For English For Spanish.
Here's what we know, Archbishop asks Virgin Mary to intercede for release of jailed Cubans, Longtime youth minister offers suggestions to get teens excited about Mass. Please give this perpetual gift your consideration.Place yourorderfor a commemorative brick today. - The Horizon in your life will begin here! Please check the Church Bulletin for the latest mass schedule changes. 504.522.6748. Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 Fax: 301-627-5533 Please keep in your prayers those who have been delayed in receiving the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion. Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Communion, Rite of Christian Intiation of Adults (RCIA). St. Mary's Assumption Church New Orleans, 2030 Constance St. - We are a family of Believers and Doers! You will receive a $25 grocery gift card after your first, second, or booster dose while supplies last. Saint Monica spent years praying and crying for the conversion of her son. - Faith is First! Amen. Thank you for visiting the St. Mary of the Assumption Church website! Shotgun start at 1 pm sharp! Update parish information with name, address, email or cell phone. Click here to watch recorded Mass, Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 30, 2022. St. MarysMusic Ministryis looking for a few good folks with a generous heart, a little extra time, and the willingness to learn music to sing at weekend Mass . 14908 Main Street Email: [emailprotected], St. Mary of the Assumption 2020 // All rights reserved // Site by, For Holy Day and Additional Worship Schedule, lick here to watch recorded 9:30 Mass, Sunday, August 22, 2021. Click here to watch recorded Mass, Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 9:30 February 13, 2022. On the first Sunday of each month, Sept May, after the 9:00am Mass, St Mary will offer a coffee social. Our church has been serving the Catholic believers and our local community for over 110 years.We strive to be a growing, living Eucharistic community of Christian Charity,where all can find a home to live out our Faith and spread the good news of God's love. Register with Us / Registrate a nuestra parroquia, Special Blessing / Bendiciones Especiales, Liturgical Ministries / Ministerios Liturgicos, For a confession appointment please call the Rectory at 805-922.5826, Office of Religious Ed/ Educacion Religiosa, Sacrament Preparation information & Youth Ministry, Visit the St. Mary of the Assumption School website, Parish/office information and directions to our church, The video represents the upgrades to the Parish Hall as a result of the Bequest from Estate of Sandra Leinke for the opportunity to enhance our facilities. Agradecemos y apreciamos esta donacin de nuestro feligrs. America's Catholic Television Network CatholicTV is a beacon of Hope and a unique Herald of the simple, yet profound Message of Jesus Christ. Everyone is welcome to attend so please come down to the Social Hall after Mass where well be serving warm smiles and coffee! Nuestra parroquia ha estado sirviendo a los creyentes catlicos y nestra comunidad local por ms de 110 aos.
You may also call the parish office at any time to schedule a confession time with a priest in the rectory. We welcome you to join us for worship. Due to COVID-19 our adoration chapel is closed until further notice. They also help mission efforts by our teens during their summer break. Phone: 301-627-3255 2022 The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles, a corp. sole. The English hour is live streamed on our parish website and Facebook page (Labor day thru Memorial Day). RCIA: Please keep our Elect and Candidates in your prayers as they enter into the last stage of preparation for the Sacraments of Initiation. Please refer to our Privacy Policy if you have any questions. Gracias por visitar el sitio web de la Iglesia de St. Mary of the Assumption! Proceeds help fund the expenses of the annual high school retreat for Confirmation preparation, a diocesan requirement. 2017 St. Mary Catholic Church. Apoye Santa Mara y tenga la chance de ganar hasta dos carros, Todos los lunes de 5:30 - 8:00 vamos por las calles de Lawrence a anunciar la Buena Noticia del Evangelio, Cementerios Sta. $30 admission includes 16 regular games and 4 free specials. The God Minute: July 15th Concert Friday (Fr. In case of rain, we will pray the rosary in the lower church at Saint Mary's. Contact us: 212 Dayton Street, Phoenixville, PA 19460 Rectory: 610-933-2526 Fax: 610-935-1706, /documents/2021/9/Bingo Night full page w Box.jpg, (Adoration 3:00 to 3:45 PM) - St. Mary's Church, (Adoration from 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM at Holy Trinity Church), Thursday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time. Please click below to access: In the tradition of our immigrant founders, St. Alphonsus Parish continues to be a welcoming and caring Roman Catholic community of faith. All rights reserved. This is the 9th effort at raising funds for our youth. LaHood on the Pastors Page. We are committed to carry forward a living history that shapes us into a Eucharistic community which strives for a more just society through service to each other and to the community. at St. Marys Assumption Church(before the Vigil Mass)or Confession can be made by appointment. One Faith, One Family Our Future Together, Be part of the campaign to renovate our parish to make it a shining jewel to God's glory and a place of peace and inspiration to whoever enters, /one-faith-one-family-our-future-together. Chaplet of the Divine Mercy Monday-Friday before Daily Mass (Approx. By clicking any link on this page you are giving your consent for us to set cookies. Holy Hour, Adoration and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament is offered in the lower Church every Thursday, in English at 7 PM and in Portuguese at 8 PM. 2016 | St. Alphonsus Parish| A Colomb Interactive Design, Eucharistic Ministers & Lectors Schedule. St. Mary of the Assumption Catholic Church, Altar Servers, Lectors & Extraordinary Minister Schedules. Nos esforzamos por ser una comunidad Eucaristica creciente y viva de la caridad cristiana, donde todos pueden encontrat un hogar para vivir nuestra fe y difundir la buena nueva del amor de Dios.
