2:05 PM' Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Two networked machines, hosta and hostb, are running Linux, A target database named trgta is on hosta and uses a recovery catalog catdb, You want to test the restore and recovery of trgta on hostb, while keeping database trgta up and running on hosta, The directory structure of hostb is different from hosta, so that trgta is located in /net/hosta/dev3/oracle/dbs, but you want to restore the database to /net/hostb/oracle/oradata/test, Database trgta uses a server parameter file (not a client-side initialization parameter file), The ORACLE_SID for the trgta database is trgta and will not change for the restored database, A media manager is accessible by both machines, You have recoverable backups on tape of all datafiles, You have backups of the archived logs required to recover the datafiles, You have control file and server parameter file autobackups on tape. Target Make tablespaces read/write. 4 Data transport TO PLATFORM 3 Backup data Endian conversion Destination Database Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. The diagram shows you the following techniques for database duplication: From an active database, connected to the target and auxiliary instances: - With Oracle Database 12c (and higher), a pull (or restore) process is based on backup sets. All rights reserved. Oracle Database 12c: Backup and Recovery Workshop B - 11 Oracle University and Error : You are not a Valid Partner use only THESE eKIT MATERIALS ARE FOR YOUR USE IN THIS CLASSROOM ONLY. All rights reserved. Note: The ALLOW INCONSISTENT clause enables you to back up tablespaces that are not in read-only mode. RMAN multiplexing is the number of files in a backup read simultaneously and then written to the same backup piece. Run the cnvt.sql script in RMAN to convert the data files on the target platform. It can be found in USER_DUMP_DEST. Tune RMAN read, write, and copy phases. All rights reserved. Communication between the Agent and the OMS, and the OMS and the console is bi-directional. COPYING eKIT MATERIALS FROM THIS COMPUTER IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c supports the entire cloud management life cycle. Use the same value in the DUPLICATE command.

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. This view contains 24 hours of information, with each row representing a one-hour time interval.

Types of Credentials As the Enterprise Manager administrator, you can also store credentials (username/password, a public key-private key pair, or an X509v3 certificate) as named credentials in Enterprise Manager to use when performing operations like running jobs, patching, and other system management tasks. Oracle University and Error : You are not a Valid Partner use only Transporting Data After completing this lesson, you should be able to: Transport tablespaces between databases by using image copies or backup sets Transport databases by using data files or backup sets Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 3. Do you actually have a problem that can be addressed by tuning RMAN operations? You can query V$RECOVERY_FILE_DEST to view information regarding the fast recovery area. 1. When you duplicate a database without a target database connection, but with a recovery catalog, RMAN uses the recovery catalog to obtain metadata about the backups. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1A. COPYING eKIT MATERIALS FROM THIS COMPUTER IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED Understanding the RMAN Duplication Operation You can specify the following options with the DUPLICATE command: command: Option Purpose SKIP READONLY Excludes read-only tablespaces SKIP TABLESPACE Excludes named tablespaces TABLESPACE Includes named tablespaces NOFILENAMECHECK Prevents checking of file names OPEN RESTRICTED Enables RESTRICTED SESSION automatically NOOPEN Leaves duplicate database in MOUNT mode Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. To identify relationships between objects that span the recovery set boundaries, use the DBMS_TTS.TRANSPORT_SET_CHECK procedure and query the TRANSPORT_SET_VIOLATIONS view. Drop Recycle bin TRUE Update with the wrong WHERE clause. Run the PL/SQL function: DBMS_TDB.CHECK_DB('Microsoft Windows IA (32 bits)'). The DATAPUMP clause indicates that an export dump file for the tablespaces must be created. Look for the RMAN-03002 or RMAN-03009 message immediately following the banner.

