Through the dedication of an exceptional faculty and staff, LSU is one of only 30 universities in the United States designated as a land-grant, sea-grant, and space-grant institution.
Make connections with educators throughout the state, region, and other countries! To earn this certificate in Educational Technology Integration, you may chose 4 of these 5 courses: EDEL 514 Technology Across the Curriculum (not currently offered)EDEL 515 Problem Solving and Technology in Schools (typically offered Fall and Spring)EDEL 522 Web Design and Instruction in Schools (typically offered Summer)EDEL 523 Issues and Trends in Distance Education (typically offered Fall and Spring)EDEL 590 Technology Professional Development in Schools (typically offered Fall and Spring), You have the option of taking two additional courses. You will explore current trends and issues in educational technology. Incorporate research-based and proven practices in the design and delivery of technology-infused learning experiences.
Contact us or explore related resources. Educational Technology is more than computers and the tools (i.e., technology) that educators and students use.
All students are required to complete the Curriculum and Instruction Coreand the Educational Technology Core. Although you will use and see different educational technology tools used throughout the online program, we do not specifically teach you how to use tools. Department Name:Department of Educational Technology, Official Degree Name: Master of Educational Technology (MET). We are more interested in you learning about best practices, the research, and the theory about using educational technology rather than focusing on specific tools. These students have indicated that they were extremely well prepared for doctoral level work. In two years or less, you can earn your degree and joins the ranks of our Gator alumni who have been placed in leading educational organizations across the globe. Today, LSU is the flagship institution of Louisiana and is one of only 30 universities nationwide holding land-grant, sea-grant and space-grant status. The fully online Master of Arts Degree in Educational Technology is designed to meet the needs of classroom teachers who want to apply technology to the learning process and/or for individuals wishing to develop leadership skills to serve as site based technology coordinators. Baton Rouge, LA 70808 Educational Technology. in Educational Technology is a full-time program offered in an accelerated online format. Admission to the program is based on: Note: M.E.T.
programs. All M.E.T. A major goal of the program is to help you take what you learn and experience in the program and make it work for you and your students in your unique context. Learn the how and why of using technology in student-centered ways to engage your students, Focus on integrating technology into your classroom to help your students meet the CCSS, Assignments and projects are directly applicable to your teaching context, Combines Educational Technology theory and practice, Cohort-based Model youll be with the same peers throughout the program. Academic background must also be judged by the program coordinator as adequate for enrollment in graduate courses in education and educational technology. Fax: 225-578-4800 Students may take more than 2 courses per session, however, students may move more slowly through the program and/or create their own program schedule using information about course availability. Check outdistance learning fees for the current year. Research, projects, and coursework address important educational issues. Interested in a career as an instructional designer or educational technologist? in Educational Technology program as well as corresponding application deadlines.
degree courses can apply to a doctorate if you are accepted into that program at a later date. It is consistently one of the least expensive Masters in Educational Technology. This program is perfect for going onto our Ed.D. Please Note: Financial aid is not available for the Graduate Certificate in Technology Integration. The Master of Education (M.Ed.)
program in 2 years if taking 2 courses per session. Associate Professor, Learning Technologies Program Chair, Master of Learning Technologies Program Coordinator, Meets state standards to offer distance education through approval or exemption by the state regulatory agency and by the State Board of Education, Please contact Ohio State Online for more information about the limited authorization status in this state, Researching state requirements to offer distance education. Teachers in the state of New Jersey may apply to the Master of Arts in Education Technology program through the New Jersey Teacher Outreach Program (NJTOP). The Master of Educational Technology is our professional degree, focusing on skills for improved performance at all levels of education, in the classroom and beyond.
Accessibility Statement This translates into well-designed courses a blend of theory and research with real-world application. Used to evaluate your writing style - no requirement in length, but edit for spelling and grammar. Total credit hours per program: 36 credit hours. According to the Association of Educational Communications and Technology, Educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources. Cumulative GPA of at least 3.00 on all undergraduate work (or in the final 60 credit hours) and for any graduate work already completed for regular admission. The M.A.
