I would like to welcome you to Southfield Christian School and thank you for viewing our website. Schools that create a positive culture help all students thrive. 6:4-9) No one can truly understand the wonder of the world in which we live, apart from knowing and loving the Creator of that world! The list below is a sample of available courses at this school. Located in Southfield, Michigan, Southfield Christian School is a private Christian school educating young men and women in grades Preschool-12. We have parent volunteers stationed across from the Admin Office before and after school to assist you. There is a daily recess time, snack time, lunch time and nap/rest time. The formative years of High School, 9th through 12th grades, are remembered most fondly by our students. All are welcome to come and go as needed. Students benefit from a challenging, college-preparatory education grounded on the principles of the Bible, Southfield Christian School seeks to prepare young people to live full and productive lives. Our facilities provide a close-knit family atmosphere where studentscan grow closer in their walk with Jesus,as their classroom subject matter becomes increasingly challenging. Students benefit from a challenging, college-preparatory education grounded on the principles of the Bible, Southfield Christian School seeks to prepare young people to live full and productive lives. Students benefit from a challenging, college-preparatory education grounded on the principles of the Bible, Southfield Christian School seeks to prepare young people to live full and productive lives. We believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It means that the study of the Bible holds a central place in the curriculum, that teachers of all subjects will help students discover the Christian implications of the material they are considering, and that the Biblical principle, "And whatever you do or say, let it be as a representative of Jesus Christ," (Colossians 3:17 LBV) is recognized as relevant to every activity within the School. In combining a spiritual focus with rigorous academics, SCS is committed to developing students for His glory. Through the example of Christian teachers, classroom instruction, co-curricular activities, and administrative policies, students are challenged to allow the principles of the Bible to inform and to guide their conduct. Therefore, we seek to prepare our students to glorify God with their minds, talents, and lives. Parents have the option of a three-day or a five-day full day option. GreatSchools is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. By offering a challenging, college-preparatory education grounded on the principles of the Bible, Southfield Christian School seeks to prepare young people to live full and productive lives. Located in Southfield, Michigan, Southfield Christian School is a private Christian school educating young men and women in grades Preschool-12.
Play time is valued, and healthy social relationships are a priority. Located in Southfield, Michigan, Southfield Christian School is a private Christian school educating young men and women in grades Preschool-12. Our desire for Southfield Christian Middle School students is that they thrive and excel, not merely survive, during their middle school years. 1998-2022 GreatSchools.org All Rights Reserved. You can also order Eagle Bucks online at. GreatSchools is the leading nonprofit providing high-quality information that supports parents pursuing a great education for their child, schools striving for excellence, and communities working to diminish inequities in education. Through each of these experiences, Southfield Christian School provides opportunities to forge lifelong friendships and build, nurture, and sustain authentic Christian community. Southfield Christian School seeks to create an environment where students are challenged and equipped to experience the joy of serving the risen Savior, discovering His purpose for their lives, and living lives that glorify Him. Students benefit from a challenging, college-preparatory education grounded on the principles of the Bible, Southfield Christian School seeks to prepare young people to live full and productive lives. Our high school offers a 1:1 iPad program and more than 75 different courses, including Honors classes in math, science, and language arts. We believe that the local church is a body of believers organized for worship, work, and fellowship; that the two ordinances of the Church are baptism by immersion and the Lords Supper; and that the local church is an independent and self-governing body responsible alone to Christ who is its Savior and Lord. As we partner with our parent community, we are blessed to see our students enterinto and deepen a personal relationship with Christ. By joining with parents, Southfield Christian School desires to form a partnership with the home in providing young men and women with a strong biblical foundation and a network of Christian relationships. The day runs from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Located in Southfield, Michigan, Southfield Christian School is a private Christian school educating young men and women in grades Preschool-12. At Southfield Christian School, we believe that rigorous academics and a vibrant spiritual life should not be an either/or proposition. Southfield Christian School is a Christ-centered college-preparatory educational community committed to growing disciples for Jesus Christ and pursuing excellence for the glory of God. "Pursuing Excellence for the Glory of God with our minds, with our talents, and with our lives" not only serves as our school's motto, but as the basis for the entire school program. In every sector of society, SCS alumni have been used by the Lord to extend the worship of Him. Partnering with parents, Southfield Christian High School provides young men and women with the strong biblical foundation and network of Christian relationships that are essential to achieving lasting and meaningful success. Although parents have the primary responsibility for the education of their children, the Christian school serves as a partner with the family in helping students grow in their understanding of God, self, and others. Doing so establishes the firm foundation necessary to succeed academically and spiritually in high school and beyond. Southfield Christian High School is a religious institution providing an education in a distinct Christian environment, and it believes that its biblical role is to work in conjunction with the home to mold students to be Christ-like. We believe in