Chernobog - a negative sign, symbolizing the craving for chaos, destruction and destruction. Of particular value and importance are the ancient tattoos that came to us from our ancestors. Ratiborets - a symbol of courageous guys, warriors by nature. Slavic tattoos often include elements of painting by famous artists of Russia, for example, Vasilyev and Vasnetsov. Porcelain or faience - which is better for the toilet? In general, any rune includes three elements, the combination of which affects the total value of the tattoo: Images of Slavic gods, stylized as strong courageous and strong men that look like Varyag, are no less popular: If we take into account all the Slavic tattoos, then it can be noted that charms were of particular importance, because they have a protective function, protect people from various troubles and tribulations. The Goddess is a symbol of self-improvement. Strength - based on the name is not difficult to guess that this is a symbol of warriors, personifying power and victory.
Fache - guards against ignorance and selfishness. Stribozhich - guard against troubles and failures.
With the advent of Christianity, pagan tattoos were banned, they were considered a symbol of the demonic principle. Krada is a symbol of sacrificial fire, demonstrating the sincerity of intentions. Properties, value, types, color, Top 10 most beautiful gardens in the world, Ball under the skin: what is important to know the causes of, The largest fish in the world - TOP-10 representatives of the aquatic environment, Fashionable turquoise manicure 2019: 100 photo-ideas of stylish design, Glitter tattoo: application technique, necessary materials and photos of finished works, Tattoos on the face: spectacular photo ideas for the most courageous and extraordinary personalities, Tattoo cards: photo examples of finished works, meaning and sketches, How to safely bring a tattoo without scars, Tattoo charms: male and female symbols, their meanings and photos, Maori Tattoos: Meaning, Location and Popular Sketches, Cross tattoo: sketches and meaning of tattoo, 70 photo ideas, Pair tattoo: great ideas for lovers and friends, Leopard tattoo: value, sketches and photos of finished works, Manicure 2018: interesting ideas and new designs. All rights reserved. Awesome vacation in the Crimea in the summer of 2019: prices, resorts, tours, hotels, reviews, Alexandrite. Runic writing attracts modern men and women for its originality, mystery and beauty, while the runes can be used as an independent tattoo or part of the composition. Here, you can learn what roses, snakes and cowboys really mean , Russian Criminal Tattoo Police Files is published by FUEL, Thu 18 Sep 2014 07.00BST Moreover, archaeologists systematically find during excavations facts supporting this theory and its correctness. Scientists believe that all these charms contained tremendous sacral significance and were used only by priests and magicians in a state of trance. You have entered an incorrect email address! Bogodar - the personification of justice and wisdom. Sadhana - will bring success in all endeavors and direct you to the right path leading to perfection. morning, Available for everyone, funded by readers. For example, the researchers found elders, on whose bodies a chessboard is depicted - this is an ancient custom, symbolizing a series of dark and light stripes, the inevitability of their change. Valkyrie - honor and nobility, the ability to protect his own home, family.
Among the many techniques of performance and sketches, anyone can choose the best option, which makes the tattoo so popular in the modern world. Alatyr - the world balance, the center between order and chaos. The world is divine protection, a symbol of people striving for order. The main reason for the popularity of Slavic tattoos nowadays is their huge hidden meaning and energy that can bring good luck to a person, make him stronger and more durable. All its locals were decorated with bodily images of plants and animals, with tattoos on them from head to toe. They have a close relationship with Celtic and Scythian ornaments. In the future, the Slavic ornament was supplemented and drawings of flower garlands, hearts, crowns and floral patterns appeared. Holidays in Russia in the summer of 2019: where to go cheap? At the same time, this religion gave a new impetus to the development of Slavic tattoos, because now among the popular wearable images were crosses, the initials of Jesus Christ and other religious symbols. From the 1960s to the 1980s, Arkady Bronnikov visited correctional facilities all over the Soviet Union and photographed thousands of tattooed inmates to decode their body art and helped solve many crimes by identifying criminals based on their ink. The distinctive features of the Slavic tattoo include: Since ancient times, it was believed that runes (tamgas) are special characters that have magic power, therefore, it is strictly forbidden to put a mark on the body without knowing its exact meaning. For all questions please contact by mail.