American independent film studio, founded in New York City by Bob and Harvey Weinstein on March 10, 2005. Cintapucinno | Tentang Dia | Jomblo The Movie | Kata Maaf Terakhir | Ketika Cinta Bertasbih | Ketika Cinta Bertasbih 2 | Mendadak Dangdut The Movie | Mengejar Matahari | Ungu Violet | Doa Yang Mengancam | Dalam Mihrab Cinta | Gie | 3 Hari Untuk Selamanya, Television series and soap operas: Sinetrons are usually made by production companies such as SinemArt and MD Entertainment. The Series Vidio | Bukalapak | KapanLagi Youniverse (KapanLagi.com (Dangdut | Korea) | Liputan6.com | Bola.com | Merdeka.com | Bola.net | Otosia.com | Fimela | Dream.co.id | Brilio.net (English | Food | BriliStyle) | Socia | BukaLiputan | Diadona | Manis dan Sedap), Samara Media & Entertainment: Anak Langit (English: Sky Kids) is an Indonesian television series produced by SinemArt which premiered on 20 February 2017, on SCTV. | Disini Ada Setan | Kisah Kasih di Sekolah | Buku Harian Seorang Istri | Badai Pasti Berlalu | Dari Jendela SMP | Keajaiban Cinta | Love Story The Series Indonesia Entertainmen Produksi | Indonesia Entertainmen Studio | Screenplay Productions | Screenplay Films (Screenplay Infinite Films | Screenplay Bumilangit | Sky Media | Frontier Pictures) | SinemArt (80%) | SinemArt Pictures | DreamToon Animation Studios | Dr. M | Surya Citra Pictures | Stream Entertainment1 | Visual Indomedia Produksi, Free-to-air television networks: 5Joint venture with Alibaba Group 4Under license from Buchanan Group. Citra Drama | Citra Entertainment | Hip Hip Horee! Famous Allstars (Famous.id | Allstars.id) | Kokiku TV | Greatmind | Raja Resep | Indovidgram | Majelis Lucu Indonesia | Dear Moms | Cerita Cantik | Samara TV | EXG Verse | BASE Entertainment | ONIC E-Sports | 1ID Entertainment Indonesian production house founded on 3 March 2003 by Leo Sutanto, Sentot Sahid, Heru Hendriarto, and Lala Hamid. On December 26, 2016, SCM took back over SinemArt from MNC Media due to very low viewers' performance. Television production companies of Indonesia. It was produced by SinemArt and directed by Leo Sutanto. Sinetron are usually made by production companies such as, The series is aired in RCTI at a primetime at 9pm on Saturdays and produced by, "' Pintu Hidayah "'is an Islamic religious soap opera aired by RCTI . EMC Healthcare (EMC Alam Sutera | EMC Cikarang | EMC Pekayon | EMC Pulomas | EMC Sentul | EMC Tangerang) | Grha Kedoya Group (Rumah Sakit Grha Kedoya | Rumah Sakit Grha MM2100), Solutions and other assets: Dana5 | TIX ID6 | PropertyGuru (Rumah.com | RumahDijual.com) | LaKupon | Bobobobo | HijUp | Oto.com | Reservasi | Home Tester Club4 | Seekmi | Doku | Suitmedia | Qareer Group Asia (Qerja.com | Karir.com) | RANS Entertainment | Nex Parabola, Healthcare assets: Indonesian soap opera television series that was aired on RCTI from December 20, 2008 to April 23, 2009. 2005 Japanese television drama for Fuji Television, based on a true story of a 15-year-old girl named Aya Kit, who suffered from degenerative disease and died at the age of 25. 3Joint venture with Kalbe Farma. Daniel first plunged into the world of Indonesia's television in 2016 and played as Fahri in the soap opera of SinemArt production titled Anak Jalanan. 