I hope passion&tactics will destoroy fnatic. If there woudn't been fnatic in csgo scene Na'Vi and LG would TOP it easy. The rivalry of the moment.

Posts are compiled by CMC distribution English | Watch more videos about pc and mobile games (Android IOS) from online to offfline, test games, introduce new games, game instructions, how to map here: https://cmcdistribution.com.vn/en/games/. Great game. Some of Fnatics players are the most masterfully brilliant players in the game when it comes to positioning, clutching and reading opponents. NaVi is a great team also. Most exciting CSGO map I've seen yet. 20+ MAGIC iPhone 13 (Pro, Max) Tips & Tricks. More matches like this.
I see your point, though. Shame that the winner of this match didn't become champion. Good job TACO. What a game. GL. As a five-man unit, they looked more cohesive and flowing to me when they had pronax. one of the best matches in the history of csgo, Amazing match, I really enjoyed watching cs better than ever. I know what you meant, as a team I think LG have the best strats and synergy. Na'Vi vs LG. Yeah, but I watch their games and see how they are purely individually smart.
This goes to the top10 greatest matches in CS 1.6/GO.
fnatic has half the brains but three times the skill of either of these teams. take second place in the tournament where no one has tried before majoryou stupid, fucking lg
This games is so excided. always giving the best matches
Luminosity came out on top by winning both maps (22-19 de_overpass, 16-12 de_inferno) to proceed to the grand final where fnatic took the victory and their sixth trophy in a row.
Really i love wathing this 2 teams, no matter who wins, its just party of cs. All games when this 2 play each other just become legendary. Best match I've ever seen, all the players played at them top level! Any matchup that fits one or more of the criteria set in the filter will feature in the today's matches column. Natus Vincere and Luminosity met on de_overpass, the first map of their best of three battle for the grand final. <3. sick match, nice edit and shit music with bad loudspeakers effect. But fnatic is just insanely skilled As that was the most exciting map we saw in Poland last week and quite possibly one of the best maps ever played in CS:GO due to the combination of individual plays and tactical innovation, we decided to put together all the highlights featuring Gabriel "FalleN" Toledo, Ladislav "GuardiaN" Kovcs, Egor "flamie" Vasilyev, and others. Fnatic always have at least 3 players playing out of their mind, just doing insane stuff that no one else would do. He showed a lot of what he is capable off to his haters. haven't seen the match but it's extremely hard to believe that a navi match was exciting at any point.. unless you find 'afking until there is 15 seconds left then rush into the site like headless chickens and die' exciting, stfu cyka blyat, i didn't give u permission to reply to me slave.
sickest game in cs:go so far, highly recommended to watch the full game !!! TACO. Flamie is a fucking monster, top 10 this year maybe top 5. if he continues to deliver like the last events, I think he can take the top5, fallen and flamie are insane, taco was on fire too, crazy match, It's even hard to choose the best moment, they all insane: 2 super shots by fallen, usp ace from flamie, 2 guardian boosts, etc really cool game, LG x Na'Vi it's like back in cs 1.6 2010-2011 Na'Vi x mTw Best Moments and Highlights from the StarLadder CIS RMR 2021 with 10 Teams : Natus Vincere, NaVi, Gambit, Spirit, Virtus Pro, forZe, Akuma, Nemiga, 100PG, K23 and Entropiq. Also that was Taco's best series as a LG player in my opinion. Amazing match, great video to honor the amazing game that it was. AMD or Intel For Gaming in 2022? 21 Games Compared! Business.fraakarts@gmail.com