I burned myself (not badly, thankfully) using Lemongrass oil in between my breasts, trying to get rid of what I believe is a skin tag. Oh No Penny! One-half percent! Interviewed by Prevention: My Experience, Fragrant Friday: Helichrysum italicum Essential Oil Profile Uses and Benefits, Fragrant Friday: Tea Tree Essential Oil Profile Spotlight, Fragrant Friday: Bay Laurel (aka Laurel Leaf) Essential Oil Profile Spotlight, Neem Oil Benefits and Uses Carrier Oil Spotlight, ttp://aromaticwisdominstitute.com/underarm-deodorant-spray/, https://aromaticwisdominstitute.com/essential-oil-safety-guidelines/, https://aromaticwisdominstitute.com/make-a-nasal-inhaler/, https://aromaticwisdominstitute.com/blending-guidelines-dilutions/. My son hurt his knee in sports today so I made him an epson salt bath and thought put some EO and give him a book to read. Oregano oil is one of the hottest, most irritating of essential oils. I hope you feel better soon! Ouch! It sounds like it didnt bother her too much so you probably didnt use a lot. I suggest using unscented carrier oil or lotion to remove as much of the oil as possible. That is what Im using based on research. Hi Ash, No worries! 3. I just started using essential oils and put lime oil on a diffuser bracelet and proceeded out into the sun. I was trying to pop the top (reducer) off of a ginger eo and it went all over my chest, face and eyes. Thank you for sharing this experience so others many learn about the dangers of Bergamot essentia oil and the sun. Thank you, Hello, Id like to use geranium oil combined with argan oil for its benefit for the skin (I heard it could also be beneficial to dark circles) but I cant find the right proportions and the geranium EO gives me too much of a burning sensation. Any suggestions? I am totally to blame for this for not educating myself about the dangers of these oils, neat, taking internally etc. Take care, Liz. Love your personal answersGod Bless you! Hi Hillary, Awwww you havent done any damage and Im sure your daughter will be fine. As I went to put a few drops of orange oil it poured in to bath . I hear lots about the wonderful qualities of essential oils but never heard these kinds of stories. Ive used vegetable oil, that took away a little bit of the burn. Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated! Peppermint oil on the back of my 2 sofas. I then poured 1 litre of water over the area as I had no carrier oil to dilute it on hand and the smell was reduced overall but you could still smell the lemon alot. Best oil help site ever! Shake well before application with spritzer. I accidentally spilled several drops of tangerine oil on my hand and Im pregnant! I should have rolled the tampon in tea tree blended with a carrier like Jojoba Wax. Im digging it out of my bra, while searching for a bottle of lotion . I just did the lemongrass on armpit thing which is how I found your site Im curious what you ended up doing? Good luck! About 15 mins later my skin started burning along with my eyes , luckly i figured out rather quickly what was wrong. Please use them with care and respect. Hi Jackie, Im so sorry you had this experience, but I appreciate the advise about the milk as I often recommend that as a carrier. I can only imagine what drivers thought I was doing, swerving around. I would like to be able to leave this in there school bags to apply as needed. Inhaling essential oil will no make you phototoxic. I live in the southeastern area of the States, and in winter, every living thing is looking for more comfortable living quarters. Now Im writhing in pain. We did that and he eventually stopped crying. In particular, are the citrus oils, especially Bergamot, and Angelica oil. Thanks you are a saint I swear I will never put peppermint oil in my bath agian my back burns!!! Ive put in an order today for a few bottles. I will be so careful if I ever use it again. I imagine that the effect will wear off, but considering that its been over twelve hours and it hasnt, Im just wondering if there is something that I might do to help. I had a bath with Epsom salts and a blend of lavender 4 drops , tea tree 2 drops, lemon 1 drop and peppermint 1 drop to help a chesty cough/cold. Plz, Oh dear Ray! Liz. Just because theyre natural doesnt mean they are harmless. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Do you think this will be safe for my young girls. So yesterday I applied it after a shower. However, while doing this, I noticed my fingers were turning a greenish blue. I took a homeopathic remedy called cantharis 30c one remedy and 5 mins later the burning had gone! How to carefully drop oils into capsule without getting on outside. Yikes! It was overpowering. When an allergic reaction is a possibility, do a patch test 24 hour prior to use. I keep refusing to believe I dont have strep. Must have dropped a drop or two on side of capsule. 7. Took plenty of water with capsule. Full fat milk or cream are what I recommend because of the lipid content. AWP 037: Essential Oil Sensitization: Are You at Risk? Thank you for sharing and please use your experience to let others know the importance of essential oil safety! Im SO impressed with how youve responded to each and every one of these questions, even 5 years after the original post! Suffering from a sore throat and impatient for healing, I added oregano essential oil to salt water and gargled. I smelled neat frankincense oil and now the inside of my one of nostrils feels throbbing. I recently began using tea tree oil neat as an underarm deodorant. and wipe the area with the oil. Liz. Im hoping you may have another idea as well can you tell me if this will go away? thats the only place I put it and in the grout as well. Ive had my share of colorful mishaps with aromatics, and today I air my dirty laundry and share some of the dumb things Ive done with essential oils. Ugh..so itchy! Ouch Alison! Love your article btw! Do not take essential oils internally without the guidance of a physician or trained aromatherapist. At this point I wouldnt add the carrier, but I would definitely add carrier for any topical applications in the future. I dont put it in too deep and I also rub my scalp with it undiluted. You can become sensitized to an oil that you use over and over. Hope youre feeling better now! I went to wash it off immediately but cannot find anything on the internet about tangerine EO and pregnancy. I dont feel bad. What do you think ? I burned myself (not badly, but enough that I want it to heal..) with straight Lemongrass oil. I dont know if Im photo sensitive now or it was just because the sun was 24 degrees! Required fields are marked *, Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. It also said cinnamon bark can be ingested in 2 T of honey. The effect WILL wear off, and I dont imagine theres any damage. I will now. If not, just consume cool drinks and stay away from anything hot for a few days. 2. Thank you for sharing that story its important for others to know that these things happen. Should I still add a carrier oil to her ear? Thieves contains cinnamon and clove; each has highly irritating hot chemical components which you have, unfortunately, discovered. I put eucalyptus oil on a cotton swab and put it up my nose. I had a mouse visiting the back of my sofas and was told that Thank you! You can read about it in this blog post http://aromaticwisdominstitute.com/underarm-deodorant-spray/ I think youll like this idea Nicole. Do not use essential oils undiluted on the skin (exceptions may be lavender and tea tree and even those should be diluted to avoid becoming sensitized to the oil). Ive got about a one-inch area of red skin. Help! Hi Liz, I put a drop of lemon and eucalyptus on a cotton ball to sniff because fighting an allergy and sinus flare. At the last minute I thought it would be nice to add Orange. What will help ?! of jojoba oil. and ate some watermelon, which helped. Thank you for sharing your experience! 4. The area has actually been burned. Oh, yeah! Dear Liz, yesterday I diffused about 4 drops of thieves in a full diffuser of water 3 times, so 12 drops total over a 12 hour work day. NEVER PUT IT NEAR YOUR EYELIDS OR EYES! If it continues please see a doctor. Thanks! I dont feel that you have done any permanent damage to the inside of your nose, but Im sure the mucous membranes have been irritated. Try Olive oil or Aloe Vera. Beyond that, cool drinks. Turns out not a great idea and found a blog where someone used olive oil. Im sorry you had this frightening experience. After hearing that tea tree on a tampon was good for yeast infections, I thought Id give it a try one itchy summer. Citronella 5 drops Can you please advise? I wasnt planning on sitting down, but started to get dizzy and sat down not thinking. I am so sorry you had that experience, but appreciate your sharing so that others can avoid the same thing. I fear I have just ruined my 2 sofas. Thank you, I hope you have an idea for me! If the burning continues longer than 24 hours, please see your doctor. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); COPYRIGHT 2022 | AROMATIC WISDOM INSTITUTE. 