COPYING eKIT MATERIALS FROM THIS COMPUTER IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED Performing Installation Tasks Some examples: View Oracle Secure Backup processes in Linux: $ ps -e | grep ob Use obtool commands to view Oracle Secure Backup users and default media family: $ obtool ob> lsuser ob> lsmf --long Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Copy number c. Host unique name d. Content type Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Start the auxiliary instance in NOMOUNT mode. If the backups reside on disk, you can allocate more than one channel to reduce the time it takes for the duplication process. An example is shown in the slide. COPYING eKIT MATERIALS FROM THIS COMPUTER IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED Transparent Schema Evolution Disassociate or associate procedures in the DBMS_FLASHBACK_ARCHIVE package: Disable Flashback Archive on specified tables and allow more complex DDL (upgrades, split tables, and so on). In addition to the preparation requirements discussed earlier in the lesson, when you perform fully automated TSPITR, you must: Configure any channels required for TSPITR on the target instance Specify a destination for RMAN to use for the auxiliary set of data files and other auxiliary instance files After TSPITR has completed, back up the recovered tablespaces and bring them online. With this technology, you help users analyze and recover from errors.

We Consume Cloud Services Every Day The cloud metaphor is invoked whenever the details of an implementation or provision of a service are obfuscated from the perspective of the end consumer. Oracle Database 12c: Backup and Recovery Workshop 13 - 8 Oracle University and Error : You are not a Valid Partner use only THESE eKIT MATERIALS ARE FOR YOUR USE IN THIS CLASSROOM ONLY. COPYING eKIT MATERIALS FROM THIS COMPUTER IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED Flashback retention should be set to at least 60 minutes. All rights reserved.

All rights reserved. The location is typically the path of the OS directory that stores the dump file. Define one valid-time dimension at table creation. Change the tablespace to read-only. All rights reserved.

3. Four Cloud Computing Deployment Models The NIST definition of cloud computing includes four deployment models: Private Cloud The hosting and operation of private clouds may also be outsourced to a third-party service provider, but a private cloud remains for the exclusive use of one organization. You can convert a database on the destination host or source host.

COPYING eKIT MATERIALS FROM THIS COMPUTER IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED Components and Communication Flow The Oracle Management Repository (OMR): Resides in an Oracle database Includes schema objects belonging to SYSMAN Must be installed in a pre-existing database Can be installed in a RAC database Note: Uses a restricted-use license of the Oracle Database Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 2. Start the auxiliary instance in NOMOUNT mode. Using the FLASHBACK TABLE command, you can undo the effects of a DROP TABLE statement without having to use point-in-time recovery (as shown in the graphic of this slide). COPYING eKIT MATERIALS FROM THIS COMPUTER IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED Flashback Database Considerations To monitor the ability to meet your retention target: View the fast recovery area disk quota: SQL> SELECT estimated_flashback_size, 2 flashback_size 3 FROM V$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOG; Determine the current flashback window: SQL> SELECT oldest_flashback_scn, 2 3 oldest_flashback_time FROM V$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOG; Monitor logging in the Flashback Database logs: SQL> SELECT * 2 FROM V$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_STAT; Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Create cross-platform, inconsistent, incremental backups with the ALLOW INCONSISTENT clause: BACKUP INCREMENTAL FROM SCN=2720649 FOR TRANSPORT ALLOW INCONSISTENT FORMAT '/home/u_inc1.bkp' TABLESPACE users; 2. COPYING eKIT MATERIALS FROM THIS COMPUTER IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED Preparing for PITR After you perform TSPITR and bring the tablespace online, you cannot use a backup from an earlier time (unless you are using a recovery catalog). COPYING eKIT MATERIALS FROM THIS COMPUTER IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED Oracle Management Agent Target-specific plug-in Managed hosts Oracle Management Service Cloud Control Console Oracle Management Repository Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Specify the RETENTION GUARANTEE clause for the undo tablespace to ensure that unexpired undo data is not discarded. Hence, you must configure the media management software so that hostb is a media manager client and can read the backup sets created on hosta. After verifying the prerequisites, start an RMAN session and connect to the target instance. The RATE parameter is used to set the maximum number of bytes (default), kilobytes (K), megabytes (M), or gigabytes (G) that RMAN reads each second on the channel. RMAN can create an SPFILE. Oracle Database 12c: Backup and Recovery Workshop 15 - 15 Oracle University and Error : You are not a Valid Partner use only THESE eKIT MATERIALS ARE FOR YOUR USE IN THIS CLASSROOM ONLY.