Debido a COVID-19 nuestro capilla del Santisimo Sacramento esta cerrada hasta nuevo aviso. Welcome to Saint Mary of the Assumption a culturally rich and diverse Catholic family; through ourworship, educational, youthand outreach ministries, we endeavor to welcome, to love, to evangelize and to serve, making Jesus Christ present in Word & sacrament. On Sunday, July From 9:30am-1:00pm in the Large and Small Halls, we will host a COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic. Stay Connected with Fr. Click here to watch recorded Mass, Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 23, 2022. Click here to watch recorded Mass, Second Sunday of Advent, December 5, 2021, Click here to watch recorded Mass, First Sunday of Advent, November 28, 2021, Click here to watch Mass on Thanksgiving Day, Click here to watch recorded Mass, November 21, 2021, Click here to watch recorded Mass, Sunday, November 14, 2021, Click here to watch recorded Mass, Sunday, November 7, 2021, Click here to watch recorded Mass, Sunday, October 31, 2021, Click here to watch recorded Mass, Sunday, October 24, 2021, Click here to watch recorded Mass, Sunday, October 17, 2021, Click here to watch recorded Mass, Sunday, October 10, 2021, Click here to watch recorded Mass, Sunday, October 3, 2021, Click here to watch recorded Mass, Sunday, September 26, 2021, Click here to watch recorded Mass, Sunday, September 19, 2021, Click here to watch recorded Mass Sunday, September 12, 2021, Click here to watch recorded 9:30 Mass Sunday, September 5, 2021, Click here to watch recorded 9:30 Mass, Sunday, August 29, 2021, Click here to watch recorded 9:30 Mass, Sunday, August 22, 2021, Click here to watch recorded 9:30 Mass, Sunday August 15, 2021 Feast of the Assumption, Click here to watch recorded 11:30 Mass Sunday, August 8, 2021, Click here to watch recorded 9:30 Mass Sunday, August 1, 2021, Click here to watch recorded 9:30 Mass Sunday July 25, 2021, Click here to watch recorded 9:30 am Mass Sunday, July 18, 2021, Click here to watch recorded 9:30 Mass July 11, 2021, Click here to watch recorded 9:30 Mass July 4, 2021, Click here to watch recorded 9:30 Mass, June 27, 2021, Click here to watch recorded 9:30 Mass June 20, 2021, Click here to watch recorded 9:30 Mass June 13, 2021, Click here to watch recorded 9:30 Mass Solemnity of Most Holy Body and Blood, June 6, 2021, Click here to watch recorded 9:30 Mass the Most Holy Trinity, May 30, 2021, Click here to watch recorded 9:30 Mass Pentecost May 23, 2021. Juntos en la fe, nos comprometemos a fortalecer nuestra comunidad diversa a travs de la unidad, la caridad y el servicio a Dios. Door open at 6PM, Bingo starts at 7PM. Join us for an hour before the Blessed Sacrament on Monday, August 28th from 7 to 8 pm in the main church to pray for our family members to return to the Lord and the practice of our faith. 10-11. And it helps fund the annual Jackie Gray Scholarship to a graduating senior who embodies Jackie's spirit, energy and life. Join us on Sunday, July 31st at 1:30 pm at the Round Tower in the cemetery. Moderna & J & J vaccines available for FREE ID & Health insurance are NOT required! - We are the Churchs greatest treasure! Click here to watch recorded Mass, Third Sunday of Advent, December 12, 2021. Click here to watch recorded Mass, Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 6, 2022. Sanitizer is available in the vestibule. We thank and appreciate this donation from our Parishioner El video representa las mejoras al Saln Parroquial como resultado del legado de la herenciadeSandra Leinke, estorepresento laoportunidad mejorar nuestras instalaciones. Thursday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time. This