2. Could there still be reprocussions even though it doesnt bother her right now? Dont make thia mistake!!! Eucalyptus can be very painful to get it near your eyes or too strong directly on the skin; however, youve done the correct thing by adding coconut oil and cool compresses. Will the oil evaporate? The right side of had the worse reaction and only the right side of my tongue was affected. The area is very red and itchy. I use rubbing alcohol on them by the next morning the pimple head in the middle has gone and the swelling has reduced by two thirds. This is great information for the future! Your garage will smell like vinegar for a bit, but it will dissipate pretty quickly. Lesson learned! Lemon has a very fast rate of evaporation so the fumes should disappear quickly. My legs are burning after I took a bath with epsom salt and lavender essential oil. I live in Australia, so I will go with the Aloe Vera Gel. Hi, I have put drops of neat peppermint oil around my living room to keep ants out. I would have had a cool drink of full fat milk to help dilute the essential oil that is on the throat. Thank god I just found this post. Hello, Ive been bathing using camomile lavender body wash for 3 weeks now. Tea Tree 3 drops Thank you! They are now residing in he garden shed as the smell was overpowering and none of us including the dogs could bear to stay in the same room. Oh Tori! But the almond oil helped to smooth the biting pin feeling! I was an idiot with Peppermint Oil. Eve, you can use Aloe vera gel instead of carrier. Any advice on how to get oils neatly into capsule? I was thinking of using my neti pot to help flush it out, but considering that my last idea wasnt too bright, Im hesitant to do so. Also Ive been told that inhaling the smell too much can be dangerous. The eucalyptus sat on top of the water (oil and water dont mix) and irritated his little bottom. I should not have done that! It wasnt skim milk was it? Will the oils mix through the gel ok? Youre in no danger but will be uncomfortable for a couple of days. Oh dear Alison! Now, I am diluting with honey instead 1 tsp:3 drops for sinus discomfort/developing infection, but I wonder if I might be better off diluting with coconut oil? I am allergic to it, as I just found out. If anything, you have boosted your immune system with breathing in the limonene from the Lemon! You can get both at PompeiiOrganics.com. The bites my girls get are welts about the size of your thumb nail, with a small pimple head in the middle. Ouch! I luckily had my contacts in so my eyes only stung a little chest was bright red for hours. And of course I experienced what you did. *Updated June 2019*, Essential Oil Guidelines and Dilutions *Updated May 2019*. Im glad I found your site, Hi Gina, Ive done the same thing! I diluted 2 drops each in 16 oz of water. That must have been very uncomfortable! Thank you for writing and for being a responsible EO parent Liz https://aromaticwisdominstitute.com/blending-guidelines-dilutions/. (I did not measure how much oil of each I put in the foot tub) 5-6 hours later I woke up to itchy red feet. Never put essential oils in the bath unless they are gentle, skin-nourishing oils, and even then add the essential oil to a carrier. We are sitting in the lounge on garden chairs at the moment. Please guide me as what I should do. it burns!!!! I am not an essential oil expert, but I do know that distilled white vinegar will take the stink out of just about anything. It will pass. I ended up with a bright red, burned tongue and the inside of my mouth felt like it was on fire. Never again. It has been 4 days, still have a very red boob. I like to use organic aloe vera gel as a carrier for deodorant. The tea tree tampon makes me cringe yeeouch!! Also, using any essential oil without diluting it first will eventually create problems with your skin. Long story short, I have extremely hot, like Im on fire, red patches ALL over. In the event this DOES happen, see number 2 below. 6. My throat burned (Im guessing oregano) so I put FCO on throat I mixed in my bath, like I usually do every so often (with tea tree) and honestly I dont know why I didnt realize the lemon smell. They all sounds like mistakes I would have made but wont now due to your warnings. What a pity you dont have any of the blend left. The next morning my feet were still itchy and swollen and so were my hands. Know your chemistry! Liz, Your email address will not be published. Any tips on how to quickly heal it and get my skin back to normal? I read that lemongrass was good for the face so I dabbed a little into my facial moisturizer. 9. A few years ago, I was in a hurry to freshen up so I dabbed a few drops of undiluted lemongrass in my underarms. Let me know if that helps! . You cant work with essential oils for 30+ years as I have, and not experience some mini-disasters along the way. Liz. Had forgotten about the cotton ball. I made the mistake of taking a bath and putting a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil in the water. If oils accidentally touch the eyes add a couple of drops of vegetable oil to a tissue and quickly swipe over the eye area. Before you experiment with these oils, get some education: take a class, go to a trusted website such as www.naha.org, or buy a book like Essential Oil Safety by Robert Tisserand. Keep it up. In reality, you are okay. But I hadnt heard about putting a vegetable oil into your eye if an eo was stinging. I use oils in my bath all the time but never orange. Who are 4 and 6, Hi Tony, The essential oils are good for insect repelling. Im sharing this post for the other people in my circle, to know. Must have gotten a drop (or 2 ) partly on outside of capsule. Liz. by Liz Fulcher | May 18, 2019 | Blog, Essential Oils, Safety | 96 comments. If it is possible to get some organic aloe vera gel, I would suggest you bath the irritated area with that asap. I guess Im concerned it wont, Thank you for any assistance you can offer I never take Oregano essential oil internally, not even with honey or coconut oil. Extra precautions should be taken during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. Just a tip! Best regards, Karen ~. Thank you for sharing! Certain essential oils such as Camphor, Eucalyptus and Peppermint should be avoided while taking homeopathic remedies as these essential oils will counteract the effects. I am attempting to find out if I should not be doing it but no valid reason has been given why I should dilute it apart from the fact that it can give me allergies which it doesnt and that it will burn if you apply it in the wrong place which I dont. I appreciate your help with this, as I am relatively new to waking up to some of the frightening ingredients in some of the products we use on a daily basis. Let me know if the vinegar solution helps. Also, used in the rinse cycle, it will restore absorption to old towels. I use it in the rinse cycle for getting out the musty smell of laundry that sat in the washer too long. Oregano is high in phenols making it highly irritating and caustic to the skin. Liz, Thanks Liz for your quick reply.So,to heal my mucus membrane what can I do?Any suggestion.-Sincerely Sam, Dear Liz,I want to add one thing that I put those oil inside my nose almost 2 weeks ago.Still no improvement.-Sincerely Sam. I had him stand and shower , I used every soap in the house, oatmeal, and hydrocortisone cream and had him stay in shower. It was recommended to me to use some peppermint oil on cotton balls and drop them into the vents around the house to help keep pests away. I got out not thinking about it, but I suddenly felt slight burning down there got back in and washed multiple times with body wash. 3. it was very strong and i burned straight away and although i rinsed it off and applied a carrier, 10 days later i still have burning/soreness. Witch Hazel 100ml Get some unscented carrier oil, it can be anything like olive oil, safflower, coconut, etc. Always add essential oils to a carrier when putting in the bathtub with young children. But havent been able to sleep because my throat hurts so incredibly bad. Oh NO Abby! What should I do? It will help quickly remove the lemongrass. Now my sinuses are swollen and feel stuffed up. If you wish to use aromatherapy during your pregnancy, contact a qualified Professional Aromatherapist. Liz. plz any help would be appreciated! I will keep you updated anyway & thank you again for your help Liz! Hard to drip drops from bottle perfectly into tiny capsule opening. 