FAQ . I forced them back to Osca and i lay seige to Osca and captured the city and i exterminated the population which was good because i got a bit more money. 1st charge with archers, then throw in your family member, let them kill him, then wait for the enemy charge in enlarged formation think hes trying to win the battle kior:). In RTW I found that attacking cities without regard to national boarders (just attack what you want without looking at who it belongs to) work very well What difficulty do you play on? Considering that most of the time you really don't have a choice on whether you keep an alliance or not, because you aren't the one who breaks it first usually, I just see my allies as slightly less hostile and not really friends. All rights reserved. Let's get around to RTW main failings before getting to the good bits. But what should i do next? In other words: Rome Total War - Alexander gives you the opportunity to attempt to match the feats of one of the greatest generals in history, Alexander the Great. So i turned arund and took Corduba and yet again exterminated the city. For the older games such as Rome 1 there is no automatic replenishment. use them to encircle the enemy and mass attack their flanks with 4 or 5 cav in each flank at the same time you attack with your inf in the center of the enemy army. Is there a reasonably good tactic to use against Gauls, or do I just have to keep going tit-for-tat until I can get armies with greater unit variation? I was walking through the video game section looking at some PS2 games when I decided to look at the CP games. The Total War series is one of the best around, only Football Manager can beat it. If you wanna use cavalry that will work to but be warned, equites are no match for barbarian noble cavalry. Now i am making money on trade and my population is happy. let the british and the julii have their war the british will help you in keeping them at bay for a time but will not last forever remember this so my advice is to take spain and then do as i did and take the island from carthage and take caralis just a little off from italy but thats just me im thinking strategy in how these could be naval bases where you launch blockades to weaken the romans. Unlike in the original game, this time you do not have to conquer the entire antic world.Caesar in Gaul is the first large DLC for Rome II: Total War. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Warhammer, the Warhammer logo, GW, Games I managed to fight the spanish off from Numantia in Spain and then the spanish made peace with me. Words cannot describe it, for its awesomeness. Take Spain, that land is rich.
So forget the alliance and take the Spanish cities and their gold mines. tommy sorry to say but you really dont appreciate a good challenge do you? SEGA and the SEGA logo are either Workshop, The Game of Fantasy Battles, the twin-tailed comet logo, and all associated Despite still having large territories there are few troops to go around, and there are hordes of barbarians such as the Goths, Vandals and Huns waiting to take advantage of any weaknesses on their borders Rome Total War is a big step up from its predecessor set in the Medieval age in terms of graphics and game-play. I find the Guals are extremely easy to deal with as Romans as nearly all your infantry start with throwing spears and decent armor, which are the bane of barbarian infantry swarm tactics. ya I would continue I had this happen to me but it was a long time ago before i got really good but I won and it felt so acomplishing in the end, Starting with 1 city is fun too because you can literally claim that you made an empire from 1 city, hell I forced myself to be stuck with only one last unit left then I built up from that hahaha I gotta say I was partyin after I did that and won, well i was playin as gaul and the last unit was barbarian cavalry haha ya i said that and of course there was some generals but i decided not to use them much hehe, Generals are useless except to collect taxes and take up army space. The fighting is very engaging. trade marks of The Creative Assembly Limited. User Ratings Who-ever is least likely to retaliate with overwhelming force is who you should start taking cities from and strengthening your economy. id say the least likely to fight back is the britains honestly. However, do prioritize and attack those who are hardwired to attack you, and don't attack "the enemy of your enemy" until other threats are neutralized. If so, you might want to do as Hannibal Barca said and restart. There are no princesses or religious characters on the campaign map any longer which just reflects the era of the setting. logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons,

This way we can end in a happier mood.
The new campaign is not only more demanding, but also more dynamic.
I looked over them and came across this. And it is very fun to play mulitplayer against each other.

