F. Removal from Active Membership Members in good and regular standing may be granted letters of recommendation to other evangelical churches. kdTQ`qSDH2@?r&F`5T 30` Y Upon approval by the Board of Elders of a written request, a member may view specific SAC records in the presence of a member of the Board of Elders, subject to any additional requirements outlined in policies approved by the Board of Elders. missionaries, students away at Bible College, members in nursing homes or members engaged in SAC-supported ministries in a distant location). W( H_P^884"ASwoi~@5ii*$II$$~}_InK$Q$,||v5NRRI$I%)$IJI$RI$TMe,TIBkk+q5IA8]BYsoc9 )o$)I$JRI$I$$I)I$JRI$I$$I)I!dC2+^p$v&u>KwI$RI$I%)$IJI$RLHh. This church shall bear the name of Sturgeon Alliance Church of The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada, and may conduct its affairs under the name Sturgeon Alliance Church (hereinafter referred to as SAC). Gibbons, AB The Governing Board shall make provision for the internal audit of the church books, to be completed by April 30 of the calendar year. 5. Notice of the meeting shall be given to the membership by posted announcement in the church premises and by verbal announcement during each of the weekend services, for at least two (2) weeks before the meeting, including two (2) Sundays. Associate Members have all rights and privileges except voting.
Pursuant to Article VI Section 6.2, paragraph a, Bylaws of The Christian and Missionary Alliance, lay delegates to General Council shall be appointed for each General Council by the governance authority. All proposed amendments to these by-laws must be posted for review at least two (2) weeks prior to a duly called meeting. The process of handling of discipline is outlined in section E-8 of the policy and procedure manual of the C&MA. An Elder shall not succeed himself for one year, after having served two consecutive terms. Membership committee will review active membership annually. It shall be a condition of membership that a person accept and comply with this policy.
The Nominating Committee will satisfy itself that the person to be nominated meets the criteria of the Constitution and Bylaws for holding elected office. C. LAY DELEGATE(S) TO DISTRICT CONFERENCE. Nominations from membership Any active member of Newbridge Church may nominate any person who is also an active member of Newbridge Church for an elected position according to the following: 1. The Nominating Committee shall make its report known to the congregation at least seven days prior to the Annual Meeting by publishing and posting a written report. 3. 5. C. Plurality Where required, the election shall be based on the rule of plurality. T0A 1N0 Confession of faith in Jesus Christ and evidence of regeneration. This church is connected with and subordinate to its parent religious organization, The Christian and Missionary Alliance, a Colorado nonprofit corporation. B. There will be no nominations received from the floor during the election process. The position of Elder shall be an elected term of three years. 4. Sturgeon Alliance Church exists, through the work of the Holy Spirit, to make fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ who are growing in their love for God and their love for one another. sDsS"Yd*}Q@mU S]h$}7JuAlRbaFC]c%lwJtCK`=)EgRhm S&-E"sqnkWJgv^bRAX1yeoFo(QRzh(.d.n. No nominee to the Board of Elders receiving less than 60% of the total ballots cast shall be elected. o${Y[R^^P:n'8 J86oIbqVx~h.e@s 2#"1v)/@Z"LL.L"w72oca*S1;.U~w`8&^ H32 RL\? Membership may be terminated by the Board of Elders if a member has not attended the church for at least one year.
In consideration of the mutual benefits generated and derived from this relationship, this church agrees to be subject to and abide by the terms and conditions of Article XV of the Uniform Constitution of Churches of the Christian Missionary Alliance hereof relating to the reversion of property of accredited churches. It shall have the right and responsibility to fill any vacancy in any department between annual meetings, and any office not otherwise stated in these Bylaws. The Board of Elders must call a special meeting of the membership when ten percent or more of the Active Membership request it. NUMBER. Approved at Annual Meeting of August 27, 2019. Belief in God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; in the verbal inspiration of the Holy Scriptures as originally given; in the vicarious atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ; in the eternal salvation of all who believe in Him and eternal punishment of all who reject Him. A description of the business items to be transacted shall be declared together with the above announcement of meeting. hbbd```b``v D7E*2'dk0&v Organizations and committees established in the church shall be under the authority of the Board of Elders, and therefore all appointments or approvals of leadership, membership and objectives shall be by the Board of Elders as it deems necessary. Eligibility To be eligible for membership on the Governing Board, active membership in this congregation is required. Canada. Mon to Thurs 9AM - 1PM for the month of July, 4910 52 Street Should a vacancy occur on the Board and the Board of Elders appoint a person to fill the remaining portion of that elders term, that term will not be considered an elected term. B. Any member ceasing to be active for a period of twelve months may be placed on an inactive list. 85t~'{$"Yu \~jK8y;/P~An B. The delegate(s) shall be certified by the senior pastor and reported to the proper authority upon request. B. The Bylaws of this church may be amended at any regular or specially-called business meeting by a two-thirds vote of the active voting members present, of which there must be a quorum of 25 percent. The duties of leaders are set forth in the Constitution, these bylaws, and position descriptions adopted by the Governing Board. B. A. A notice of the meeting must be posted at least two weeks before the scheduled meeting. 4. The active membership shall consist of those persons who subscribe and conform to the qualifications for membership, as stated in the Alliance Constitution for Churches; and who are duly received into the membership.
