463 California Ave. Catalogs for prior terms: View catalogs (pdf documents) for prior terms here. The most important thing you can do to improve your chances of getting the courses and activities you want is to list them in priority order of their importance to you on the Registration Form. Open your eyes to a world of new experiences! Students will have access to the video for 30 days. Formats range from one session lectures to multi-session courses, from day trips to multi-day international tours. Read our privacy policy. OLLI Plus members can enroll at no cost (some exceptions apply). Membership is not required for participation but it certainly has its benefits! UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education, COVID-19 Information CPE Summer Class Update. Register anytime during the registration period (there is no advantage to registering early). OLLI membership is required to enroll in these courses. OLLI membership is required to enroll in these courses. Classes and events will continue to be hosted online for the winter term. Equal Opportunity (*) Denotes this course will be recorded. The winter 2022 catalog lists courses, special events and ongoing activities at all three locations (Fairfax, Reston and Loudoun). | Taste of Osher courses are open to non-members and members alike, and are just $15 each. ), and when there are not enough slots, remaining available slots for that priority group will be filled by 'lottery' using computer-generated numbers. Membership is required to participate in all OLLI courses, special programs, partnerships, leadership & volunteer opportunities. Membership is good for one year beginning the quarter you join. Depending on the nature of the course, there could be a modest amount of preparation or readings required, and you may be called upon for your insightsmembers should be ready to participate. Hours: Mon-Fri, 9am-4pm. Member Portal and online registration page, Canceled, changed and added courses since catalog printing (. There are no tests, grades, or homework just learning for the sheer joy of learning! These events, courses, and other unique offerings are available exclusively to OLLI at UCLA members as part of their membership benefits. | endstream
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<. | To join OLLI, begin by selecting your courses from the list below.
Learn more about membership. Have a friend in town? Forms will be kept in the order they are received and processed when registration opens. The following courses are interactive, and members are able to practice or apply what they learn in class. You must be 50 years or older to become a member of OLLI at UCLA. Download the catalog now to view our engaging array of winter courses, offered both online and in-person. 346 0 obj
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OLLI membership is required to enroll in these courses. and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national/ethnic origin. To add a course, select Register/Add Course and follow the registration procedure. All special programs are offered at no cost to members. If courses are not over-subscribed, you will be enrolled in the courses you have requested. There's still time to enroll in exciting OLLI courses this winter. Printable Catalog: Summer 2022 Course Catalog (PDF) / Schedule at a Glance (PDF). d&0hxAAAa
H0;0y% OLLIs Instructor-Led courses are taught by the high-caliber instructors and guest speakers for which UCLA Extension is world-renown. The OLLI at UCLA program offers an ever-changing array of non-credit courses geared to those seeking a high quality and enjoyable adventure in learning. Where will you study next? Instructor and Technology Support Committee, Social Group / Special Interest Group (SIG) Coordinators. Course policies and helpful information for participants at OLLI University Park. TP=pIckW0:bY@\ n` &
(530) 757-8777cpeinfo@ucdavis.edu, University of California, Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616 | 530-752-1011. OLLI membership is required to enroll in these courses. Davis, CA 95616 Accessibility OLLI at Eckerd College offers more than 400 classes a year on a wide variety of topics. Our OLLI Winter 2022 Course Catalog has arrived, and enrollment begins on Monday, December 13.

Language courses are discussion-heavy and members should be ready to participate. Programs are offered online and in person during the weekdays but some events take place during evenings and on weekends. For help with online enrollment, view our registration guide. (*) denotes this course will be recorded. The winter 2022 catalog lists courses, special events and ongoing activities at all three locations (Fairfax, Reston and Loudoun). Select a class that interests you and call the OLLI office at, Questions about teaching for OLLI? 362 0 obj
Fairfax courses are denoted by "F", Reston courses are denoted by "R", and Loudoun courses are denoted by "L". Important Updates on OLLI Winter 2022 Courses. Drop or add a course. We use cookies to understand how you use our site and to improve your experience, including personalizing content and to store your content preferences. endstream
727.864.7600 St. Petersburg, Florida 33711, Accessibility | DirectoryDirections & Map | Non-Discrimination | PrivacyReport It, New to the area? Sacramento, CA 95814 UCLA is accredited by the Western Associationof Schools and Colleges (WASC), 2021 The Regents of the University of California. | If you prefer to register manually, complete the Form, enclose your check(s) to renew your annual membership (if applicable) and pay for any courses or special events (separate checks are required for each event), and then mail the material to OLLI or deliver it to the office any time during the period. Register by Phone (Members Only): Call our Noncredit Registration Office at 814-867-4973. 126 Outreach Building We welcome you to join us for one class at the member ratefor one time onlybefore deciding on an annual membership. No membership required. Non-discrimination Students will have access to the video for the duration of the course. Registration continues on a space available basis. %%EOF