Unfortunately, this is the best cavalry for this faction. Awesome archers (only thing good in this faction?probably yes). Well, Enya would be jealous of them. More naked peopleIs their skin so tough to give them 7 defense points? The one big problem you have now is money and you don't have time to march your armies all the way back to reconquer your other starting cities. There are 3 factions that trying to gain power, the Julii in the North of Italy, the Brutii in the South and the Scripii in Central Italy and Silicy. | You will end up yelling things like "Hey", and "Why do you have elephants" and some other choice words that I cannot say here(JK). The longer you wait, the bigger your debt and you can't retrain new units. However, it's useful if you want to "transfer population" from one settlement to another (Show me How). Unfortunately, I keep getting pushed back - occasionally, my Hastati (I've only just got one or two cities big enough to create 'arder Principes, so I can't refit my army yet) just break rank and run when defending. google_ad_slot = "4373972495";
All You command the Macedonians who are in a tough financial position as well as being surrounded by numerically superior enemies including the mighty Persian fleet to the south. All my armies feel spectacularly mobile! Caesar in Gaul is the first large DLC for Rome II: Total War. Hi! The other part is the turn-style strategy on the European map and you have to do a lot to maintain your empire. For Caesar! Assembly logo, Total War and the Total War logo are either registered trade marks or As you conquer states you are also able to play as other states such as Gaul, Greece, Egypt, etc. Eventually I bought it. (and of course to actually be the cav if you're playing Greece cause you don't actually have real cav if you catch my drift), ya that why i play macedonia awesome infantry average missile troops and epic cavalry troops plus orange and black looks epic on the macedonians and their armour is beastly. What makes the Total War types of game in one. Anyway there is a land route directly to Gaul along the coast in the north of Numantia, or you could go by sea. | well if you find out what works to keep them from wanting to fight you and keep them fighting other people so they are too preoccupied to attack you just saying i have played enough to learn these secrets, If you can get a faction to actually become "friendly" and not just 'I can barely stand you but because you have 3 times my military power and I'm preoccupied with 3-4 other factions I won't attack you' then that'll be a secret LOL, well just doing the normal stuff to keep them at bay is only step one in my campaigns for doing that it is called manipulation. You are meant to help gain territory for the Empire until you have enough strength to conquer Rome itself and the other two factions. You could try and use some 8 or 9 cav units to suport your hastati. There are other parts to the game as well, such as Historical battles and set-piece battles. registered trade marks or trade marks of SEGA Holdings Co., Ltd. or its affiliates. My usual army layout for barbarian killing is 6-8 Hastati (never really bother with anything higher as the Marian reforms instantly make them obselete), 3-4 Cav units (including a Family member or 2), and generally a few archers once my citites grow enough to start building them (even slingers work as a stop-gap for range as they tend to wear little to no armor, making range fire very effective). This period holds my special interest because I am fascinated in last days and falls of anything. "You can learn more about a man in one hour of play, than in an entire year of conversation" - Plato, ya I suppose thanks man but in the condition im in at the moment there is no way I could get anywhere near doing what I did then. Awards google_ad_width = 120;
Rome: Total War is a great strategy game. The text describes in detail all newly added factions and suggests the decisions that you should make as soon as the game proper starts. Better replacement of the warband, fewer soldiers, though. And fight, too. The guide also contains many tips, which you may find helpful especially when fighting against the toughest opponents.The guide to Rome II: Caesar in Gaul contains:list of changes introduced in the add-ongeneral tips on all aspects of gameplayrecommended ways of province development and army buildingcharacteristics of playable factionssuggested first steps in the campaign. This is no match for any other heavy cavalry. rights reserved. I destroyed the spanish religious buildings in Osca and retrained my Troops in Osca and Numantia. The guide intends to help players find themselves in this new reality and spare them possibly unpleasant surprises, which could lead them to having to load previously saved game or even restart the entire campaign. Gaul is quite a challenging faction to play at the start because you're surrounded by enemies. It focuses on the differences between the base game and the add-on, and also gives numerous tips on effective use of new gameplay mechanics. Developed by Creative Assembly and published by SEGA. It is very fun to watch your elephants wreak havoc and trample the other army's infantry. The mighty Roman empire has fractured into two factions the Western and Eastern. I think I've managed to develop a battle tactic - just like you guys said, pin them down and charge them with cavalry. Each army can consist of at least 6 Hastati each, then you use one to fight them from Masillia to their region in central Spain and Western France, then use the other to take the northern Italian areas and head north to wipe them out completely, even if you can't hold onto each territory it is better to let those places be rebel places than to leave it as an enemy faction. If you're an existing user, your forum details will be merged with Total War Access if you register with the same email or username. :D, In my case the maximum i killed was 3744 romans and lost 102 barbarians in a batlle in wich i had 60% of cav in my army. Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2015. You can now move the camera right into the action and watch as men are thrown into the air by charging cavalry or elephants, or fall from the walls of the cities. The Julii and British are now fighting each other and the germans have asked for trade rights so i accepted. One Of The Best Strategy Games Of Recent Times, A superb tactical battle simulator with a rudimentary strategic shell. However I never got around to buying the add-on since I was disappointed in the way Rome Total War worked on a strategic level. Barbarian Invasion is set some few hundred years after the campaign shown in the original and the setting is extremely different. For more information please read our FAQs here. Please register for Total War Access to use the forums. Definite yes (there's just no better in those factions). If you're talking battle tactics then 8 hestati, + achers and/or valites will work well against the gallic armies.