MEDIA MULTITASKING IS RUINING OUR MEMORY. https://www.thefreedictionary.com/Eye+pupil. year at a school or university, a student who is very intelligent and does well in class activities and tests, Indian EnglishPhilippine English someone who is in the same class or school as you, educationmainly British a boy or girl who lives at a boarding school, someone who leaves school or college without finishing their course of study, a student in the first/second/third etc. DomainOptions, Inc., 7260 W Azure Dr Ste 140-829, Las Vegas, NV 89130 USA. (morphology) Student: a simple or complex word? Free thesaurus definition of school pupils from the Macmillan English Dictionary - a free English dictionary online with thesaurus and with pronunciation from Macmillan Education. Recent forum discussions about thesaurus entries: Translations: Spanish | French | Portuguese | Italian | German | Dutch | Swedish | Polish | Romanian | Czech | Greek | Turkish | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | Arabic, One or more forum threads is an exact match of your searched term, The man the professor the student has studies Rome.. The hole in the middle of the iris, through which light enters the eye. Goldschmidt became a pupil of the composer Franz Schreker. THE NEAR-HERCULEAN EFFORT BY DAYCARE WORKERS TO PREVENT COVID-19 SPREAD IS WORKING, IT PAYS TO BE A SPACE CASE - FACTS SO ROMANTIC, WHY DARK MODE WEB DESIGNS ARE GAINING POPULARITY, IF COMPANIES DONT RECRUIT FROM HBCUS, THEYRE MISSING OUT ON PROMISING EMPLOYEES. A cadet or an undergraduate student at West Point, a diploma is an indication of a student's mastery of key information
just a piece of paper, a female student in a coeducational institution, a MSc Business Administration student / MSc Business Administration student [position], a former massage student with whom he shiatsu sessions. 2011-2022 DomainOptions, Inc. a student who is in their first/second/third etc. CAN WE FIX IT? All rights reserved. [ pjupl], [ pjupl], [ p_j_u_p_l], PUPIL synonyms and antonyms - Merriam-Webster dictionary, English Oxford Living Dictionaries - PUPIL synonyms. the round opening in the middle of the eye through which the light passes. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. young, who is learning under the supervision of a teacher at school or a private tutor; student. The SMART Vocabulary cloud shows the related words and phrases you can find in the Cambridge Dictionary that make up this topic. In an effort to measure the profits online charter schools make, the reports authors compared Californias per-, While attending a series of Catholic boarding schools, he later wrote of his attraction to other boy, Teachers have fewer tools at their disposal to hold students accountable now that teachers and, Additionally, older kids and teens move around much more when switching classes, and schools generally hold many more, Many recruiters seem to exclusively chase, REPORT: CALIFORNIA WASTING MILLIONS OF DOLLARS FUNDING ONLINE CHARTER SCHOOLS, FOU TSONG, CHINESE PIANIST WHO BRIDGED EAST AND WEST, DIES AT 86 OF COVID-19, HOW A COURAGEOUS SOUTHERN GOVERNOR BROKE RANKS WITH SEGREGATIONISTS IN 1961, DANIEL CORDIER, FRENCH RESISTANCE HERO, DIES AT 100, DISTANCE LEARNING IS STRAINING PARENT-TEACHER RELATIONSHIPS. UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/studnt/, US:USA pronunciation: IPAUSA pronunciation: IPA/studnt, stjud-/, US:USA pronunciation: respellingUSA pronunciation: respelling(stoodnt, styood-). Join Macmillan Dictionary on Twitter and Facebook for daily word facts, quizzes and language news. Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, Optical design of next-gen augmented reality: Ahead of chairing the AR/VR/MR industry days at SPIE Photonics West, Microsoft's Bernard Kress considers the optimal way of designing optics for augmented and mixed reality headsets, Tragic final moments of Lokomotiv Moscow player Alexey Lomakin found frozen to death; CCTV shows fox dragging the dead footballer's jacket on a path after removing it from the scene of his death, Eye Radiation Environmental Research Laboratory. a person who is being taught by a teacher or tutor. (Anatomy) the dark circular aperture at the centre of the iris of the eye, through which light enters. a clever action in a game or other situation that is intended to achieve an advantage and usually involves taking a risk, Keeping an open mind and opening your heart: useful phrases with open, 0 && stateHdr.searchDesk ? Usage explanations of natural written and spoken English. Last but not least, if the person is paralyzed up to his neck and cannot even move his head, his, The display engine is where the image is formed, and then imaged onwards, forming a pupil (or none), through an optical combiner, which can include a pupil replication scheme, to the, 28), Jerry Oltion notes that looking through a 100-mm-aperture telescope at 10x would deliver only 36 times as much light through a 6-mm. Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. Trademarks belong to their respective owners. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. The opening in the center of the iris through which light enters the eye. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Attendance and non-attendance at school or university, University and school work and objects found in the classroom. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. a person, usu. Become a WordReference Supporter to view the site ad-free. A lot of my time is spent in the student lounge, a more casual term for 'high-performing student'. The code for attribution links is required. 'pa pdd chac-sb tc-bd bw hbr-20 hbss lpt-25' : 'hdn'">, Test your vocabulary with our fun image quizzes, Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English. Click on a word to go to the definition. the expanding and contracting opening in the iris of the eye, through which light passes to the retina. , , zjnica, enk, zna, , zenica, , zjna, enica, k, hijulan, hitidb, lrnan, hilrnan, donajulan, donajijulan, julan, ppil, jijulan, jitidb, jilrnan, tidb, donahijulan.
Inspirit Your Week With The Word Of The Day Quiz! year of secondary school, American a student in a particular year at an American school, someone who is or was a student at Harrow School, a very old private school in the UK, British a senior boy in a school who is the leader of the students and who represents the school on official occasions, British a senior girl in a school who is the leader of the students and who represents the school on official occasions, South Africaninformal in South Africa, a student in the twelfth and final year of school, education a school student who helps a teacher with a particular job, British a man who was a student at a particular school or university, British a woman who was a student at a particular school or university, education in some schools in the U.K., an older student who controls the activities of younger students and helps them to obey the rules, someone, especially a child, who goes to school or who has classes in a particular subject, education someone who is given a scholarship to study at a particular school or university, education all the students and staff at a school, someone who goes to the same school as you, informalshowing disapproval a student that everyone thinks the teacher likes best, a child who stays away from school without permission, American the student in a high school who has the best grades, and who usually makes a speech at a graduation ceremony, English version of thesaurus of school pupils. Get instant synonyms for any word that hits you anywhere on the web. Copy the code below and paste it where you want the visualization of this word to be shown on your page: Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content. .css-1w804bk{font-size:16px;}See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. A great teacher produces a brilliant student. Email: info@domainoptions.net. For two or three days she went out canvassing for, The young lady teachers "showed off" -- bending sweetly over, Suddenly his eye gave a blink, as if it had met something that either dazzled or shocked its, "Prince Vasili finds you to his taste as a daughter-in-law and makes a proposal to you on his, Did he receive a yearly salary, or did he get a little extra money for each new, Although schoolmistresses' letters are to be trusted no more nor less than churchyard epitaphs; yet, as it sometimes happens that a person departs this life who is really deserving of all the praises the stone cutter carves over his bones; who IS a good Christian, a good parent, child, wife, or husband; who actually DOES leave a disconsolate family to mourn his loss; so in academies of the male and female sex it occurs every now and then that the, I did not invariably confine myself to these rules: it was against my conscience to do so; but I seldom could venture to deviate from them in the slightest degree, without incurring the wrath of my little, She remembered the likeness between herself and her mother's favourite, Influenced by the impression I had received of his gentleness, I was a good deal surprised when, on arriving the next day at my new employer's house, and being admitted to a first view of what was to be the sphere of my future labours, namely the large, lofty, and well lighted schoolrooms, I beheld a numerous assemblage of.
The apparently black circular opening in the center of the iris of the eye, through which light passes to the retina.