Board Policy SS07 on Dress Codes. Crew socks can be white or black. Click on your school to find your uniform shoe styles and sale date. White long or short sleeve button-down collar blouse for grades 4-8, Green v-neck sweater vest with school name for grades 4-8, Optional green cardigan sweater with school logo for grades K-3, Khaki slacks NO skinny pants/jeans. Outsiders often judge a school by the appearance of its pupils in public. The Best in school shoes featuring Bass, Academy, Sperry, Stride rite, Hushpuppies, Sebago, Merrell and Eastland all at Discount Prices Free Shipping! Click the link below to shop on your custom uniform website: 422 S. Mountain Blvd. belonging, both to theschool and to the parish community. Just like adults, children each have different walking styles. Built & Designed by LSEO. by default and whilst you can block or delete them by changing your browser settings, some We provide an Academy T-shirt and shorts to all children fromReception upwards, which stay in the Academy.
If you are beginning to think about sending your child to private school, you probably have a lot of questions. To compensate for the added pressure on different parts of their shoes, manufacturers have developed a variety of shoes to suit different foot types. Forgot Password? Class teachers will let parents/carers know when these are required please ensure you have appropriate footwear on these days. SS Simon & Jude CE Primary School is part of the Vantage Academy Trust, Copyright 2022 SS Simon & Jude CE Primary School, Trustees, Members and Local Advisory Board, winter -tracksuit or sweatshirt and leggings. decisions. Were so confident in our products that we SS Simon and Jude has high expectations of its pupils and their uniform. Better to put in place the steps necessary to protect the school community than to be caught unprepared. Buy the right school shoe! SaintsSimon and Jude School 6 Cavanaugh Court West Chester, PA 19382, Virtual Home And School Meeting Recordings. We use The SSJ School experience is enhanced by extracurricular activities for students with a wide array of interests: science, sports, robotics, reading, public speaking, singing, performing arts, instrumental music, cooking, and community service. Your question has been successfully submitted. Saints Simon & Jude School ranks among the top 20% of private schools in Pennsylvania for: Endorse Saints Simon & Jude School. preschool through grade 8. We invite you to explore our school community. The United States Department of Education recognized our strong academic program in 2017 by naming us as a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence. satisfied with the way an item is holding up For safety and security reasons, we ask children not to wear jewellery in the Academy, except for a watch.
The girls' style is Sperry Topsider Bluefish and the boys' style is Sperry Topsider Billfish. Matching the shoe with the individual foot means added comfort, shoes that last longer and less chance of injury. After you fill out this order request, we will contact you to go over details and availability before the order is completed. A cookie is used to store your cookie preferences for this website. Most people have one foot thats longer or wider, including children. Tan and brown options are both acceptable, no other colors or patterns please. For information about how we are keeping our staff and our children safe during the Covid-19 crisis, please see our Covid-19 Trust Support page. Here are some answers to your more common questions. From the classroom to the playground, school shoes should keep active, growing feet comfortable and well-supported. We ask parents and carers to provide trainers or plimsolls for outdoor games. arts, Spanish, honors math, and a state-of-the-art science
We have a Parents are encouraged to review the local dress code at their childs school and to direct their questions to the principal of the school. Students wear school uniforms on most days to school. functionality such as being able to log in to the website will not work if you do this. Mountain Top, PA 18707, no shorter than two inches above the knee. Cookies are used to help distinguish between humans and bots on contact forms on this Please ensure your child is not wearing jewellery. Note, all fields are required. You have dozens of reasons why you think a private school is a good option for your child. ahref=mailtoinfo@floccos.cominfofloccos.coma, J. W. Hallahan Catholic Girls High School, Mother of Providence Regional Catholic School.{SchoolUrlName}&k=. history of strong academics enhanced by the latest technology, fine Merry Mart carries all of the uniform pieces. Our cookies ensure you get the best experience on our website. Look for outersoles made of rubber or polyurethane for longer wear. Matomo cookies All Rights Reserved. Shoes that are too tight can also harm their feet, so check for signs of irritation and make sure they are able to wriggle their toes freely. Conshohocken, PA A Purpleschool sweatshirt or cardigan with the St Simon and St Jude Logopurchased from 'Hole in the wall' Hinckley.
The nearest high school and elementary school to Saints Simon & Jude School is. Interactive Activities for 8-10 Year Olds. There is also a P.E. Ribbon School of Excellence andis fully accredited by the If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. KEY MIDDLE SCHOOL SWEATSHIRT ORDER DATES ARE BELOW. Pre- K Students will wear the gym uniform as listed below. Correctly fitted school shoes not only offer improved comfort but will support your childs feet during their critical growth phase. St Simon and St Jude C of E Primary School, All website content copyright St Simon and St Jude Church of England Primary School. By continuing to use this website, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with our Cookie Policy. The optional summer uniform may be worn from the first day of school until October 15thand then from April 15th until the end of school. education for students in preschool throughgrade 8. Please be aware that the two weeks prior to school opening, the store is very busy and crowded. Please include any comments on: Saints Simon and Jude School is a co-educational Catholic school in West Chester, Pennsylvania educating children in preschool through grade 8.