(1st 8 weeks), EDEL 515 Problem Solving and Technology in Schools You can expect personalized attention and support throughout the program. A limited number of competitive graduate assistantship opportunities are available in the College of Education. Graduates of our online masters in educational technology program will learn cutting-edge strategies to help them become better educators and advance their careers.
Master of Educational Technology Student Testimonial: Amber Bigelow, Master of Educational Technology Student Testimonial: Andrew Forbes, Estimated Cost of an Educational Technology degree, EDTECH 501 Introduction to Educational Technology, EDTECH 504 Theoretical Foundations of Educational Technology, EDTECH 505 Evaluation for Educational Technologists. (1st 5 weeks), EDEL 536 Curriculum Theory and Development We work hard toprovide quality education while seeking to reduce the barrier that college costs can present students. Students are exposed to a variety of collaboration technologies in the course and work together to author an eBook for the final project. opportunities are not limited to these options. Have questions or need more information? with a concentration in Educational Technology emphasizes the integration of education technology instruction and training across learning environments. intelligence offers crucial insights, such as which jobs are most in-demand, the specific skills employers need, The Applied Instructional Design course is the second in a two-course sequence. When you join LSU Online, you join a family that makes sure that your needs are met. Earn up to 9 credit hours with Quality Matters' Teaching Online Certificate (TOC) or Master Reviewer Certificate (MRC). Choose Three (3) concentration Electives: Select one (1) additional graduate course as an elective either from the list of concentration course above or with the approval from the program advisor a graduate-level content course from an academic discipline (art, English, history, geography, mathematics, world languages, etc.). Cost per credit hour and fees are subject to change. The Master of Educational Technology degree is 100% online.
Our students value this approach because it facilitates problem-solving and sharing professional knowledge they can bring to their own classrooms. One letter must be from an employer or supervisor, and the other must be from a faculty member who has taught the candidate at collegiate level if the candidate attended classes in the last five years; Submit a typed, 300-word personal statement discussing their motivation for seeking a masters degree in view of prior formal education, current job responsibilities, and career plans; Have formal access to a classroom, corporate training environment, or other learning environment. Educational Technology, in the way we approach it in our program, is about improving student learning through best practices in instruction, assessment, and the use of computers and other digital tools and devices. Rolling admissions up until 4 weeks before classes begin. students can also earn a graduate certificate in one of the specializations: GAMES AND SIMULATIONS, ONLINE TEACHING, INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY COACHING, TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION, COMPUTER ASSISTIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING, ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY (STARTING FALL 2021), DIGITAL LITERACIES INSTRUCTION (STARTING FALL 2021), or DESIGNING ACCESSIBLE ONLINE EDUCATION (STARTING FALL 2021). Others have moved into leadership positions in their school, school district, and at the county level. There are a number of specific topics and content areas that we focus on in the program. The following is a list of items required to begin the application process for the program. Office of Technology and Digital Innovation. Evaluate current and emerging instructional technologies to (a) identify potential uses and applications for teaching, learning, assessment, and research; (b) identify and resolve accessibility issues; and (c) examine potential ethical issues and legal concerns.
Applicants are accepted on a rolling basis for the fall and spring semester., By checking the box and submitting this form, I authorize that all information provided on this form may be shared with Louisiana State University and its affiliated partners to facilitate communication of relevant information related to your request, including your consent to use automated technology to call and/or send SMS text messages to the phone number provided, and transcript sharing between LSU Universities and other universities on behalf of the student.
Students may then choose among several elective courses based on their career goals. We'll do our best to improve things and get you the information you need.
Electives (12 hours, select four courses): EME 5207: Designing Technology-Rich Curricula, EME 6156: Games and Simulations for Teaching and Learning, EME 6236: Distance Education Leadership and Management, EME 6074: Mobile Technologies in Education, EME 6637: Managing and Analyzing Multimodal Data. The program is designed for beginners with little or no background in computing as well as for experienced computer users.
Professional Education and Lifelong Learning, Deborah Cannon Partridge Wolfe College of Education, Ed.D. (16 weeks). The M.E.T.
