Discover the power of CropProphet by requesting a free trial. Farms located in the 22 counties north and northwest of the Illinois River are included in the sample for northern Illinois. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. Overall, 24 counties surpassed 200 bushels per acre for corn while 41 counties eclipsed the 60-bushel mark for beans in Illinois last year. Learn more about US crop production.Corn Production by State: A History Once the suitability of land in the central part of the country, the Midwestern United States, was scientifically established by Lewis and Clark, settlers moved to the area in large numbers, and started reaping large corn crops. Without their cooperation, information as comprehensive and accurate as this would not be available for educational purposes. Sort of that central and eastern part of Illinois has big counties (in terms of tillable acres) and there were some really good yields this past year, he noted. [21] In 2015, one bushel of corn costs $3.50. Copyright 2022.
[23] Other factors such as the weather or economic crises may cause corn prices to fluctuate or to rise. In 2007, the production process used 75% of the energy extracted. Illinois farmers produced 605 million bushels of soybeans, which led the nation last year. Its written in the barns, Quick Take: Conservation survey, ag ed money and more, An A-to-Z look at the 2022 Farm Progress Show, What to know if youre interested in solar, Allowed HTML tags: . Illinois follows Iowa with 2,131,200,000 bushels of corn, about 15.03% of the total U.S. production. [38], Corn was introduced to Alabama in around the eighteenth century; there have been traces of corn found in Nuyuka's Upper Creek village which dates back to the period.[39]. Here are the 10 states with the highest rates of corn production: US Corn Production by State: The Top 11 Rankings [in 2022]. How many acres of corn are grown in Iowa? More than 2,000 miles of interstate highway and 34,500 miles of other state highway make trucking of goods fast and efficient. Dry, Wet, or Average: Planning for the Grazing Season, 12 Days of Experts: Don't Make Grandma Sick at Your Holiday Party, Americans Consume More Than Double The Recommended Maximum Of Added Sugars, Bourguignon Burgers with Mushroom "Bacon" and Carrot Chips, Three-Pepper Tenderloin Roast with Mushroom & Leek Barley, BeefTalk: Controlling Cow Size Aids in Controlling Cow Costs. Costs per bushel were 17 cents higher in northern Illinois, 17 cents higher in central Illinois with the higher rated soils, 16 cents higher in central Illinois with the lower rated soils and 20 cents lower in southern Illinois. Elsewhere, Piatt County registered the fourth-highest soybean yield (70.5 bushels per acre) of any county in the nation last year. Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. The cost per bushel to raise soybeans the last five years averaged $10.23 per bushel. Billions more dollars flow into the state's economy from ag-related industries, such as farm machinery manufacturing, agricultural real estate, and production and sale of value-added food products. [citation needed], Over the centuries, the crop varieties underwent changes to get better yields, while farming methods were improved. Brought to you by Illinois Farm Bureau in conjunction with Farm Flavor Media/Journal Communications Inc. 2021 All rights reserved. FBFM field staff provide on-farm counsel with recordkeeping, farm financial management, business entity planning and income tax management. "Hominy corn" came in different colors of "smooth, hard kernels" which might be white, blue, red or yellow, or a mix of any of these. [24][25][26] The value of corn is increasing, due to the country's greater demand and reliance for corn. Nineteen states produced over 100 million bushels of corn. Get the latest blog posts delivered to your inbox. We strive to provide factual news and up-to-the-minute information on issues affecting farmers and communities throughout Illinois. The estimates show McLean County in central Illinois led the nation in production of both corn (62.85 million bushels) and soybeans (19.25 million bushels) last year compared to all other counties. In fact, Illinois and Iowa combined to produce 31% of the nations corn crop (4.43 billion bushels) last year, according to Mike Doherty, Illinois Farm Bureau senior economist and policy analyst. The farmdoc daily website falls under University of Illinois copyright and intellectual property rights. We had record or near records forecast for corn and soybean production, Schleusener said. Variable cash costs accounted for 33 percent of the total cost of production for soybeans, other nonland costs 32 percent and land costs 35 percent. Up until Aug. 1, soil moisture and rainfall were really nice. The residual product (DDGS) is about 33% of the input stream and is used as livestock feed. [5], As the growth of corn has spread to extensive production in 14 states (though it is grown to a lesser extent in all the other US states), the Corn Farmers Coalition was formed. In 2021 Iowa produced 2.5 billion bushels of corn, making it the #1 producer of corn in the United States. [6], According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the average U.S. yield for corn was 177 bushels per acre, up 3.3 percent over 2020 and a record high, with 16 states posting state records in output, and Iowa reporting a record of 205 bushels of corn per acre. Many counties in Iowa, some of which are top corn producers nationally, produce much less than normal in 2020 because of the derecho and the drought. Luckily, corn production continues to increase, with yields growing at roughly 2 bushels per acre each year. In 19351946, a shift to hybrid varieties occurred. For more information, please contact the State FBFM Office located at the University of Illinois Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics at 217-333-8346 or visit the FBFM website at Beef cows are found on about 22percent of farms, while about 1percent have dairy cows. This site is operated by a business or businesses owned by Informa PLC and all copyright resides with them. This has resulted in farmers increasing acreage under corn by adopting crop rotations between corn and soybeans; causing a decline in soy production. But, the final state yield estimates ended up at 192 bushels for corn and 59 bushels for soybeans for 2020. Illinois counties rank among best for crop output nationally, Mark Schleusener, Illinois State Statistician, discusses the county yield estimates for corn and soybeans. A 2020 Corn Production Forecast [31] In 2012, Minnesota's farmers produced the largest corn crop in the state's history, at 1.37 billion bushels harvested, equaling 165 bushels per acre, on 250,000 acres. NASS initially estimated state yields of 207 bushels per acre for corn and 64 bushels for beans last August. Recently, the U.S. has not engaged in new free-trade agreement negotiations that could bring new market access to U.S. farmers, he says. Based on a national contest in 2011 when an average of 300 bushels per acre was achieved others are sure to follow suit which result in a yield of 300 bushels per acre by 2030 from the same extent land holdings under corn. Grain traders, grain merchandisers, and other agribusiness participants use our sophisticated weather-based grain forecasting system to stay ahead of the market, trade profitably, and earn more money. CORN: With a continuing rise in yields, there is a need for more and new export markets for Illinois corn. Approximately 13% of its annual yield is exported. These 4 states accounted for roughly 54% of the production in the U.S. Nineteen (19) states produced over 100 million bushels of corn in 2020. [27] Almost 1.88 billion bushels of corn were grown in the state in 2012 on 13.7 million acres of land, while the 2013 projections are 2.45 billion bushels of corn on 13.97 million acres of land. Number 8860726. [22] The value of individual corn farms varies from location to location, depending on the amount of bushels produced and the quality of corn. A rise in corn production means the need for finding more, and new, places for Illinois grain to go, Watters says. Marketing of Illinois' agricultural commodities generates more than $19 billion annually. FBFM, which consists of 5,500 plus farmers and 60 plus professional field staff, is a not-for-profit organization available to all farm operators in Illinois. In marketing year 2019-20, U.S. corn supplies were tight and grain exports low. Farm Progress is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC. The state averaged 105 bushels per acre in 2012, down from 157-bushel per acre in 2010 and 2011. [3], According to Tribes That Slumber by Thomas Lewis and Madeline Kneberg, corn was "the staff of life to the Cherokee", who grew three types of corn. What is Iowas average corn yield? [18], US subsidies for corn have averaged 4.7 billion dollars per year over the twenty years from 1995 to 2014 inclusive. But farmers here still harvested some of the best corn and soybean crops in the nation based on the county yield estimates released recently by USDAs National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). [8], The final estimate of corn production for the years 1950 to 1959 in the United States is given as some three billion bushels and in recent years, some nine billion bushels are produced each year. A History of Corn Production by State [34], Although the state of Alaska has a cold temperate climate, some Alaskan farmers still manage to grow corn, through means such as greenhouse farming. The samples included only farms with more than 500 acres of productive and nearly level soils in each area of the state; these are farms without livestock. Costs increased $72 per acre in northern Illinois, $56 per acre in central Illinois with the higher rated soils, $53 per acre in central Illinois with the lower rated soils and $60 per acre in southern Illinois when compared to 2020. What state produces the