All Elementary schools within the jurisdiction of the Board shall adopt an Appropriate Dress Code or Uniform Dress Code. The specifics are in the parent/student handbook in Schoology, but here are some photos to show how the uniform evolves as the students get older. Dont allow too much room for growth. (610) 828-5544 We strongly suggest that all items that are removable by the child, such as sweaters, cardigans and jackets, be labeled.
Our school uniform, including book bags and can be ordered using our online order form.
Weve all grown up working here at the store and we too feel the love and pride our father had for our business and for Conshohocken. For additional support, extra eyelets will allow variable lacing techniques to help customise the fit. Cast (kindergarten through grade 3 students) and Crew (middle school students), Saints Simon & Jude School Photo #5 - Class of 2022 8th Grade Game Night, top 20% of private schools in Pennsylvania, National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA), Saints Simon & Jude School vs. Ss Peter And Paul School, See more private schools near to Saints Simon & Jude School, View Homes Near Saints Simon & Jude School, private school tuition across the country. SSJ was also named as a 2021 School of Distinguished Instruction by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Double-stitching, especially around the toe area, will also add to the life of the shoes. One quarter of all bones are in the feet and when these bones are out of place, the rest of the body possibly is too. Quality of academic programs, teachers, and facilities, Availability of music, art, sports and other extracurricular activities, Saints Simon & Jude School Photo #2 - Shrek, Jr. Khaki shorts (boys or girls), khaki skort (girls), Hunter green or white SJS golf shirt (tucked in), White, hunter green, or khaki ankle socks (socks must be seen), Khaki dress pants (no cargo or jean-like pants), Hunter green long or short sleeve polo shirt with logo for Kindergarten ONLY, White long or short sleeve dress shirt (tucked in) for grades 1-8, Hunter green V-neck vest with school name for grades 1-8, Green/grey/gold tie MUST be worn by grades 4-8, Brown or black leather dress shoes (NO boots, sneakers, or sneaker look, A watch, religious medal, holiday pin (week of holiday) may be worn, Hair must be above the collar, above the eyes and ears must be seen no fad cuts or dyes/bleaches are allowed, St. Jude t-shirt or sweatshirt (no hoodies except for St. Jude Sport), St. Jude shorts (during summer uniform time) or sweatpants, Green plaid wrap around kilt skirt, may be worn with one pin for grades 4-8, White, Peter Pan collar, short or long sleeve blouse for grades K-3. Shoes that fit well are vital to support all these movements. An 'awsUploads' object is used to facilitate file uploads. shorts) for both boys and girls. Endorsements should be a few sentences in length. On occasion the students have a dress down day. Our community provides a nurturing environment in which We address those here. School shoes are one of those back to school items that cant be ignored. PSALM 25:4"Show me your way, LORD. Visit us year-round at your schoolsretail location: 1492 Rte. The elementary school has a regular, plaid (formal) and P.E. To comply with the new e-Privacy directive, you agree to, SS Osmund and Andrew's R.C. St. Judes students wear a red top and black bottoms as our official school colours. An 'alertDismissed' token is used to prevent certain alerts from re-appearing if they have lab. Cast at Tea with Shrek & Friends Event, Saints Simon & Jude School Photo #3 - 8th Grade & 1st Grade Buddies, Saints Simon & Jude School Photo #4 - Frozen, Jr. A used uniform sale is also available prior to school opening and at the General Home and School Meetings. uniform which has a hooded or crew neck sweatshirt, shorts, sweatpants and a t-shirt. Velcro fastenings or mary-jane style shoes are great if little kids cant tie their shoelaces. Wearing a uniform encourages a feeling of security and gives a sense of belonging to a community. The correct clothing and footwear is necessary to perform and enjoy games, dance and gymnastics. All Elementary schools within the jurisdiction of the Board shall adopt an Appropriate Dress Code or Uniform Dress Code.All Secondary schools within the jurisdiction of the Board shall adopt a Uniform Dress Code. When walking, each time your heel lifts off the ground it forces the toes to carry one half of your body weight. These are set Wearing a uniform encourages a feeling of security and gives a sense of belonging to a community. Lands End carries the grey polo with the logo, and many of the non-logo items including blouses, polos, pants, and shorts. Payment must be made in advance on Arbor. However, shoes with laces fit better and give more support, as a laced shoe can be customized to fit or support the foot better. Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. Saints Simon and Jude School provides a quality Catholic Blue pants or shorts (including P.E. Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips. Teach me your path", Enabling children to flourish and succeed. At Little Saints, we are flexible in the choice of uniform your child wishes to wear. Oversized shoes can cause your childs foot to roll over in the shoe and are also more likely to wear out. to improve the website performance by capturing information such as browser and device Beige/brown Sperry is an optino but they, Clear or pale pink nail polish is allowed, No fad cuts or dyes/bleaches are permitted, One pair of earrings, a watch, one bracelet, one necklace and one holiday pin (worn on the week of the holiday) may be worn, A simple headband or bow is permitted. 2017 National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence. Children spend up to 30 hours a week in their school shoes, which is more than 15,000 hours during their school life. Be sure to order early, as ordersplaced after August 1 cannotbe guaranteed for delivery bythe first day of school! been dismissed. Uniform items can be purchased at Merry Mart Uniforms and Lands End.