that blessed hope - the personal, premillennial and imminent return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The administration and faculty are highly qualified and are committed to offering the best quality education available. By joining with parents, Southfield Christian School desires to form a partnership with the home in providing young men and women with a strong biblical foundation and a network of Christian relationships. Family members who may fulfill the family service hours include parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles; it does not include children and non-family members. Located in Southfield, Michigan, Southfield Christian School is a private Christian school educating young men and women in grades Preschool-12. Committed to excellence, our passionate teachers and staff are willing to go the extra mile to make each childs learning experience meaningful, productive, and God-honoring. Eagle Bucks are pre-paid store cards available for purchase at SCS. We believe in the bodily resurrection of the just and the unjust, the everlasting blessedness of the saved, and the everlasting, conscious punishment of the lost. By joining with parents, Southfield Christian School desires to form a partnership with the home in providing young men and women with a strong biblical foundation and a network of Christian relationships. Students benefit from a challenging, college-preparatory education grounded on the principles of the Bible, Southfield Christian School seeks to prepare young people to live full and productive lives. We believe that Jesus Christ was begotten by the Holy Spirit, was born of the Virgin Mary and is true God and true man. Students bond over their love for reading, math, science, and engineering, through Battle of the Books, math competitions, Science Olympiad, and Robotics. The foundational truth that there is only one God who is to be the center of all of our affections is complemented by the command to teach our children His truth. The education provided by Southfield Christian School rests upon a worldview that recognizes the universe as a product of creation by an omnipotent, transcendent God. They share their musical and artistic talent during our annual festivals and grace the stage with school plays. Children will interact with many new friends, participate in large and small groups, explore through hands-on projects, and learn about Gods Word and living for Jesus. Our goal is not only to provide a strong academic foundation for college, but also to offer firm Christian perspective for life. As we have since the beginning of the COVID, we will follow the state/county mandates. We know that if we believe well, we will live well. Students benefit from a challenging, college-preparatory education grounded on the principles of the Bible, Southfield Christian School seeks to prepare young people to live full and productive lives. The Bible curriculum, prepares students to know, defend, and live out their faith, while weekly chapels afford students the opportunity to worship Christ as a unified body of believers. (Deut. We challenge our students to set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. We push our students to read well, to write well, to listen well, and to speak well. When Eagle Bucks are purchased through the School, both you and SCS receive a percentage of the profit. We believe that all who receive by faith the Lord Jesus Christ are born again of the Holy Spirit and thereby become the children of God; that they are thereafter indwelt by the Holy Spirit who makes possible a life of personal holiness and a walk of obedience to the will of God; and that all who are truly born again are kept by the power of God and, therefore, are incapable of losing their salvation.
Our goal is not only to provide a strong academic foundation for college, but also to offer a firm Christian perspective for life. Southfield Christian plays an integral role in accomplishing that vision! A website devotedto elementary chapels keeps our parents connected with what their children learn in chapel everyFriday. The purpose of the PreK is to prepare students for kindergarten. With an average class size of 20 to 25 students, teachers are able to successfully instruct and disciple with a personal touch. Nothing extra; just the face value of the store card.
It offers resources like weekly devotionals, bedtime stories, and podcasts that correlate with themonthly theme.
Each month our chapels focus on a single theme, whichallows us to reinforce Biblical truths week after week and demonstrate those truths in a variety of waysthat are applicable to an elementary students life. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures as a representative and substitutionary sacrifice and that all who believe in Him are justified on the ground of His shed blood. Orange 2013. For every hour you have not worked, the familys account will be billed $10 per hour on June 12, 2023.
Elementary chapels are filled with interactive skits, worship songs, engaging multimedia and, most importantly, stories from the Word of God. he goal of the Family Service Hours program is to increase parental involvement in the school, strengthen the educational quality, promote community and provide outstanding programs for the students. We believe the Bible is God's Word and trust in Jesus' death on the cross for our salvation. I should treat others the way I want to be treated. Southfield Christian School is working with the Oakland County Health Department (OCHD) regarding all COVID cases at our school. Twenty percent of this profit is added up between March 1 and Feb 28. In addition to chapel services, the staff supports the spiritual growth of students through small group leadership, counseling, retreats, and mission trips. Students benefit from a challenging, college-preparatory education grounded on the principles of the Bible, Southfield Christian School seeks to prepare young people to live full and productive lives. Our desire is to help train up a generation of godly leaders who love learning and are sought after for their wisdom.
Our middle school offers a 1:1 Chromebook program. Solo & Ensemble Competition for Vocal & Instrumental, Local & Intl Trips (Jamaica Mission Trips, Spain, France, and Stratford Festival). Students benefit from a challenging, college-preparatory education grounded on the principles of the Bible, Southfield Christian School seeks to prepare young people to live full and productive lives. Elementary teachers endeavor to challenge each child to achieve their best academically, spiritually, and relationally.
To say that a curriculum is God-centered is more than a pious aspiration. Located in Southfield, Michigan, Southfield Christian School is a private Christian school educating young men and women in grades Preschool-12. We believe in the resurrection of the crucified body of our Lord, in His ascension into heaven, and in His present life there for us as High Priest and Advocate. If you earn over $5, that rebate will be deducted from your last tuition payment in April. We require each SCS family to contribute 20 hours of time each school year. Located in Southfield, Michigan, Southfield Christian School is a private Christian school educating young men and women in grades Preschool-12. At SCS, we strive to partner with parents in educating their children to pursue excellence for the glory of God. GreatSchools is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. We believe that man was created in the image of God by His direct act and not from previously existing forms of life; that all men are descended from the historical Adam and Eve, first parents of the entire human race; that man sinned and thereby incurred not only physical death but also that spiritual death which is separation from God; and that all human beings are born with a sinful nature and become sinners in thought, word and deed. Excellent education cannot be separated from biblical truth. We offer the following 10 Advanced Placement (AP) courses of study: English Literature & Composition, English Language, Calculus AB, Calculus BC, U.S. History, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, French and Spanish. Letter and sound relationships, emerging reading skills, fine motor skills, and several kindergarten math skills are introduced and practiced. By offering a challenging, college-preparatory education grounded on the principles of the Bible, Southfield Christian School seeks to prepare young people to live full and productive lives. We believe in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as verbally inspired of God, inerrant in the original writings, and of supreme and final authority in faith and life.
Although parents have the primary responsibility for the education of their children, SCS serves as a partner with the family in helping students grow in their understanding of God, self, and others. In order to enroll for PreK, children must manage their bathroom needs independently and be 4 years old prior to September 1. It is our goal that students will complete their education at Southfield Christian School having established an authentic relationship with Christ, developed the intellect and skill to fulfill their God given purpose, and embraced the calling to serve as Christian leaders. "Pursuing Excellence for the Glory of Godwith Our Minds, with Our Talents, and with Our Lives" not only serves as our school's motto but as the basis for the entire school program. In 1970, Highland Park Baptist Church launched one of its most significant ministries, Southfield Christian School. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to. Through the example of Christian teachers, classroom instruction, co-curricular activities, and administrative policies, students are challenged to allow the principles of the Bible to inform and to guide their conduct. These are on-site college classes taught by a SCS Teacher/Adjunct College Professor. ". The Scriptures repeatedly point to the importance of teaching our children to know and love the God who created all of the wonder that surrounds them. The class is quite active and maintains a center-based approach to learning, where students rotate through multiple academic centers daily. Support our mission. For example you give me $100 and I give you $100 in store cards in return. While today's culture seeks to portray truth as relative and continuously changing, spiritual life at Southfield Christian challenges students to unapologetically serve a Savior who is truth and a God who is unchanging. Once the school has been notified of a COVID case, we will begin contact tracing based on the. The development of constructive relationships with parents and students is recognized as essential for trust and cooperation to flourish. Located in Southfield, Michigan, Southfield Christian School is a private Christian school educating young men and women in grades Preschool-12. This spiritual focus is the foundation of education at SCS, reinforced through daily Bible classes, weekly chapels, annual Spiritual Life Week and the commitment of teachers and staff to demonstrate by word and example what it means to experience a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Located in Southfield, Michigan, Southfield Christian School is a private Christian school educating young men and women in grades Preschool-12. Before and after care is not available for prekindergarten students. Its college prep curriculum is centered in the life preparing and life giving Word of God. Students born in the image of God, have inherent value, possessingunique gifts and abilities, and are therefore to be accorded love and respect. Southfield Christian pursues excellence for Gods glory. They travel together to Jamaica, Europe, Washington D.C., Florida, Ohio and Kentucky, broadening their overall understanding and sense of community and building relationships with each other along the way. I would encourage your family share in the experience of community, growth, and excellence that Southfield Christian School offers. Please submit prayer requests to ssharp@southfieldchristian.org. Our goal is not only to provide a strong academic foundation for college, but also to offer a firm Christian perspective for life. We offer a prekindergarten program for 4 Year Olds. By attending one of the bestChristian High Schools in Michigan, our students are prepared to defend their faith and thrive in leadership wherever the Lord directs their career path. On those occasions in which the atmosphere or conduct within a particular home or a students action is counter to or in opposition to the biblical lifestyle the school teaches, the school reserves the right, within its sole discretion, to refuse admission of an applicant or to discontinue enrollment of a student. Our desire is that we help train up a generation of godly leaders who love learning and are sought after for their wisdom. Spiritual Life Week is held twice a year where students attend chapel every day of the week to hear from special guest speakers. Highland Parks vision is to grow disciples of Jesus Christ, who are committed to worshiping God and to transforming their world through the power of the Holy Spirit. Anexperienced staff and a unique learning environment makeourChristian Middle Schoolthe perfect place for 6th through 8th grade students. SCS is an expression of our commitment, as a church, to serve the Christian community of metro Detroit by providing excellence in academic training in the context of deeply held biblical faith.