then you just need to set the precocking up to your desired level, i'd start with setting up by 1 coarse bar (an entire fine strip) from default, then test. Muista laittaa pakettiin tilauksen kuitti tai palautuslomake. Ksittelemme tilauksesi heti, kun puuttuva summa on maksettu. Firing modes adjustment (only semi-auto - full auto OR semi-auto - burst). Toimitusaika 2-5 arkipiv. Toimitusaika 1-4 arkipiv. Note, however, that the simple installation doesn't allow all possible features. Asiakas on velvollinen maksamaan itse lhetyksest aiheutuneet kulut, mikli Tradesoftin asiakaspalautusnumeroa ei kytet. Asiakas on vastuussa kaikista kuljetuksesta aiheutuneista kuluista, mikli paketti palautetaan Tradesoftille. NOTE! CONFIGURABLE FIRE SELECTOR gives the option to program fire selector. To be able to work with Hardwired Installation, necessarily go to chapter IV, (Programming Card usage, p. 18) and switch operating mode to MODIFIED, To adapt the standard AEG installation to work with WARFET in hardwired, mode it is necessary to get to the trigger contacts. Mikli tuote on mielestsi rikki, ota aina ensin yhteys meihin ennen palautusta. Advanced installation requires you to solder the trigger switch wires again and install the signal wire, like other GATE's MOSFET units. GATE has released a software update of WARFET, which improves the current pre-cocking feature in the unit. Tilaus sislt vaarallisia aineita ja se toimitetaan vain Matkahuollon omaan toimipisteeseen. Tilausta ei toimiteta postilokero-osoitteisiin. When using MOSFET only the signal current flows through the trigger switch and the actual running current goes directly from the battery to the motor.
Tradesoft Oy (Y-tunnus 2560587-4), jljempn Tradesoft, myy tuotteita Suomessa, Euroopan unionissa (EU) sek moniin EU:n ulkopuolisiin maihin. disassembled a gearbox before or if you have any installation concerns. Kaikki hinnat verkkokaupassa sisltvt Suomen arvonlisveron (24 %). Valitse haluamasi maksutapa useista eri vaihtoehdoista. Also works in the "Plug n' Play" mode. This will allow you to use all the features and the unit also protects the trigger contacts from burning! The timing of the bursts can be adjusted (36 levels) - enables the firing of shorter and longer bursts. Tradesoft ei vastaa siit, ett tilauksen toimitus estyy, viivstyy tai vaikeutuu, mikli siihen vaikuttaa esim. In the AUTO mode, it can result in blank shots. Tilaus toimitetaan suoraan kotiisi tai lhimpn noutopisteeseen. Muista valita oikea toimitusmaa. It also comes with Tamiya mini connector adapters.

Pre-Cocking mode will physically cock the piston in the full rearward position between shots. Incidentally, this is one of the major "selling points" of the inline-style MOSFET too. By virtue of rerouting the power directly to the motor, the danger of trigger contact burnout or arcing is thereby eliminated. Adjustable for batteries of 7.4V - 14.8V voltages. If you use a stock with hollow side tubes (PTS EPS, KWA OEM Crane style, etc.) Works in cooperation with ROF adjustment. Please note: using PRE-COCKING increases wear and tear on the gearbox. Verkkokaupan maksutapojen lisksi voit maksaa kteisell tai pankki- ja luottokortilla kivijalkaliikkeessmme Turussa. The unit reduces power loss due to normal mechanical contact in the trigger switch. Saatavilla olevat maksutavat listautuvat ostoskoriin automaattisesti, kun olet valinnut toimitustavan ja -maan. Tilaus toimitetaan suoraan kotiisi tai lhimpn postiin. this means the first shot in semi after a burst in auto is not gonna have precock guaranteed, it'll just be from wherever the sector gear happened to settle, however from the second shot onwards it will function normally. If your airsoft gun becomes jammed, the function protects the motor and battery against damage. Short circuit and It is not physically possible to situate the WARFET in the side tubes due to it being too wide to fit in those and complications with routing the wiring. Manual will be automatically added to "My Manuals", Controller Gate Blu-Link BLU-L Quick Start Manual. Useamman kollin sisltvt tai yli 30 kg pakettiautomaattitilaukset toimitetaan Matkahuollon omaan pisteeseen. of the mysterious MOSFETs. As a result, the replica gains a higher rate of fire, faster trigger response, and the contacts are protected against burn out. Tilaus toimitetaan suoraan kotiisi tai lhimpn noutopisteeseen. Please consult a local airsoft technician if you have never. With the WARFET you can win the fight before it even begins. More information on MOSFETs: Check out the MOSFET article in Tradetech to find out about the benefits etc. Copyright - Airsoft - Army - Outdoor, GATE TITAN V2 Advanced Drop-In MOSFET/Microcontroller Unit (Rear Wired), GATE TITAN V2 Advanced Drop-In MOSFET/Microcontroller Unit (Front Wired), GATE TITAN V3 Basic Drop-In MOSFET/Microcontroller Unit, GATE TITAN V3 Advanced Drop-In MOSFET/Microcontroller Unit, Under Voltage Protection for different battery types, Flash Hiders, Muzzle Brakes and Compensators, Hydration Bladders, Drinking Bottles and Mugs. In addition, the burst fire can be set so short that the gun fires one shot bursts, which basically means you have a semi-only mode at your disposal! Got the flasher this time, note this is on 3 coarse bars and the first fine bar in this particular case. The order can be collected during the opening hours of your nearest pickup point. Tilausta ei toimiteta postilokero-osoitteisiin. The TITAN is essentially solid-state technology, using no mechanical aspects in its construction; it uses optical sensors to register trigger pulls and gear cycles. Saat tllin saapumisilmoituksen kotiisi.