{$Hh/Q( %%EOF Qualifications for membership shall consist of: 1. The Official Ballot will contain the names as presented for each position.
The membership roll shall be kept in two parts: Active Members defined as resident members in good standing, at least eighteen (18) years old, and actively attending and supporting the church. D. Junior Members Young people having reached the age of twelve years may be received as junior members upon due examination. The Nominating Committee will, at least three weeks prior to its initial meeting, advise the membership that they may submit names, for consideration by the Nominating Committee, for the position of Elder and for members of the following years Nominating Committee. The Board of Elders shall have authority to fill vacancies between annual meetings. The member must also be at least eighteen (18) years of age. A three-quarters majority of the members present shall be necessary to amend. A. 346 0 obj
The Lead Pastor of the Church may serve as Chairman. The procedure will be the same as regular membership. Only Active Members shall be entitled to vote on church matters. Such other qualifications for membership as may be stated in the bylaws. C. Reception Upon due examination and approval by the Committee on Membership, the candidate shall be received into membership. hb```JV ea}X{k: T=XyT:+xALkdD* 2i 6. Pursuant to Article II, Section 1, paragraph a, Uniform Constitution for Districts of The Christian and Missionary Alliance, lay delegates to District Conference shall be appointed for each District Conference by the governance authority. The Board of Elders shall select a vice-chairman, secretary and treasurer from their members, in keeping with the constitution. 2. The Nominating Committee will consider the submission as part of their nomination process but is not required to include the submitted member as an Elder nominee or as an nominee to the Nomination Committee, respectively. The annual meeting The annual meeting of the congregation shall take place before the end of March. %PDF-1.6
The Nominating Committee may consider the person to be nominated as their nominee if so desired. Summer Office Hours The presence of 25 percent of the active voting membership shall constitute a quorum. They shall serve with the Lead Pastor to oversee both the temporal and spiritual affairs of the church. Those to be elected Those to be elected at the annual congregational meeting shall be: Elders, Recording Secretary and Treasurer. View on Google Maps, SAC Financial Assistance for Counselling Policy. P7,w*7$#);:K}Wqy@A5]Wqq0x8`{ *>P`'W. Further, each must be an active member of this church.
A. hmO#7_T? The number serving as the Governing Board shall be a minimum of five, including the lead pastor. Notice must be given two Sundays preceding the meeting. To be considered, the submission must be received by the Chair of the Nominating Committee by the deadline specified and include the following: name of the member who has been a member for at least one year prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting; signatures of at least two other members supporting the submission. The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Lead Pastor (who serves as its chair), two members of the Board of Elders, elected by the Board, and two members of the Active Membership, elected by the 60% of the members present at a duly called congregational meeting. In the case of special business or congregational meetings, notice of the meeting shall be in accordance with Article 4, Section 1. The senior pastor, or a member of the Board appointed by him, shall be the chair. The purpose of this congregation shall be to cooperate with The Christian and Missionary Alliance, as incorporated under the laws of the State of New Jersey, in promulgation of its purposes, as laid down in the Manual of the C&MA. Such meetings shall have been announced on two weeks previously, and copies of proposed amendments made available to the membership. A. The governance authority of the Newbridge church shall be known as the Governing Board and shall serve as the trustees of the corporation in matters before the state of New Jersey. The Governing Board shall consist of the officers mentioned in section VI, paragraph D. A majority of elders on the board is to be maintained. These by-laws may be amended from time to time at any duly called meeting of the membership. When an Active Member moves away, they will be moved to the Associate Member list, and will remain there for one year, or until a request for transfer or removal of membership is received. Special Congregational Meetings A special congregational meeting may be called at any time by the Lead Pastor or the Governing Board. DUTIES.
When a member ceases to believe and defend the doctrines of the Bible as set forth in the Statement of Faith of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, or his conduct is unbecoming a Christian, he shall be disciplined according to Scripture, with the intent of helping to restore that individuals proper relationship to God and the Church Body (Matthew 18:15- 17; I Corinthians 5:12-13; II Corinthians 13:1; Galatians 6:1ff; II Thessalonians 3:6-15; I Timothy 5:20).