The Cal State Fullerton Master's degree in Educational Technology Degree and Certificate in Educational Technology Integration are online graduate programs and a professional community committed to developing teachers and educators alike capable of transforming student lives through innovation and applied research. Others have become digital learning coaches, teachers on special assignment (TOSA), district technology coordinators, and county-level district technology coordinators.We have alumni who work in higher education as technology support specialists, instructional designers, and faculty. EDEL 518A Issues in Instructional Design of Software for Use in Schools (typically offered Fall and Spring)EDEL 518B Multimedia Development and Instruction in the Classroom (typically offered Fall and Spring), If youd like more information about the Graduate Certificate, please contact us. It is important for students to apply for a certificate before starting the course work. The goal is to help people learn better in a variety of learning contexts and make a positive impact on groups and communities. Today, LSU is equally proud of its strides to make education more accessible through innovative online degree programs that are every bit as rigorous as its on-campus programs. California State University, Fullerton. real-life career transitions to provide insight into labor market patterns. Applications received after this date cannot be guaranteed timely matriculation. Design and deliver learning experiences that effectively integrate educational technology. Media experience is taken at the end of the program and is only offered during the Spring sessions. and the career directions that offer the highest potential for workers.
LSU Online & Continuing Education uses data from Burning Glass Technologies to pull real-time labor market As a student, youwill investigate the philosophical, psychological, sociological, and educational implications of emerging technologies and their impact on schools. culminating activity is a Portfolio project showcasing all work completed in previous classes.
In our cohort-based program, you get to know your peers by taking classes together in a scheduled sequence. Contact Dr. Loretta Donovan to discuss your situation. Our students say that's unmatched by anything a traditional classroom offers. And, the tools you have available to use in your teaching environment may be different than what we use. The College of Education also offers a range of scholarship opportunities. We have carefully crafted a sequence of courses to engage you in the exciting and growing field of educational technology. Make sure that you order the official transcripts to be sent to. There may be additional actions or materials required for admission to the program. You'll take the following courses all online: EDEL 511 Survey of Educational Research (full 16 weeks), EDEL 523 Issues and Trends in Distance Education
Still have questions?
Please consult an Enrollment Coach for the final program cost. All of the required materials listed above must be received on or before the application completion deadline for your desired entry term to be considered for admission to that term. PLEASE NOTE- FINANCIAL AID IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR THE GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION. Please note the Practicum in Ed. This program will help teachers and administrators reflect on educational technology bestpractices to expertly infuse technology into the classroom and improve student learning andengagement. The Master's Degree in Educational Technology is intended to develop a broad range of technological expertise while at the same time focusing clearly on the new way that technology is changing how students and educators create and understand knowledge. They propose solutions through the use of learning technologies. Save Time and Money - With Prior Learning Assessment (PLA), earn up to 9 credit hours for Quality Matters' "Teaching Online Certificate (TOC)" or "Master Reviewer Certificate (MRC)". Learning occurs through exploring course content through various media. Be recognized as an educational technology leader! You also establish valuable networks that last well beyond the program. This means you're not tackling a rigorous, online master's program on your own. To learn more about privacy at LSU, please see the, Online Master's in Educational Technology, ELRC 7500: Technology Leadership in Education, ELRC 7502: Principles of Distance Education, ELRC 7505: Design and Development of Multimedia Instructional Units, ELRC 7535: Advanced Telecommunications and Electronic Learning, ELRC 7550: Theory and Research in Educational Technology, ELRC 4507: Computer Technology in Education, ELRC 4249: Understanding and Applying Research, ELRC 7501: Educational Technology Assessment & Evaluation, ELRC 7420: Administration of Technology Programs, ELRC 7525: Professional Development for K-12: Technology Integration, ELRC 7516: Practicum in Educational Media, Bachelors degree from an accredited U.S. institution or the equivalent from a foreign institution*.
We encourage you to complete the application form and begin submitting your materials at least one month before the deadline indicated.

For more information about NJTOPclick here. LSUs online education technology program is accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education and the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related. Note this experience is 16 week full semester experience.

