Many of our historic Fire Lookout Towers are for rent! This page contains summary information for This heavyweight poster maps out 135 standing fire lookouts throughout Montana. Its a really exact way to find fires.. Show There are more than 70 lookout towers available to rent across seven Pacific Northwest and other mountain states states: Idaho, California, Colorado, Montana, Oregon, see the Hager Mountain Lookout below). There are 113 lookouts registered in Montana. Anyone who has visited a tower knows its a special experience, and many get hooked! The most recently registered lookout is Wisdom Ranger Station Lookout (US 1567, MT 113), added on April 14, 2022. Association, Inc. is a 501 (c)3 To get to the Up Up Lookout, travel 80 miles west of Missoula on I-90 and take Exit 26 to Ward Creek Road. See current wildfires and wildfire perimeters in Montana using the Fire, Weather & Avalanche Center Wildfire Map. Like cabins in the sky, fire lookouts a term used to describe both a person Toothbrushes, toothpaste, wipes, lotion.

Lookout Name: Three Fingers lookout. The most recently registered former lookout site is Jocko #2 Lookout (US 2089, MT 11), added on May 22, 2022. Since 2016, Brinegar has made his home for the summer at the Stonewall Mountain Lookout, a wood and cinder block tower located about six miles north of Lincoln. The lookout is located in the Yaak area of the Kootenai National For. Lookouts must be reserved in advance on the recreation.gov website. As most lookouts are remote and only provide primitive services, do From Troy, Montana: Follow Highway 2 west for 9.5 miles to Yaak Highway 508. The Northwest Montana Lookout. There are 11 former lookout sites registered in Montana. It can accommodate up to 4 people and comes equipped with 2 twin beds and 4 mattresses. Cabins and lookouts are available on a first-come first-served basis and may be rented through he National Recreation Reservation Follow the zig-zagging dirt road until you hang a right on Forest Service Road 3816 and take it 14 miles to the base of the lookout tower. Forty are staffed during fire season. Kootenai National Forest. Revised May 6, 2022. The fire lookouts that remain, known as guardians of the forest live in isolation each year on mountain summits. But their numbers are fading fast with less than 30 employed today. If you want to book a stay in a fire lookout tower, you can easily book online through the National Recreation Reservation System at recreation.gov. ZO BUCHLI. Hats, hoodies, hiking shoes. OUR MISSION. Hike Difficulty: Easy. Key to column headings: ID - A numerical count, County - The county
Forest Fire Lookout Duties. Forest fire lookouts are men and women who work from fire towers above timberlines to help prevent wildland fires. From their viewpoints in public and private forests, lookouts can detect smoke and fire rising from the trees far off in the distance. Some lookouts work for federal agencies, They were predominately used to aid Forest Service rangers in spotting wildfires at the beginning of the 20th century. Like similar Forest Service Lookouts, the Mission site has experienced several face-lifts in its 75-year history as a fire detection tower. Hike Difficulty: Easy. US 926, MT 54 (view other lookouts in United States, Montana) Date Registered: September 24, 2011: Nominated by Luke Channer Location: Flathead National Forest American Resources, The lookout sits atop a 45-foot tower and has a catwalk encircling the cabin. To get to the Up Up Lookout, travel 80 miles west of Missoula on I-90 and take Exit 26 to Ward Creek Road. It now has 130. Even bringing minimal camping gear for our family of 5 still adds up! Firepit food: hot dogs, buns, marshmallows, chips. The fire finder sits in the center of the tower, and looks like a large, circular table. When a smoke is spotted on the horizon, the lookout is able to swivel the fire finder 360 degrees to identify This is the heart of a lookout, Brown said.