most corn? Cold, fairly dry winters and warm, humid summers with ample rainfall allow the land to support many kinds of crops and livestock. [30] In 2010, the state produced 1.29 billion bushels. The remaining 44 counties make up the sample for central Illinois. [16][17], Highest yield of over 12 billion bushels have been recorded up to 2011 with 12.4 billion bushels reported in 2011 with yields of more than 140 bushels per acre. Costs per bushel increased in northern Illinois because of higher seed costs and in the central section of Illinois with lower soil ratings due to less of an increase in yields. Farms from 36 counties below a line from about Mattoon to Alton are in the sample for southern Illinois. Costs per bushel were increased even with higher yields due to greater fertility, pesticides, overhead costs as well as machinery repairs, fuel and machine hire costs. This trend has continued and now the corn production level in American farms is a significant 20% higher per acre than in the rest of the world. The author would like to acknowledge that data used in this study comes from Illinois Farm Business Farm Management (FBFM) Associations across the state. While most states plant and produce corn, it is grown mostly in the Heartland region, including Iowa, Illinois, eastern South Dakota, Nebraska, Ohio, northern Missouri, and western Kentucky. Additionally, corn is used for biofuel and ethanol production. [33] In 2012, Illinois sowed 12.8 million acres of corn in 2012, ranking fourth in corn production, behind Iowa, Minnesota, and Nebraska. The balance comes from sales of wheat and other crops, including fruits and vegetables. BeefTalk: Is There a Place for Cows in the Future? Corn, or maize, is a cereal grain originally cultivated by indigenous people in Mexico 10,000 years ago. The 2020 US grain growing season experienced two significant weather events that impacted the national corn production. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. The state ranks. Prime farmland is important because it provides an environmentally sound base for crop production. Dent, flint, and flour corn varieties are used to make animal feed, cornmeal, corn oil, and alcoholic beverages such as bourbon whiskey. Below is a table with each state's corn production and percentage of the U.S. total corn production. The Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996 also allowed more acreage under corn, overriding the act of 1983, which had fixed it at 60,200,000 hectares (149,000,000 acres). The total of all economic costs per bushel in the different sections of the state ranged from $4.19 to $4.51 for corn and from $9.94 to $10.67 for soybeans. The farm practices have also resulted in implementing conservation measures which have reduced soil erosion to the extent of 44%. Family farms still dominate, though some of these have incorporated. How many acres of corn are grown in Iowa? While officially nicknamed "The Hawkeye State," Iowa is also known as "The Corn State" due to 90% of its land devoted to agriculture. With 2,640 food manufacturing companies, Illinois is well-equipped to turn the state's crops and livestock into food and industrial products. [4], By the time scientific assessment of conduciveness to grow corn in the United States was undertaken by Meriwether Lewis in 1804, the immigrant settlers had already spread its growth in many parts of the country due to its suitability in varying climatic and soil conditions. [10] One bushel of corn can produce 2.8 gallons of ethanol in as well as 17-18 pounds of DDGS. Characteristics of an Ideal Breeding Heifer, Top 10: Mammals With The Longest Gestation Periods, California Boasts Unique and Powerful Agricultural Industry. Its not the first time McLean County jumped to the top of the whole country (for corn and soy output) and theyve done it again, said Mark Schleusener, Illinois state statistician for NASS. In the same year, there were 13.7 million harvested acres of corn for grain, producing 2.36 billion bushels, which yielded 172.0 bu/acre, with US$14.5 billion of corn value of production. USDA. Your email address will not be published. However, an increase in corn yields of global competitors could present barriers for new market access. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Illinois' 1,118 miles of navigable waterways, including the Illinois and Mississippi rivers, make barge traffic an excellent option for shipment of grain to the Gulf of Mexico. The 2021 average corn yield in the different geographical locations ranged from one bushel lower to 25 bushels per acre higher than the five-year average from 2017 to 2021. Agricultural Impact Mitigation Agreements, Local Food Purchase Assistance Program (LFPA), Safety and Health Assistance for Ag Employers. They dominated the county list for U.S. soybean production.. Each year, 274 million bushels of Illinois corn are used to produce more ethanol than any other state -- about 678 million gallons. Costs per bushel of corn in 2021 as compared to 2020 were higher in all regions of the state besides southern Illinois. Find your nearest vaccination location at Illinois farmland covers27 million acres -- about 75 percent of the state's total land area. Some farms produce specialty crops and livestock, including alfalfa, canola, nursery products, emus and fish. No portion of this website may be reproduced in whole or in part without written consent. Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically. But, as good as some yields turned out, the crops could have been even better prior to the onset of dryness issues and drought in some parts of the state last season. [9] In 2018, the national average production was 176 bushels per acre. Suite 229 About 89 percent of the state's cropland is considered prime farmland, ranking the state third nationally in total prime farmland acreage. But how much do you know about the Illinois corn export market? In 2021, cash costs accounted for 47 percent of the total cost of production for corn, other nonland costs were 27 percent, and land costs were 26 percent. The plant has a leafy stalk that produces pollen inflorescences and ears that produce kernels or seeds. More than 30% of corn farms are operated by women. Guidelines are available here. Iowa produced the most corn in the United States in 2020 followed by Illinois & Nebraska. How many acres of corn are grown in Iowa?One way to estimate corn production is to consider how many acres of corn are grown and how much corn does an acre yield. Fact: Nearly 42% of the corn grown in Illinois is exported. Has Iowa always been the #1 producer of corn in the United States? [7], The total production of corn in the US for the year 2019 is reported to be 13.016 billion bushels, of which the major use is for manufacture of ethanol and its co-product (Distillers' Dried Grains with Solubles), accounting for 37% (27% + 10%), or 4,845 million bushels (3,552 + 1,293). Without a doubt, fertile soils and ideal weather conditions allow Illinois to serve as a world leader of corn production, says Collin Watters, director of exports and logistics at IL Corn. Anyone, 5 years of age and older, is eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Chicago is home to the largest rail gateway in the nation, connecting eastern and western United States. After the Civil War, varieties were developed which were adapted to the state's soils and climate, such as Reid's Yellow Dent. Read the latest issue. "Six weeks corn" was a type similar to popcorn, roasted at milk stage. How can I know state corn production before the season is over? Soybean costs per acre were $704, $716, $660 and $668, respectively (see Table 1). Corn is widely cultivated around the world, with its total production surpassing that of wheat or rice. The ten states that produce the most corn in the United States are Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska, Minnesota, Indiana, Kansas, South Dakota, Ohio, Missouri, and Wisconsin. Total costs per acre for soybeans increased in Illinois when compared to 2020. Illinois Farm Bureau Partners magazine connects you, our members, with the food you eat, the Illinois farmers who grow it, and the food-related events, destinations, and lifestyles that make our state great. Forty-nine percent hold jobs off the farm and consider farming their secondary occupation. We have prepared a history of state rankings of US corn production. The average corn yield in 2021 was the highest in the last 3 years and 10 bushels to the acre more than 2020. During the period of 19001905, there were 10,500,000 acres planted, with a decline to 8,862,000 acres in 19251930. Disclaimer: We request all readers, electronic media and others follow our citation guidelines when re-posting articles from farmdoc daily.
Costs were lower in central Illinois with higher soil ratings and southern Illinois due to a higher increase in yields.
Click on the infographic below to download a PDF version. Iowa produced 2,296,200,000 bushels of corn in 2020, about 16.19% of the total U.S. production. About 3 percent of Illinois farms have swine. The production of corn (Zea mays mays, also known as "maize") plays a major role in the economy of the United States. The average corn yield in 2021 was 11 bushels per acre higher than 2020 in northern Illinois, 6 bushels to 7 bushel higher in central Illinois and 25 bushels higher than 2020 in southern Illinois. Schnitkey, G. "Crop Budgets, Illinois, 2022." Land and pesticide costs increased the most statewide. Total costs per acre were the highest since 2013 while total costs per bushel were the second highest in the last five years. Much of Illinois is comprised of fertile flat loess, left behind by glaciers and wind millions of years ago. In 2018, the United States exported approximately $12.9 billion of corn. Illinois also produces several specialty crops, such as buckwheat, horseradish, ostriches, fish and Christmas trees. Exports from Illinois account for 6 percent of all U.S. agricultural exports.