If a pupil should lose their tie there will be a charge of 3.50 to replace it. Purple logo shirt purchased from 'Hole in the Wall', Hinckley. Having your childs feet measured regularly, regardless of the wear on their shoes, is a great way to ensure the correct fit. types. offer a School Year Guarantee: If youre not 315 HighwayWilkesBarre, PA 18702570-823-1400, Our Customer Service Department isavailable Monday through Saturdayyear-round to answer questions, trackreturns, and place orders.Call us toll-free at: (800) 441-4122. green sweater vest must be worn with the slack option. Saints Simon and Jude, it is our goal that they have a sense of Once your payment has been made and your order is ready, you will receive confirmation from school to come and pick it up. St Barnabas C of E Primary Academy has high expectations of its pupils and their uniform. Yes, we have a uniform! Copyright 2022 by SMART CLOTHING. Girls have the option of white or black knee-highs or tights for regular and plaid dress days. All Rights Reserved, Kindergarten-The Beginning of Scholastic Studies, First through Third Grade-Laying the Foundations, Fourth through Fifth Grade-Stepping into Specialized Instruction, Middle School Sixth through Eighth Grade-Preparing for High School, Middle School Boys & Girls Uniform with Middle School Sweatshirt. Have a question about TCDSB? All rights reserved. Students wear their gym uniforms to school on their gym day. Register now to get updates on promotions & coupons, Subscribe to get information about products and discounts, Shops 5-7, Blackhorse Street Bolton, BL1 1SY, Sun: Closed (Open During Summer Holidays 10am-4pm).
Please send general inquiries to: 2022 Toronto Catholic District School Board.
All Rights Reserved. The data from this cookie is anonymised. School Uniforms may be purchased at Flynn and O'Hara. So take the worn out school shoes along to any new-shoe-buying purchase, and if you ask trained staff in store to help you, they can choose a shoe that may avoid wearing out as quickly. website. Middle school sweatshirts take 4 to 6 weeks from the order deadline to be produced. Currently, 341boys and girls are enrolled at SSJ in Look for outsoles made of rubber and sturdy leather stitching rather than gluing. At Little Saints Preschool we do not require, but highly encourage, uniforms for each child for ease and safety. St Barnabas CE Primary Academy is part of the Vantage Academy Trust, Copyright 2022 St Barnabas CE Primary Academy, Trustees, Members and Local Advisory Board, Grey or black skirt, trousers or pinafore dress (shorts in warmer weather), Royal blue V-neck sweatshirt or cardigan (available to purchase with logo from school), Plain black, white, or grey socks or tights, Royal blue and white gingham dresses may be worn in the summer, Head scarves and hair accessories should be plain black, grey or royal blue. Hole in the Wall Price List - effective May 2022. /schools/Style Library/ci_upload/1b0550c9-ccac-46e0-9c1b-b28c78d4b4f2n.png?rev=-1700070346, /schools/Style Library/ci_upload/a31ff88c-805f-4f3c-8ba9-fa569cfffb53s.png?rev=2104797066. 2022Saint Simon Parish School Some cookies are necessary in order to make this website function correctly. Please make sure that all your child's belongings are clearly labelled. The Academy cannot accept responsibility for any lost items of jewellery. School shootings and other emergency situations won't happen in your school, right? Black or greytrousers, skirt or pinafore. This is a great opportunity to purchase clothing at a significant discount. 110-114 Fayette Street Earrings should be removed for PE. Your homeroom teacher will inform you of what day that is. A jumper or skorts for girls and grey or white polo tops or t-shirt is acceptable. Look for a firm heel counter and a contoured midsole, which will allow their foot to sit right down inside the shoe. The summer uniform may be worn from the beginning of the school year until November 1st and from April 1st until the end of the school year.