Wildfires can affect Montana's landscape, air quality, wildlife, agriculture, tourism, and recreation. Your Hiking Guide to Northwest Montana's Fire Lookouts: 30 lookouts,6 Mountain Ranges: Cabinet Mountains, Flathead Range, Mission Mountains, Salish Mountains, Swan Range, Whitefish Range, Plus Glacier National Park, Detailed Trailhead Directions,Route Statistics,Bear Safety,Wildlife Photo Gallery,Summit/Lookout Photos. The Outdoors Awaits Outside Your Door Up Up Lookout, a 40-foot Lookout in the Lolo National Forest.. From old homesteads, historic log ranger stations over a century old, and lookouts built by the Civilian Conservation Corps to more modern cabins and lookouts, the Northern Region is home to rental cabins and lookouts across Montana and Northern Idaho. McGuire Mountain Lookout was originally constructed in 1923 and was actively used as an observation point for detecting forest fires for over 20 years before it. Lookout towers and cabins were used by the Forest Service to spot forest fires and as remote work stations. The map above is clickable, select site from map above or list below View Above Map on Separate Full The most recently registered former lookout site is Jocko #2 Lookout (US 2089, MT 11), added on May 22, 2022. In Montana, Remote Fire Lookouts Keep a Century-Old Tradition Alive As wildfires rage across the West, an old job feels more critical than ever. . 5-gallon camping toilet. Fire Lookouts, Northwest Montana book. The nickname is well deserved, judging by the 360-degree Montana-rama visible from his cool cabin that resembles a fire lookout tower. The tower is accessible via FR 1N12 and 1S13. These roads together comprise the Morton Peak Hike. The tower is periodically staffed by volunteer lookouts who alert the Forest Service whenever smoke rises from the surrounding landscape. This is one of On July 1, 2019, I completed a journey to visit all remaining 93 fire lookouts in Washington State. As most lookouts are remote and only provide primitive services, do read the rental descriptions carefully before reserving. The exciting second volume of Steve Rains Northwest Montana Fire Lookouts Hiking Guides -- with over 200 COLOR photos, and 30 additional lookouts, including: Big Creek Baldy; Cougar Explore Mcguire Mtn. By CATE HUISMAN Each summer for the past four years, Chuck Manning and other members of the NW Montana Forest Fire Lookouts Association have generated Gov.
Gavin Newsom's recent Montana vacation stirs scrutiny of California travel bans. Lookouts must be reserved in advance on the recreation.gov website. Montana Forest Fire Lookout sites, Table 1, active and abandoned sites listed. Thanks to the work of Rex Kamstra and his contributors, their history is being preserved and we have this current list of ones you can still visit. Several State of Montana agencies have information Generally considered a moderately challenging route, it takes an average of 7 h 56 min to Located 23.5 miles west of Dayton in Sanders County, Montana Elevation 6391 feet A lookout was first posted on the peak in the late 1950s or early 1960s. Located near Essex off of Highway 2, the Scalplock Lookout Trail is an exhilarating nine-mile out-and-back adventure. Thanks to the work The lookout is a 12 x 12 foot wood-frame cabin with a pyramidal-shaped roof. You can rent the lookouts from the US Forest Service at times when they are not actively in use for forest fire detection. Many of the lookouts are no longer used for fire detection, and are available for rental in the summer months. There are 11 former lookout sites registered in Montana. Google Clickable Statewide Map - Standing Lookouts Only View All Montana Lookout Sites in Google Earth View Standing Montana Lookouts in Google Earth | Lincoln Co. MT | Sanders Co. MT | Glacier Park/Kalispell Region MT | Flathead/Swan River Region MT | Missoula West Region MT | Bitterroot/Clark Fork Region MT | Eastern MT | Fire lookouts are a unique piece of Montana history. Fire lookouts that are used during fire season can sometimes be rented in the winter months (e.g. Even bringing MISSOULA WEST REGION MONTANA FOREST FIRE LOOKOUT TOWER SITES. Discover this 17.0-mile out-and-back trail near Seeley Lake, Montana. To make a Forest Service Cabin or Fire Lookout Tower Rental Reservation, you can either: Check on availability and reserve over the Internet at Recreation.gov , 7 days a week, 24 Rental Availability: Yes, $45 Per Night. The most recently registered lookout is Wisdom Ranger Station Lookout (US 1567, MT 113), added on April 14, 2022.