8 drops Orange oil Im so glad you stopped by! Thank you for sharing this experience. I know, right Tracy? As I leaned over herplop!a drop of essential oil dropped right into her eye. Peppermint is high in menthol and definite an essential oil you want to keep away from the eyes! I might even add a Tablespoon or 2 of whole milk to get a bit of fat in there to help dissolve the oil so you can expell it. Liz. Hi Nicole, Lemongrass is, indeed a good deodorizer, but it will really burn the delicate skin in the armpits. <3. I have rinsed with plain water till my water turned cold. Victoria, HA! Again, know what youre handling. Essential oils dont belong in the eyes! 4 drops Peppermint oil This is a stone ground. Wow, what an interesting post. Hi Jonny, Oh my! Do you have any words of wisdom? Regular dropper wont fit in oil bottle. Is there anything I can do to rid my body of all this overtreatment? Thank you for sharing Jenna! Id only change the carrier. Sometimes the discoloration disappears with time, sometimes it is permanent. You may find relief and healing from using cooled lavender hydrosol. When I went to my doctor & told him how I was treating it he said, Dont DO that! OK Doc! When the baby is older, it will be a nice oil to add to the diffuser with lavender Liz. Even though I dispersed it in milk it still burnt the backs of my legs. my skin is cold yet burning and red any suggestions on what to do. I seriously grabbed the wrong essential oil (lemongrass) instead of Tea tree. Katrina, if you feel okay just wait and let your system begin to detox it out. Lemongrass is an aldehyde-rich oil and can be a serious skin irritant. Liz.

its has been several days now and the smell is still to strong for me when I go outside my door. Liz, What helped me was to wash the area with vinegar and water, about 1/4 C vinegar to 1 Litre of water. Thanks, Lisa. Im on holiday at the moment as spilled a bottle of lemon oil on the tiled bedroom floor. Im so sorry you had to experience Eucalpytus in your noseOUCH! Drink lots of water and if you feel worse, please see a doctor! Im using olive oil and aloe vera to heal it. I was reading about how you could put 1-2 drops of eucalyptus oil in your ear to help with congestion. What can I do? This is a great remedy, but for heavens sake, dont SOAK the tampon!

The diffuser was going off and on much of the day as someone near me was coughing. Putting any essential oil directly in the ear can be painful and may even cause damage. If you follow the guidelines in this blog post, youll be fine. It will heal but may be uncomfortable in the meantime. I immediately had trouble breathing and fellt burning in throat and after 12 hours the back of my throat and down to bronchials still burns and hurts when taking a breath. Even whole milk or cream will help. Great advise on the homeopathy, thank you! Or if Im just coming down with what the other person has. The essential oil will grab onto the vegetable oil. How long will it take to go away? Nicole, YIKES! What do I do?!??! I washed my feet with soap and cool water and put some Benadryl cream on my feet. In the meantime, I can certainly recommend a blend for pain that contains eucalyptus. I am looking for an alternative mosquito repent and found this. Liz, Hi. Ten minutes later, I had red-hot armpits. I will have to remember that for those times I leave the laundry in too long LOL. The Aromatic Wisdom Podcast has two Deep Dive episodes on essential oil chemistry Episode 34 and Episode 35. I made a huge mistake of putting undiluted tea tree oil in my daughters ear for an ear infection She complained for a minute, but its been about 12 hours and says it doesnt hurt. I just bathed in eucalyptus oil and my back and calves burn ! It still stung but definitely not as long as yesterday. Oh no! If you want to try a small amount in a tiny area after 30-60 days you will either get a reaction (means you are allergic) or not. Keep it in the fridge. Please relax and enjoy your holiday. If you have any lavender hydrosol, gargle with it, full strength. , Hi Liz, My mother used to get some kind of blend of oils that claimed to be mainly Eucalyptus to help with back pain, body aches, rheumatoid arthritis from a local kiosk at the mall quite a few years back and it worked like a dream for all her pain.mom passed away in 2002 and I have no way of knowing where I can get that product so I was wondering if you can recommend a blend of eucalyptus oil with some kind of carrier that wont irritate the skin? Essential Oil Safety by Robert Tisserand. 