site uses cookies to enhance your experience. Please continue to pray for those suffering from the ongoing violence in Ukraine. Faith Direct Online givingA great way to simplify your weekly contributions to St. Marys, Online Masses and Prayers from the Archdiocese of Washington, Magnificat Publications is making their online version of Magnificat available to all during this time when many cannot attend mass. Jntese a nosotros para nuestras celebraciones. Together in faith, we commit to strengthening our diverse community through unity, charity, and service to God. Click here to watch recorded Mass, Fourth Sunday of Lent, March 27, 2022, Click here to watch recorded Mass, Third Sunday of Lent, March 20, 2022, Click here to watch recorded Mass, Second Sunday of Lent, March 12, 2022 (5:30 pm Mass), Click here to watch recorded Mass, First Sunday of Lent, March 6, 2022, Click here to watch recorded Mass, Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 27, 2022 (5:30 pm Mass, Feb. 26), Click here to watch recorded Mass, Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 20, 2022. - Join in this new time of growth! 8:45am) Miraculous Medal Novena / Novena Perpetua a la Virgen de la Medalla Milagrosa Mondays following 9:00am Mass /Lunes despus de la Misa de las 6:00 p.m. Saint Joseph Chaplet First Wednesday of the month following 9:00am Mass St. Joseph Chapel, Parish Center, 17 Winter St. Milford, MA 01757 (508) 473-2000 FAX: (508) 473-6907 Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 8:00am-2:00pm Closed All Federal Holidays, Saint Mary of the AssumptionRoman Catholic Church Diocese of Worcester 17 Winter Street, Milford, MA 01757 Phone: 508-473-2000| FAX: 508-473-6907 E-mail:secretary@stmarymilford.org Home | Bulletins | Mass Times | Confession Times | Staff | Calendar | Contact Us. Live Streamed Masses - Click Here to Watch Live, Thursday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Jueves de la XVI semana del Tiempo ordinario, 9th Annual Golf Outing on Saturday, Sept 24, 2022, Tears of St Monica Holy Hour on Monday, August 28th. Masking is your choice. Puede tambin llamar a la oficina de la parroquia cuandoquiera para fijar una cita con un sacerdote para confesarse en la oficina parroquial. "Her light shines on!". St. Mary's Catholic Church 7215 Newlin Ave. Whittier, CA 90602, Phone: (562) 698-0107 Fax: (562) 696-1617 Email:administrator@stmaryschurch-whittier.org, Monday -THURSDAY: 9:00am to5:00pm FRIDAY: 9:00 am to 12:00pm *Closed for lunch noon - 1pm, Weekly Bulletin News Sacraments St. Mary School, Archdiocese of Los Angeles Archbishop Angelus News Schools Catholic Cemeteries and Mortuaries. His famous line from his life of sinful wandering, 'Our hearts are restless until they rest in thee.' Info at610.933.2526 or parishoffice@stmaryassumption.org. Thursday afternoon 2:00pm All-School Mass (Sept May). A gift card can be sent to the recipient upon request. 1st, 2nd & booster doses available for 18 years & older, Chapter 2 The Man & the Myth of Fr Cuddihy, Chapter 4: The Parish Enhanced: the McGrath Era, Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), A Closer Look at the Advent and Christmas Gospels. Mara-Immaculada Concepcin y Mausoleo, The annual Catholic Appeal puts faith into action, South shore parish takes major step towards building a new church, Any arrests so far in attacks on Catholic churches and pro-life pregnancy centers? Services will be provided in English, Portuguese & Spanish. Ever persistent and confident that God would answer her prayers, he did convert and is known as one of the finest minds the Church has ever known, St. Augustine.