Distance education and how it enhance what you do in your PK-12 classroom, Problem-solving in teaching and learning and how technology fits with problem-solving, Instructional design and how it can help teachers design technology-mediated instructional experiences, Design Thinking and how this can be used with students, Designing and developing instructional media that can be used by your students, Understanding digital literacy, media literacy, information and communication technologies literacy, Managing student privacy and safety in a digital learning Learning theory and learner development, Understanding educational research--qualitative and quantitative research, Using educational research to make informed decisions that guide our practice, Understanding curriculum design and development, Best practices in professional development, informal learning, and teacher growth, Writing grants and professional conference proposals, Becoming a change agent who can assist other educators with effective integration of technology, Developing a professional portfolio to showcase your abilities as an educator who can use technology effectively and who can help other educators do the same (based on the ISTE Coach Standards), Download Word viewer, or download Excel viewer, or download PowerPoint viewer. The entire program is fully online.
Professionals with career goals such as instructional designer, educational technologist, e-learning specialist, online program manager, or training and development manager will also benefit from this program by learning the in-demand skills needed to excel their career.
GPA between 2.75-3.0 can be reviewed for a probationary admission. Areas of focus will include online teaching and training, multimedia technology integration, innovative teaching techniques, and educational games and simulations. Applications may also be submitted without a GRE/GMAT exam score. (1st 8 weeks), EDEL 518B Multimedia Development and Instruction in the Classroom see this document for specific scholarships. You will consider the role technology plays in your classroom and how it can be best used to meet the needs of your learners. These in-demand skills can be applied to many professional settings, including K-12 schools, higher education institutions, business, healthcare, the military, and government. information.
The online Master of Arts in Education with a specialization in Educational Technology degree is designed to prepare leaders and practitioners in cutting-edge areas including technology integration, digital transformation, technology-enabled academic innovation, online education, training, and professional development. We have a vibrant alumni community that provides opportunities for on-going collaboration and support. We offer an M.Ed. For detailed information about our program, check out our interactive magazine. A prospective student may apply at any time and should follow the general graduate application procedure for degree-seeking students (see Graduate Admission Regulations). Some work in K-12 schools where they integrate technology in their classrooms, mentor peers, or serve as technology coordinators. Students will take a core sequence of seven courses, a research course, one elective course, and a practicum course. Submitting the Application Form is only the first step to beginning the admission process. in Educational Technology Leadership, MA in Educational Technology with a Concentration in School Library Media Specialist, Master of Arts in Educational Technology with STEM Certificate, Masters in Ed Tech for New Pathways Completers, The Most Student-Centered Ed.D. In this course, students build on what they learned and practice applying concepts, principles, and theory to address real educational problems as part of design teams. It is necessary for you to have access to students and a classroom that you can work in to implement what you are learning and experiencing in the program. Provide two letters of recommendation submitted on the Framingham State University Letter of Recommendation form and sent directly to the Universitys Graduate Admissions office by the recommender. The program is a mixture of theory and practice. Exact fees may vary by program. Consistently ranked one of the best online graduate programsand has earned the Seal of Alignment for the ISTE Coach Standards. LSUs online educational technology program is accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education and the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related. For more information on unviersity scholarships and grants are offered through financial aid Students need to complete 30 credits, so the cost for the program is $14,340. All coursework is project-based with immediate applicability to real-world practice. If you live outside Ohio and are planning to earn a professional license via this program, click on the state where you plan to seek licensure for important information. You can also earn up to 6 credit hours for the LSU Online Learning Experience Design Microcred. and Ed.S. Our online graduate program is highly collaborative by design. Again, you will certainly use a wide-variety of technology tools and be introduced to many different ones. Learning and working with professional peers enhances your learning experience. Graduates from our program have remained as elementary, middle school, and high school teachers. Applications may be submitted without a GRE/GMAT exam score. Educational Technology Concentration (12 hours), EME 5054: Foundations of Educational Technology, EME 6208: Designing Integrated