The consumer is responsible for providing an application platform and applications to deploy upon that platform, and can of course customize those applications as required.

Import? If you do not create dedicated media families, then Oracle Secure Backup uses a default media family (which is sufficient for this training course). Now you can do as-of and versions queries for valid time. 6. You can use SEQUENCE and THREAD to specify a redo log sequence number and thread as a lower limit. Use Flashback technologies to retrieve history. In Cloud Control navigate from the database home page > Oracle Database > Logs > Alert Logs Content > Switch to Text Alert Log Contents, and optionally, enter search criteria. All rights reserved. Flashback logs are not deleted in response to space pressure if they are required to satisfy the guarantee. All rights reserved. 2. Because the control file is from the trgta database, the recorded filenames use the original hosta filenames. Oracle Database 12c: Backup and Recovery Workshop 14 - 4 Oracle University and Error : You are not a Valid Partner use only THESE eKIT MATERIALS ARE FOR YOUR USE IN THIS CLASSROOM ONLY. Determine what is needed in the recovery set. 3. Run the setup program from your directory and respond to the prompts. Query V$SGASTAT.POOL to see in which pool (shared pool or large pool) the memory for an object resides. All rights reserved. This is because the types of file names allowed for the password file are OS specific. Each backup and restore operation creates a corresponding job. So each channel also represents one Oracle foreground process that performs the data movement tasks requested by the RMAN client. 4. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Oracle Database 12c: Backup and Recovery Workshop 13 - 11 Oracle University and Error : You are not a Valid Partner use only THESE eKIT MATERIALS ARE FOR YOUR USE IN THIS CLASSROOM ONLY. Targets are the entities that Enterprise Manager Cloud Control manages. The prerequisites are fulfilled and you provide the following input with the RECOVER command: Names of tables or table partitions to be recovered Point in time to which the tables or table partitions need to be recovered Whether the recovered tables or table partitions must be imported into the target database - RMAN uses your input to automate the process of recovering the specified tables or table partitions. File name conflicts: If your use of SET NEWNAME, CONFIGURE AUXNAME, and DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT causes multiple files in the auxiliary or recovery sets to have the same name, you receive an error during TSPITR. For file-system backups, OSB offers multiple levels including full backup, multiple incremental, and an off-site backup. 2. By leveraging Cloud Controls proven topology of a centralized Oracle Management Service and distributed managed hosts, self-service users can effectively use any cloud resources to which they have been granted access. Oracle Database 12c: Backup and Recovery Workshop 14 - 27 Oracle University and Error : You are not a Valid Partner use only THESE eKIT MATERIALS ARE FOR YOUR USE IN THIS CLASSROOM ONLY. a. As your environment changes, you can add and remove targets from Enterprise Manager Cloud Control as needed. With Flashback Table, you can recover a set of tables to a specific point in time without having to perform traditional point-in-time recovery operations. You can flash back to just before the last RESETLOGS operation by supplying the TO BEFORE RESETLOGS clause in the FLASHBACK DATABASE command. Oracle Database 12c: Backup and Recovery Workshop C - 5 Oracle University and Error : You are not a Valid Partner use only THESE eKIT MATERIALS ARE FOR YOUR USE IN THIS CLASSROOM ONLY.

