6:00pm: In person Evening Worship church parking lot, if inclement weather held in Sanctuary.
We welcome people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. Christ United Methodist Church has so much to offer families in the Rockford area!
Traditional Service: monthly communion on the first Sunday of the month, and musical leadership by Dr. Daniel Steinert, small ensembles, and guest musicians. Know your way around a soundboard and looking to bring home a little extra money? Use tab to navigate through the menu items. - Romans 15:7. 9 am - Short Term Class in Room A with Lona Dearmont, 11 am - Advent Class in Room B with Pastor Bob. Monday: 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.; Tuesday: Noon - 5:00 p.m.; Wednesday: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.; Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.; Friday: 9:00 a.m. - noon. Request a secure account or contact jack@cumethodist.com to get started. What kind of groups are being offered this fall? See the groups you are a part of, your fellow group members, and explore new groups. Creating Committed Christ Followers for the Transformation of the World, During July and August we'll be exploring beloved songs of faith during worship. Looking for this Sunday's "Worship Program" or "Sermon Transcript"? At Christ UMC we are blessed to have a staff of passionate, creative, talented, and dedicated folkswho love this church and our mission here. The Christ UMC pastoral and administrative staff embody the ideas of relationships. Here at Christ UMC we have activities for ALL ages.

We offer a safe and compassionate place to reconcile faith, identity, hope, understanding and mutual respect. Its so much more than a church directory! Both can be found by clicking on the "Online Worship" tab on the left side of the homepage. 10:00 a.m. - Traditional service and livestream, CHURCH OFFICE: GRACE BUILDING AT ALPINE LOCATION.

If you have any questions about worship, or our COVID-19 protocols please contact the church office. "Welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God."
11:00am: In person or live stream, communion only on the first Sunday of the month. Search for your friends and connect. Its in CCB! With open hearts, open minds and open doors, we welcome people of all races, nationalities, theologies and abilities. There is even a mobile app that you can use on the go. Alpine Center: 8:30 a.m. - Outdoor casual service-Alpine Courtyard-Bring lawn chairs. Wondering if you sent in Julys pledge? Other hours by appointment. We'd love to know some of your favorite hymns and songs and the stories behind them. In case of inclement weather, the service will be moved to the Dining Room. See your current and historical giving, download giving statements, or make online gifts. We are an active and busy church and we hope you will visit us soon. Welcome! Click the button below for the job description and application instructions.

https://cumethodist.ccbchurch.com/goto/forms/78/responses/new. 9 a.m. Acoustic Service: weekly communion, and music led by Dr. Daniel Steinert & Brandon Miller11 a.m. Click the Button Below, click request an account, then fill out the form and click REQUEST The church office will be notified, and your login information will be sent to you. Christ United Methodist Church 2021-PRIVACY POLICY. We are glad you have found our website and we hope that it is helpful for you. All are welcome to apply. Christ United Methodist Church is conveniently located on the edge of downtown Rochester at 400 5th Avenue SW, two blocks from Soldier's Field and one block from Mayo Clinic's Baldwin building. 4 5 3 0 A S t . We strive to show the hospitality of Jesus Christ to persons of all ages, genders, races, sexual orientations, economic situations, and abilities. Its in CCB! Get to know us a little bit by clicking on the link above.
This new service is geared for the whole family, with a relaxed atmosphere, refreshments, and hands on activities for all ages! June & July Sermon Series: Stories in Luke. L i n c o l n , N E. Christ UMC is an open and affirming congregation; therefore, people of all ages, abilities, ethnicities, gender identities, sexual orientations, socioeconomic statuses, and religions are welcome in our community. We are committed to creating a space that is welcoming, inclusive, and safe for all. Believing that life is better together, we invite you to share your God-given gifts in this community of faith to spread God's love in our world. with Christ, with one another, and with God's hurting world.