Media Environments I, EME 6066: Issues and Trends in Educational Technology Research, EME 5404: Instructional Computing II: Media Ecologies and Open Education, EME 6458: Distance Teaching and Learning OR EME 6059: Blended Learning Environments, EME 6651: Learning Analytics Concepts and Techniques. Not only is our program consistently ranked as one of the best online graduate programs, it is extremely cost effective. The chart below details available entry terms for the M.A. This course utilizes theories of cognition and learning to help students develop both design and development skills related to instructional multimedia. At Rowan University, we pride ourselves on being vigilant and frugal about tuition. Our faculty have experience teaching in PK-12 through higher education. This course introduces students to the histories of the technologies, theories, organizations, and standards related to Learning Technologies. program and does not require GREs for admittance. We help you along the way so that you can focus on performance in your classes. Also, tell us why you are choosing our program and why you will be a successful graduate student. The Educational Technology program at California State University Fullerton provides a rich and innovative online learning experience for students. If you have questions, click below to talk to a Boise State representative. The final M.E.T. in the US, Notice of Equal Opportunity Access to Online Resources. This information will be retained as long as necessary to provide prospective student services and will be removed when no longer required. Website Feedback, LSU Online This degree is intended to develop a broad range of technological expertise while exploring the use of current and emerging technologies for effective and efficient teaching in a dynamic, global society. Describe how you might use this program to advance your career (educational goals beyond the master's level, if applicable, are also relevant). We encourage you to talk with us if you are not a PK-12 teacher or if you have what you believe is a unique situation. The degree requires successful completion of ten (10) courses, which include three (3) core courses, seven (7) concentration courses. Clickfor more onSTL admission requirements. Theories and models of technology leadership, Instructional design theories and models and their application in solving real-world instructional/learning problems, Applications of the principles of distance education to teaching and learning in educational and training contexts, Instructional design for computer-assisted instruction, Scope and elements of the online environment; technologies and strategies for online teaching and learning; design, development or conversion of courses for online delivery. Students typically complete the program in two years, taking around 18 credits each year. 3 letters of recommendation professional, The recommender should be able to highlight the applicants character, work ethic, and professionalism. Provide reasons for pursuing the program.
For course descriptions, please visit ourCourse Information. Boise State stands out for its high-quality and high-value programs. The statement of purpose should introduce you to our Admissions Committee, explain why you are choosing LSU, and how joining the Educational Technology program is important to you personally and professionally. Some have become technology facilitators or technology leads in their school. We will examine issues related to equity and inclusion and the use of technology. A graduate degree in Educational Technology will first and foremost help you enhance what you do as an educator. P: 856.256.4000, Credit Initiatives for High School Students, New Jersey Teacher Outreach Program (NJTOP), Digital Citizenship in 21st Century Schools, Emerging Technology Tools and the Curriculum, Technology for Students with Special Disabilities, Developing Online Resources for P-12 Students, Leading for Effective Educational Technology, Coding and Logical Thinking to Support Learning, Researching and Analyzing Educational Technology, Graduation / Exit / Thesis Requirements: Yes, $65 (U.S.) non-refundable application fee, Bachelor's degree (or its equivalent) from an accredited institution of higher learning, Official transcripts from all colleges attended (regardless of number of credits earned), Typewritten statement of professional objectives. Our Master of Arts in Education - Educational Technology is ranked by U.S. News as one of the best online programs for a masters in education. Online/distance state authorization program (NC-SARA), Anita Zucker Center for Excellence in Early Childhood Studies, Collaboration Note: The courses listed above are not official and are subject to change. Students learn in an engaging, highly interactive learning distance education environment that connects you with classmates and faculty through online small-group discussions, and through communication tools like Zoom, Google Meet, Flipgrid, Twitter, and more. The skills and knowledge you gain through this program will put you at a professional advantage with educational best practices for successfully integrating technology into the classroom. To report problems or comments with this site, please contact Upload unofficial transcripts of all Undergraduate, Graduate or Post Baccalaureate course work in the application if available (Can review on unofficial transcripts). Students may complete the M.Ed. Note: This program is not an approved program for education licensure in Massachusetts nor does it provide Instructional Technology licensure.