Unlike transportable tablespace, where there is a target database to plug data into, this feature creates a new database on the target platform. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. Recover the restored data files copies with cross-platform incremental backups with the RECOVER FOREIGN DATAFILECOPY command. Consumers capital expenses become operating expenses. Have an undo tablespace with enough space to keep the required data for flashback operations. RMAN creates a new control file, which then creates and stores the new, unique database identifier DBID in the data files of the duplicated database. Oracle Database 12c: Backup and Recovery Workshop 14 - 22 Oracle University and Error : You are not a Valid Partner use only THESE eKIT MATERIALS ARE FOR YOUR USE IN THIS CLASSROOM ONLY. COPYING eKIT MATERIALS FROM THIS COMPUTER IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED Database Transport: Using Data Files Open database in READ ONLY mode and COMPATIBLE=10.0.0 Readonly CONVERT DATABASE TO PLATFORM Readonly Source system CONVERT DATABASE ON TARGET Ship files Ship files Readonly Target system OR Readonly Readonly Readonly Readonly Readonly Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

If you are creating a duplicate database with the command-line interface, you need to perform the steps manually. Oracle Database 12c: Backup and Recovery Workshop 14 - 20 Oracle University and Error : You are not a Valid Partner use only THESE eKIT MATERIALS ARE FOR YOUR USE IN THIS CLASSROOM ONLY. This ensures that flashback queries obtain SQL-level access to the versions of database objects without getting a snapshot-too-old error. Alter the base tables to enable archiving and assign it to a flashback archive. - Server parameter files are not being duplicated. Key Objectives in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Design Designing a management framework that is capable of providing next-generation functionality Enhancing application-to-disk manageability Providing a complete enterprise private cloud solution Enterprise Manager Cloud Control includes the following features: Enterprise-Ready Framework: Provides modular and extensible architecture, target plug-ins, self-updateable entities, integrated Support Workbench, and centralized incident console Cloud Management: Provides complete cloud lifecycle management Chargeback and Capacity Planning: Provides chargeback based on target types, and uses Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) Warehouse to consolidate AWR reports from multiple databases across the enterprise Exadata and Exalogic Management: Provides an integrated view of the hardware and software in an Exadata machine, and complete lifecycle management for Exalogic systems Configuration Management: Provides an integrated set of tools, agent-less discovery, integration with My Oracle Support, and custom configuration capabilities Oracle Database 12c: Backup and Recovery Workshop B - 4 Oracle University and Error : You are not a Valid Partner use only THESE eKIT MATERIALS ARE FOR YOUR USE IN THIS CLASSROOM ONLY. Maria Billings Disclaimer Donna Keesling Technical Contributors and Reviewers Chris Andrews Tim Chien Donna Cooksey Raluca Constantin Stefan Dolea Gerlinde Frenzen Joel Goodman Daniela Hansell Dominique Jeunot Sean Kim Gwen Lazenby Naoki Kato Olga Krakovna Cris Pedregal Pavan Nisankara Rao Puneet Sangar Ron Soltani Jim Spiller Branislav Valny Harald van Breederode Lachlan Williams Editors Arijit Ghosh Malavika Jinka Smita Kommini Graphic Designer Maheshwari Krishnamurthy Publishers Glenn Austin Jayanthy Keshavamurthy Srividya Rameshkumar This document contains proprietary information and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. As an example, you are performing TSPITR for the USERS and EXAMPLE tablespaces to the target time of April 3, 2006 at 8:30:00 AM. COPYING eKIT MATERIALS FROM THIS COMPUTER IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED Core concepts and definitions: Credential type is the type of authentication supported by a target type. You may need to increase the value of the PROCESSES initialization parameter. Then, you ship the identified data files and both scripts to the target platform.

INCLUDING CONTENTS command, the objects in the tablespace are not placed in the recycle bin. Examples of the software that might be available in a SaaS cloud are Oracle Fusion Applications and Oracle Social Network. The procedure described in this section can be used to perform test restores, or to move a production database to a new host. The requests for contiguous memory allocations from the shared pool are small, usually under 5 KB in size. You can use either the web tool or the obtool utility to define the dataset for Oracle Secure Backup.