Primary School, St Stephen & All Martyrs C of E Primary School, the privacy policy and our use of cookies, Ss Simon & Jude School Sweatshirt With Logo, Ss Simon & Jude School Cardigan With Logo, Boys Grey Slim Fit Half Elastic, Zip & Fly School Trousers, Girls Black Pumps With Pink flower, Contrast Insole and Stitching, Set of 25 Personalised Printed Iron On Name Tapes. From the moment students and parents walk through the doors at The winter uniform must be worn form October 16th until April 14th . If you are in eClass, please contact SSJ has an outstanding before and after school CARES program and financial aid is available for all families who qualify. Many items are lost each year because we cannot match the child to the clothing. students can feel comfortable learning, growing, and making We believe your child will flourish at Saint Simon Parish School and will love coming to school every day. The ideal school shoe have to fit, offer support and be durable enough to make it through the school year. They are produced in batches and have to be ordered by the specified date. All jewellery must be removed before any physical education. All parents will know how tough kids can be on shoes. Earrings, if worn, should be small, plain studs not hoops. Principal email addresses are located on the homepage of school websites. But you also have some concerns. Year 6 pupils also wear school ties which are provided by the school. Correctly fitted school shoes can help promote correct bone and muscle development and prevent life-long foot and leg problems. Floccos Youve got the FEET, weve got the Shoes!. Dress Code in TCDSB Schools
Shoe Sale Thursday August 4th 9 am to 11 am, Shoe Sale Thursday July 28th 2022 9 am to 11 am, Shoe Sale Monday August 1st 2022 3pm to 7pm, Shoe Sale Tuesday August 16th 2022 9 am to 2 pm, Shoe Sale Wednesday August 3rd 2022 3 pm to 7 pm, Shoe SaleMonday July 18th 2022 4 pm to 7 pm, Shoe Sale Thursday July 14th 2022 4 pm to 6 pm, Shoe Sale Thursday July 21st 2022 9 am to 11 pm, Shoe Sale Friday September 16th 2022 3:30 pm to 6 pm, Shoe Sale Sunday August 21st 2022 9 am to 1 pm. Shoes should be closed toe and safe for running and climbing. .. Dont buy a certain style purely on the look of the shoe make sure your child tries on a few styles and appreciates the difference in the fit and feel of each shoe. School Tie purchased from 'Hole in the Wall', Hinckley. The necessary cookies set on this website are as follows: A 'sessionid' token is required for logging in to the website and a 'crfstoken' token is White blouse and, Hunter green, grey or white knee socks or tights, Dress shoes: black, rubber sole. And when you consider that in the first 11 years of a childs life their feet grow 17 full shoe sizes (and continue to grow until theyre 18 years old), youll realise how critical it is for children to wear school shoes specifically designed to support the needs of their growing feet. We use cookies to make your experience better. The spare clothes that you leave at school for your child do not need to be a uniform.
NO bandanas, or animal like headbands permitted. Middle school students in grades 6 to 8 wear Sperry shoes. It generally simplifies your morning, and on our campus we can identify the child as one of our Saints. Please contact your school principal to have your password reset. Who knows! Shoes offer varying degrees of stability, cushioning and internal and external support features in the heel and arch areas for different foot types. The principal reserves the right to change the dates if the weather changes. To comply with the new e-Privacy directive, you agree to the privacy policy and our use of cookies. Please enter your email address below to create account. uniform and you may choose from these combinations as suits your child. Parents are encouraged to review the local dress code at their childs school and to direct their questions to the principal of the school. For information about how we are keeping our staff and our children safe during the Covid-19 crisis, please see our Covid-19 Trust Support page. within a year of purchase, well replace it.CONTACT FLYNN OHARA: 800-441-4122, 422 S. Mountain Blvd.Mountain Top, PA 18707, Tel: 570-474-5803Fax:, Copyright 2021 St. Jude School. Please provide your question and email address in the fields below. Saints Simon and Jude Catholic School is a 2017 National Blue used to prevent cross site request forgery. The average private school tuition in Chester County, PA is $20,134 for elementary schools and $32,061 for high schools (read more about average, The average acceptance rate in Chester County, PA is 75% (read more about average, A Parents Guide to Private School Entrance Exams. School uniform is available to purchase from the School Office every Tuesday morning from 8.15am-9.00am. Students must be in complete dress code at all times, solid red tops and black bottoms. Jewellery is not appropriate for wearing in school, with the exception of plain stud earrings and a watch. Take a look at their old shoes and you may see a tell-tale pattern of where they wear out first. Students must wear a full shoe on these days and the clothing should be appropriate for Catholic School.