Iowa harvested 3,548 acres (1,436ha) of sweet corn in 2007. Oregon and Washington have that distinction with a corn yield of approximately 220 bushels/acre.How can we know state corn production before the season is over?CropProphet is a corn and soybean yield production system designed to ensure our customers know the impact of weather on crop production. The average soybean yield for all combined areas of the state was 68 bushels per acre resulting in a total cost of production of $10.19 per bushel. Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, April 12, 2022. Required fields are marked *. Left: Worldwide corn production chart; Right: Left: Male and female flowers of maize; Right: Select corn production chart for 2010, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996, International Food Policy Research Institute, "Visiting Our Past: Attacks on Cherokee part of corn and grist mill history", "Family corn farmers: American ingenuity", "These 13 States Had Record Corn and Soybean Yields in 2021", "Alternative Fuels Data Center: Ethanol Vehicle Emissions", Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, "Maize, rice and wheat: area harvested, production quantity, yield", "Farm bill: Why don't taxpayers subsidize the foods that are better for us? The state's climate and varied soil types enable farmers to grow and raise many other agricultural commodities, including cattle, wheat, oats, sorghum, hay, sheep, poultry, fruits and vegetables. Forecasts for Illinois production costs in 2022 look to increase using Gary Schnitkeys 2022 Crop Budgets and the USDAs Cost-of-Production Forecasts as a guide. Four states produced over 1 billion bushels of corn in 2020: Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska, & Minnesota. The second event was an August 2020 derecho in Iowa and Illinois causing extensive corn production damage. 2014 projections were that the US would spend $97.29 billion/year on farm and food programs over the next decade. The average size of an Illinois farm, including hobby farms, is 375acres. Without new free-trade agreements, the U.S. is at a competitive disadvantage., 4 in corn production", "Rare, successful Alaska corn harvest gives Fairbanks farmers hope", "Mycotoxins in Indiana corn will concern pig producers", Agriculture in the Southwestern United States, Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands,, Agricultural production in the United States, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2021, Wikipedia articles in need of updating from August 2018, All Wikipedia articles in need of updating, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, 'Other processing' includes the production of, high and unpredictable expense to taxpayers, disincentivizing crop diversification and planning for extreme weather, harming public health; supporting meat and processed food by subsidizing durable staples (mostly corn and soy) rather than fruit and vegetables ("specialty crops"), destroying the livelihoods of small farmers in the developing world by dumping (by, This page was last edited on 12 July 2022, at 16:35. Post Application Coverage Endorsement Tool (Sheet), Balance Sheet & Historical Financial Statements, Briomass Crop Budget Tool Miscanthus & Switchgrass, Illinois Soil Productivity & Yield Utilities, Farmland LEasing Facts Sheets & Pricing Information, Cost to Produce Corn and Soybeans in Illinois2021,,, International Benchmarks for Wheat Production, Illinois FBFM Association and Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics, Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics. [13], There are 80,000,000 acres (32,000,000ha) of land dedicated exclusively to corn cultivation in the United States. Most farm acreage is devoted to grain, mainly corn and soybeans. County yield averages in Illinois ranged from low to high by 59 bushels per acre for corn and 23 bushels for soybeans. [2] The original corn plant known as teosinte is still grown in Mexico. The massive derecho event, which devastated a large swath through Iowa in August, also damaged some crops across the northern half of the state. Learn more about one of the states top crops with these Illinois corn facts and farming statistics. The other uses are given in the table. Illinois' agricultural commodities also provide the base for such products as animal feed, ink, paint, adhesives, clothing, soap, wax, cosmetics, medicines, furniture, paper and lumber. Corn accounts for 54 percent of that total. 1 corn exporter in the U.S., with exports at 1,026 million bushels. I want to thank all the farmers who responded to the county yield survey, Schleusener added. [11] Compared to other major sources, corn is the least efficient means of ethanol production. [37], The state of Texas is a large producer of corn; the final estimate of corn produced in 2010 was some 301 million bushels on 2,300,000 acres (930,000ha) of land, totaling to $1.2 billion of crop. [35], Corn is a popular crop in the state of Indiana; it is mostly grown as animal feed. The large number of farms, coupled with the diversity of commodities produced, makes it difficult to describe a typical operation. Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Illinois-Grown Corn, Search for Local Food, Farm Fun and More With MarketMaker(VIDEO), The Difference Between Grain Bins and Silos, Illinois Fruit Calendar: Ripe and Ready for Summer, In 2020, Illinois corn production generated more than, Illinois farmers also grow popcorn. But then the rain kind of stopped and the crops just didnt finish well.. Newer varieties are much larger, due to plant breeding efforts of Native Americans and scientific research. Illinois measures about 400 miles from its northern border to its southernmost tip.