For active database duplication, the target channels perform the work of pushing data file copies to the auxiliary instance (if number of allocated target channels is greater than the number of allocated auxiliary channels). COPYING eKIT MATERIALS FROM THIS COMPUTER IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED Specifying Options for the DUPLICATE Command Option Purpose Signals RMAN that the application of redo logs should be suppressed during recovery Must be used with targetless DUPLICATE when target database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode at backup time NOREDO Can also be used to explicitly state that no archived redo log files should be applied UNDO TABLESPACE Must be specified when target database is not open and there is no recovery catalog connection so that RMAN does not check the tablespace for SYS-owned objects Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. RMAN recovers tables or table partitions to the state they were in at the specified time. They are configured with retention duration.

Oracle Database 12c: Backup and Recovery Workshop 14 - 26 Oracle University and Error : You are not a Valid Partner use only DML History data: Row captured asynchronously by background processes at self-tuned intervals (default: 5 min) Automatically purged per retention policy Storage by default nonoptimized Original data in With the OPTIMIZE DATA buffer cache Undo undo data clause: compressed and deduplicated DML THESE eKIT MATERIALS ARE FOR YOUR USE IN THIS CLASSROOM ONLY. After the completion of each job step, RMAN submits the next job step to that channel. COPYING eKIT MATERIALS FROM THIS COMPUTER IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED Securing Data and Access to the Backup Domain RMAN script: run { allocate channel oem_sbt_backup1 type 'SBT_TAPE' format '%U'; } Preauthorized users do not log in explicitly. Because the backup or restore process is not immediately notified of I/O completion by the operating system, you cannot determine the duration of each I/O. Reduces I/O (important for production databases) because the fast recovery area uses a separate disk group Oracle Database 12c: Backup and Recovery Workshop 13 - 20 Oracle University and Error : You are not a Valid Partner use only THESE eKIT MATERIALS ARE FOR YOUR USE IN THIS CLASSROOM ONLY. Commands that drop and modify columns, move tables, drop partitions, and truncate table/partition fall into this category. COPYING eKIT MATERIALS FROM THIS COMPUTER IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED Managing Securely with Credentials Named credentials Preferred credentials Default credentials Access level: View: Access to use the credential Edit: To change the credential (including changing its name and password) Full: For complete access (including the ability to delete the credential) Usage classification: Job, collection, and monitoring Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Review the dependency report that shows all transactions that were backed out. If you have the FLASHBACK ARCHIVE ADMINISTER privilege, you can disassociate the archive from the base table with the DISASSOCIATE_FBA procedure.

Oracle Database 12c: Backup and Recovery Workshop 19 - 2 Oracle University and Error : You are not a Valid Partner use only THESE eKIT MATERIALS ARE FOR YOUR USE IN THIS CLASSROOM ONLY. Define host roles for administrative server, media server(s), and clients (done as part of the installation). It has the format DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT = 'string1, 'string2', where string1 is the pattern of the target database file name and string2 is the pattern of the auxiliary database file name. False Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Large redo logs and high transaction rates result in slower transaction back-out operations. Recovering tables and table partitions is useful in the following situations: You need to recover a very small number of tables to a particular point in time. This ensures that existing customized scripts continue to function. Connect to the destination host, to which the database must be transported, as TARGET.

Perform the planning tasks and start an RMAN session with the CONNECT TARGET command. Start by querying the EFFECTIVE_BYTES_PER_SECOND column of V$BACKUP_ASYNC_IO or V$BACKUP_SYNC_IO. COPYING eKIT MATERIALS FROM THIS COMPUTER IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED PITR Terminology 1 RMAN Control file Restore Data file backups Auxiliary instance 3 4 6 Restore 5 Recover Archived redo log files 2 Recovered tablespace Target database Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. The archived redo log files can be backups, image copies, or the actual archived redo logs. To start the instance, you first need to set the DBID. This enables you to diagnose problems in your database and perform analysis and audits of transactions (as shown in the graphic). Or: automatic valid-time columns are created. The CONVERT DATABASE command lists all the directory objects and objects that use BFILE data types or external tables in the source database.