All Associate Members can be moved to Active Member status at any time by decision of the Board of Elders. A quorum for any meeting of the membership shall consist of 25% of the membership. QUALIFICATIONS. Application Persons age eighteen (18) and above desiring to unite with this church shall make application to the Committee on Membership by completing the membership application/declaration. Sturgeon Alliance Church may adopt additional by-laws and policies but in no case should these by-laws or policies contradict the provisions of the Local Church Constitution. F. Trustees The legal trustees of this church will be the Governing Board. ?kF3e3%#4o$J$I)I$JRI$I$$I)I$JRI$I$$I)I$JRI$I$$I)I$JRI$I$$I)I$JRI$I$$I)I$JRI$I$$I)I$JRI$I$$I)I$JRI$I$$I)I$JRI$o}lUIx-rvoaOMc4E~n\
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TERM. Full sympathy with the principles and objectives of The Christian and Missionary Alliance and cooperation by systematic support of its work. A. NAME. The member wishing to place someone in nomination must contact and obtain permission from the person to be nominated and receive assurance that the person will allow his/her name to be considered. endstream
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They are to be elected for a term of two years at the annual meeting. Executive Power The executive power shall be vested in the Governing Board. The purchase or sale of real property, and or the incurring of financial liability in excess of $50,000, must be approved by two thirds of the members present at a duly called meeting of the membership. In accordance with the example of Jesus, when he appointed men to lead the church, and the instructions of Paul in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1, the office of elder is to be filled only by men who are members in good standing, and who meet the biblical qualifications for eldership. Prior to such action being taken, the member shall be contacted by the Board of Elders. The member wishing to place the name in nomination will then submit the name to the Nominating Committee, in writing, at least one month before the annual meeting. COMPOSITION. Newbridge Church57 Kahdena RoadMorristown, NJ 07960. T0A 1N0
C. Quorum A quorum of the Governing Board, consisting of a majority of its members, including the Pastor/or Chairman, is required in order to transact business. 383 0 obj
:*V@Y$JRI$I$$I)I$JRI$'^p+[v{v~u[znH?d[?s. D. Conflict of Interest In order to avoid a conflict of interest, members of elected boards shall recuse themselves from any decisions directly related to family members. As such, Sturgeon Alliance Church is governed by the Local Church Constitution (that includes the denominational Statement of Faith), which has been adopted by the General Assembly of The Christian & Missionary Alliance in Canada. However, they are not granted the privileges of voting members until the age of eighteen (18), at which age and upon the review of the membership committee they would become members. LAY DELEGATE(S) TO GENERAL COUNCIL. Once the Nominating Committee has completed its work and rendered its report, an official ballot will be prepared for use at the annual meeting. The delegate(s) shall be certified by the senior pastor and reported to the proper authority upon request. Two members shall be elected by the membership at the annual meeting. #WPU
All amendments approved by the membership become effective upon approval by the District Executive Committee of the Western Canadian District of the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada. Elders shall consist of men who qualify according to Scriptural standards. 3. The Nominating Committee shall consist of the senior pastor, and two lay members. All officers and elders are to be elected at the annual meeting. 1. The elders are the highest level of servant leadership in the church. E. Associate Members Persons who anticipate living in the community on a temporary basis (12 months or more), and who hold membership in another evangelical church, may join as Associate Members. 0
Acceptance of the doctrines of the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, and Coming King. G. Membership with Newbridge Church is required for all elected or staff positions in the church. D. MembersThe Governing Board shall consist of the following officers: Lead Pastor Recording Secretary Treasurer All other elected persons, E. Single Board System with a Majority of Elders. Associate Members defined as members not presently active in this church but who desire to retain their membership at SAC (ie. The qualifications for elders are set out in I Timothy 3:1-13 and Titus 1:6-9. Sturgeon Alliance Church is a member of the Christian & Missionary Alliance in Canada. 2. The exact number of elders required will be determined by the Nominating Committee prior to the Annual Meeting of the church, in consultation with the standing Board of Elders. 369 0 obj
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The quorum for the Board of Elders shall be two thirds of its members. Other members of the governance authority are expected to maintain a lifestyle in keeping with the spirit and intent of these same references. Canada Those bringing letters from other churches, including the C&MA, shall be examined and received into membership in the usual manner. Elections to the Board of Elders shall be by ballot at the Annual Meeting. A member shall continue in good standing until membership is terminated at the written request of that member or by action of the Board of Elders. {RHGUP{*ladOow7H_Z
^==? The Board of Elders shall present an annual budget for approval by the congregation at the Annual Meeting. The Board of Elders shall appoint an independent 3rd-party to review the financial records for the church, at least once every 2 years, and shall present said review to the membership for its approval. Discipline of a member shall be the responsibility of the Board of Elders or its designate, and shall be in accordance with the Discipline and Restoration Policy of Members of the Local Churches adopted by The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada and any supplementary policies developed by the Board of Elders.