Aip Adjustable Extended Magazine Catch For Hi-Capa Ver.2 Black, Deepfire Bubo Scandiacus Cnc Titanium Hammer Kit Set For Tm Hi-Capa, Nine Ball Enhanced Magazine Lip Seal For Marui Hi-Capa / Sig 226 (1 Piece). The timing can be adjusted so small that the gun only fires one shot per trigger pull - which makes it possible to remove full auto with just the help of the WARFET. Jos kirje ei mahdu luukustasi, viedn se lhimpn Postiin. The unit takes into account the drop in the voltage when the battery is draining so that it does not affect the amount of fired shots on burst. It does not take efficiency away from the gearbox's other features. The burst fire-full auto mode only works in the advanced installation. The warranty does not cover any fault that is caused by a faulty installation or misuse, like one caused by too high a voltage. tilata tuotteita verottomasti, mikli tavara toimitetaan Suomen With the self-test the user can also easily check if the active brake is on or off. Lisksi asiakkaan tulee varmistaa, ett tilattavat tuotteet eivt ole maan kieltolistalla tai vaadi erityisi listoimenpiteit. The unit actively monitors the voltage, power and temperature, which ensures the fuse's Enables the fastest possible trigger response. Arvioidun toimitusajan net tuotekorttisivulta tai ostoskoristasi. ulkopuolelle.
EU:n ulkopuoliset maat As the TITAN completely replaces the mechanical switch, it therefore completely eliminates any previous issues with trigger contact arcing. Paytrailin kautta sek Matkahuollon ja Postin kautta postiennakkona. The piston always stays in Suomen ulkopuolisissa EU-maissa ALV-rekisterityneet yritykset voivat Mikli tilaus palautuu toimittamattomana, Tradesoft laskuttaa toimituskulut kokonaisuudessaan vhentmll ne tilaustuotteiden palautettavasta arvosta. So I've recently bought a gate warfet and I'm trying to setup the pre-cocking and all that and I can't for the life of me figure out how to get it to function as it should, I also can't seem to find a guide anywhere so if someone could give me a hand or point me in the right direction that would be fantastic. WARFET is not compatible with Airsoft Systems ASCU, Black Talon Concepts (BTC) or similar units. Technically you can even consider the trigger contacts as a psuedo-fifth spring, as the trolley has to be pressed forward into them. even for all the features it has I am basically just looking for something so I can use an 11.1 lipo. 20100 Turku. Huomioithan kuitenkin sen, ett tuotteet on palautettava saman kuljetusyhtin kautta, jonka olet tilausta tehdess valinnut. The upgraded version can be recognized from the "Ver.
It is GATE's first MOSFET unit, which allows semi-only firing mode without any modifications to the cut-off lever. Tradesoft Oy All other products ship within 2-3 business days. Jos unohdit laittaa yhteystietosi palautuspakettiin, ota yhteytt shkpostitse You'll get the best effect by using batteries, which have a high operating voltage, like 11.1V LiPo/Li-Ion batteries. Changing the settings of the unit is really easy and it's done with a WARFET programming card. A nice reminder that I should actually program mine as of now I only use it for AB/battery protection, Yeah some pictures would be great, I know every gearbox is gonna be abit different but it would be a nice starting point to have thanks. the more there is, the longer the motor keeps running "extra". SUPER-EASY INSTALLATION JUST PLUG & PLAY, NO SOLDERING REQUIRED.