Any idea why that's the case? as im trying to play on steam i cant run it on x32 as it is by default at x64.. Sledge is 7 I think, Just put it in a trash can and delete all, Edit: As for furniture and car parts, I'm not sure how to get rid of them if they can't fit in a dumpster, sorry. Alternatively, if you have any mods loading at game startup try disabling all of them.
However, theres another option in there that lets you select the active character you want to play, as well as choose to make additional new ones. Got to admit that is pretty realistic with the legs stuck between 2 logs. Also, tell us more about your system. the worst part is that i had a sledgehammer in my car lol Try pressing F11 on the blank screen. I'm terrified this would actually happen to me in a zombie apocalypse. Teleport yourself next to the logs. I'm assuming that you don't have a saw on hand (or if you do that it's not working). Project Zomboid is an open-ended zombie-infested sandbox. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Those log stacks are actually containers that hold the real log item, and I don't think they're moveable but I could be wrong on that part, this i don't have the option to move/disassemble :S, Ah gotcha, didnt realize. r/projectzomboid u/Minubard Trash cans hold 10 or more. If you have a sledgehammer elsewhere, you could create another character, run over there, destroy the logs & switch back. So come on! Screenshot, You could enable debug mode, spawn a slegdehammer to get out, then delete the sledge. Play 32 bit and I get a black screen with the epic music playing in the back. but i will do that, thanks.
It would be cool if you could grab a screenshot of that window and text and post a link here. Just recently bought the game. as im trying to play on steam i cant run it on x32 as it is by default at x64.. Right click - cheat menu - enable clipping (or something like this) walk away, disable clipping. Cant saw your way out? I have never used debug mode before, but I tried the negative trait Sunday Driver for the first time and after a drive from Dixie to Rosewood I see how bad (and loud?) This isn't a bug. Cant move logs into and out of inventory to try to move them? But I would also suggest to just use debug mode / cheat menu for this. Install 'cheat menu' mod. So I have the latest Java (7) and I run windows 7. Mainly, what OS, what Java version, specs, etc. Stuff like this is why I have cheat menu installed, Write -debug in steam start commnd options Whether surviving in Knox County free-roam or controlling Indie Stone mascot Baldspot in his quest to save his injured wife Kate death is always a certainty. rly048 wrote: it only lets me play on 32 not on 64. I was thinking the same. I have a character who is similarly stuck and I just resigned to the assumption that was game over for him. it is. Anything helps at this point I just want to SEE and Play the game. Is that a mod? You can also just teleport a few meters away, I havent found a way but I would just leave it on a zombie corpse to de spawn or use a trash can, yeah but some items like furniture and car parts cant fit in a zombie or a trash can, If you can find a dumpster they hold a bit more and usually have the same function. Try picking it up with the furniture lifter if you have the tools. Thanks. I have already put in a bunch of time and don't want to restart. Wow really, you can have multiple characters in one save? Any error messages or the content of your command prompt would be really useful. thanks! Go to menu, mods, disable cheat menu Yeah the perfect place to collect cars haha. Worse part is its a flat surface. When opening the game, there always is a cmd window opening up as well.
When you select load, as Dark_Thoughts said you can select More, which among other things is where youd normally go to change your saves mod list. Jan 29 '22, So i fell on these logs and im stuck no sledgehammer, guess I'll die You can try the Cheat Menu mod and enable NoClip instead. Yeah im gonna try debug mode, just a sledgehammer to get out and then destroy it, this log container that can't be moved really fucked me lol. You can make a new character to spawn at your location, I hope he'll be in different spot, than re-enter with your old character. I have no idea what to do. Dakelo87 wrote: hi guys. Why do people even use the cheat mod lol. Valve Corporation. I have just installed Project Zomboid and it starts up fine on both 32 and 64 java but freezes after about ten seconds off seeing the home screen. It's technically outdated, but still works & I haven't tried any of the newer ones yet. I don't have a super pc but I know it can run this game. hi guys. i have the same problem but only with the x64, not with the x32 on desura. All rights reserved. Join the community today (totally free - or sign in with your social account on the right) and join in the conversation. does anybody knows how to configure the startup so as to play in x32 on steam? It used to work normally but since updating to the stable 0.41 build it's doing this. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). This is the command screen, i have windows 8 and java 8 on my pc,and occasionally it doesnot run,but 90% of thetime it does. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. When I enable debug, I'm brought to some confusing screen with lots of options whenever I launch the game. Same problem here, works fine in one PC, but when I copy the savefiles from sandbox dir, the other PC cant run in debug mode, just show the blank screen and F11 do nothing. Just pretend you are Thor and can summon your personal Mjollnir. Put it inside a bag and then put it on the zombie maybe? Quite how long you manage to put it off is another matter. It asks one simple question how will you die? black screen while the game is runing.. i only see the inventory bar, tutorial tips and left icons.. weird. It's clearly a limitation of the game that got you stuck there. Just thinking out loud.
i have the same problem but only with the x64, not with the x32 on desura. Having delt with with wood I've gotten a foot or finger stuck xD.
Sure can. Alt-tabbing to that window should display some text. just debug, No hes meaning that you could just use debug to do that, why would effort to get cheat mod, 300k people that dont know how to turn on the debug mode, Because a lot of people play modded get the black screen bug, like me, But i would say that 50% of the people also didn't know probably, just reload the game, I got stuck on a window/drawer with a zombie attacking me, reloading the game moved me, I think if you right click and hit walk to when you're stuck in furniture like that it will automatically unstuck you and make you walk to the location. You need to have the 64 version of Java installed. If anything, this player/object collision should have a %chance to break your ankle as the pile shifts and snaps it. Demo played fine got the Alpha for $10. Cause I like that I assumed he was just OCD stacking lol, No they're in the base game. Click on Load and then on More in the bottom right. It's not cheating, since the game essentially screwed you over here. does anybody knows how to configure the startup so as to play in x32 on steam? You can find shorter ones like the ones in this picture outside of cabins and some homes and stuff and then longer ones in logging areas like McCoy's, i tried to to move them or disassemble them i just can't, Lmao. nope.. still not working on x32 thanks! I thought you can create a next survivor only when your current character dies. No idea, as I personally never used it. Click dragonfly icon ingame under inventory icons Please try playing the game in "safe / compatibility mode" which is done by right clicking the game in your Steam library and then selecting "safe / compatibility mode" from the menu. Any help? Only registered members can share their thoughts. Sweet I instal the game through Desura. It probably will, make sure you always carry a sledgehammer with you wherever you go.