1. Liz. Delicate membranes need to be treated delicately. Next time, try using a nasal inhaler to directly inhale the essential oils. Vinegar will work too, but dont use it on granite countertop. What is good to neutralize this oil? hahah I feel so dumb! Oh No Shanna! What would be the oil:water ratio? I hope you feel better soon! Especially since years ago I read that it helps with excessive sweating. Im using aloe vera and olive oil to heal it. I have stopped using now for 2 weeks, still having lightheadedness, feeling weak. But it is the only thing that deals effectively with my itchy scalp. Do you at least remember the name of the company that produced the blend? BAD IDEA! Liz. 4. This past week I read something about tea tree being a sweat inducer, which I believe as Ive been very aware of my sweaty pits. It doesnt burn as much as it did at least, but I was thinking of using some coconut oil down there to help it dilute some. Please help as Im really worried, What a scare Francesca! Ive tried soaking a washcloth in milk, but that didnt help. I have a sinus infection, so thought it would be a good idea to put a few drops of peppermint oil on the shower floor. LOL Im so glad this post saved you from having to make the same mistakes I did! Liz. Liz, I recently started using oregano oil very concentrated, wild oregano, 86% Carvacrol. Today my lungs feel a bit irritated, slightly hot like when I used to clean with bleach (never do that anymore) Wondering if the Thieves could be the culprit? Liz, Hi I used just a very small amount of peppermint and rosemary in my garage to rid of pests. Dumb and Dangerous Things Ive Done with Essential Oils. Eve. I would avoid anything scented in the meantime to give your skin a rest. Thanks for this information! The thing is that its very effective as a deodorant (plus it has so many possible benefits where tea tree is more of a treatment). My wrist and hand now have dark marks from the oil. I just spilled an entire bottle of lavender in my kitchen how can I clean it and dilute the smell???? i just did the oil in bath thing !! Thanks for the alert! In the event that one ever wishes to put essential oils in the ear, it must be highly diluted. Using any vegetable oil or fatty substance to remove the oil from your skin is a much faster solution. They look like they have been bruised really bad. I wonder if my skin will get used to it. Thank you for sharing this experience. Will the weird discoloration to their arms go away. Thank you for sharing! So since I prefer the scent of lemon grass, I thought I would try that instead. Would you Know if you had Essential Oil Sensitization? Cinnamon Bark is very high in irritating aldehydes so I hope youre feeling better. Thank you so much for all the knowledge and stories you have given all of us here on this site! That was a classic case of essential oil irritation which I talk about in the Aromatic Wisdom Podcast Episode 037 Im glad youre okay. All of these oils that I was using thinking I was sick were all the symptoms of toxicity. Man this was like pepper spray my poor cats eyes were crying. Lol. You had me giggling at some of those because Ive done them! Do not use essential oils before sunbathing as many are phototoxic. You could also have just added some carrier to help dilute it on your skin. I rinsed in the shower- no help. Any suggestions?!? A regular dropper doesnt fit into oils bottle. Essential oils are highly concentrated substances. Im very concerned I could have damaged my ear. Your best use it to add it to a carried oil and use it externally to boost your immunity. never thought of using lavender so thanks for the tip. I have read that vegetable oil or coffee grounds can help but thats the only other things I have found so far oh and rubbing alcohol. Hi, Before bed, I soaked my feet in a hot water with lavender, tea tree, peppermint, lemon, rosemary and epsom salt. thanks Tori. 10 minutes down the road, i was in pain. Oh my dear Jenna! I will share 1 of my faves, I was nursing my baby & we developed thrush, I started applying tea tree to my right nipple, neat, 2-3 times a day. In the midst of packing the car for a day trip, i popped the cotton ball into my bra. I tried putting DoTerra oils in capsule (lemon, melaleuca ang oregano) to take orally. So today I thought maybe if I wait a bit after showering.so i did. I hope you feel better! Thanks for sharing Gretchen. Help! Your email address will not be published. I often share my essential oil mishaps so others can learn. I put Eucalyptus on my face for swelling and didnt dilute it. I did not know it was a hot oil..now I do!! I washed my hands, and it went away just as simple as you please. Also giving my husband foot massages with francinsense for his prostate cancer. Im nervous that if I dilute it (like maybe witch hazel?) At first, I just put a couple of drops in a small glass with Emergen-C boy did that burn going down! I was told to put a couple drops of Theives on my thumb and put it on the roof of my mouth if I felt like I might be coming down with what my son had. Peppermint 3 drops. DEFINITELY DO NOT PUT IT NEAT ON YOUR EYELIDS Lemongrass 5 drops Id love to hear stories from other aromatherapists of their aromatic boo boos!