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Please email OLLI at, Winter 2022 Term: January 18April 29, 2022, Spring/Summer 2022 Term: May 9August 26, 2022, Fall 2022 Term: September 19December 9, 2022, Spring/Summer 2022: Monday, January 31, 2022. Copyright The Regents of the University of California, Davis campus. Currently, there are no study travelplans for 2022. Website designed and developed by Earthcare Technologies Inc. OLLI Mason is a nonprofit, equal opportunity 501(c)(3) organization OLLI at Penn State University Park offers more than 300 courses each year no homework, no grades, no tests solely for the love of learning! OLLI at UCLA Membership These 2-hour seminars offer a "taste" of the programming we offer throughout the year. Registration Procedures. University Park, PA 16802, Phone: 717-771-4015Email: olli@york.psu.edu, Privacy (*) denotes this course will be recorded. A confirmation email will be sent to you. about two recent OLLI courses that brought new and exciting content to members: photography and cycling! Established instructors act as facilitators to create an environment in which participants explore subjects in an atmosphere of intellectual stimulation, creative self-expression, and socializing, without the expectation of tests or grades. Speak to an OLLI at UCLA representative. We are looking for presenters in all range of disciplines but especially seek those who teach in the following disciplines: art, current affairs, Florida studies, history and science. Member Portal (view classes, register, join OLLI), POLICIES and PROCEDURES MANUAL - May 2021, Membership Directory (on Member Portal; sign-in required), Committee Chairs & Program Planning Group Chairs, Reston Community Center- Meet the Artists. 1 Capitol Mall OLLI at UCLA offers courses in French and Spanish at several levels. Keep reading for an important COVID update and an opportunity to activate your heroic imagination with OLLI at UC Davis! Or view the summer brochure in a new flipbook format. ])(Ylnp?9YT` Px#ut]1PLy8,y9+E:&G9jDX'7 'mngTG;<3#Cn$f5|Ka` zQL*4`:;Dg s+ 9p"q0#DQ( lpXH b
w03(1LT`h\$A%]epS'cnAsKn+, Enjoy some of the most creative and talented singers, conductors, composers, musicians, stage directors, designers, visual artists, choreographers, and dancers from around the world through live or recorded HD simulcasts of National Theatre Liveand theMetropolitan Opera: Live HDon the Eckerd College campus. hb```f`` @16$ FK~T
ILj~(u}['@Lcwxc"(M|lj#G33H;v=c5*s.PYOoKRnj N|/ You can mail the form as soon as you make your course selections. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2022 Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. For the relatively few over-subscribed courses, registration is filled by priority group (priority ones first, then priority twos, etc. Each term OLLI welcomes back veteran instructors who have been with OLLI for years, while also introducing new instructors that have come to us via member recommendation, staff research, or their own outreach. Copyright, Website questions: WebInfo@outreach.psu.edu The Pennsylvania State University 2022. Learn how we can help your organization meet its professional development goals and corporate training needs. Highlight the course or special event you want to drop, then click on Withdraw. Just visiting? All operas are presented with English subtitles. To withdraw from a course after you register, sign on to the Member Portal and under Courses, select Drop a Course. Catalogs for the fall term (September 20 - November 12, 2021). Read more (plus new photos!) Support our many efforts to reach communities in need. Registration is required. Courses are listed chronologically per category. hbbd``b`
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All rights reserved. OLLI has an easy-to-use system that more than half of members now use; we strongly encourage you to register online by visiting the Member Portal (please call the office at 703-503-3384 if you have questions or problems with registering online). %PDF-1.7
OLLI courses for the four-week winter term. Register by Mail (Members Only): Printable Course Registration Form (PDF) Following are direct links to selected fall catalog pages. Course fees for members and non-members at OLLI University Park. Marketing with Concentration in Digital Marketing, Certificate Programs for International Students, Virtual Gallery: Sports Photography Redefined, ClassicalMusic Masterpieces in Films, Part I, Biography of Europe, Part 2: Profiles from the European Reformation, 1517-1648, Under Fire, Part 2: Mass Shootings in America, Architectural Oddities: An Off-the-Beaten Path Look at Unconventional Architecture, Shakespeare for Beginners and Experts: Part 2, Funny Love: Movies that Make Us Laugh at Ourselves, Cosmology, Astronomy, and Space Exploration in the News, British Composers in the Early 20th Century, U.S. History, Part 1: Native and European Encounters in the 17th century, Short Story International: An Irish Perspective, Part 1, From Nietzsche and Nihilism to Existentialism and Choice, Changing our Lifestyle to Reduce the Risk of Dementia, Drawing is a Feeling, Part II: Exploring Light, Shade, and Shadow. Following are direct links to selected winter catalog pages. Please check back for updates.