24-hour Indonesian language television network previously available on the Astro satellite television service. Divested: Pergi.com | BlackBerry Messenger2 | Bridestory | Kudo | Iflix | Medika Komunika Teknologi (KlikDokter | KlikDiabetes | Klik KB)3 | Citra Dangdut | Citra Drama Plus | Citra Bioskop | Citra Muslim | Citra Culinary & Travel | Champions TV 1 (HD) | Champions TV 2 (HD) | Champions TV 3 (HD) | Champions TV 4 (HD) | Pesona (HD), Emtek Digital: Bozz.com | Abhimata Citra Abadi | Sakalaguna Semesta | Tangara Mitrakom | Indopay | EYE Indonesia | Plan B Media | Akademi Televisi Indonesia | Yayasan Pundi Amal Peduli Kasih | Whisper Media | Grab Indonesia | Bank Fama Internasional, Former assets: Indonesian television soap opera with 473 episodes. SCTV: Anak Langit | Cinta Anak Muda | Calon Presiden | Orang-Orang Kampung Duku | Orang Ketiga | Seleb | Siapa Takut Jatuh Cinta | Malam Pertama | Bukan Cinderella | Kenapa Harus Inul? | Horee! SCTV (HD) | Indosiar (HD) | O Channel (HD) (O Shop) | Ajwa TV (HD) | Mentari TV (HD), Premium television channels: Indonesian TV serial that was aired on RCTI. RCTI: 7 Manusia Harimau | 7 Manusia Harimau New Generation | Ajari Aku Cinta | Anak Jalanan | Bastian Steel bukan Cowok Biasa | Cinta 7 Susun | Catatan Hati Seorang Istri | Fortune Cookie | Intan | Magic | Namaku Mentari | Pernikahan Dini | Separuh Aku | Tukang Bubur Naik Haji The Series | Tangan-Tangan Mungil | Maha Kasih | Liontin | Intan | Candy | Detik Tanpa Koma | Kisah Sedih di Hari Minggu | Ada Apa Dengan Cinta? Pintu Hidayah stars all, All of the Indonesian shows on Astro Aruna were produced by, ""'Bastian Steel Bukan Cowok Biasa " "'is an Indonesian soap opera musical comedy drama produced by, ""'Aisyah Putri The Series : Jilbab In Love " "'is an Indonesian soap opera musical comedy drama produced by, "' Jakarta Love Story "'is an Indonesian soap opera musical comedy drama produced by. Samara Live: On Off Festival | Ideafest | Wonderfest | Jakarta Halal Things | EXGCON | JiComFest, Other assets: Defunct: Sooperboy.com | Techno.id | Muvila.com | Vemale.com | Bintang.com | Storibriti | Feed.id | Fimela Girl | Fimela Family | NexMedia | NexDrive | Amanah Surga Productions | Lenza Film | Pop Soaps Productions | Klik-Apotek3 | Avenu | GoViral | 7Kings Entertainment | Omni Hospitals, 1Joint venture with Trinity Optima Production. Indonesian Production House SinemArt's drama, titled Buku Harian Nayla (Nayla's Diary), plagiarizes 1 Litre of Tears. GTV: Big is Beautiful | Cewek-Cewek Badung | 1001 Cara Menggaet Cowok | Disini Ada Cinta, Subsidiaries: Theatrical releases: It was produced by video productions house public distributor company network SinemArt, and directed by Desiana Larasati. 6Joint venture with Cinema 21. Type of a television serial drama or soap opera produced primarily in Latin America. All of the Indonesian shows on Astro Aruna were produced by SinemArt, Diwangkara Film, E-Motion Entertainment, Frame Ritz, Indika Entertainment, Karnos Film, Kharisma Starvision Plus, MD Entertainment, Mizan Productions, Prima Entertainment, Rapi Films, Screenplay Productions, Soraya Intercine Films, Tripar Multivision Plus and Verona Pictures respectively it was the only television network on the platform broadcast entirely in that language at any point of time. 2Under license from Blackberry Limited. Indonesian mass media company owned by Elang Mahkota Teknologi and is based in Jakarta. Logopedia is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. It was produced video productions house public distributor company network by SinemArt directed by Erlanda Gunawan. SinemArt Pictures | Lenza Film (defunct) | Pop Soaps Productions (defunct), Subsidiaries: Surya Citra Media | Indonesia Entertainmen Group | Emtek Digital | KapanLagi Youniverse | Samara Media & Entertainment | KMK Online, Indonesia Entertainmen Group: